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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by moneyp23

  1. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    can I just say thanks to everyone on here who posts when they come back from their op, and who shares every moment of their weight loss journey on this site, I am sure there are many others who feel the same but for me, you are an inspiration and every time I falter with feelings about the Op and what I want out of life I read these posts, and you guys really do inspire me! It is like being part of a family Surfee! Belgium family bansters (as opposed to Swiss family RObinson) LOL :thumbup:
  2. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    What kinda things are you eating Pixie? I have been trying to have anything that is below 4g fat, but I dont know if that's the kinda thing I should be doing?! Help! x P.S Sufee - welcome back, can't wait to hear all the details, please do, like Homecare said, post all the info you can give us all when you can, thanks hon!
  3. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey all you guys, well done to all the losers on the weight loss, a lot of you sound like your doing it on will power alone, so i'm impressed, you should be proud! I dont know if i'm going to manage with a liquid diet, but maybe the band will give me that "inner power!". Is anyone on their low fat pre op diet yet , that's going out in a few weeks? I am looking to start mine next week, but am trying to cut down now to get myself ready for it! I also wanted to ask ( close your ears boys) Has anyone had the "time of the month" when they got their op? I think im going to have mine, and honestly, Im thinking about changing the date, as it's always really bad, and im thinking i might get in a state while Im there, and I always feel really tired with it, any advice greatly appreciated THe WLS package for 6 months, I was kind of relying on for fills, as it's the only way i'm going to be able to afford them, Did anyone get an answet yet, if they're going to offer the 6 month deal, I feel they are greedy too, don't they realise people are struggling to get the money together as it is for the OP then the fill money on top makes it even harder!!! Over and Out! LOL:wub: Penny x
  4. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'm watching it as well, it's made me very sad. But the girls look amazing, they were beautiful anyway, but they look fabulous. I wondered why the band op took 1 and half hours though.But it didn't look as bad as i thought. So, maybe it was worth watching, even the squemish bits! lol
  5. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Suefee, good luck, can't wait to hear about your positive experience!!!! :thumbup: Odge, Im heading to my GP this week to try and ask if they will do aftercare for me, im going to plead that I can't afford the fills, I actually can't!! To everyone on here who has just been banded, please tell me more about how you felt after the op and the whole surgery experience, I can't know enough about it, and I'm still on the am i doing the right thing vibe at the moment, and having nightmares about dying during surgery, i've already mentioned this before but it isn't getting any better. I might be the woose that dosn't go through with it in the end. :party: You are all very inspiring and i am going to continue reading all of your posts to try and sort me out. Pen x
  6. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Westie, glad to see your back safe and sound. Hope your positive attitude will continue to see you through. And you know what, you won't have to say no to choc and ice cream, but you will be able to see how badly having a lot of that kind of thing will affect you. Can't wait to hear of your journey into losing! Few others who have lost recently well done, I have been trying to cut down but Im not fitting into my jeans tonight, I think i'm kidding myself, lol Penny x
  7. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Odge, what does that mean, will you get fills etc, or what?! x:tt2:
  8. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Tanyac, I'm glad i'm not the only one, but your right, it's a natural thing and if your anything like me I always think about every outcome, so it's not a bad thing!!! I can't wait to hear all about how you got on!!! Please get in touch when you get back and give me every detail, I'm terrible, i just want to know everything about it, so there's no surprises!! Gary, sounds like the ice lollies are a fab idea.....I have heard any vomitting and excess :cry_smile: alcohol can cause huge swelling around the band.....Change of drink?! :thumbup: heh.... Good luck to everyone going out tomorrow!! Penny x
  9. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey ladies and Gents...sitting here tonight eating a full fish supper, I have back, to my senses and realised this band is def for me and something that will give me the new lease of life i've been dying for for so long!! Sorry for all the moaning and groaning, welcome to all the newbies! I am going for the crown currency deal this week, so thanks to everyone who advised on this for my Euros. Then it's the 6 week countdown from this Friday. I was thinking on stocking up on joggers and hoodies, cos Im assuming that things won't be too comfertable down there for a little while? What did everyone else wear after the op, oh and do you need nightie, pj's for the hospital? Sounds like a few people have great restriction, so well done all. and for all you prebandsters like me , think about how amazing we're gonna look by this time next year!!! XX
  10. Hi all, Been looking to get banded in July this year. I am self funded as I don't want to have to wait a year or two on the NHS, I have saved £2000 so far, but it's killing me to do so. I dont think im going to be able to get the 7k they're asking for in most UK places, but i'd rather have it here for the aftercare. I also dont know if the NHS have to give you aftercare or not?I am looking at finance options and Belgium, can anyone offer advice????? Thanks P.:rolleyes2:
  11. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Gaz, glad it was you who got back to me so quick, I was out on the drink Sat night, it's maybe just the down feeling from that, but something's def not sitting right with me today, I need to get back to that positive feeling and think about how amazing my life is going to be when I do not to deal with day in day out food issues! Looks like your stag was fun and you've topped up that tan again>! How's your cute dog getting on! You should post a pic of him Thanks for the advice. Pen x:tt2:
  12. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello Everyone Sorry not posted for a while, been madly busy.... I could do with some advice, feeling a bit weirded out, have been so positive and excited about getting banded on 3rd July. I have got all the money together, which really was the hardest thing, but I'm suddenly feeling really nervous and feeling like I might die on the operating table! It's a stupid thing to start thinking about, I know, but it's all I'm thinking about and I'm seriously wondering if I want to do this now...but I know I will never be able to get my weight under control myself. Someone tell me to pull myself together!! Penny x:confused:
  13. HI there, I am going for my Op with Dr Chris, on the 3rd July, I am 29, from Glasgow, if you were looking for a buddy for your op, book the same day! I've been hoping there might be someone from the UK going around the same time, hopefully like me your excited to finally get it done!




