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Everything posted by Aggiemae

  1. Aggiemae

    Premier shake causing hunger pangs?

    All the shakes are basically the same. Premier has 30 grams of Protein in 11oz, 160 calories. unjury has 21 grams in 8oz, 100 calories. Try adding some Fiber to your shake. I find this makes them more filling. As for taste, Premier was so sweet tasted of awful to me that I gagged trying to get it down. I have read rave reviews then tried shakes and have mostly been disappointed.
  2. I did not lose much weight during my 6 pre op months and though I was given the 3 week diet sheet but but ended up not doing the pre op diet because my surgery was for scheduled 5 days after the surgeon visit. The surgeon JOked this because my labs were normal and I don't carry my weight in my abdomen.
  3. Aggiemae

    Drinking with food

    My plan allows me to drink right up till I start eating but no liquids with meals or for 30 minutes after. That's pretty much forever. If you drink with your meal you push the food into your intestines, leaving your stomach empty and triggering hunger. The 30 minute wait is critical to steady weight loss now and to preventing weight gain once we get to goal weight.
  4. I actually burst into tears when my surgeon told me the AVERAGE weight loss for someone my age and weight. Hardly seemed worth having major surgery. But at 8 weeks post op I am just 8 pounds from the "average" 6 month weight loss. I had the surgery and decided NOT to be average.
  5. Aggiemae

    Gained weight on purpose?

    BMI with my insurance is 35.
  6. Aggiemae


    239 lbs. Don't remember what my starting weight was but know that I was squeezing into size 22 but now comfortably fitting into size 20 jeans. Thinking my goal to get too 128 lbs was very unrealistic.
  7. Aggiemae

    Christmas Lunch

    it's hard for me to cook and because I am used to tasting as I cook the meals I have made might be hard on the people eating them. I am roasting a goose not Mich to it and I plan on savoring every bit of my 3oz share. I might have a bite of sweet and sour red cabbage too.
  8. when I first started to keep a food journal I wrote down how much Protein there is in a oz of ever protein food I ate and all the different combinations I used for shakes. I referred back to it when I recorded my intake. I know most of them now but I still record what I eat and add up the protein (at least 90grams), carbs (no more than 25grams) and Water (at least 78oz) every night. When I am swamped at work I have a shake made with 20grams of Protein powder, 8oz of 1% milk a handful of ice and some sugar free syrup. It's 28 grams. If I am low on protein when I add up my intake I make a smoothly with 20 grams of powder, 4oz of "super foods" raw juice and ice. Usually 20 grams gets me to my goal.
  9. Aggiemae

    Post menopausal women only please!

    My Dr said this was normal after abdominal surgery. I also had hot flashes and night sweats for about two weeks.
  10. Aggiemae


    I manage at least 80 grams of protein and 78 oz of water. Mostly by adding unflavored protein powder to everything.
  11. Aggiemae


    When you gulp you swallow more air, that's the bubble you feel.
  12. Aggiemae

    Before and after pics - beef jerky!

    How does this table correct "Tex Mex"? And "vacuum" ??
  13. Aggiemae

    Before and after pics - beef jerky!

    I dug the meat out of the freezer in the garage after it thawed I ended up making goulash (authentic Hungarian style) with the lamb as I didn't think I could get enough fat off of it. But have about 4 pounds of Elk, it's very lean, and 2 pounds of mystery meat, also lean, I think it's bison. I made three rubs, Teriyaki, Texas Mexicans (I used liquid smoke in this one) and low salt Maple Mustard. I assume sealed it and will leave it overnight then put it into the dehydrator tomorrow morning. I made this much because we have a large dehydrator and try to fill it to conserve energy.
  14. Different story all together... last September I fell on the way back to the house from gathering eggs and could not get up of the ground. I had to scoot on my butt to the back door and then across the room to the step and bump up three steps then haul myself up using the banister. Wore a hold throuh both cheeks of my pajama bottoms and grossed up the carpet on the steps with red clay. Did I mention it was raining or that I was covered with raw eggs?
  15. Aggiemae

    Two months update pic

    Isn't it amazing?
  16. It's amazing isn't it?
  17. I was back to work 17 days after surgery. Could have gone back a week earlier. I have a "desk job" but work in a huge medical complex so have to walk a lot (4-5 miles a according to my fit bit) to get from one thing to the next.
  18. Aggiemae

    Before and after pics - beef jerky!

    Inspired me to make a batch. Thawing out some elk and some lamb... Little Bill, smoker or dehydrator? do you think I can make it with less salt if I refrigerate it?
  19. Aggiemae


    I used a binder, couldn't have slept on my side without it. Also stopped the pain I gotgeting out of bed.t
  20. Didn't the surgeons prescribe something of nausea? If not call right now and ask for something before the pharmacy closes for Christmas. I was given a 90 day RX for both nausea and to reduce stomach acid.
  21. Aggiemae

    Is tis true...

    A surgeon can't predict if a patient will need a drain before the surgery.
  22. Focus on the reflux instead of the weight gain. And be aware that people with hardware not good candidates for the sleeve.d
  23. Since you are still healing you shouldn't "give up" on Protein. Adding a scoop on unflavored protein powder to 8 oz of 1% milk will give you 28 grams of protein. You can favor it with an almost endless choice sugar free syrups. I like to add a handful of ice and blend it. On the keto diet you can even add some heavy cream. You need just drink this just three times a day to get 90 grams of protein in around 600 calories.
  24. Aggiemae

    5 days post op

    No you can't have re fried Beans. Your incision is healing and your stomach is swollen and will be for next few weeks. Your post op diet plan isn't a suggestion it's a prescription.
  25. I felt I was being pressured to do what I felt was more restrictive and invasive WLS. The surgeon hit home when she told my that the average weight loss with the sleeve for a person of my age and weight was 30-40 pounds the first 6 months and another 30 pounds he next year. So a total of 70-80 pounds in 18 months. She then ran through the much better statistics for DS and RNY. I have an advanced nursing degree and was probably better informed that the average WLS patient but I burst into tears. Having major surgery to lose 70 pounds? At 200 pounds I would still be obese. I told her I was too upset to make a decision and would call the next day. got home, calmed down and could think clearly I considered what she said carefully and pt coming back to the word AVERAGE. My goal weight was 170, technically "over weight" but a weight that in the past I has been able to maintain without struggling. That's just 30 pounds less that the anticipates "average" expected lose for my age/weight... In the end I decided to have the sleeve and NOT be "average". I am (almost) 8 weeks post op and have lost nearly 35 pounds, the "average" expected at 6 months... My thoughts about why surgeons push people? The more weight we lose, the better their outcome statistics.

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