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    Hammer_Down reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Tips to minimize saggy skin before/after WLS   
    Carbs are not necessary to live. Most man made carbs were just invented to provide cheap calories to laborers and peasants.
    Numerous studies support this. Not to mention, most of human history.
  2. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to theantichick in I don't get it.   
    As I've said many times before, there's a difference between "cheating" when it's just a diet, and violating your prescribed diet advancement. One is a simple choice, good or bad. The other is taking your life into your hands. Eating solid food before your surgeon has cleared you is more than just "a mistake, we're all human". You don't see people in AA saying "hey, that's OK, we're all just human". No. They say "we're human, and we screw up, but you get that this was a really bad choice and it can kill you, right?"
    Everyone on this board wants nothing but success for everyone on the board. But we get a lot of people who are posting about their choices like they want or need some kind of absolution. I don't get it, either. And a lot of people get their knickers in a twist because of someone else's "tone". Guess what, people? I've been on the internet since the AOL dial-up days, and there is no "tone" on the internet except what you read into it.
    I followed my diet progression instructions to the letter, because I'm a nurse and I've seen what happens when people don't follow the post-op instructions. A lot of times, nothing happens. But sometimes, people end up in the ICU or the morgue because they thought they new better than the doctor, or they "just couldn't help it". It was rough. I wanted to taste something other than Water and Protein shakes so bad I was ready to lick a Dorito. But my health was important enough to me that I kept telling myself it was only 10 days more (or whatever at that point) and I got through it.
    If you're not ready to muscle through the post-op diet progression, then you're not ready for surgery, period. If you've already had the surgery and have messed up, then the people here have a responsibility to say "hey, you know that was a bad choice, right, and it can hurt you?" And then to say "here's how I got through that rough patch myself". Tone be damned, we should not be expected to coddle people who are potentially killing themselves. Or let the silent readers who don't have good information from their surgery team think that it's just "cheating" and it's OK.
    Now, once released to a full diet, I've eaten all sorts of things that would give the veterans on here fits. And I'll suffer the consequences for that, because I'm an adult and I decide what I eat and don't eat. So far, I haven't done too badly. That could change, but for now I'm good. I don't need absolution or permission from anyone for my diet choices, and I don't come here for some sort of weird confession. If I did, I would expect to have people tell me that similar choices derailed them and I might want to consider my choices. That's the point of an online support forum, it's not supposed to be an echo chamber where everyone coddles the poor choices other people make.
    I'll step off the soapbox now.
    And by the way, this is the rants and raves section. This is one of the purposes it serves. If you find it too negative, quit reading it.
  3. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to LipstickLady in I don't get it.   
    Just wait until you are 3.5 years out, maintaining beautifully, and are called all sorts of fun names for giving well thought out, sincere advice. It's actually quite funny.

    And then when the story changes to justify the behavior and it's all you can do not to bust out into mad giggles. My favorites are the people who eat more than I can at at my stage 4 or 5 days post op, say they are too afraid to tell their surgeon when urged to, and then come back and say that they DID tell their surgeon he was OK with it. Uhm, Ok.
    Another favorite is the people who say they can "feel" that they are healed a week or two post op. They feel great, they know they should "listen to their bodies" and have at the chips, the ice cream and the pizza. Unless they were given some sort of internal camera and a medical degree at discharge, they can't know that they are healed in the inside. As far as listening to your body? Listening to your body most likely got you to this weight in the first place.

    But let me stop...
  4. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from stormid in My VSG experience in Tijuana from start to finish!   
    I thought I would post up my entire experience with ALM in Tijuana while the details are still fresh in my mind. This will be a bit of a long read, but hopefully someone who is investigating the possibilities will find some useful information, answers to some questions and some reassurances! Here goes:
    I was introduced to the idea of bariatric surgery about 6 months ago during a conversation with a friend, who has been struggling for a few years with a significant (100lbs+) weight gain. I, too, had been gaining weight steadily since losing 100lbs four years ago. She said that if she couldn't lose the weight in the next year, she was "gonna get the gastric surgery" and be done of it. Of course, I had heard about gastric bypasses and lap bands, but I always associated it with Hollywood stars (ie, the very wealthy) or people who were much larger than 250lbs.
    I walked away from that conversation with a seed planted, and over the next few days I began doing some preliminary online research. This was one of the sites I came across at that time. I learned about the different procedures, and researched some of the worst case scenarios associated with each. I researched long term consequences, health outcomes, the effects on women of childbearing age who want to become pregnant, etc. I tried not to get bogged down by only reading positive stories or looking at #vsgbeforeandafter pictures and imagining my weight disappearing effortlessly overnight.
