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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lynnt1215

  1. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    everyone have a great week, off on vacation... may or may not have internet Access while I am gone:tongue:
  2. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    BRAS, BRAS, yes, the biggest issue I have. In the past I sworeI would never wear an underwire bra, Now I live for them.... I find they are the best and my clothes look so much better when I wear them. Heading out on vacation for a week, so may not be posting, never know if I can get internet connection, Fenton - I have your book to read while enjoying the sunshine on the beach..
  3. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Again, today my band has a mind of it's own. