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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lynnt1215

  1. Busy - yeah, just drinking liquid is a big bore. but It helps to try SF popsicles, at least some crunch there. I have anothe 2-3 weeks of Liquid Protein, but am surviving.

    Yesterday all I wanted to do was sleep... took a 3 hour nap mid day. i haven't done that since the fist few days home after surgery. guess my body needed it though.

    Today I am getting outside and enjoying more fresh air. gonna hit a flea market. I will enjopy just walking and looking. Saving my money for the new wardrobe I will eventually be needing!!!!

    Congrat to all of us "Shrinking Shamrocks" we all are on our path to a healthier life :teeth_smile::rolleyes2:

  2. still a bit sore, but defnintely bloating has improved... still a bit swollen, but just wearing sweats and nothing that fits tight.. so have no idea how anything other than that fits.

    I like the idea of telling insurance "i was just following DR orders" If I were to sign out at 23 hours they would say i left AMA(against medical advice), then nothing would have been covered!!!!

    The staff at the hospital are the ones who said, DR sys you have to stay... so I will fight with Dr. office to work on getting it covered, to.

  3. Fenton, not sure of my actual bill yet, but the letter bites, when a DR recommends a hospital stay you wopuld think insurance would not dispute. I am hoping the hernia repiat adds into the factor and they eventually decide to pay, time will tell. But then i work with insurance companies all the time and the individual differenced between policies is amazing. I know I will be hit for the private room, but my Dr says all their patients have that, so i am not disputing that!!

    Either way I am just glad surery is done and I am on my way to a healthier life.

  4. just got a letter from my insurance, hey are only going to pay for a 23 hours stay, they feel longer than that is not warranted. Maybe my DR will bill in a way to make it get covered....that was the only out that they suggested. so maybe the hiatel hernia repair will help qualify the longer stay. All I can do now is wait!!!! But still exstatic with getting the surgery done, whatever I end up with out of pocket expense..

    Remeber new banders, walk and drink...and Gas-X for the gas pain

  5. Just over 1 week post-op and doing pretty good. Overdid myself yesterday and paid for it last night. Today wil take it easy a bit, but still may hit the mall for a chance to get a short walk in, minus the rain!!!! I was so hoping for great weather for my re-coup time.. but mother nature has other ideas...

    Still having issues with shoulder pain, and lots of gas "release".

    Go to DR for first follow up on 4/4.

    My bf yelled at me for doing too much.. said he wanted me to take it easy and be good to myself. he is such a sweetie!!!!!

  6. I also had shots of Lovonox (sp?), the blood thinner, the 2 days I was in the hospital. Was told it was precaution for blood clots... I know some are sent home with meds for blood thinners after surgery, but alot depends on history and BMI. Luckily, so far I have had no issues with my previously outragepous GERD. Haven't taken Nexium for a week.....not sure if this joyous feeling will continue, but it is so nice considering i was in such misearble discomfort from the GERD everyday,, even with meds....

    Yesterday was a terrible gas day. I did a few more things than I should have and then alot more walking. not sure if was all gas or just that i overdid things... but I woke up this morning feeling so much better.

    congrats to all of the MArch Bandsters. There seem to have been so many in the past week or so. On to a better life style, and a healthier one :thumbup:

  7. everyone, remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. we had the surgery to have the tools to help us loose the weight. We have to put up with the discomforts of recovery after the surgery!!!!!

    It does get better as the days pass. I am 1 week post op and doing so much better than last week. Yeah, I had pain, gas, discomfort, but still feel it is the best choice for my health..

    Good luck to all those getting banded this week.

    Surprised to hear about cream of wheat being a "bad" food, it is on my list as a good one. of course all of these products need to be the low carb, weight smart varieties.

    Think of how great we will all be as far as health and well being when the weight is gone


  8. I knew all about my hernia repair before surgery day. I actually found out when I had my chest x-ray done for pulmonology. The actual hernia was worse than they thought, but repair was done.

    As far as my insurance, I know all procedures are coverd, just not sure if there is any co-insurance due, being early in the year I may not have hit that first $1000. guess i wait to see what bills arrive...