    I decided that this was something that really piqued my interest. I went to my provincial health authority's website (I live in Nova Scotia) and saw that the wait times here for an insurance covered procedure were more than 5 years, as there is only 1 bariatric surgeon in the province. Dismayed, I googled some bariatric centres close to where my above mentioned friend lives (Houston) and saw the procedures ranged from $12,000 USD up to $20,000 USD. There was simply no way I could afford that, even though I travelled to Houston on a weekly basis for work and could stay with my friend free of charge.
    I put the idea out of my head. I thought, "this really IS for rich folks, $28,000 (Canadian dollars) isn't feasible for a normal working person."
    But I kept coming back to pages like this, and others and on one of my google searches a sponsored ad result for ALM popped up at the top of the screen. "Affordable bariatric surgery at a top hospital in Tijuana, Mexico" or something to that effect.
    Intrigued, I clicked through the ad and read the entire content of the page. All the procedures were available, starting in the low $4000s (about $5500 CAD). I'm not naive (in fact, cynical would be a much more appropriate adjective), so I thought "what's the catch?"
    I took note of the doctor's names from ALM's website. I checked them on linked in, I read forums like this one, I entered search terms like "Dr So-So Tijuana deaths" and read well beyond the first page of Google results. I read about ALM, again entering morbid search terms, digging through online forums and basically trying to find that one piece of information where I would say "AHA! Gotcha! Of course that's a terrible idea!"
    I didn't find much. The company seemed legit, plenty of online posts dating back a few years to a few days about people who used their services and had successful operations with the surgeons they work with. This was around June.
    So I sent an email to a link on their page. I explained my personal experiences with weight loss and gain, my concerns about some members of my family and their onset health problems, and asking if I would be a candidate for the procedure at 5'8", fairly muscular and 250lbs. I don't wear plus sized clothing, but I'm at the point where if I gained another 15-20 lbs I would have to.
    I clicked send, and wondered if/when I would hear back and went on with my life. To my surprise, I heard back only an hour later. My coordinator, Crystal, answered my questions thoroughly (I was surprised it wasn't a generic "form" email, thank you for contacting us, don't call us - we'll call you blah blah blah). We opened a line of communication back and forth, and I felt pretty confident with the answers I was getting.
    So now I was getting excited. Possibilities. What seemed unattainable just a few weeks earlier was now suddenly in reach. It was time to discuss my findings with my wife. I chewed this over in my head, how to bring it up, was I ready to answer her questions, should I nerd out with all the info I had learned, or should I nonchalantly just throw it out there?
    I brought it up, and she was surprised but open minded. I explained all the options I had looked into, and what, exactly, a vertical sleeve gastrecromy is and isn't. She listened to my spiel, and said "Okay. Would I qualify for the procedure?".
    She is not fat, but has lost and gained 60lbs in the past few years and has an obese parent with diabetes. Her BMI was 32 when we had this conversation, and she wears size 12 jeans.
    We emailed Crystal with her concerns and questions, and again, she got right back to us. She emailed us forms and questionnaires for the doctor's review and we set to filling them out.
    We were on holidays for most of July, and when we returned we set a date, Oct 27 and paid our $500 each deposit to hold that date.
    In early August, it seemed like an eternity but since we both travel for work and work 70 hours a week, we knew the time would surely pass. We talked about little else but how excited we were. How we were going to do everything right, get back to the gym, change our lives and how this would help us when we start our family in a few years. We booked plane tickets. We changed companies in September, which was a welcome distraction from all the VSG this and VSG that.
    Starting about 3 weeks prior to our travel dates, we started receiving emails from Cindy Rios, an RN who works with (for?) ALM regarding diet, lifestyle changes, phases of the surgery recovery and suggestions for streamlining and making the most of our pending surgeries.
    We had quit caffeine and carbonated drinks in August, in a bid to make it easier down the road. We went to costco and loaded up on Premier Protein (like a shopping cart full) because we are on the road with work and didn't want to be short on supplies and maybe tempted to cheat. We didn't do "food funerals" in the same way I wouldn't attend the funeral of a nemesis or adversary who had stolen some of my life and made me unhappy with who I was. We bought enough salad to get us through the work week when we were home each week.
    The pre-op diet was easy, for the most part. Not wanting to risk enlarging our livers with excess carbs and losing our hard earned money if the surgery couldn't be completed made it easier. We had a supply of Keto-strips from previous ketogenic dieting and made sure we were staying in ketosis throughout the entire time.
