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Posts posted by Mnicole

  1. I felt that way until today when I realized that eventually I will be able to treat myself here and there and the restriction won't be so extreme for forever.....and by then I'm going to have learned how to eat healthy portions and then be able to balance. Like if one day I want a bagel with full fat strawberry cream cheese I'll do that in the future. Maybe not the whole thing but I won't ever not have my favorite foods. But maybe 1 small slice of pizza rather than 5 big ones. That's how I'm looking at it. It may be looked down upon but I got this surgery to retrain myself to be able to eat like a normal person (healthy but has "bad" foods every now and then)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Yes! I did as well. I started at 238 and ended at 251. My Drs office told me to do another month because they wouldn't cover it but when I called tricare they said their requirements don't say anything about gaining weight. They also said if anything it might help to get approved. I did an extra month and lost weight just incase though. If they deny you, you can always file an appeal. I had to and it took about a month to get the denial reversed

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. The sleeve will stretch a little over time naturally, it's inevitable. But if you push it by binge eating then it will stretch more and you will be able to eat more and more and more and will gain all your weight back and some more. Unless you go to Mexico I really can't think of a surgeon who who perform this procedure on someone who is not overweight, you usually have to have a bmi of 35 with obesity related issues. Also a lot of patients get turned away because of their binge eating specifically because the sleeve is able to stretch back out if forced

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. Happy for you! When I started the process back in December I had BCBS through providence (moms insurance) and was only required to do 3 months supervised diet but my mom lost her job in February which would've been my 3 months so I had to start the process again with tricare which are a PAIN to deal with. They require a 6mo plan and psych eval so thank gosh I had already done 3 months but I ended up gaining so I had to do an extra month. Then it took forever to get scheduled for a psych eval (they were scheduled for a month out already) my first appt didn't go so well, she had written that I wasn't a good candidate and needed a follow up appointment because she didn't think I had gotten enough nutrition information since I had an off base dr. She said I was a good candidate after my follow up appointment so I could finally send in all my documentation. It took a month to find out I was denied because "they didn't get all my documentation" which was sent. Then I had to start the appeal process which took another month and today I finally found out I got approved! I hope you don't have any complications like I did:)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. I did a 6 month "diet plan" which really wasn't a plan at all. Me and my dr just talked about my weight gain/loss once every month. I ended up gaining the last month and was told that I wouldn't get approved through tricare if I didn't weigh less at the end. So I did another month and sent all my paperwork in. Got denied due to not sending all necessary documents (6 months, psych eval, ect.) which they were sent just lost in the process and had to file an appeal which took about a month to get reversed. I was sooooo anxious about not getting approved I almost stopped the whole process so just be patient. Most people get approved if you follow all the requirements. I just found out about the reversal today and it took a total of about 2 months after all my requirements were done to get approved so just stay patient:)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I've dealt with insurance complications for 10 months and they finally approved my surgery! I was in happy tears but also felt like I was going to puke because I'm soooo nervous......like really, really, scared of dying from surgery. I'm 20 years old, 235lbs and relatively "healthy" for being obese according to my dr. Everyone at his office has said that I'm very low risk but I can't help but think of everything that can go wrong. The only time I've ever been under Anesthesia is when I got my wisdom teeth removed and I was FREAKING OUT even then. I'm second guessing this whole thing now but I know how much I've wanted this surgery. Has anybody been this scared as well? And if so, how did you get yourself through it?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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