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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BobScott

  1. Hey All, So today is a very special day... 1 year ago today my life changed forever. Yes... It is officially my Surgery Anniversary, and with a last push over the past few days I achieved what i thought was not possible. I lost 201 lbs in 1 year! My doctor was amazed at my visit, and they are going to do an article on me :) Although i am extremely proud of the weight loss, the more important lesson that i learned is that... Anything is possible! This year, i am going to make bigger changes, and just remember when i thought that being thin was not a possibility! 58af3cb6ba5f5_PinkShirt.thumb.jpg.b74665dda551173a1690adbcbd11f578.jpg 58af3cb7ee654_redShirt.thumb.jpg.4666c54a56fa413dc9b0c9c83009c225.jpg 180.thumb.jpg.94141f4f6e8a1e9b918534ad6e06665e.jpg

  2. 15 hours ago, Annie980 said:

    Thanks so much for sharing your whole story! I'm 9 days post op and feeling great but the road to surgery is a whirlwind and life afterwards is a full time job of timing and measuring ounces of liquids. Now that it has settled down it was really great to read inspiration from others to help me frame and identify what my own journey will look like. Keep up the great work!

    Hey Annie,

    It gets so much easier with every week. The important thing is to take the time, to make the best of the AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to retrain your stomach properly. I am going to hit a year next week (Surgery was Feb 23rd) and i have not had any Pasta, bread, or Rice. I have no cravings for them at all, and i do supplement each as mentioned above. The first 6 months are important for sure, you are worth every minute, and every step though!!! Make sure to walk, and enjoy the experience with every small victory!

  3. I think it is time for an update! Less than a month away from my 1 year surgery anniversary, and I am down 195lbs! I just weighed in at 185... which is pretty crazy! post-301478-14856551833444_thumb.jpg post-301478-14856552541575_thumb.jpg post-301478-14856552798693_thumb.jpg

    I hope you have all had an amazing journey since we spoke. Let me know how things have gone since I originally posted in October!

    Thank you all for your comments, they are the fuel that have made the life change easy :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone that commented on my post. It warms my heart to feel as if i have had any positive impact for anyone!

    Wednesday will mark my 9 month anniversary of my Surgery. I am down now 180 lbs, which is only 10 lbs away from losing 1/2 of my starting weight of 381. I am thinking that i am starting to level off, but... i am content with whenever my body thinks its time to do so. I am starting a Meetup group to try and do some virtual coaching and speaking with others that are going through this journey. I feel that it is important for me to share the good word... lol.

    My life has forever been impacted, for the better, and i just hope that others can use this amazing surgery to help them realize their own potential.

    If you are interested in seeing my videos ( Which are still being worked on) or maybe joining a Meetup ( In person or virtually) let me know. I want to help, i feel it is my duty to do so...

    Thanks again to all of you, and please... Let me know how you are doing on your Quest. especially if you are in the first couple months Post-op. Let's compare notes :)

  5. I am sure that this wasn't the best thing to receive, but I thought no it speaks volumes of the misunderstanding that goes along with our disease of obesity. When I told my uncle I was going for the surgery he said, "Can't you just cut down on what you eat?" He didn't mean it in a negative way, in his own way he was trying to help me. I am certain that your boss didn't mean anything negatively, but they just don't understand what you are going to be dealing with.

    Just remember that you didn't go through this for anyone but you! They will give you the best gift ever when they are praising your transformation in a few short months.

    Don't let the little stuff bug you, just remember that they don't get it unless they have been through it. You wouldn't ever give a bottle of whiskey to an alcoholic, but yet... what we have is not seen the same way to the outside world. You Rock!!! And you don't need them to understand, you have all of us! :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. When I got home from the hospital, and the pain was still a big part of my day, I looked at my situation and realized that my life needed to be different. I was initially embarrassed that I couldn't do it on my own and needed the surgery, and this embarrassment was motivation to not squander this opportunity to hit the "Reset Button" on my habits.

