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Posts posted by katragina

  1. My anion gap was high. My dr called me Friday to let me know she's not concerned and felt my numbers were all within a safe range, and encourged me to push as much fluids in me as I can to avoid hospitalization. So I've been working on that. I still feel very weak and tired, but I'm trying to get more Protein and calories in as well and that should help quite a bit. I was very scared for a little bit that something very serious was wrong. However, I've been able to double my intake of fluids so that at least makes me feel better mentally.

  2. Oh my goodness....same here. I am 9 days out of surgery and I still feel bloated. Everyday I ask someone "why did I do this". The recovery is more difficult than I imagined. I know I'm supposed to drink fluids but I feel full all of the time. My dr said it's all normal, though. The adjustment to your new life after surgery seems more challenging than the procedure itself. But there is not one person I know who has had this or any weight loss surgery who says it was anything but the best decision the could have made for themselves!

    sent from my rotary phone

    surgery date: 11/2/2016

  3. I know that webmd is a dangerous place for me. I'll just preface this post with that.

    I went to my post op appointment and the dr was concerned that I wasn't getting enough Water or Protein, so she did some blood tests. Her office called while I was sleeping and when I woke up they were closed. My blood tests were just published on the medical portal. I took a look and then went to WebMD to see what the two things that were pretty far off meant. And it all talks about metabolic acidosis. So now i'm feeling a little freaked out. Just hoping that someone may have some knowledge in this area.


  4. Ice chips seem to work best for me. I've tried Water, crystal lite, popsicles, broth, bone broth.....ice chips are the only things that go down without a fight.

    The spit up thing is so weird!!!! I was trying to explain it to my brother. He was telling me that his son (4 months) just threw up on his arm. I asked him to clarify the difference between spit up and vomit and he couldn't. So I told him I know exactly how little Isaac felt! it's so different.

    I think I'm still dealing with swelling since a lot of things just won't go down.

  5. I"m having a real hard time with fluids, too. I try to get Proteins in as well, but the dr said focus on fluids first. I doubt I get in even 10 oz.

    This whole process is so bizarre,, isn't it? I feel like a child who's just learning to eat. It's so very weird. It'll go well, I know. But this first week has been much more difficult than I anticipated. I didn't at all thing it would be easy, but I didn't think it would be this hard, either.

  6. I had planned to take the day off of work, but ended up working a 14 hour day. It definitely took my mind off of work, but I didn't get anything I wanted to get done in my real life. I ended up asking a friend to help with my apartment and to just vaccuum the living room. She cleaned my apartment top to bottom! It was a treat to come home to. Anyway....outside of work I did nothing special and was only ordered to not eat after 8 and not drink after 12.

  7. I had it before surgery also. When I discussed which surgery to have, I could swear my dr told me that it would cure Gerd, but not right away. I'm one week post-op and I don't believe her. I'll know more tomorrow and will be happy to share what she has to say.

  8. Thank you for the suggestions and support. I'm writing all this down as I meet with my surgeon tomorrow morning. I would LOVE relief from this. I've dealt with Gerd for years and years. Prilosec always worked. But I am hoping we can find something different. I can't live with this. I'd like to avoid moving to bypass surgery. We had decided against it because of the significant endometrial scarring that I have. However....as crazy as this sounds - I'd be ok with another surgery if it means more time off of work!!!!

  9. Every. Single. Night. Severe heart burn. I have a good pain tolerance, but this is bringing me to tears every night. I'm afraid to drink anything. I'm afraid to take medicine. I tried taking it in the morning today, but I needed to take another pain pill tonight - heart burn. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I take 40mg of prilosec in the morning, and have been taking 20mg in the evening when this kicks in. I'm not tolerating drinking much. I'm lucky if I get 10oz of Water a day (and that's generous). I'm one week post-op. If you have had this issue or know how I might counteract it, or know if maybe something is wrong....please please help. I'm miserable and sick of crying in pain every night.

  10. This is such a great topic. I've struggled with dating all my life. There is/was a particular guy I've been interested in for years. We have "met up for dinner" a few times. I know he likes me, but he couldn't get past the fat. I haven't told him about the surgery mostly because it's none of his business. What I struggle with is the fact that maybe now I will get attention from guys when I didn't before - and I am the same person as I was a week ago. With the guy that I currently like, I don't want be disappointed should actually decide to want to date me. My thing is if you didn't see me when I was fat, you don't deserve me. it's a huge struggle. I know this is not related to your question, so I apologize if I've taken it off track. But the whole dating thing - I hadn't considered it until I read this post!

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