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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    2ndSpring got a reaction from gryffen in almost outed at work....by HR of all people   
    I work in HR. Regardless of her intentions, her behavior is unethical and unprofessional. It is shocking that an HR professional would violate such a trust. This is not a peer that you told a secret to. Discretion is part of her job.
    The fact that it may have been unintentional means that her department is inadequately trained on privacy laws and case law.
    You would be doing her department head a favor by bringing this breach to their attention so they can arrange training for their whole team. I would also question the department head on the internal controls within HR - who has access to your medical records? everyone in HR?. That seems a little lax to me as well.
  2. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from gryffen in almost outed at work....by HR of all people   
    I work in HR. Regardless of her intentions, her behavior is unethical and unprofessional. It is shocking that an HR professional would violate such a trust. This is not a peer that you told a secret to. Discretion is part of her job.
    The fact that it may have been unintentional means that her department is inadequately trained on privacy laws and case law.
    You would be doing her department head a favor by bringing this breach to their attention so they can arrange training for their whole team. I would also question the department head on the internal controls within HR - who has access to your medical records? everyone in HR?. That seems a little lax to me as well.
  3. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from suzzzzz in Travel 2 weeks post op   
    I guess the first question is, are you going to tell all of your friends? At 2 weeks post-surgery, you will need to tell them because your are going to need a lot of understanding and support from them.
    Some challenges I can think of that you'll need to be prepared for.....
    Someone will need to lift your luggage because you will have a 5 pound limit. Whether driving or flying, you will need to get up and walk at least once an hour to prevent blood clots (increased risk for the first month after surgery). You will need to carry Water with you at all times to stay hydrated because you can only sip small quantities at a time and you need to sip constantly to get in the 64 oz by the end of the day. Finding Protein based food for the soft/mushy stage will be a major challenge in restaurants, and you don't want to resort to carbs. You'll need to avoid alcohol. You may not be in pain, but you may still be really tired and need to take naps or rest. It takes a while to get your energy back while you are healing. All in all, you can probably make it work as long as you have supportive friends.
    Good luck!
  4. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from suzzzzz in Travel 2 weeks post op   
    I guess the first question is, are you going to tell all of your friends? At 2 weeks post-surgery, you will need to tell them because your are going to need a lot of understanding and support from them.
    Some challenges I can think of that you'll need to be prepared for.....
    Someone will need to lift your luggage because you will have a 5 pound limit. Whether driving or flying, you will need to get up and walk at least once an hour to prevent blood clots (increased risk for the first month after surgery). You will need to carry Water with you at all times to stay hydrated because you can only sip small quantities at a time and you need to sip constantly to get in the 64 oz by the end of the day. Finding Protein based food for the soft/mushy stage will be a major challenge in restaurants, and you don't want to resort to carbs. You'll need to avoid alcohol. You may not be in pain, but you may still be really tired and need to take naps or rest. It takes a while to get your energy back while you are healing. All in all, you can probably make it work as long as you have supportive friends.
    Good luck!
  5. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from gryffen in almost outed at work....by HR of all people   
    I work in HR. Regardless of her intentions, her behavior is unethical and unprofessional. It is shocking that an HR professional would violate such a trust. This is not a peer that you told a secret to. Discretion is part of her job.
    The fact that it may have been unintentional means that her department is inadequately trained on privacy laws and case law.
    You would be doing her department head a favor by bringing this breach to their attention so they can arrange training for their whole team. I would also question the department head on the internal controls within HR - who has access to your medical records? everyone in HR?. That seems a little lax to me as well.
  6. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from workerbeemama26 in Carbs Post Op   
    For me, I am finding that low carb works to keep cravings away. I eat vegetables, fruit and Beans as my carb sources.
    When I eat this way, I am easily able to ignore foods that once would have consumed my every waking thought until I ate them and then ran out to the store for more.
  7. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from gryffen in almost outed at work....by HR of all people   
    I work in HR. Regardless of her intentions, her behavior is unethical and unprofessional. It is shocking that an HR professional would violate such a trust. This is not a peer that you told a secret to. Discretion is part of her job.
    The fact that it may have been unintentional means that her department is inadequately trained on privacy laws and case law.
    You would be doing her department head a favor by bringing this breach to their attention so they can arrange training for their whole team. I would also question the department head on the internal controls within HR - who has access to your medical records? everyone in HR?. That seems a little lax to me as well.
  8. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from gryffen in almost outed at work....by HR of all people   
    I work in HR. Regardless of her intentions, her behavior is unethical and unprofessional. It is shocking that an HR professional would violate such a trust. This is not a peer that you told a secret to. Discretion is part of her job.
    The fact that it may have been unintentional means that her department is inadequately trained on privacy laws and case law.
    You would be doing her department head a favor by bringing this breach to their attention so they can arrange training for their whole team. I would also question the department head on the internal controls within HR - who has access to your medical records? everyone in HR?. That seems a little lax to me as well.