    Glad to see everyone that has recently been banded are doing well and getting back into the swing.

  9. nothing much to do, just "scrub" god and no food or drink after 10pm-midnight the night before.....even though you wash yourself well they are still going to wash you begore surgery..

    one word of wisdom. when i was discharged they disconnected all the leads for the monitors, but left the sticky pads all over me. when removing them I accidentally pulled off one of the steristrip bandages....do you want to say PAIN....so be carfeul..luckily it was the smallest incison and I just put a butterfly bandage on it when i got home and it is just about healed now after 1 week.

    good uck tomorrow

    and Hope, you still have a rubik cube!!!!!!! I didn't feel like doing anything but try to get comfortable and sleep. the waking me up every 4 hours for BP, temp and pulse ox got old real fast lol

  10. I think I'll be looking for another chewable Vitamin, my chewable children from BJ's are kind of nasty tasting :biggrin:, maybe I'll give them to my grandson and see if her likes them lol

    The lemon chiffon sounds delicious, have to check those out. As well as calcium citrate you want to look for it with Vitamin D. The Vitamin D does help the body absorb the calcium.. Even with a bone scan and my DR telling me I should not need extra Calcium, still gonna take it, my mom had severe osteoporosis.

  11. I have on a sort of sport bra, it is all stretchy, but does have fasteners. it hits just above my one incision so it is not bothered. I have more issue with my pants. only wearing loose fitting sweats right now, but they hit 2 of the lrger incisions. I wear the pants low under my belly, just like when I was pregnant. since not going anywhere figure it does the trick. haven't had a bra on for 5 days,since surgery, but figure the gals need some sort of support lol

    and with the gas, the fewer things touching my belly the better I feel, so naked would be best!!!!! :)

  12. I am taking 2 vivactin caramel chewable vitamins for my Calcium, the caramel flavor helps my sweet tooth, and 2 children's chewable for the next few weeks, eventually it will be 1 chewable children's Vitamin

    I am getting in at least 40 oz of liquid and 35-50 gm Protein daily, as well as sf Jello and popsicles. Gas did start yesterday, glad I m home and not around others!!!!! Gas-X strips are so helpful.

    Not too tires now, I did a couple of short walk today and have been enjoying reading good book.

  13. i was told give yourself about 30 minutes to eat. but as we have heard every doctor has their own ideas.

    Good luck tomorrow. Dr. Peter's was in on my surgey last week with Dr Wynn. I did not get the realize band like i was told. just as well, the DR are just being "proctored" in the insertion of this new band.

    Was really groggy for a bit after surgery, but then that could also have been the pain killer they kept pumping in me!!! LOL

    What time do you have to be there tomorrow.

    Good luck


  14. thanks Fenton, I tried the pillow this AM, is great to get help out of bed and into bed without that terrible pulling and burning feeling at the incision.

    As far a weight lifting restrictions, I was told no more than 10# for the first 4 weeks, will talk to my Dr at appt on 4/4 to see if she will change at all.

    i am enjoying my time home from work, getting in alot of reading and watching tons of movies, as well as getting in those walks.

  15. 6 days post op, getting liquid in is not an issue, and getting in a little more than 1/2 of the Protein needed. Hoping to do better this week, am starting full liquids and the variety is there.

    gas-x was such a help a few times... so glad i learned about it from this site

    A bit sore at the incision sites and still a bit painful getting out of a chair or getting out of bed. good thing is I am out of work for the next 2 weeks. Plan on getting in alot of walking

  16. seems a great time to start the thread anew. I got banded on 3/19, feeling pretty good, just a bit of incision discomfort and some gas, but overall feeling good.

    I just want to say that the threads have been so helpful to me and I know to others. I hope this one continues flourish.

    Get back to everyone later

    Lynn :wub:

  17. my eval was about 30 minutes, I had a paper questionaire to complete prior to the appt. All we talked about is who was our support system, did i understand the life changes involved.

    Nothing overly deep.

    As with all other aspects of pre op preparation for lapband surgery psychology eval seems to have it's differences too. All you need to do is go with the flow, it will get you through all of this. and then you will be getting banded

    good luck

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