    We flew out of Nova Scotia at 5am on the 26th. We arrived at the San Diego airport before noon (4 hour time difference) after changing planes in Toronto.
    We had a text message waiting for us when we landed from our driver, asking what our schedule looked like. We told him we were on the ground, and just waiting to deplane and on our way. We received a call immediately saying they would pick us up at the cab stand at Terminal 1 in about an hour. We carried on our luggage (not wanting to risk the airline losing our luggage with multiple connections) so we strolled from Terminal 2 down to Terminal 1. We received a text message with a picture of the driver's license, Rafael and his personal information.
    When an hour came and went, I sent a text asking where he was and got a call right back. He was stuck in traffic at the border, but wouldn't be much longer. We got a description of the van he was driving so we knew who to watch for.
    He arrived not much longer, and we picked up 2 other people on the way. We made our introductions and were off on I5 towards Mexico.
    Rafael informed us that because we had landed quite early, we would head straight to Mi Doctor Hospital and do our preoperarion check ups instead of waiting for surgery day.
    The hospital is literally 5 mins from the border. Rafael took us from place to place in the hospital, and stayed with us the entire time.
    First we had blood taken for a full work up. Next, we went for an EKG to monitor heart function. I then met with Dr Elias Ortiz in his office, as I was the first surgery of the day the next morning. My wife filled out paperwork upstairs, and after my meeting with Dr Ortiz, I filled out the same paperwork. All the paperwork is in English and Spanish, so you'll sign everything twice. I was the only patient to meet Dr Ortiz that afternoon, as he would meet with the others during the day between surgeries.
    I asked him to visually inspect my gallbladder, as I have a family history of gall bladder disease and he said he couldn't see if there stones, but the general health would be evident. I asked him about taking Advil (i take a HUGE dose of Advil once a month for period cramps) and he assured me that NSAIDs would not be an issue once the sleeve was healed. I have an alternative medication, but I don't take it because it causes drowsiness and he assured me that it was fine until I can handle NSAIDs again.
    He was friendly, knowledgable, and overall seemed like a really friendly fellow. I felt like I was in good hands.
    Rafael was waiting for us when everything was signed, and we piled into the van to head to the hotel.
    We stayed at the Grand Hotel Tijuana, which was about 10 mins by van from the hospital. Rafael ushered us through the lobby and into the elevators to the 11th floor. He collected our IDs and did the check in process on the medical floor while we lounged and admired the view. Rafael told us what time we would each be picked up the next morning, 5:40am for my wife and I. One by one, we got our rooms and he passed us off the concierges to take us to our rooms.
    The medical rooms were nice - spacious bathroom and shower, we had a king size bed and several pillows each. ALM provides each patient with 3 room service orders of broth, - sugar free popsicle and a glass of apple juice. We ordered twice and it arrived promptly. I skipped the juice, because I had worked so hard at cutting all the sugar out of my diet and I wasn't going to reindulge the night before the surgery. We were pretty tired from the flying, and even though it was only 6pm in Tijuana, it was 10pm at home and we had been at the airport for 3am. So we enjoyed our broth, watched some Netflix on the iPad and went to sleep.< /p>
    We had to bring our luggage to the hospital the next morning, as we weren't returning to the same room after the procedure and would be staying 2 nights at Mi Doctor.
    We got up at 4, had a shower and packed up our things. We met Rafael downstairs in the lobby and headed over to the hospital. We were greeted there by a nurse who gave us compression socks and gowns and told us to change into them. We changed, and the nurse came back in to put in the IV. She said it would be a little while before doctors were ready for us, so we puttered around the room and waited.
    A series of doctors from the surgical team came in, we shook hands, saw pictures of their kids and talked a little about how the day would progress. I was first up, and my wife was second on the lineup. They explained that after surgery, I would be wheeled into a recovery room right beside the OR and would be waking up just as my wife was coming out of her surgery before we were both moved into our room upstairs.
    After what seemed like eternity (maybe 4 hours, from the time we arrived) a knock came at the door. A nurse sat me in a wheelchair and I was brought upstairs to the OR. My wife was lead shortly after I left to our room upstairs. While in the room, nurses were in and out to hang some signs over our hospital beds and get it ready for us. They moved our luggage in for us, and she waited for her knock on the door.
    When I was wheeled into the OR, I was given a hairnet and booties and told to untie my gown from the back and hop up on the OR table. I was wearing underwear, but no bra and nothing was said (many people seem to have concerns about this). I was never asked to remove them or asked if I was on my period.
