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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by baribabe72

  1. I just got my date; Tuesday, January 3rd. Heck of a way to start the year. I'm on day 2 of the Keto diet (protein liquids and one low carb, low glycemic meal daily for a week, then all liquids for a week)/ The timing sucks because of all the Christmas food. I' just tell people I have a stomach bug and that's why I'm not eating. I'm sure I'll be ready to cry come in the next few days when I want to eat and cannot, but I am keeping my focus on a healthier future with no diabetes, no sleep apnea, no high cholesterol, no gastritis, less joint pain, etc!!! Prayers and good vibes for all of us!

  2. My last hurdle before we send everything to my insurance provider is an EGD with biopsy. I know basically what it is. I wanted to hear other's experiences with this. Mine is at 1 pm so I will be hangry since I won't be able to eat! What else can I expect? Thanks!

  3. If you have not read the Big Book, then do so. It was a big help. I have been planning since April for what I hope to be a January surgery. I'm not scared really. I dread being a b***** for a few months after, but that's all. I am looking forward to getting rid of the weight and improving my health. Set your self some realistic goals on a timeline before and after the surgery so you can Celebrate progress.

    Your doctor and insurance will have required testing, so make sure you know what they are. You will get poked and prodded and have to do a little dance for the insurance people. I've had so many tests, but I am glad for it because I know I'm ready.

    Ask the doc about recommendations for your chronic Constipation, I hear it gets worse after surgery. Also, if you're on any prescription meds, ask about what you can or cannot take after. If I were you, I'd ask them how many of these surgeries they do, are they all laparoscopic? Ask about complications they have encountered either during or shortly after surgery. Ask about access to a dietitian and a support group. Ask them about how they do follow ups. My surgeon has a post op schedule for 5 years out after surgery.

    Good luck!!!

  4. Next month i set my surgery date. Who offers the best taste and also cost for the liquid diet? Im on a limited budget....

    Sent from my LGMS330 using the BariatricPal App

    Flavorless powders are the most versatile. Just make sure that whatever you buy has the right balance of Protein, low carbs, et. Make sure that whatever you mix it with is caffein free and sugar free. As far as ready made stuff, Premier Protein is cheaper and still tastes okay. It has 30 grams Protein per bottle too.

    You Got This!!

  5. Howdy, Friends:

    I'm in the process of getting approved and I'm finding that I'm catching a lot of grief about not being "fat enough" to get weight loss surgery.

    I'm 32 years old, 5'6'', 275 lbs, BMI of 44.4 with a sleep apnea diagnosis. I've told a handful of people of my intentions, and I'm finding that these folks are saying "why are you getting surgery? You're not that fat/unhealthy!" My first mental response is "well, you aren't that polite!" but I'd like to be armed with a little bit more data. What's the median BMI for gastric sleevers? Am I really not "fat enough", or can I throw a stat out there showing that I am indeed an ideal candidate for this surgery? Or should I just be telling folks to pound sand and move on?

    Has anyone else dealt with this?

    YES! Do not dwell on that. I am there too! Those people do not get that there is so much more to it! The people who MATTER know that I want this for my overall health, well-being and quality of life. I want to get rid of my CPAP and get real sleep! I want to run around with my future grandchildren. I want off diabetes medicine! I want less joint pain, and yes I want to wear clothes that dont have an X in the size!

    You focus on what you know is best for you!

    Sent from my GT-N8013 using the BariatricPal App

  6. Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this site but have been reading the comments here. My question/concern is this: I'm a low BMI pre op sleever (35) and I'm concerned about losing weight pre op.

    My concern is that if I loose too much weight, my insurance (federal bcbs) won't cover me. Does anyone else going through this? It's looking more and more that Mexico might be the option for me!


    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I'm going through that too. I am a BMI 35 but have multiple co- morbidity issues. It took me an hour on the phone with my insurer to just get a person to talk to me about how they make decisions, But it was worth the effort. United Healthcare apparently looks at multiple factors when making the decision. If my weight fluctuates up and down, it will not disqualify me. I've done 2 of 6 consults, psych eval, EKG, DVT, ultrasound, stress test, seminar, & nutrition counseling. Fingers crossed for you and me both! I weigh myself before appts and drink a ton of Water right before the office weigh in.

    Sent from my GT-N8013 using the BariatricPal App

  7. Artificial sweeteners are "ugh" if you are not accustomed to them. Gross aftertaste. I'm still months pre op and have been trying different Protein Shakes. Premier seems to be the most tolerable. I just got some nectar powder that will probably be gross too, but I'm keeping my eye on the prize. This time next year, I will not be on half the meds I'm on now and I will look and feel better. You will too. Good luck!

  8. Hi, I have UMR (part of United Healthcare) and I live in NC. I have a bmi of 35 with multiple comorbidities. UMR requires a 6 month waiting period, tons of tests, and lots of hoops to qualify for sleeve surgery. Im doing everything they ask. I guess they can still turn around and deny the surgery. What can I do to keep that from happening? All this testing is going to be a good $10 grand if insurance does not pay. Plus I dont want to get everything set up just to get denied.

    Sent from my GT-N8013 using the BariatricPal App

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