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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by PorkChopExpress

  1. Looking forward to moving back home to CO after living in LA for 18 years. My decreasing mass is going to struggle with the cold though, I'm sure of that!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      As long as you're looking forward to the move, you won't mind putting on another layer or two. Where in CO, if you'll say?

    2. PorkChopExpress


      Arvada, it's where I grew up.

  2. Nervously awaiting surgery date

  3. Put on a shirt today that fit perfectly, and I don't even remember the last time I wore it. Won't be long before I have nothing to wear...

    1. PorkChopExpress


      Good tip! I'll have to check it out, when my wardrobe "expires" :)

    2. highfunctioningfatman


      I threatened to go in the buff but winter is coming.

    3. PorkChopExpress


      LOL No I don't think I'll burden anyone with that...Goodwill is the better option :)

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  4. Putting LA in my rear view mirror in less than 12 hours, and moving back to CO. A major chapter of my life draws to a close, while a new one starts.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. highfunctioningfatman


      That is one by bucket list items. I want to go to the testicle festival in Clinton Montana and have a ball!

    3. ShelterDog64


      There used to be a restaurant on Hwy 24, east of Colorado Springs in Divide (I think) that served fried testicles. They're very chewy ;-)

    4. ShelterDog64


      WEST of Colorado Springs.

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  5. Re-learning how to eat. Feels like I hit the reset button and am back to infancy.

    1. laceemouse


      Totally agree, I need the reset, that's why I want the surgery.

    2. PorkChopExpress


      I definitely needed it, but it's really a crazy feeling to feel yourself, as a grown adult, rewinding all the way to when you were a baby in how you eat, how much you can eat, etc...

  6. Resorted to some refried beans at Taco Bell for a meal, no time to go home to get something. I would guess I ate about 65% of it, but it's sitting real heavy in there! A little thicker than what my stomach is used to!

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Next time you find yourself in that situation go to Subway. The meat from a foot long sandwich is more than enough and it is $3. They put it in their soup cups and you are good to go.

    2. PorkChopExpress


      I didn't know they'd do that...that's a good idea.

  7. Scales on Friday showed me what I've been waiting to see...299.8! I've officially crossed the 300lb mark. Onward to 200!

  8. Seems like a lot of people new to the VSG struggle to identify what "hunger" actually is, and what they describe is primarily mental. When you pair the loss of old habits and comforts with the bite of excess acid in the stomach, and the constant rumble the stomach does for the first month or so (before OR after you eat), I guess it's understandable...but I don't think people put enough focus on the mental part of their hunger.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      The obese mind is a tricky little devil. It tricks you into desiring bad food and disguises boredom with hunger. Post surgery, the real you kicks in takes the wheel (I stole that from Blizair here on the boards). The real you presents hunger in a functional way, simply to fuel the body. I think it takes us a while to figure that out.

    3. Butterflywarrior


      How do you figure it out wo eating tge house?? Lol but seriously, I feel hunger pangs frequently and they are intense. The sweet cravings I figured are psychological because I tried something sweet and hated it!! So happy but feel like food wise, my sleeve is not providing enough fullness... certain foods fill me like an egg but mist foods don't and thus worries scares me!! I'm only two weeks out and still having issues getting all of my water in si maybe that's key but I'm definitely meeting my protein. I'm sure the lack of carbs or I call it carb detox us contributing to my frequent desire for food! Any advice or tips?

    4. PorkChopExpress


      @Butterflywarrior Sugar-free Popsicles are what I've used to satisfy my desire to eat when I didn't really need to eat. But I think just being aware of what you're really feeling is the key. That bite in your stomach is acid and the incision line healing, it's not hunger pangs...because you probably notice you get that feeling AFTER you eat, too. Trust me, it all gets a lot easier when you are able to eat more normal foods.

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  9. Shredded BBQ beef tonight, first time trying beef and it was no problem. My stomach is doing very well, I'm happy.