    The doctors I had met that morning were all there in their scrubs, and we had a grand chat about my work, including lots of questions from them. The anesthesiologist was busy hooking this and that up, and he said I would feel a bit woozy as he injected something into my IV. I felt elated, ecstatic and silly all at the same time. I was still chatting animatedly with all the guys when the anesthesiologist put a mask over my mouth and nose. I do not remember anything after that point.
    I awoke in the room outside the OR (although I didn't know that at the time) and immediately tried to sit up. I had some pains under my collar bones, and looking down I could see the row of incisions on my belly. I remember asking for wife, was she ok? Yes, they said, she is fine and right beside me. I looked over at her, and then asked "did you do the surgery?" (As if the incisions weren't proof enough) and they said "yes, you did great and your wife too!" Then I went back to sleep.
    When I was brought out of the OR and still under, my wife was summoned from our room to the OR. She sat with Dr Ortiz who informed her that my surgery had gone just fine, and that I was still in the OR preparing to be moved to recovery. They chatted about what would happen after her surgery, and she was brought into the other OR to be anesthetitized. While laying on the table, the anesethesiologist said "you look nervous, I'm going to give you something to relax and then we'll chat about what comes next." That's the last thing she remembers.
    I vaguely remember being bumped around off one bed and on to another. This was in our room. It was still light outside, and I immediately went to sleep. I awoke shortly after when they brought my wife to our room, and I was very relieved to see her sleeping soundly in the next bed. We both slept for what I can only assume is a few hours.
    I awoke suddenly and was incredibly nauseated. I tried to take a deep breath, but my shoulders were hurting and I couldn't breathe deeply. I vomited in my mouth, and threw myself out of bed to the bathroom and spit it in the toilet. It was dark coloured blood, which would have been alarming if I hadn't been so medicated. Feeling better, I went back to bed.
    A nurse woke us up to check our vitals, and change the IV bags of medication. I asked about the bloody vomit and was told it's completely normal. They gave us an IV shot for nausea and we drifted off to sleep again.
    This process was repeated every few hours (not the vomiting) until the next day. They brought some warm bags to place on my shoulders, the left of which was developing a very sharp pain.
    I had some pain in my stomache, like a hunger pain right before your stomache rumbles when it's empty, except it would not rumble. Just a twisting, painful sensation.
    I didn't have my watch or phone and had no idea what time of the day or night it was. The time difference made it impossible to guess, but I was feeling wide awake. I could sit up in bed, albeit with some pain, and took stock of my surroundings.
    It was a good sized room, there was some free space to walk around the side of the bed and to foot with a private bathroom and shower in the room. A nurse came in and told us to take a shower, and they would change the dressing on our incisions and we would get dressed in our own clothes.
    For the rest of that day (day 2), we walked a little inside the hospital, took a few walks outside and wandered around the parking lot (dragging an IV tree) and I tried to walk off the pain in my shoulder. The other shoulder felt fine, but the pain on the left side was making it difficult to draw breaths.
    We relaxed in our room, played on our phones and chatted. Shoulder pain aside, we were feeling pretty good and mobile. My IV stopped working (unfortunately after they injected a nauseau shot into it, which swelled my hand up a bit). They switched hands for the IV, but my blood kept clotting inside the port and they had to keep cleaning it out to get the IV working. Finally, they asked me if I was feeling ok and just took the IV out, so I was pain med free.
    The doctor came in to remove the drains the night before we were to be discharged. It was mildly uncomfortable coming out, but my shoulder pain disappeared immediately. We were bandaged up, and told that we would meet at 7:30am the next day to meet for aftercare instructions. We were both brought downstairs for an X-ray leak test with the radiologist, which both showed no leaks.
    Dr Ortiz came in and told us that our organs looked great and healthy when he did the surgery, and that we had obviously followed the preop diet closely and that he appreciated it, as it makes his job easier. We thanked him and shook hands, and did not see him again.
    About 20 mins after, I noticed a bloodstain on my inner left arm, but I was wearing a dark coloured t-shirt and could not see that my drain wound had bled through the bandages. A nurse came in right then, and I lifted up my shirt to look for the bleeding. She immediately changed the bandages, but about 5 minutes later it bled through again.
    This happened 5 times, using a variety of pressure banding and trying to close the drain with bandages before a call was made to a doctor.
    A doctor in scrubs appeared shortly after, and she lifted off the bandages to check me out. She was surprised that the drain hole was still bleeding and decided to stitch it up. She put in 3 stitches, which immediately stopped the bleeding and bandaged me back up. I told her that I suspected the drain wasn't working properly, since the drain balloon was full of large clots and my IV had been clotting, and told her about the intense pain in my shoulder that had dissipated as soon as the drain was removed. She agreed that it had probably gotten blocked and caused some buildup and pressure, but there was nothing to worry about.
