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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Travelher

  1. Travelher

    Bypass w/ minor issues

    I could only drink warm or hot water post surgery. If you haven't tried that yet, try it. Add crystal light or something if you need flavour
  2. So am traveling this week and noticed my clothes felt looser. I took out my tape measure and it says I've lost 2 inches from my waist in the last 3 days!!! So I took a picture...these pictures are 1 week apart. Awesome!
  3. Travelher

    I wanna know about carbs... Seriously!

    If I could like this 20 times I would.
  4. Travelher

    Walking since surgery

    fantastic! it really helps recovery.
  5. Travelher

    I wanna know about carbs... Seriously!

    I belong to a facebook group run by a sleever who is a nutritional counselor. She recommends a balanced macro plan for losing weight. She suggests: 35% carbs, 25% fat and 40% Protein (just set up your macros that way in my fitnesspal). if you want to go deeper and look at sugar and Fiber the two should cancel each other out ideally. This is total carbs, not net. My own dietician says less than 100 grams of carbs is extreme low carb and wants me to up mine. I'm comfortable in the 30-35% range (which usually puts me around 70-75 grams. As I continue to be able to eat more I'll get more complex carbs in (probably mostly from vegetables, maybe fruit) so I will be in the 100 gram range, but still in the macro range she suggests. I have noticed that my memory and frankly, thinking has improved since upping my carbs to the 30-35% range. the facebook group is called recipes for weight loss success...of course it is a great source of bari friendly recipes. she's also doing a month of Keto recipes for those who follow keto. I was worried I'd gain or stall when i added back in more carbs (in the form of berries and oats) and I was wrong, did not stall or even slow down. Dr. Matthew Weiner has good youtube videos on post surgery diets and has also written a book. He is a big fan of vegetables and talks about the impact food has on resetting your internal thermostat (metabolism) and how some foods raise it and some lower it. He is a fan of legumes and vegetables as a primary dietary source, suggests limiting grains and dairy and some other of my faves (lol). but it all makes sense. I have greatly cut down on cheese since following the macro plan because it drives my fat macros up pretty quickly. other than 1/4 cup of oats with 1tbs chia seeds in the morning I have no grains in my diet.
  6. Travelher

    Band to RNY 12/6....scale hasn't moved

    14 lbs in a month is amazing! That is a lot for one month. I'm thrilled to get 8-10lbs a month. A friend posted her weight loss post surgery, as she said it isn't about how fast you get there, but where you end up. She lost 100 lbs, it took over 14 months, fo the last 7-8 months it was 1-2lbs a month. Also, I agree with dr. Matthew Weiner's perspective on exercise. That there are a lot of benefits, but impact on weight loss is negligible and in fact it can create a risk of injury that can then impact mobility and then cause weight gain...I am active, but not doing heavy exercise right now, I walk and get in 10000 steps a day, I will eventually start weight training, but carefully because every single one of my weight gains was precipitated by an injury. Rotator cuff, torn acl, tennis elbow to name just a few.
  7. Travelher

    What Is Your Policy on Carbs?

    Do you count the carbs in fruit? I drink a lot of fresh squeezed orange juice and am a bit confused on whether those carbs take you out of ketosis. yes you do count the carbs in fruit...the good news is that fruit comes with finer which helps temper the sugar. I don't suggest drinking juice, no finer and pretty much just sugar. If you want fruit you are better off with the real thing. Berries are generally lower carb than other fruits. I know, it's just the only way I get fluids in for the most part. . Early days, do what you've got to do. I found warm or hot liquids were the only way I got my liquids in early one. Couldn't tolerate anything room temp or cold
  8. Travelher

    What Is Your Policy on Carbs?

    Do you count the carbs in fruit? I drink a lot of fresh squeezed orange juice and am a bit confused on whether those carbs take you out of ketosis. yes you do count the carbs in fruit...the good news is that fruit comes with finer which helps temper the sugar. I don't suggest drinking juice, no finer and pretty much just sugar. If you want fruit you are better off with the real thing. Berries are generally lower carb than other fruits.
  9. Travelher

    Band to RNY 12/6....scale hasn't moved

    I assume you are probably at purees or just starting solids. I did not feel restriction/full till I was eating solids...meats like chicken provide the most feeling of fullness. I was told to measure everything so didn't really go beyond a 1/2 cup portion. If you are looking for restriction make sure you avoid sliders like sauces etc with your meat. I assume you had similar instructions to eat meat first then vegetables and carbs if there is room. One thing to keep in mind is as a revision patient we can end up with a bigger pouch than normal because the Banff stretches your esophagus. So an ordinary bypass patient has i hunk a 30 cc stomach. Mine is 55 cc.
  10. Jan 1 203.4 Jan 8 200.8 Jan 15 198.6 Goal 185 (18lb loss) Jan 8 measurements: Chest 44, waist 40, hips 47, thigh 27.8 Pant size 16
  11. Travelher

    What Is Your Policy on Carbs?

