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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Newme17

  1. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    It's the best! I LOVE refried beans and cheese!!!! YUM
  2. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    😂 this is cute! Hey, although not as much, i do have an egg and some cheese here and there myself. Keep us posted on your experiment! I've only heard great things about WFPB with others I know how much better they feel, etc. Blessings on your WFPB journey hon!
  3. You'll find many threads and topics here about folks upping their calories and the stall being broken. Like Outside mentioned, the shocking of your body will get it moving again, same as changing your exercise routine, etc. Also, remember, you're very early on, your body is still healing so don't worry too much if the numbers on the scale don't budge, because most likely your measurements are.
  4. Newme17

    Crackers and chips

    I eat roasted broad beans by Enlightened. I think the BP store sells them although I get them from my local grocery store. Very hard to eat more than you should, they fill you up pretty fast and I'm 4 months post.
  5. Agreed!!! My husband says "don't be so serious!" to me a lot. I'm learning to let go and just let things slide. On the other hand, one of us has to have things in order at times too, and it isn't him. LOL Thanks for your words! Its great to hear and be encouraged. Thank you again.
  6. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    I bought some Morningstar spicy veggie sausage patties....so good!
  7. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    True enough, it was my first lab, we shall see how it goes in the future. Being irregular is an indicator that something is wrong, but most are just looking to take care of the symptoms of it and not the source.
  8. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    I don't follow the high protein amount anymore. I let it take care of itself with my WFPB way of eating. My labs came out just fine too. I'm am beside myself how the medical and scientific communities can't see on the same page with all that there is out there. Especially when there is proof! Just boggles me.
  9. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    So I watched the movie OKJA on Netflix. Of course I cried over a fictitious character, but the story was pretty moving. Not only did it move me but it just confirmed my lifestyle. I changed to WFPB for the health benefits, but I am not unaware of the cruelty and processes of how animals are treated for human consumption. The movie just reminded me of such things and I'm WAY MORE AWARE when I'm at the grocery store, driving by meat markets, etc. it's just a sad process.
  10. THANK YOU!!! Looking at it that way, wow. That is pretty good. Thanks for that. Even though I accepted the six pounds, I felt better after reading the average. I did go back and figure out what my issues were this past month. Stress...hurricane, no work, falling off the steps, no exercise really. Diet has been okay though. I did give in to some hot fries at one point but nothing to make me slide down a slippery slope. I wasn't all on point with my vitamins either, skipped a few days here and there. No excuse but stress. This afternoon I'm finally feeling a little better, so I'm anticipating a renewed sense of moving forward doing my best.
  11. Newme17

    Variation in athlete body types

    Rolling here!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  12. Newme17

    Variation in athlete body types

    Oh no!! And oh yes!!! 😁 😂
  13. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Was reading a Pound of Cure this morning. I've had it way before the Proteinaholic came around in my life. Funny how I can finish a larger book, but this one seems to be taking a very long time!
  14. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Man, you've really taken off with the tofu! I still haven't made any...and as I don't feel well, haven't made any dinner this week really. Except a kale salad with cranberries, feta, red onions, with some dressing and a few cheese tortellinis. It was delicious. If I can just get over this achy feeling, I'll be up to doing something new and hopefully the tofu! I need to find that parmesan one you did...
  15. Newme17

    5.5 Year Update, with pics!

    Great job! Love the scripture!! Be blessed on your journey to better health.
  16. Newme17

    Variation in athlete body types

    That's an interesting article! I really didn't associate with any one of the types they showed. Unless I missed it, but they didn't have a figure competitor (muscular but softer cut) or a ballroom dancer physique listed. I would be a combination of these two, as I love to do weights (not body build though) and I love dancing (did latin dancing for 3 years...could have went competitive, but met my husband who doesn't do latin dancing, and well...nevermind, long story!) I credit my mama for her hourglass figure and my daddy for his muscular build and my whatever tiny percentage of latin blood I may have for my moves.
  17. Good morning ya'll. 4 months post today. The scale did not move. So, officially I'm at 200 pounds at 4 months....down 66 lbs from highest, 59 from surgery, and lost 6 pounds this past month. Hey, slow (in the past month), but I'll take it. I can come up with all kinds of ways why it wasn't more, etc...but I'm not going to bother. I'll just keep on trekking and hopefully no other life situations come up that inhibits me from doing what I need to do. As long as my loss goes down, then I'm on the right track. Still not feeling well today. Staying home from work again. The longer I am gone the less I want to go back. Decisions, decisions....
  18. I missed it. Glad you're feeling better though. Sometimes it's good to get things off your chest, but then when we go back to re-read, we kind of have a moment of "what was I thinking!?!?" ...and to share it with the whole world? LOL We are human, indeed.
  19. Newme17

    1 year anniversary

    Wow! One year...amazing job!
  20. Newme17


    I'm sorry you had to go through it. I know several who lost everything in Harvey and in the same situation. My heart goes out to you hon.
  21. I know I'm unwell when I don't even want my morning coffee!!!!! Throat is a little scratchy but I plan to nip all this in the buds with lots of water and a few otc meds. I'll do a veggie shake with added berries, anything!!!
  22. I've learned the more you eat beans the better your tolerance. I eat them all the time and don't have issues with gas. Kind of the same but off topic, peanut tolerance...there was a study done that if you start your kids early on with peanuts during infancy (obviously a safe way to introduce it), those kids have built a tolerance of them. It's all very interesting actually.
  23. I don't remember when I actually started more veggies, but it was early on. I was cleared for all foods about 3-4 weeks. Up until that time, my nut approved of my "green bombs" in protein shakes, which were ice cubes sized blended green veggies and fruits, that were blended in to my drinks. So technically, I had veggies from the get go. Didn't bother me at all. Now I do recall having salad early on, didn't bother me either.
  24. I sure hope so but if it doesn't happen, then it's not the end of the world for me. I'll get there and it'll still be a memorable moment when that time comes. No rush for me currently, but it WOULD be nice! I'm feeling way off today. Came home today at noon because my head feels like it's being squeezed. I think I've got a sinus infection starting...which is weird, cause I haven't been sick in a long time! I laid down for a while and watched a movie, when I got back up, felt horrible. Body aches, head aches, etc. Not cool at all. I might just stay home from work tomorrow too and just take it real easy. Try and organize my papers/file here at home which is a dream of mine that everything has it's place and order in the house. LOL
  25. Have you tried putting an electrolyte in your water to help? My lips always get chapped, urine too dark, and I always feel "hungry" when I'm really just thirsty. I have made a point to drink as much water as I can these last few days, I feel like I've slacked on my liquid intake. It's really easy to forego the drinks. I had lots of dizziness on Sunday, but I didn't associate it with lack of water. Maybe that's what it was. ???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