    We walked, talked, napped through the night and arose at 6:30 for our morning meeting. We showered, had our bandages changed and packed our bags to head downstairs.
    During the meeting, we all received a little purple reusable shopping bag with some medications, copies of our blood work and leak test paperwork, as well as some ALM goodies, like a tshirt, button, pen and bumper sticker.
    We were all shuttled over the Grand, and has a debrief while waiting for our new room assignments. It was about 9am, and we had a tour of TJ lined up at noon. We weren't sure if we would go, as the time change was really messing with our sleep schedule and we had been up most of the night. We got to our room, and decided we'd set the alarm for 2 hours and if we felt well, we'd go. Sure enough, a 2 hour solid nap did the trick and we headed out for the tour.
    Rafael drove the bus with about a dozen patients and friends of patients. We went to a place with tasty ice cream (I was a bit nervous, since ice cream isn't exactly "clear liquids", but I ate a few mouthfuls anyway). I ordered the tiniest child size and couldn't get through half of it.
    Next they took us to a pharmacy where the pharmacist gave a very entertaining presentation of all the medications they recommend for bariatric patients. B12 shots, pain killers, half a dozen kinds of antibiotics, anti diarreah, medicine for nauseau, and a whole host of others. He wrote prescriptions for whichever medecines you were choosing, so as to not cause problems crossing the border back into the USA. Everyone was filling up baskets, and even getting some of their medications from home unrelated to the surgery like Ritalin, Valium and Viagara.
    We then went to the "main drag", where lots of tourists buy trinkets, get pictures with brightly coloured backgrounds set up and eat tacos (if they haven't just had surgery, of course). We were supposed to go to a restaurant that serves excellent broth afterwards, but there was a mixup with times and they were closed so we went back to the hotel. We were pretty tired, and basically just lounged around the room and had some broth and went to bed.
    The next day, we had nothing lined up through ALM so we found our own action. We got dressed, changed our bandages and headed out into the sunshine. There is a restaurant across th street, Fonda Argentine that we had read online serves excellent broth. The door was open, and we stood inside at the maitre'd stand for about 10 minutes. Employees were sitting at a table, looked at us and turned their backs and refused to acknowledge us so we left.
    All together, we walked about 2 miles around the neighbourhood, checked out the little ice cream stand again, and stopped by a little grocery store on the way to the hotel. We purchased a few of those "3 minute lunch" cups, where you just add Water to ramen noodles. We got some spicy beef and chicken ones, and microwaved them at the hotel in the medical floor lobby. We strained the broth out, and it was a welcome and delicious change from the bland chicken broth at the hotel.
    The next day was our travel day, and we met Jack at 11am in front the Grand. There were 2 others who were there with their daughter heading to San Diego with us. Their flight was at 3pm, ours was at 6pm. It took about an hour and a half to get to the airport, which was much faster than we had expected.
    We printed our boarding passes for the 3 flights home, and left the airport to take a trolley tour of San Diego. It was about $40 each, and took 2 hours. You could hop on and off at any of the stops, but we were anxious to get back in time in case security was busy.
    There is an excellent little restaurant past security at terminal 2 called Saffron that sells delicious chicken broth. We got a cup of broth to go each, and boarded our first flight home. LAX had absolutely nothing that could pass as "clear liquids", it was all burger joints and pubs and none even had Soup on the menu, so we just walked the entire 2 hour layover. We did stop and have a glass of cranberry juice. We clocked about 3 miles of walking that day, and that included carrying our backpacks everywhere (remember, we carried on our luggage) and we were feeling great.
    We had the same problem with lack of hot food options in Newark, the only place that serves soup didn't have any soup ready at 7:30am. So we wandered around the tiny terminal, just getting some walking in.
    On our way home from the airport yesterday, we ran errands in a few stores, stocking up on broths and Soups we can strain for the next phase of our diet, starting tomorrow. I was in the kitchen all afternoon making a huge pot of butternut squash soup and a spinach dip with soup like consistency to portion up for work later this week.
    Tomorrow we are back to our regular schedule!
    If you're still with me, I hope this will help someone who is thirsty for the details on how this all works! Ask me anything, I'll do my best to answer it!
  5. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from Blueyesnca16 in Tips to minimize saggy skin before/after WLS   
    I'm curious about your statement at the end about Atkins not being healthy for the body? The Atkins plan is a high fat, moderate Protein and low carb diet - which is similar to what many WLS patients follow.