    Yeah, that is an old school view of carbs...when I talk about carbs, it is all carbs, including those in fruit and vegetables. almost all of my carbs come from berries and a small bit from 1/4 cup of oatmeal in the morning. I avoid all wheat as that is a gateway food for me. Potatoes are the same, so I avoid. I hear you about work events!!! I went to my office Christmas party on Friday. I heard there was a taco bar and figured...ok I'll find something there to eat, maybe some shredded chicken, have it with tomatoes and lettuce...well NOPE the taco bar was either pulled pork (can you say, sugar?) and the alternative was fish...sounds like a good option, nope the fish was battered and deep fried. I was stuck eating marinated artichokes which were higher in fat than I would normally like, and frankly not very good. It was disappointing.
  12. Travelher

    What Is Your Policy on Carbs?

    I use complex carbs, balanced macros plan. 30-35%carb, 25-30%fat, 40%protein. Works no matter what stage you are at. My dietician wants my carbs up higher, but it will get there shortly when I'm able to eat more.
  13. I did just that a month ago. Luckily I have always had clothes in a size 6-20. As I've dropped I've been mercilessly donating the big clothes, the second they start to look big. Before Christmas I pulled out all my clothing bins and went through them. Of the smaller clothes I ditched the stuff that was ordinary etc, and kept my favorite pieces and a couple pairs of pants/skirts in each size. My mother in law has inherited a lot and usually gets a new set of clothes from me every month or so. She started complaining that she has no excuse to shop. I also found an amazing sale and bought things like jeans in the next 3 sizes down, same with a sweater I love that was only $7. Got it in medium, small and extra small.
  14. Travelher

    Pre-op diet

    Agree with the above poster, low carb high protein is the way to go if you want a kick start
  15. Travelher


    I agree with others, you are dumping. I avoid sugar entirely. The only substantial sugar I consume is from blueberries and I limit those to 1/2 cup per serving. You can also dump from eating or drinking too fast, so watch that as well. (I'm assuming you had rny)
  16. Travelher

    Posting about fast food and unhealthy junk

    Be careful or you will be banned just like LipstickLady and Babbs!! You're not allowed to ruffle feathers! I'll be next!. What???!!!! Babbs is gone too?????
  17. Travelher


    it is a forever thing. if i am dehydrated I'll drink up to 15 minutes before...but never sooner than 30 minutes after. it pushes food through your stomach too quickly and 1 or both of two things can happen. Dumping syndrome (trust me you don't want that) or it can make you hungry again quickly...don't think you want that either. I was never told the 30 chews, just to chew my food well.
  18. I have to say I can't recommend Quest chips, they have a terrible aftertaste...like this dusty flavour. I do like the Kay's Naturals chips though...more tolerable, left of that powdery aftertaste.
  19. Travelher

    MyFitnessPal doesn't like how much I eat

    You can customize without premium...it is done in the goals section. you can set your own macros and change the dashboard as well.
  20. Travelher

    MyFitnessPal doesn't like how much I eat

    Im not sure what ending your day would do for you. I never have and I'm not missing anything..journal entries are there, macros are there. not sure what i gain by closing it out..I can get reports on my nutrition, weight loss etc...
  21. Travelher

    Daily carb goal?

    My dietitian wants a minimum of 100 carbs a day as well. I was between 30-50. carbs do help brain function and I have noticed an improvement in forgetfulness since I started adding them back in. I am trying to a 35% carbs, 25% fat and 40% Protein macro balance. I usually end up around 30/30/40. at my current calorie intake I end up with 76 grams of carbs which are mainly from oats with chia seeds for Breakfast and blueberries. as I up my calories I'll hit the 100 grams of carbs/day. i looked at my food diary yesterday and I had 76 grams of carbs, however when you consider the carbs i eat are all high in Fiber if you subtract that (24 grams) I netted around 52 grams of carbs.
  22. Travelher

    How much Fat do you consume?

    I'm following macros..30% carb, 30% fat 40% protein
  23. Travelher

    Is it true?

    Wow I've never heard of someone dumping with every meal. I wonder if it is a surgical mistake?I wish I knew so I could help her What does her doctor say? I hope she's been back or gone to someone for a secon opinion. That should definitely not be happening.
  24. Travelher

    Is it true?

    Wow I've never heard of someone dumping with every meal. I wonder if it is a surgical mistake?I wish I knew so I could help her What does her doctor say? I hope she's been back or gone to someone for a secon opinion. That should definitely not be happening.

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