    1. ProudGrammy


      happiness is what its cracked up to be - keep UP the good job - and DOWN with lbs - kathy

    2. Sai


      Wonderful! As soon as I was cleared for any food. Beef and pork was the first things I tried. :)

    3. PorkChopExpress


      It's just nice to not have complications, to feel somewhat normal...even though the amount I'm eating certainly isn't normal. But I can have things that taste good, which I enjoy, and my "new" stomach isn't pitching a fit about any of it. Unless I put too much in it, which has only happened twice. :)

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  10. So close to breaking that 300lb mark...going to have it within the week!

  11. So cool to be able to sit in a booth now and not worry whether I will feel uncomfortable, or even fit.

    1. heidikat72


      yep that is a major NSV!

    2. Fredbear


      One of my favorite restaurants recently renovated, and now the booths have so much extra space that it's TOO much for me. Can't win, LOL.

  12. Starting to gag on these Bariatric Advantage chewable multivitamins. I can't wait till I can swallow normal vitamins.

    1. PorkChopExpress


      I spent so much money on these vitamins, I hate to throw them out. I may just try my best to "gut" it out until I am cleared to swallow Centrum pills and such. I hate the iron chews too. I think I'll be able to do normal ones in about 2 1/2 weeks, so in the interest of saving money I guess I'll just grin and bear it. But I wouldn't recommend the Bariatric Advantage chewables to anyone, they're pretty bad. Except the calcium ones that are like caramels, those aren't bad.

    2. ShelterDog64


      Ugh, I bought those pre-op and liked them. Post-op, they were horrible :-P I switched to the patches, my labs are all good and I don't have to choke anything down.

    3. PorkChopExpress


      It's funny, I was warned that my taste buds might change after surgery and I know they do for a lot of people, but for whatever reason I feel like everything tastes exactly the same as before. I think the only difference is that sugar free is now sweet to me, but I chalk that up to the sugar detox :)

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  13. Stomach feels a little sore/tired today. I guess it's hard healing with me putting food and drinks in it all day long!

    1. Djmohr


      The protein will help it heal much faster! Best of luck to you!

  14. Thankful for sugar-free tropical popsicles. Helping me with the desire to bite/chew something and they taste good.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Yes! They're still a bit of an obsession for me, at 3 months out. Isn't it amazing how great it feels to CHEW??

    2. suzzzzz


      I am obsessed as well! Who would have thought popsicles would have brought so much pleasure!

    3. Browneyedgirl41


      They are really quite good!

  15. The Walking Dead annihilated me tonight...man, so grueling. Great season premiere.

  16. Two days left till surgery.

    1. TAJ718


      Yay!!! Congratulations! Good luck!!

    2. Quaintrelle


      Today was your day...hoping all went well!

  17. Was converted to VSG due to scar tissue from umbilical hernia mesh, but I'm doing ok!

    1. ProudGrammy


      glad everything is going well - think my sleeve is the best!!!! almost 5 years PO - amazing to me - good luck - kathy

  18. Went about one bite too far tonight and I knew it. Felt too full afterward. Really gotta pay attention to how you feel, not used to doing that!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PorkChopExpress


      Yeah, I didn't throw up or feel the urge to, it was just that familiar ache of "I ate too much." I'd had my meat and veggie, but I wanted a little bit of my fruit, too lol...stupid brain hunger. It was just surprising to me how little leeway you have. One bite is all it'll take to put you on tilt. No wonder they really want you eating in a quiet spot with no distractions, you really gotta pay attention to your stomach.

    3. ShelterDog64


      If I'm eating slowly and paying attention (not distracted by conversation, etc.), it's like a big STOP sign goes up for me. And I'd better not eat ONE MORE bite or I'll pay for it. Isn't the restriction amazing?

    4. PorkChopExpress


      It's just crazy how it sneaks up on you, so you'd BETTER be paying attention! I just had my lunch and I had to leave one little pencil eraser sized piece of meat on the plate, because my stomach told me, "That's it, better not put anything else in." I'm slowly getting used to detecting the feeling, but it's so much more sensitive than it was before the surgery! :)

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  19. Wow, nice. Weighed during my visit with family over the Halloween weekend. Averaging about 5 pounds lost a week. Awesome.

    1. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      Wow, that's fantastic! Congrats. Keep up the awesome work!

  20. Yes! Crossed the century mark today...halfway to my goal!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