    Eating low carb diets have been shown to improve cardiovascular health, regulate blood sugar and insulin in diabetics and non diabetics, promote weight loss and the list goes on.
    Fats are essential for health. Protein is essential for health. Did you know that your liver produces 280g of glucose (carbs) per day? Or that your lover also has the ability to create glucose out of excess protein (gluconeogensis)? Eating carbs is absolutely not required, not even a minimal amount. Your body is able to produce all the glucose it needs from or cellular and brain function without ever eating any sugar.
  6. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in Tips to minimize saggy skin before/after WLS   
    Your skin is an organ, and like every organ is requires certain nutrients to flourish and maintain health.
    Dietary fat is an essential component to maintaining healthy skin. Saturated fats especially.
    My mom has a cousin who has followed the low fat no saturated fat mantra for many years. My mom, a pharmacist, never bought into that craze and has always consumed red meats and real butter (she told us margarine has more chemicals than paint growing up).
    They are almost the same age, and both quite slim in their 60s. The huge difference is that my mom has smooth skin, tans easily and almost no wrinkles. Her cousin is very pale and has tissue paper like skin, and is quite wrinkly. My mom looks 20 years younger.
  7. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from olivejuice in Extreme fullness   
    Everyone's plan is different, but there was no eating whatsoever on mine until 7 full days after surgery. After 7 days of Water only it was onto fuller liquids.
    I didn't have a problem drinking my Water after surgery and didn't drink beyond the point where I felt full (for fear of getting heartburn or throwing up).
  8. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to heidikat72 in The Statistics are not in our favor? (According to my worried Dad)   
    With all due respect, your father doesn't understand how to interpret statistics associated with potential complications - you don't just simply add them up to arrive at a "total".
    If he truly read the article you reference with an OPEN mind, he would have seen that for nausea and dehydration - the article itself even says this is when patients aren't getting in enough fluids. This is why the bariatric programs and the vets on this forum always always always stress how important it is to meet your Fluid intake goals. Seriously, getting in your fluids those first few weeks is YOUR JOB - even if it takes you 18hrs a day of constant sipping, DO IT. Drinking will get easier as the swelling goes down and you can drink more normally (rather than teeny tiny sips). But it is always important to track your Fluid intake and make sure you are getting enough.
    As for GERD - it does happen but often is temporary - and most bariatric programs will have you on a PPI for a couple months. You may need to have your dosage adjusted, you may need to stay on it longer - but as long as you work with your bariatric team on this and don't ignore the symptoms, it is manageable.
    Gallstones - yep this is a common one. And yes, a gallstone attack can be excruciatingly painful. But you know what? I'd still rather have a couple gallstone attacks and get my gallbladder removed if needed than deal with all the other LIFELONG and LIFE THREATENING side effects of obesity. Oh and guess what, there's a good chance you could end up with gallstones at some point even if you don't have WLS.
    Strictures - there are people on this forum who have had a stricture. Perhaps one of them can weigh in here. I believe at least some of them have been able to have it corrected/managed and still don't regret the surgery one bit.
    Deep vein thrombosis - a risk with any surgery honestly especially when your mobility may not be great immediately following. This is especially true with obese patients who already have mobility issues and/or aren't active. Many programs assess your risk for this based on your current condition and family history of blood clots. Based on this, it may be recommended to have an IVC filter put in your leg temporarily - the filter will catch any clots that form and migrate before they reach your lungs and lead to a pulmonary embolism. The more common approach is to administer blood thinner injections for a couple weeks after surgery. And to walk walk walk walk walk as much as you can post op - the more active you are, the less the change of a blot developing in the first place!
    Nutritional deficiency - this is why you take Vitamins, calcium/vitamin D supplements and B12 supplements. Why you focus on Protein first, followed by veggies then fruit and lastly starches. And why you get your blood work checked regularly post op so that any deficiencies can be treated before they become a problem. For instance on my program, that means blood work at 3, 6, 9, 12 18 and 24 months post op and annually thereafter. Also, with the sleeve you don't have the malabsorption associated with the bypass. Your Vitamin supplementation is due to the reduced volume intake. And I know personally many sleeve patients who once they are a couple years out have been able to cut back to supplementing with just one Multivitamin a day.
    I am guessing he thinks the forums are a joke because they don't support his pre-conceived negativity regarding this surgery? What exactly does he think your other options are and what are the "stats" associated with those options? His scare tactics are disgusting. Would he rather your life be shortened and your quality of life be miserable with the obesity? Have you really told him truthfully and completely the impact the obesity has on your life?