    I never have looked to be able to re-introduce bad foods, but instead I have looked for replacement foods, and activities. post-301478-14767155587147_thumb.jpg

    This is the new Football Sunday spread. Lol.

    Once I started losing the weight, I fell in love with the new "superpower" of a small stomach! I never wanted to have the craving monster come back in my life, so I have convinced myself that my addiction to crap needed to be treated as the disease it is. So I have sworn off of all trigger foods, and basically anything non-healthy. No breads, candy, Pasta, etc.

    I have never heard of an alcoholic program that has a goal of reintroducing social drinking.. lol. So why does our program have the final goal of being able to eat some of the foods that put us in trouble in the first place?

    Once you can find your "feel good" foods, things get much easier. For me it was home made Soups, yogurts, Fish, pickles, and almonds. Once you decide to eat to live and not live to eat, it just gets easier.

    One day at a time, the future is so bright! post-301478-14767161017227_thumb.jpg


    Surgery was Feb23rd this year... I was 381 and now 214 as of this morning. Down 167lbs :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. I just wanted to share with you all how awesome the future is. Just think of the amazing new foods you will learn to love. Football Sunday here is me preparing some Ahi tuna, getting a bag of veggie straws, and my wasabi almonds. post-301478-14766438371594_thumb.jpg

    I also do enjoy a few beverages during the game


    Glutton free spiked seltzers. 110 cals, 5% alc... I have these over ice to allow for it to lessen the carbonation. They do the job!!! Lol.


    It's just a new mindset, and I love it! You will too...

    Happy Football Sunday everyone!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. I can't wait to hear all of your stories! Just stay focused and your day will be here before you know it. Take it day by day and enjoy the small victories along the way. I look back at my pics when I was down 100 lbs and at that point I was inspired and focused, but also very content with what I saw! Now, after losing another 65 lbs from then, my 100 lbs down pick is the new before pic... lol. What I am saying is that time will pass and you will continue to lose weight, but don't worry about the end game, enjoy the journey! It will give you time to adjust and enjoy your new life!

    I just got off a plane for the first time since surgery, and I must say, it was a bit emotional. I put together a video on the way... feel free to check it out!

    New body, new life, same me :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. @@joy4you I am so happy for you as you are about to get out of the hellish place obesity is. It will be tough at times, but if you can truly give in to the fact that you have an addiction, and push to stick with healthy foods, you are going to be successful. The surgery will take away the cravings and get you started, then it is on you! Which means it's on us :) I would love to help in anyway possible, just keep pushing yourself in the first few months. Once you lose the initial milestone, and people start noticing the difference, it keeps getting easier. I believe in you!!! post-301478-14765493142402_thumb.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. @@Lucky2Lose Thanks for sharing your story... When we constantly fail at weight loss, it can defeat us to the point of complete surrender. I didn't tell many people i was getting the surgery, and you know what... No one even noticed i was losing any weight until i had lost over 70 lbs. Without the tools this surgery gave me, i would have given up... AGAIN!

    I didn't know what to expect, i chose the sleeve, because i didn't want to change the plumbing in my body, but i knew i needed something more than the band. Once i started losing, i used my addictive personality for the power of good... lol. And i would push myself to walk more, and challenged myself by buying the pizza for the family and picking it up, bringing it home, and sitting at the same table as my family would eat it.

    Everyone has their skeletons in the closet, and everyone has their problems, the only difference is that ours shows on the outside... Give in to the fact that you need help, and then never look back! Embrace that we are living in an age when a surgery like this is possible, and enjoy a win for once!

    I challenge you to post an outfit you want to wear, then let's circle the date on the calendar and get this thing going!

    We all have it in us, We just need to do something... For US!

    I believe in you!

