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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Newme17

  1. Normally I wouldn't care what is on the scale, but there's an excitement knowing that I'm no longer in the 200's that I'm ready for. Once I see it go under that, then back to ignoring the scale.
  2. Hey lady, despite it not moving, overall, how do you feel!?!? you should try a carb load day like Apple suggested, but the healthy kinds. Eat fresh fruits for a day. Do a different workout from what you're normally used to doing. Or what I'm going to do is unwind mentally and stretch physically for a few days. My mind and body has been stressed, which sets back loss as well. There's a variety of things to do, but remember how far you've come, that's the best part. Just laugh like I did. 😂
  3. Bahahahajajajaja! Funny! I'm convinced that once I get past this uti business and remember I was sick the week before?.....that it'll move. I think I'll just do some stretching for the next few days and relax as much as possible mentally as well. I'm not sure what to do diet wise....maybe up my fruit intake? I've been doing mostly veggies and grains. Might be worth a try.
  4. Wanna hear something funny? After almost two weeks the scale still didn't budge!!!!! LOL I'm seriously LAUGHING about this... but hey, my clothes feel a little looser and I'm at least maintaining. HAHA
  5. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Ever wonder why these folks have results like these (even WLS patients without this way of eating)....their body FAT content was lowered. Remove the fat and your body can process sugars the way it's meant to. Problem with the western ways of the world, people still are stuck on the lie that "sugars are bad for me." So, even if diabetes is in remission and/or cured....they're still thinking "carbs are bad for me" @Apple1 I'm soooooooo PROUD of you for coming to the revelations and sciences of how the body works!!! You are a testament for all those who used to have diabetes and can eat responsibly again and not worry about those wonderful complex carbohydrates! Keep it up hon. You will be an inspiration for others.
  6. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    If only my mother would listen to this...... smh
  7. Here's a vegan recipe that I'll try sometime soon for cheese sauce https://www-godairyfree-org.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.godairyfree.org/recipes/dairy-free-cheese-sauce/amp
  8. One of my favorite soups! I used to add chicken but I'll for sure be making this without.
  9. Newme17

    Does anyone eat corn tortillas?

    I do. Can't eat much but I'll have it.
  10. Please do share with us on Proteinaholic! I have heard of some chemical in cheese that makes you want more...it's touched briefly in Proteinaholic too...but I LOVE cheese! I love my health even more, so I have cut back on it as well. Besides tonight's dinner that my husband prepared yet again ....POOR MAN's BURRITO BOWL. I added sliced jalapeños and avocado to it. Yum probably one of my favorites. I'd be a cheap home cooked dinner date. 😜 https://www.budgetbytes.com/2015/09/poor-mans-burrito-bowls/ pic is my hubby's leftover lunch meal and all his cheese! Lol...sorry, Constantly forgetting to take a pic!!!
  11. I was supposed to share my dinner last night, but I totally forgot to get my husband (who made it) to take a pic of it for me first. Anyway, it's weeknight enchiladas (vegetarian) with avocado and cilantro to garnish. Here's the recipe: https://www.budgetbytes.com/2016/01/weeknight-enchiladas/
  12. YUM!!! I've never liked pasta before anyway, so it's all good for me! Thanks for sharing!
  13. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Mine is roughly 42; how I like it, if I were counting. LOL I like how he put notes and disclaimers on the calculator page as well.
  14. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    It is pretty filling...that's why I don't do any breads at this point. Maybe some fresh fruit on top??
  15. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Interesting article from a journalist though....so I'd like to see some scientific resources with it (he doesn't list any---makes me have to be cautious about believing these types of articles). I do know that there is 3% of Americans who are actually protein deficient (there are sources listed in Proteinaholic and nutritionfacts.org). The lady he writes about could be that 3%...also she was raw vegan (I don't know too much about it). Also, I eat eggs and cheese still and have the occasional protein shake. I'm not lethargic, pale, or anything either. Hubby says he's amazed at the level of energy I have and I don't complain. LOL So, I still stick to "it takes care of itself" for what I'm doing. Thanks though!!
  16. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Ezekiel bread is awesome....good for you too. Check out the ingredients: Organic Sprouted Wheat, Filtered Water, Organic Sprouted Barley, Organic Sprouted Millet, Organic Malted Barley, Organic Sprouted Lentils, Organic Sprouted Soybeans, Organic Sprouted Spelt, Fresh Yeast, Organic Wheat Gluten, Sea Salt.
  17. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Awww..yes, I agree....so should we start saying PCMPCD instead of WFPB???? LOL
  18. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Absolutely this! I've quit animal meats...but I'm still having a little eggs and cheese and using my olive oil. BUT, the little bit that I am using of these foods do not compare to the majority of the veggies, fruits, and legumes that I'm consuming to better my health.
  19. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    That's me...those are my words...and yes, it still does take care of itself eating the right foods. IMO,The whole idea is to not be so stuck on numbers, macro and micro nutrients...if you eat well (whole foods), then you'll get what your body needs. I understand the first 3 months or so of wls, it's quite a bit different. Now, I'm able to eat way more than before and I can get my dietary needs in. So, yes "I'm not worried because my WFPB diet will take care of my body the way it needs to".
  20. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Great video!!! I enjoyed it immensely. I loved the Cut The C.R.A.P. (Calorie Rich And Processed)!!! LOL Too funny.
  21. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    You preach it!!! yay!!! Lol
  22. Thank you. THe lab guy told me 24-48 hours to get results! What kind of business is this? So, I picked up some otc meds called Azo. Even though the feeling of urinating is the same, the sensation of having to always urinate is numb. It worked very well but it is crazy! Urine is bright orange/red with this stuff. I'm just glad I can function without that sensation.
  23. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    That's the point of many well respected doctors and wls surgeons as well. Western diets are having WAY too much protein and not enough FIBER and NUTRIENTS from nutritious foods. Dr Weiner actually talks a bit about this in the above video I shared under the Protein First myth.
  24. I stopped about a year before wls...just something about all those chemicals in my body didn't sit right with me and my weight at the time. haven't had one since and I'm about 4 months post now and don't ever feel like "trying" one just for the sake of having it. What's the point?
  25. Newme17

    How long did it take you to lose 80lbs?

    One day at a time and small goals at a time...that's how you'll meet your goal.

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