  9. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Dear Fairy Godmother or Santa...   
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    2ndSpring reacted to James Marusek in The emotional roller coaster   
    It is common to experience emotional problems after surgery. Some of this is due to the fact that fat cells contain chemicals and hormones that are dumped into your system as they dissolve away. This can flood your system with hormones and you can experience a hormonal dump. These hormones are flushed through your system, your kidney and eventually expelled in your urine. It take fluids to make this process work properly. Therefore remember to meet your daily Fluid requirements.
  11. Like
    2ndSpring reacted to Nymea in Intermittent Fasting   
    I have been following Low Carb diet for the last 6 weeks because I have stopped taking insulin and diabetic meds. The low carb diet keeps my sugars in the safe zone. I find that I can keep my sugars good if I stick to less than 50g of carb a day and spread it out so I don't eat more than 15g in a single sitting. I have just begun (in the last 3 weeks) some intermittent fasting ... I chose the 24 hour fast twice a week method which is one of Dr. Jason Fung's options.
    Low carb and intermittent fasting is okay for diabetics who are NOT on insulin or tablets that stimulate insulin production. The suggestion by most doctors that recommend low carb or intermittent fasting is to get supervision by your medical practitioner if you are on any medication at all ... even blood pressure pills because they will all need to be titrated according to how your body reacts to the diet.
    Dr Jason Fung has a series of interesting lectures on intermittent fasting along with a book or two. Dr Westerman has some interesting videos on low carb dieting ... so does Dr Michael Mosley, Dr Chatterjee, Dr. Robert Lustig and Dr Andreas Eenfeldt. Many of these doctors treat diabetics and understand the problems faced by them. Just make sure you have good medical support locally before you try any of their suggestions.
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    2ndSpring reacted to shedo82773 in Intermittent Fasting   
    Good info!! My hubby and I have started ( mostly him because I am at maintance) but it sure seems to be working for him. I had no doubt that he would do well because when we did Atkins he lost bunches myself not 1 ounce!! But the practice is low carb high fat and Protein. Now I just can't wrap my mind around full-fat everything and Bullet Proof coffee. It just isn't in me after dieting my whole life. Ok now for what I have learned, the carb cycling isn't recommended until you are in Ketosis, or been doing the Keto diet for awhile and or on maintenance. Heck, they have what they call FAT BOMBS!!! Now I did try the BPC with this MEGA BUTTER FAT STUFF!! I took 1 sip and almost lost it. GROSS but I found out how to get started with it and it isn't half bad. I can tell you that all of the groceries we bought are so costly!! I don't see someone with a family to be able to do this program. High calorie also. But because of having WLS it's taken into consideration. The prep was so stressful. I really don't care for leftovers so it would be very hard for me to follow to closely. That is ok hubby is doing great. He has lost 14#'s in a week and 1/2. YAY!!!
  13. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from kharvey2021 in What did you put in your bag?   
    I didn't use 90% of what I brought.
    The pain meds make you so sleepy and you don't care about anything. I walked around in the hospital gown and hospital socks - even though I brought my own stuff!
    The only things i used were Chapstick and my phone/charger. The nurses gave me the little sponges on a stick for dry mouth which I wound up liking so much more than the Biotene, (which I thought made too much saliva that i had to swallow).
  14. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Intermittent Fasting   
    @@Treadmillwalker, what timing!!
    I just watched a youtube video this morning about reduced calories leading to increased longevity. As part of the video, they explored intermittent fasting and reduction of meal frequency. They also talked about the trap of maintaining blood glucose levels through frequent meals.
    They published a quote (I didn't catch who said it) "We live on 1/4 of the food we eat and our doctors live on the other 3/4"
    Very interesting topic.
  15. Like
    2ndSpring reacted to Treadmillwalker in Binging before surgery   
    I went through a bariatric center of excellence, and my surgeon and insurance required six months of classes, monthly weigh in, psych evaluation, etc. I yo yo during this period. The day of my surgery I was down 10 pounds from my first class. The nurse said the surgeon would be okay with that number, but would not accept a gain. I asked if he would have cancelled and she said, "he has before."
    WLS does not replace willpower, self discipline, eating healthy, etc. You won't be successful if you don't get your arms around it. Don't think, I will never have pizza again. Instead think, in the future I will be satisfied with a couple bites of pizza, ice cream, etc. You are not dying, but instead going to be reborn into a healthier you.
    Banded 10/12/16
  16. Like
    2ndSpring reacted to Malin in Sugar free stuff   
    Totally agree, once I'm cleared for real food, I'm not keeping artificial stuff around. Moderation, portion sizes will be my focus. I'm looking at the quality of foods and how REAL they are. You're not alone in your concerns on the chemicals we put in our bodies. The book Skinny Bitch made me into an overnight Vegan after reading it. Oh that phase didn't last but it opened my eyes to the CRAP we put in our foods!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from kharvey2021 in What did you put in your bag?   
