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Posts posted by anywon

  1. I did a low carb diet ( on my own) about a year ago and its true, you stop craving carbs or sweets. I lost 50 lbs in 5 months- no exercise!

    I am a carb JUNKIE! I can TOTALLY relate to this post because i do the exact same thing and ive said the exact same thing- I feel like before i eat, my mouth begins to Water, i think my breathing may even increase but I feel like i HAVE to get my fix. Then i eat and experience such a guilty feeling afterwards and i start feeling like u have no hope. But then when im finally not full anymore i begin the whole process again. I feel the addiction. Its horrible. :(

    Im in the beginning of my journey now. First nutrition appointment is mid December. BMI 48. 5'6" 300lbs.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I have my first nutrition appointment December 15th 2016. sleep study December 22nd. No psych appointment yet. But im not sure how many nutrition appointments i will have to have. But hopefully I'll get approved for surgery by spring. Holding my breath. Especially since my job is at stake - the company is in trouble and not sure how much longer it will be open or if they will lay off more ppl. So.... im hoping to get my surgery before that happens. Ugh. So stressful

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Im at the beginning stages of my journey. I've had labwork done, barium swallow study and due to recent incident with anesthesia for an unrelated surgery, i saw a pulmonologist who cleared me for future anesthesia. I have endoscopy scheduled for November 18. sleep study for December 15. And first nutrition visit for December 22. Sooo im looking for anyone generally in the same stages or close. Im 43, bmi-48, 5'6" 300lbs :(

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. All of these messages are so great and thank you ALL for not judging me! I feel pretty vulnerable after writing all of that. And yes, i have felt like i tolerate much more than I should bc of low self esteem. This guy is not sleeping with other women, i just wanted to make that known. If he were, i would have no problem walking away. And its quite funny, i have given my daughter advice on having a fwb and how she deserves so much more. Yet here i am. I am going to have to make a decision soon. I cannot stand the pain in my heart.

    As far as the insurance, thank you for the advice. I feel a little more relaxed about it. I am really looking forward to this journey. I love this site so far although im still trying to figure it out. Thanks again to all of you

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. To me, it doesn't sound like your weight is the issue with your current FWB. He is the issue! He's making it clear that he doesn't want a committed relationship. After just getting out of a 25 year marriage, he probably wants to sow his oats. Unfortunately, every time he wants to do something with you, it gives you false hope about something more. It doesn't sound like he is bothered by your weight, but your self-esteem from the extra weight probably has you thinking you don't deserve better. But guess what? YOU DO! You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you, as much as you want to be with him. My recommendation: Concentrate on you! As you go through his weight loss process, you need support and like-minded, caring people on your side. Take care of yourself first and the right man will come along. Once you are smiling from the inside out, you will be unstoppable. I wish you the best of luck in everything!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Thank you so much. That really helps me.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Thank you everyone. I am trying not to get my hopes up so im not disappointed in case it doesn't happen. But I want this so badly. I need this. My BMI is 42 i think. Im 5'6", 300lbs and im 43 years old. I am the result of too many starvation diets with weight loss and weight regain, with a little more weight gain each time. Im an emotional eater and im Very emotional apparently! I wasn't always overweight. I was 118lbs when I graduated high school at 18. But i was into drugs and alcohol back then. Nothing major as far as drugs but i was more into partying than eating. Then i quit partying- quit smoking, drinking and doing any kind of drugs. I went from one addiction to another... I found out that I liked food! Gained about 70lbs the first year. And on n on from there. Then every time i lost weight , which i was only able to get as low as 145-150, i got pregnant every time. Anyway, here i am. People treat you so different when you're overweight! I went from being able to have any guy I wanted to being completely invisible. Ive been on dating sites but of course i only use head shots for photos, never ever full body pictures. And i get an unbelievable amount if response however, it only makes it that much harder when I meet someone who seems decent through conversation but then when I finally arrange to meet in person, i never hear from them again. One guy actually made efforts to overlook my weight but finally he said "your butt is just too big!" Lol. I do have a huge butt but... so now im in a strange relationship with this guy i met in a dating site. We really got along via texting and when we met in person he didn't seem too concerned with my size however, he made it known that we were just friends. That if it developed into anything then fine. But in the meantime he was still going to remain on the dating sites because he wanted more 'friends'. Well we then became fwb. But he maintained that he still wanted more friends ( he moved to my area from 2 hours away and just got out of a 25yr marriage). Anyway, we have spent every single day together and we do everything together from grocery shopping to going to concerts ect. Here it is over a year later, he treats me like he lives me, very affectionate and always wants me around but verbally he still says that we are best friends with benefits. ( the benefits aren't that great either considering my size) but he's still on the dating sites and i just feel like ive wasted all this time on someone who doesn't love me and probably never will. He says he doesn't want a relationship now, which I understand, and he says that im not as financially stable as him and i have kids who are still at home so im mot the kind if woman he would want bc i am mot able to travel and just up and go places. I felt like we have become very close over time and i cry about this all the time and even though he says its not, I feel like it's mostly my weight that is the problem. Its definitely a problem for me. But he says weight is nothing, that weight can be list and he encourages me to exercise all the time. But I constantly feel like im not good enough and im constantly emotionally hurting. I am pursuing the wls for my self, bc its what i need! But whether or not to bring him on this journey with me, that is the question. He is really my only support right now. I dont have a very good mother or father and i have very few real friends. I feel like i need him but on the inside I feel im just being used by him, i am the only one he knows in this area and as long as i am around he isn't going to pursue dating so, not sure what to do. :(

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. So i have Florida blue bc/bs. Found out they DO NOT cover wls unless the doctor sends pprwrk saying its medically necessary along with proof and THEN they will review and decide. I asked if there were any other requirements and they said no. Ive already started the prerequisite appointments and have appointments scheduled into December 2016. What do i do? I don't want to go through all of this, just to be denied the actual surgery! My first appointment with nutrition is December 15th, then sleep study December 22nd! Should i talk to the surgeon? What proof are they wanting other than previous attempts at weight loss? Comorbidities?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. So ive read on here that most insurance requires 6 months of nutrition appointments.... my first nutrition appointment isnt until December 15th! Does that mean I won't even be considered for surgery until june of 2017??? Im so worried about that because the company I currently work for is not doing so well and may even close its doors before then. I have bc/bs insurance. My surgeon is out if Gainesville Fl. If anyone is from the area, I'd love to talk.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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