    At the end of the day - you are a 46 year old woman. You don't need daddy to sign off on your surgery. I understand wanting family emotional support - but if you don't get it, you can still go ahead with surgery. This is a decision to be made between you and your medical team. Is dad willing to go to an appointment with your medical team and hear directly from them? Ask about the complications, how they can be mitigated and what their practice's actual complication rate is? Or is he so stuck in his negativity that he wouldn't listen to the medical professionals either?
  9. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in Tips to minimize saggy skin before/after WLS   
    Your skin is an organ, and like every organ is requires certain nutrients to flourish and maintain health.
    Dietary fat is an essential component to maintaining healthy skin. Saturated fats especially.
    My mom has a cousin who has followed the low fat no saturated fat mantra for many years. My mom, a pharmacist, never bought into that craze and has always consumed red meats and real butter (she told us margarine has more chemicals than paint growing up).
    They are almost the same age, and both quite slim in their 60s. The huge difference is that my mom has smooth skin, tans easily and almost no wrinkles. Her cousin is very pale and has tissue paper like skin, and is quite wrinkly. My mom looks 20 years younger.
  10. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from RJrocks in Nervous and my Dad is NOT helping matters any   
    I have a few links here that discuss the various mechanisms involved:
    On the process and mechanics of weight regain after loss:
    On the ever advancing field of epigenetics, or how gene expressions are altered by diet, weight loss and excercise:
    Regarding the claim that there is a 3-4 year period before your genotype adjusts towards that of a non obese person, I learned that from a podcast with a bariatric physician who treats 15,000+ patients per year with a ketogenic diet. I will try to find which episode it was, the podcast is called Keto Talk if you're interested.
  11. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from Malin in Husband says he doesn't like skinny women...WTH!   
    My $.02:
    In our society, we choose who we will go through life with. Our marriages are not arranged, we do not receive divine intervention from a higher power that pushes us together with anyone. Only we choose who will walk beside us in life, and eventually death.
    The second it occurred to me that my chosen partner in life was secretly hoping I would fail for the sake of winning an argument ("I told you so!") I would be choosing to walk alone. It's easier to walk on your own than to be dragging someone else along.
  12. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in Tips to minimize saggy skin before/after WLS   
    Your skin is an organ, and like every organ is requires certain nutrients to flourish and maintain health.
    Dietary fat is an essential component to maintaining healthy skin. Saturated fats especially.
    My mom has a cousin who has followed the low fat no saturated fat mantra for many years. My mom, a pharmacist, never bought into that craze and has always consumed red meats and real butter (she told us margarine has more chemicals than paint growing up).
    They are almost the same age, and both quite slim in their 60s. The huge difference is that my mom has smooth skin, tans easily and almost no wrinkles. Her cousin is very pale and has tissue paper like skin, and is quite wrinkly. My mom looks 20 years younger.
  13. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from suzzzzz in 6 month follow-up visit   
    This is great to hear! I'm considering the vitamin patches because taking Vitamins orally is not sitting well in my stomach yet, so it's good to know that they are keeping your markers healthy!
  14. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to sill21 in Can't imagine being full   
    Thanks everyone. I'm really sticking to this pre op diet but only because I know there's light at the end of tunnel. Your stories are motivating.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from suzzzzz in 6 month follow-up visit   
    This is great to hear! I'm considering the vitamin patches because taking Vitamins orally is not sitting well in my stomach yet, so it's good to know that they are keeping your markers healthy!
  16. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to ShelterDog64 in 6 month follow-up visit   
    I had my 6 month follow-up (I'm at 5.5 mos) visit yesterday with my surgical team. I've lost 76 lbs, and all my labs came back PERFECT I've been using GENEPRO for supplementing and PatchMD vitamin patches and clearly both are doing a great job for me. When I had surgery, I was still mildly anemic from a long 5 years of severe iron-deficiency anemia and I was taking vit D supplements for a vit D deficiency. The Patches have corrected the anemia and my vit D levels have stayed where they were with oral supplementation.
    All in all, it was great...blood Protein levels are right where they should be, Calcium and Iron were perfect and I continue to have good energy and am steadily losing still. Just wanted to share my good news
  17. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Food Funeral   
    No funeral is necessary. food did not die.
    You can eat the same food post surgery in smaller portions and for some, just less frequently.
    It is up to you, but IMHO, why do the behaviors that made us obese in the first place.
  18. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from mummyoche in Food Funeral   
    Imagine instead of a food problem, you have an alcohol problem. Your drinking is causing health problems and relationship issues. Your insurance has just approved you for a procedure that will (with your cooperation) offer you a chance to get right and start getting healthy. Your procedure is scheduled for a few weeks from now.
