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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Newme17

  1. Newme17


    No. I'm still about two months out. ?
  2. Newme17


    Lol. It should be easier to win your money back.
  3. Newme17

    Plastic's in Mexico?!!

    @RickM I had the same question as the OP and you just changed my mind about plastics in mexico. ? thanks!
  4. Newme17

    Where Is My Trophy?

    Here you go sir! ????
  5. They take an acquired taste. Some are good, most are not. I would make myself eat them just for the benefits. But I do agree, they're pretty nasty.
  6. NUT appt Wed morn...2 more to go!

  7. All of them make me thirsty, whether I make it or have a pre-made. Even high Protein foods. This is another reason why folks tend to get stopped up too. That's why we have to drink lots of Water.
  8. Newme17

    Odd words of wisdom from Mom.

    Absolutely this!!!
  9. Ya'll going to put the status updates back on the main page like before or will we need to go to each individual follower to see what they've posted, if any? I've noticed many don't post statuses anymore. Posters tend to post their quick statuses as a thread instead.
  10. THANK YOU for the Status Updates!!!!!

    1. Alex Brecher

      Alex Brecher

      You're welcome! Please let us know if you are missing any other features or would like any others added.

    2. Newme17


      Okay, one more thing. The old version allowed the mouse to scroll over and pop up with the full message of the status and also allow a quick reply from the home page as well. Can this be done as well?

    3. Ken S.

      Ken S.

      You can now scroll over the username to see the full status as you were previously able to do :-)

  11. So, went to a church service this past weekend.  Got my shoulder prayed for.  Hurts WAY LESS than before, so I'm counting this all joy! :)

    I did Just Dance again last night with my kids.  Such fun.  Except I think I've got a pinched nerve just above the buttocks that made my leg almost give out. Ouch.  So, I stopped.

    I have my 2 NUT appt on Wednesday morning! Super excited.  Maybe two more months to go???  I was told I'd have my surgery at the end of April/early May, so time will fly...hopefully!

  12. Newme17

    So many questions.

    I'm pre-op too and have similar questions; I actually went back and forth two times (scheduled consultations twice and backed out) and tried losing weight on my own. Somewhat successful....but VERY VERY slow weight loss. Like 4lbs in three months. I was doing weights though, so I know I gained a lot of muscle. Then my doc had me focused on cardio, which didn't do much. Most everything is based on the diet anyway. I lost 10 lbs on a medication she put me on, basically made me not eat. Then I gained 6 of it back. Third time around, she sent me to the bariatric surgeon. Yes, you can do it on your own, but it is SO VERY HARD to do with having kids (I have three) a hubby and a job, etc. I do my best to incorporate healthier foods for my family. My husband eats it, but my kids won't touch anything. I have to sneak stuff in to their food, or they can eat Cereal. But anyway, the surgeon told me that "Sure, you can lose the weight all on your own, but realistically, only 2% of people who lose over 100lbs on their own, actually keep it off. The rest of them eventually gain some or all back." Which makes sense to me, because if we're overweight, it's usually from a lot of dieting and/or eating disorders. Usually. As for skin, I'm not really too concerned, even though I do want plastics , if it's going to be the case. I look at it from the standpoint of my health is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than my looks these days. I'll be near 40 and I just don't really care too much on the outside as much as I would have if I was still in my 20's. I'll be healthier for sure, that's what counts for me. Social gatherings...I've just decided to condition my mind that food is fuel and yes, I'll be able to have a few treats here and there further out, so it won't have such a negative impact on my social life. But it will also make me not focused on the food and more on my family and friends. As for shakes, I saw someone post a website for people to see if their insurance covers Protein shakes for them....it's www.insurenutrition.com and there is another one for supplements, www.nascobal.com. Check out the websites and see if you can get free or reduced costs for the things you need.
  13. I was curious about the green pee, so this is what I found: There are several possible causes of green urine. Urinary tract infection is the most common, and the urine may appear darkened or cloudy. It may not appear green or may take on a greenish tinge. True green urine is rare and most commonly results from dyes or food colorings or from certain medications.
  14. My resources come strictly from BP and RealSelf and educating myself through other websites. Reading the experiences of other members helps me to know what to expect, if any, when I get my WLS. As far as a surgeon goes, I just went with who my PCP referred me to and after looking him up, he's a great doctor; great reviews. I don't think I'll join any support groups outside of online communities simply because I get loads of information and motivation here.
  15. Oh my Lord...I just watched a video on YouTube....my heart wants to thump out of my chest! LOL Not for me!!! Oh, and I deal with that nasty vertigo too. Ugh!
  16. I may just have to copy you on this one too. In addition to my lace piece, I'm just in love with yours. Thank you for the site. I'm saving it. I've got the tickles in my chest thinking about the words ...set apart/consecrated/sanctified. He is good! Wow. Thank you!
  17. Take lots of pics!!! I hear it's just gorgeous over there, especially country side. My friend went a couple years back and didn't want to come home. LOL have fun with your trip, it's almost here!
  18. you can do it too; with determination and motivation...yes, you can.
  19. Those trips sound awesome. You should definitely look into Groupon for things of the sort. As for the silverback gorillas...wow, I didn't know that! But I understand why they may feel that way, because they are so large and powerful and they don't want anyone else to be either. Right? Seems like it would be that way. I hope all is well with you post-op. What a great new life, eh? Blessings to you hon!
  20. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see your tat "Set Apart" in Hebrew. Oh, hon, that has some awesome meaning for me too. Not sure about skydiving though. LOL You can have it all. hahaha. Although a good friend of mine had a dream about me skydiving. I don't think it means literal though, so I'll take another translation of it. Ha!!! Congrats on your loss and yay to almost the final goal!
  21. That's going to be so BEAUTIFUL! I just saw a peacock tat on someone's arm/back and it was just stunning! I'd love to see pics when you start/finish!
  22. Awesome. I'm sure my hubby would love to do that too. LOL He didn't have an older model, but a 2012. He wants a newer one now. I love Camaros myself. Especially the 69 Camaro....FAVORITE!!! I wish I had one. I hope you do your goal! Have fun with it too!!!
  23. in a teeny weeny itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini?????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