  11. I think it is really great how everyone tracks their success, and it is definitely an important part of the process. But, don't get caught up with the Day-in and Day-out weighing and measuring. Once you get to the "Slow Down" period, you will have days that will show you up a pound or two, and then 3 days later, you will be down 5-6 from the original time you looked.

    A big part of my success is that i don't have a goal weight anymore. I just want to be healthy! I don't plan on changing anything when i get to a certain weight, so why have a goal that my body may not achieve? I love seeing the scale be lower, but i really like seeing pictures of me change from month to month.

    The most important thing is to make sure that you are burning more than you are putting in, if you stick to that, you will continue to lose.... its just a simple math equation. My goal is to change my lifestyle to include more activities allowing me to have a higher Caloric allowance as time goes on.

    Do you have an activity that you can do that is fun and burns calories? If you are like me, the fact that i can now walk without sweating is pretty awesome! I start thinking, what else can i do? Be Peter Parker the first day he realizes he has special powers... Push yourself to find your inner athlete, no matter what it is! Go Dance, Go Run, Go be the person that you are going to be... It will happen fast, and you will not notice the lose as much as others... But it will be your victory all the same!

    I got on the scale today, and i am up 2 lbs, now at 221... Just gives me a reason to push myself to go for a nice brisk walk tonight :)

  12. @@proudgrammy thanks for sharing your regrets...

    I have thought about it, and my biggest regret is not following through the other 2 times I started the process. Lol. This was my third attempt at getting the surgery, I had to enlist help from my wife, who is very supportive. She made the appointments this third time, and I knocked out the 8 doctors, and all clearances in 2 months. If I had done this the first time I went in to the doc, i would have had a much better last few years.

    To those of you just starting out, don't quit, don't stop going to the doctors, don't give up... You can have an entirely new body and life in less than a year! You just need to do this for YOU!

    My next regret would be that I waited until now to talk about it. I find the more people I talk to, the more I may be helping. My uncle who gave me crap about getting the surgery just asked me for the surgeons info for a friend of his. It was the highlight of my day! We do need to pay it forward, and I regret not sharing earlier.

    Lastly, I regret not putting away more money to buy Kick Ass clothes... Of the rack! Lol. Of all the things I can now do, buying clothes gives me the most joy. I have many years of hating that experience to make up for... Lol

    P.S. Just made one of my Soups, super FG food! 1 lb of cod fish, a bag of frozen carrots, a bag of frozen kale, and a chopped onion. Cayenne pepper, old bay, and chicken broth. Simmer for a couple hours.... Loving it!

    Thanks all for reading the post and commenting, it means a lot. We must all be there for each other, we can all do this! I don't want my story to be a success story, I want it to be just Another story! Can't wait to hear all of yours!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. It really warms my heart if I have had any impact... So first, the scar came because I started coaching early and tore my incision, but I did have the sleeve. Lol. I was so excited and motivated to be the skinny guy inside, I started right away and never looked back. So, 3 weeks after surgery, I was throwing cutoff drills at my sons practice, and tore the glue of the incision. I kept it clean, but didn't go to the doc till my next appointment, hence... I have a reminder. I love it, I want a reminder :)

    For me, at 38 and happily married, it has been about being more to my family. I just want to be the best version of myself. Now I am in a frame of mind that keeps me happy. I am going to be working on a list of Snacks, and foods that I call the " feel goods". Please share with me yours as you move along your Quest. I am very happy with my decision to cut out the "Drugs" ( Breads, Pasta, candy bars, etc.) because I know just one can start the Avalanche... I feel great now, not hungry... And I love to go out to dinner, I love the game of looking for what I can eat, and there is always something... You just have to look :) it helps a lot if you enjoy Fish first, and then chicken. We don't need to eat shit! We need to enjoy our lives not the 30 minutes of eating crap. Who's with me... Lol.

    You guys all rock! You are inspiring me to document what I have done, let me know if you feel it would be helpful.

    Thanks again and be your own coach and inspiration, you deserve it! We all do!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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