    Do you spend the next few weeks getting smashed and bidding farewell to wine, gin, vodka, whiskey, lager, IPAs, porters and wheat beers?
    Or do you start your part (remember, it only works if you're willing to make it work) early, and try to get a jumpstart on this golden opportunity to turn your life around?
  19. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from Djmohr in Long Night....   
    There's not much positive that can be said about experimenting with OTC and preascription drugs as a teenager, but I guess one positive thing I learned is that anything with acetaminophen in it is be avoided for recreational purposes.
    I hope you are all getting some form of support, either from each other or from your family and friends during this difficult time. Whatever the outcome, you know where to find a sympathetic ear from people who care about you (right here). Remember to take care of yourself, even when it's the furthest thing from your mind - your loved ones will need you, and you deserve it.
  20. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from Malin in Husband says he doesn't like skinny women...WTH!   
    My $.02:
    In our society, we choose who we will go through life with. Our marriages are not arranged, we do not receive divine intervention from a higher power that pushes us together with anyone. Only we choose who will walk beside us in life, and eventually death.
    The second it occurred to me that my chosen partner in life was secretly hoping I would fail for the sake of winning an argument ("I told you so!") I would be choosing to walk alone. It's easier to walk on your own than to be dragging someone else along.
  21. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from Louisa Latela in Beliefs Stopping You From Maintaining Weight Loss   
    I would like to add that a substantial number of people are just not willing to give up the foods that contributed to their obesity in the first place.
    How many times do we read "I didn't get this done so I could be on a diet for the rest of my life!" and people who are basically waiting out their weight loss (or sabotaging it) so they can reindulge in their staple comfort foods.
    The holiday poats are already streaming in: "Can I eat (insert off plan food here) at Christmas? It won't be Christmas unless I have Grandma's (insert confectionery items here). Everyone else will be enjoying (insert junk food here) and I just CAN'T resist!"
  22. Like
    Hammer_Down reacted to Louisa Latela in Beliefs Stopping You From Maintaining Weight Loss   
    So True.. Until one can stop seeing "not eating certain foods" as deprivation and value the freedom that comes from "not eating them" or eating differently i.e. the freedom to move easier, to breathe easier to have more energy, etc... they struggle with disappointment and maintain that diet mentality. If one believes they can't resist that will be true for them. Though that doesn't mean that once in a while one can't have some of Grandma's Cookies... Its important to plan ahead for the Holidays.... that's a whole other article . Thank you for your response...
  23. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from OutsideMatchInside in Tips to minimize saggy skin before/after WLS   
    Your skin is an organ, and like every organ is requires certain nutrients to flourish and maintain health.
    Dietary fat is an essential component to maintaining healthy skin. Saturated fats especially.
    My mom has a cousin who has followed the low fat no saturated fat mantra for many years. My mom, a pharmacist, never bought into that craze and has always consumed red meats and real butter (she told us margarine has more chemicals than paint growing up).
    They are almost the same age, and both quite slim in their 60s. The huge difference is that my mom has smooth skin, tans easily and almost no wrinkles. Her cousin is very pale and has tissue paper like skin, and is quite wrinkly. My mom looks 20 years younger.
  24. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from Malin in "The last supper" syndrome?   
    I was so motivated about WLS and paid out of pocket for it. I had my preop diet plan a few weeks before I was to start, and I found myself questioning all of my food choices against my diet plans for pre/post op.
    I actually ended up basically doing preop for a few weeks longer than I needed to. I had great results during the actual 2 weeks of preop, I was down 14lbs in 14 days going into surgery.
    It helped me break the connection/addiction to foods I know I shouldn't be having. Slipping and eating junk food will not help me "get it out of my system", but will actually just foster more cravings in a similar way that getting wasted the nigh before checking into rehab won't make rehab any easier.
  25. Like
    Hammer_Down got a reaction from KeepCalm in "The last supper" syndrome?   
    I've had to accept that cheese as a garnish is okay for me, but cheese as a meal is a surefire way to totally stop my weight loss. The good news is that I can live on cheese and not gain a pound, but it's definitely not a losing food for me.
    This was my very first personal discovery WAAAY back when I first started Atkins after gaining to a new high after quitting smoking. I lost the expected 10% of total body mass during induction, but then stayed stalled for 6 weeks as I gradually eliminated sweeteners, caffeine and all nut products before I realized it was the cheese all along.
    It's a darn shame, because I absolutely love all cheeses. More proof that we shouldn't always "listen to our bodies" when they crave something.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