  14. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Tanyac Im so glad someone else asked about money, as it's been something i've been worried about, my Mum is totally against us taking it all in EUROS in cash, so wondered what everyone else had done. Can you transfer that like the deposit, or can we take a bankers draft or anything else? Thanks in advance y'all :redface: Penny xx
  15. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hey All Weldone on the weight loss Bobaldy!! Really great and I bet you'll look dashing in your suit..007 styley! Time... I also asked about all you asked, my GP is actually really good, he suggested going to Belgium even though the one patient who went to Dr Chris didn't have the patience to follow through with the band...He did say that any emergency or problems the NHS have to get involved. I would change your Dr with the attitude he had. Think of yourself as a client, as you are paying taxes and have a right to NHS treatment, even though your not getting the funding for the full op. I am personally going to try and fight to be reimbursed for my op, as there is no referral system in Central Scotland right now, and so there is a service missing if you like, it's not even that you can get referred to be knocked back. A batratic dietitian is still a good idea, you should fight for that, also I dont know how many people took any counselling or behaviour therapy, but I'm looking into that to actually try and explore my issues surrounding food. But that might not be for everyone. :redface: x
  16. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Got it, it's fab, here's the link for everyone else if they want to check it out... Penny x
  17. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Can you give me a link? Sounds brilliant!! :eek:
  18. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    LOL, CarrieJess......Damn, I forgot about that.........Oh well, maybe one day...lol Thanks for all your info Flirty, Im always ill with Anesthesia, so I think Im gonna ask Dr Chris about it and see what he days :eek: x
  19. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Oh, and Congrats Wishful, I'm dying to have a baby, im hoping the band will help me with that :laugh: Penny x:tt2:
  20. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Oh NO! :laugh: That's awful Flirty, sounds like you weren't good at all, were you able to fly, were you given any anti-sickness medication, or do you know why you reacted that way to it? Penny x
  21. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey All Hope your all having a nice weekend, I met up with the lovely Garry today...He was so nice and helpful ( send the £10 in the post G!) LOL Freckles, sounds like you have real restriction, it is amazing, and brilliant! So happy you have it! :rolleyes2: Timeisnow, and Homecare, girls, your op's are only a few days before mine, so i'm very excited to see how you get on and what your planning is pre-op. Im looking into the gym this week, as I'd like to start some exercise before I start some weight loss to try and avoid saggy skin syndrome! Although, I have around 8 stone to lose, so that might not be possible.... Odge, Your a brave girl, no pain killers?! I hope i'm like that, although having two wisdom teeth out yesterday and screaming the dentist down made me think maybe my threshold isn't what I thought it was!:thumbup: I thought of something I haven't noticed if anyone else has asked. Was anyone physically sick with the Anesthetic? I have a bad reaction to it and am often sick, which i don't think would be good after this type of op, Im wondering if there are any anti sickness drugs that I can take or get when Im there to stop that happening? Penny x
  22. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'll try and remember to ask him then, or I'll ask my Mum to. Did you take someone with you ODge? Im taking my Mum and wondering what she can get up to and when she can visit me the next day etc? Also, what you took with you!!! I think i've asked everyone this, Sorry folks of your getting sick of my 10000 questions, hopefully it helps everyone else go, oh I wondered that too.... XX
  23. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Sounds like a familiar story to me, there's no funding for anything at the moment, I have asked for access to a Batriatic Dietitian, and you'd think i've asked for a heart bypass the way they are going on, it's ridiculous that we're all having to pay for this in the first place, that's for sure. Should I ask him after my Op what size band I get then, so that I know? I would like to go with WLS too. Thanks for advice Bobo Pen x
  24. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey, what's the situation with fills, does Chris kinda expect you to take them with him, or is it up to you, I had read about one person on here not knowing their band size, so wondered if this would cause problems. Also, has anyone had the NHS agree to do aftercare?? Odge, so glad your back and so positive and your just making me want this so much right now, it's unreal, but the weeks are flying by, so can't wait. Homecare, So happy your getting it all sorted! Anyone out there considring the 3rd July...I will find someone who's going the same day as me if it kills me, Maybe I should put a classified in the paper!:tt1: Penny x P>S When's this big Bandsters night out happening? I want in on that one too!
  25. moneyp23

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Garry, Got your msg, My Op is on the 3rd July. I wish it was tomorrow, all this waiting's driving me insane! I can't wait to hear how Odge gets on. Mandy, thanks so much. Really good to hear you were kinda up and about. you got much pain now? How you doing with food etc? Umm, can't remember your name, guy from Perthshire, I got BMI flights too from Edinburgh about £200 each for me and My Mum. My whole op including flights, hotels, taxi's everything is about £4000. Which is amazing! :crying: Did anyone answer about the flight thing? Do you need to get your band deflated to go on a long haul flight? As I was thinking that maybe that would mean many of us might end up back at square one if that's the case? Any update on this would be fab, also, what Vitamins have people been advised on taking pre and post op? I read back about the Milk Thistle, but dunno what else I should be going for..Also struggling to find a low fat diet plan, one I can just follow, so Im not haivng to think about it, anyone any ideas? Thanks All! Penny x

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