    I didn't use 90% of what I brought.
    The pain meds make you so sleepy and you don't care about anything. I walked around in the hospital gown and hospital socks - even though I brought my own stuff!
    The only things i used were Chapstick and my phone/charger. The nurses gave me the little sponges on a stick for dry mouth which I wound up liking so much more than the Biotene, (which I thought made too much saliva that i had to swallow).
  18. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Eaumond in Pre-op diet starts today (help)   
    Don't worry about these few short weeks. They suck - - but it is for a good reason and you can get through anything when when you know it is temporary. After a few days, your body will settle down a bit and adapt. It doesn't get easy, but you wont be so on edge. The key for me was to let go and roll with it.
    And don't worry... post-surgery is totally different. Just keep reminding yourself that your goal is to reduce your surgery risks and make the procedure easy for the surgeon.
    You got this.
  19. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from suzzzzz in Calcium Supplements and Eating Dairy   
    I have done a lot of research on this topic and agree with @Bufflehead. There is scant scientific evidence that Calcium supplementation is of benefit to the human body. My cardiologist is against it because there have been some preliminary studies that question its link to atherosclerosis and after discussing with my surgeon, he was ok with me not taking it. (to be fair, I had the sleeve and his opinion may have been different for RNY or other surgery, I do not know)
    @@Aggiemae, the link you provided gives evidence of the importance of Calcium to muscle contraction (and i assume cow muscle is the same as human?). But it does not cite any correlation to calcium levels absorbed for this purpose as a result of supplementation - and that is a concern, that not all of the supplement is absorbed by the bones or excreted and winds up elsewhere where it can cause harm.
  20. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Book: The Beck Diet Solution   
    This book is so helpful now that I am post-surgery. I have had the book for years and I was never able to fully overcome the food addiction. I probably needed more intensive support.
    But now that I have this wonderful new tool thanks to surgery, I have really been able to incorporate a lot of the lessons into everyday life. In my food journal, I review one of the lessons each day (like mantras) and that helps me have them at the tip of my tongue when needed. For example: today I reminded myself that I can't have it both ways - I can eat what I want or I can be thinner. I also still review my "advantages" every day - it helps remind me why I have chosen to change my life.
    If you haven't ordered it yet, I recommend the paperback version. Each day is a new lesson and there is work space to write down your thoughts/responses.
  21. Like
    2ndSpring reacted to Babbs in I did all the bad things!   
    Well, and I can revise my statement a bit, too.
    This past summer, at just shy of 2 years post op, my daughter's in laws were visiting from England. Being the ever so cordial hostess, we were having dinner and some wine out on my back patio and having a gay old time chatting it up getting to know each other. Keep in mind I literally can count on two hands how many times I've drank post op.
    A couple hours later, I had managed to polish off a whole bottle of red wine by myself and completely blacked out.
    I would say I that's the definition of a 'bad' thing
  22. Like
    2ndSpring reacted to Babbs in I did all the bad things!   
    I don't see any food as "good" or "bad". It's just food.
    If you're following your program 90-95% of the time, a little cake at a party won't hurt, unless you let it.
    I was super compliant during my losing phase, but was known to have a sliver of cake or a drink on a special occasion. And I felt no guilt whatsoever. This is now how I practice maintenance. Super compliant 95% of the time, and when I'm not, no biggie. Then I go back to doing what I need to do, including exercise a bit more to make up for it.
    This is how thin people we know do it. And it's been working for me. When it doesn't, I'll change my game plan.
    You've got the right idea
  23. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Hiraeth in My first rant   
    She must have been a real winner to tick you off so bad. I have found all of your posts to be lighthearted and funny.
    She has no business giving out medical advice based on what she hears being said to most patients... what if you had co-morbidities like kidney, liver or heart issues? I agree that you should tell the NP and maybe the surgeon too. She is a liability risk to their practice.
  24. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Hiraeth in My first rant   
    She must have been a real winner to tick you off so bad. I have found all of your posts to be lighthearted and funny.
    She has no business giving out medical advice based on what she hears being said to most patients... what if you had co-morbidities like kidney, liver or heart issues? I agree that you should tell the NP and maybe the surgeon too. She is a liability risk to their practice.
  25. Like
    2ndSpring got a reaction from Ruth1ess in 1 wk out can't finish all the protein   
    the first week is almost impossible to meet everything. Your stomach is still swollen and inflamed and there just isn't enough room. You wind up having to choose between fluids and Protein. Pick fluids. You don't want to get dehydrated. In week 2, things will calm down and you'll start to be able to meet your Protein requirement.
    I wish I knew that, I made myself crazy that first week trying to meet my protein goal and I wound up dehydrated and needed an IV - not fun.
    You're doing great, keep up the good work. (and eww, get rid of the sludge drink haha)

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