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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Travelher

  1. Travelher

    Water causing stomach pain

    It will get better. I struggled and could only get it in if it was warm or hot (room temp didn't cut it) now I drink 2.5 litres a day and temp is a non issue.
  2. Travelher


    I couldn't stand the optifast but my dietician told me I could find another shake. I found one I could tolerate and sent her the stats and she approved and just had me add vegetables because the shake I chose didn't quite have enough carbs.
  3. Travelher

    I just wanna wake up skinny!

    that your friends with bypass have bigger scars is bizarre, unless you are confusing them with the banders. I've had a band and rny...the rny ones are tiny. the Band causes bigger scars because they need to place the port. regardless, a few years after surgery it is hard to even see the scars.
  4. Travelher

    I just wanna wake up skinny!

    best to ask your doctor about Cymbalta, but there are lots of bypass patients on various medications. hair loss will happen or it won't. Im using rogaine preventatively so hopefully avoid it. Don't listen to naysayers...they have no clue what they are talking about...especially if they think it is easy in any way and extra especially if they are skinny... I love my bypass. a certain percentages of bypass patients do have dumping (it is designed that way so you can't pig out on sugar and stuff you shouldn't). I have experienced dumping and it was caused by drinking my shake too quickly. I just sip now and no dumping. I can have small quantities of sugar...eg a spoonful of my husband's dessert, with no consequences and I'm good with that. I haven't tested my limits because I don't feel the need to. I don't need or want to eat an ice cream sundae because I don't want to be fat anymore. all the best on your journey.
  5. Travelher


    i started burpy and now it has tapered off (im 3 months post op) i don't notice it any more
  6. Travelher

    Is there an APP for that?

    You can use myfitnesspal for tracking.
  7. Travelher

    Slow weight loss?

    If I see another post in a group where someone is lamenting their 10-25lb am month weightloss as "disappointing" or "slow" I am going to lose my mind! Seriously, saw a post on another site where someone has lost more than 20lbs a month and feels like it should be more. Why? Where do people get this information? I truly do not understand.
  8. Travelher

    How much did you lose...

    Someone posted this in another forum. loss is extremely variable and has mostly to do with genetics in the first year.
  9. I would kill to lose some boobs, someone needs to tell my boobs I've had wls. The rest of me is shrinking but they are not. I look like I'm 1/3 boob now and it is not a good look.
  10. Travelher


    I still avoid tuna because it can have those tough tendony pieces
  11. Travelher

    Approved for conversion to bypass!

    amazing...this is sooooooo much better than the band!
  12. Travelher


    check with your doctor, but I added it back as soon as I was on soft. Salmon sashimi with avocado is amazeballs! i like it with a little lemon juice, sundried tomatoes, capers and chives now. You can make your own rolls later with hollowed out Cucumber, which was the first raw vegetable i added.
  13. I had my 3 Month follow up with my dietician today. She was thrilled with everything except my carbs. She said they were way too low and is concerned when they are below 100grams....My primary current source of carbs is blueberries and strawberries, since I've added those I'm getting 40-60 grams of carbs a day. Have to admit to being nervous about doubling that and stalls. I'm going to follow instructions and gradually increase over the week...but eeek...is how I'm feeling.
  14. My dietician told me to double my carbs...makes me anxious so close to onederland as I'll probably stall, but gonna have to take one for the team...

    1. blizair09


      My nutritionist knows better than to even suggest something like that to me. (I wouldn't eat half of the things on her progression during the food stages because of the carbs. She pretty much just leaves me alone.)

    2. ShelterDog64


      My dietitian is an idiot...just offering that up :)

    3. Travelher


      Lol shelterdog!

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  15. Travelher

    My horrible experience at a restaurant.

    wow they way they handled the situation was incredibly rude and unprofessional. sounds like they need social media classes. I've eaten at fine dining establishments my whole life and since being banded 11 years ago have often just eaten off my husband's plate (usually steak because they are always ridiculously sized), or ordered an appetizer as an entree etc... never once been charged a "split fee" never heard of it prior to today.
  16. Travelher

    Premier Protein question

    wow 5 weeks is pretty early. I'm just at 3 months and only now starting to skip the shake. I went down to 1/2 shake per day from one per day and now I use my shake as I would milk (like a condiment). so if i do overnight oats, i use a vanilla premier instead of milk to add Protein content.
  17. Travelher


    I also had acid reflux with my band so rny was a no-brainer...
  18. Travelher

    3 months post op

    Awesome! I revised to rny on oct 4!!!! I love my rny too!
  19. Travelher

    Weight loss after gastric sleeve

    You are welcome. I worry about people setting themselves up for disappointment having unrealistic expectations. In this arena I set my expectations low..,then am thrilled when I beat them...that way I'm happy with the progress. Pictures are great. I lost 50lbs before I noticed in the mirror, but with pictures it was clearer earlier....where I was losing (eg I swear I lost the first 40 off my face)....then it started to come from other places...you are doing great!
  20. Travelher

    Thank you SO much!

    I went rny too! I love it!
  21. Travelher

    weight gain

    Sounds like fluid retention to me. The faster you can get your fluids in and as close to 64 oz the better. I found warming my Water and shakes worked best in the early days. Juice is generally high in sugar so if there are othe fluids you'll tolerate they would be better.
  22. I was 260 at my high around 244 after the pre-op diet. I lost around 16 by my 1month surgiversary. Also 5'4".
  23. Travelher

    Weight loss after gastric sleeve

    Did I read this correctly that you've lost 35lbs in just over a month and you are worried you are not losing enough???!!! Please reset your expectations or you'll be disappointed a lot. You will stall, you will gain a few pounds along your weight loss journey. It is just how it works. Do all the right things and then don't worry about it. that is extraordinarily fast weight loss and not remotely achievable for most people. Give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the journey.
  24. The hormone ghrelin is mentioned above. It not only regulates hunger but they believe it also relates to your metabolism. So essentially you get a bit of a metabolic reset with surgery (if you have the bypass or sleeve). We need to eat healthy to keep it. Otherwise we damage it like we did the old one....
  25. Travelher

    Pre op liquid diet

    I started my vitamin patches during the pre-op and it made a huge difference. Also the first week is the worst, then you get used to it. I made soups with vegetables and bouillon since I was allowed both.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
