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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Newme17

  1. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    A big thank you to Dr Weiner for dispeling the myths about WLS. Especially the last one. It was good to watch and get refreshed and be more motivated to keep doing what I'm doing, wfpb. Here's the video if you would like to watch/learn.
  2. Probiotics, check! My doc actually wants me to take an otc. I was like "um, no give me a lab workup please!" So, I'm here waiting in bladder misery to pee in a cup. Hopefully it won't take long for results? It's been awful. I noticed a little pink like, red strands too when I urinate and wipe. ??? Doesn't sound at all that good. Was told to lay off the caffeine as well. 😢
  3. Aww, fudge. I don't think I've ever had a bladder infection before, but I woke up have to persistently pee today and it's still going on. I called my doctor's office and am awaiting a reply. It's almost ridiculous, I'm in the bathroom here at work every five mins or so to "tinkle". I get a tickling/spasm after each tinkle and I'm afraid it'll get worse. I'm wondering if I've got this from not enough liquids?
  4. Wow...Looks great! I'm not quite inspired to wear the dress just yet, but I know I will someday soon. I havne't worn one in ages either. Looks really nice on you. Great hair too!
  5. Too funny...but that suggestion for GUYS ONLY in the topic is great!!! SO SORRY!!!! NOT A GUY!
  6. Golden and BILLIONAIRES! 🤣
  7. That's how it was for me in the beginning. Now, I love it. I want it all the time. There's a shirt this very fit lady at the grocery store was wearing. Of course I had to stop her and comment on how I love it. I'm going to find one for myself. It says "Kale-ing It" lol
  8. So I meal prepped some overnight oats and veggie spring rolls this afternoon. My hubby loves this vanilla cold brew overnight oats recipe so I did three jars of it and then did 4 jars of blueberry and strawberry cinnamon (my own concoction). Now for my veggie spring rolls, I won't post a pic...they're not prettily rolled. 😂 I added a lettuce leaf, cucumber, carrots, cabbage (with seasoned rice vinegar mixed in), and a little bit of rice noodles. I stored two to a ziploc bag for easy snacks during the day. Eat these with some peanut sauce and it's freshingly AMAZING! Already had one!
  9. You're welcome hon. It's been pretty awesome. So many different meals and foods that I never tried before, but now are so good and good for me! I'm really digging this lifestyle.
  10. Same here. My four and seven year olds are playing non stop today. I'm waiting for bed time. Lol.
  11. I'll have to talk to myself greatly on the weekends though. As much as I like to moved it's hard to do. 😁
  12. Newme17

    Hair growing back...different!?

    My mom is on her third round of chemo. She's got pin straight hair too, but it never grew back in curly at all. My mil had wavy hair, and after her chemo, it came in looking like Shirley temple curls! Now I'm curious about wls regrowth. I would hope mine comes in WAY LESS curly. Lol. Guess it's different for everyone.
  13. My time in the kitchen is done for the day. Dinner is an easy pasta salad. Here's the recipe. Now, I went lazy and just bought a container of thaziki sauce instead. Added whole grain penne and all the veggies and extra pepper. Left off the feta (by accident) but it can be sprinkled on individual plates. Enjoy! https://www.budgetbytes.com/2016/08/creamy-lemon-dill-greek-pasta-salad/
  14. Newme17

    Hair growing back...different!?

    That is way cool actually, unless you've been eating tons of carrots and beets! Haha (no science behind that for all I know). Although it's too soon for me to chime in with experience, I'm afraid mine will come in gray!!!! Lol
  15. Did it again...my house smells wonderful. Baked up mini "monster" muffins and flourless banana muffins for the kiddos. http://www.superhealthykids.com/sweet-spinach-muffins/ For the spinach muffins, I replaced the butter with the coconut oil I had on hand and used almond milk. http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2016/04/04/flourless-blender-muffins-banana-vegan/ Threw some mini choc chips on top for the banana ones.
  16. I was so hungry I failed to get my phone out and take a pic of my food for tonight!!! Lol. I finally had my kale salad with tortellini and feta. Here's the simple recipe from budget bytes, my go to website for easy and cheaper meals. Yum! https://www.budgetbytes.com/2014/01/kale-tortellini-cranberry-salad/ here's a pic from the site I used all the same ingredients but the Olive Garden house dressing again. Didn't taste anything like my simple kale salad from last night, so it's great to be able to eat kale in so many ways. I love it .
  17. Did it! I went to the gym after work before home. Did 45 mins on the elliptical. I'll be stretching tonight for sure. Almost feel back to myself again. Feels pretty good.
  18. yeah, im working it now, even though the numbers really don't matter to me, there is a certain amount of excitement that I'm looking forward to being the weight I was in my 20's and not having that obese label anymore. That, I'm looking forward to. You're going to don't too hon. I have tons of faith you will. 😁
  19. Newme17

    Meal Replacement Protein Powder

    Being allergic to dairy could be a blessing! It's wonderful isn't it. I love it too...I haven't thought to add avocado to it though, I'll give it a try sometime.
  20. Newme17

    Any vegetarians or vegans?

    That documentary was an eye opener for sure. I have decided to go totally plant based a little over 2 months ago...haven't looked back and it's surprisingly cheaper for me too. I hope you're doing well still, since I'm responding to a month old post.
  21. @Berry78 thanks for replying to all of them! My doctor has me on track to get to 178lbs. This is my goal weight with them, but isn't my healthy bmi goal weight. I do need to emphasize that although folks may believe their set point has arrived, it does not mean that it is indeed it or has to stay there. The sleeve does about 60-65% of the work for you really (provided you stick with your plans)...the other 35-40% we have to do on our own. This is why we adopt better lifestyles in diet and exercise during the first year so we can continue it all and make the goals we want to achieve. You will have to fight the "set point" that you believe you're in. You will have to change up your routines, in diet and exercise. You all can do this....keep your chins up! And congrats on all of your successes. I hope to hear this when I've made my 60-65% as well.
  22. Newme17

    Sleeved 9/19/2017

    Congrats to everyone on that special day, 9/19!!
  23. Okay...after my workout at the gym I woke up with extra determination today. I've decided I'm not going home right after work, but will swing by the gym and get my time in. This way, I won't have to interrupt family time in the evenings. Also, because I was unable to workout for a couple of weeks, I felt like jello. After last night's weight session, I feel a little bit firmed up again...but it's another road to stick to. I prayed against any illness and injuries that would prohibit me from doing the best I can. During my lunch today, I decided to do a small workout. I've got Pandora Radio on with 80's hits (the best music to workout to, in my opinion) and worked up a sweat. I'm fortunate to be able to wear whatever to work, so I usually have workout clothes on so it works out great. No one is here either...just me, all by my lonesome self. The best office ever. LOL Yesterday, I did some squats in between duties. Sitting down for so long is awful really. So, here's to my new routine...may God help me stick to it.
  24. Have fun! Sounds like a GREAT weekend.

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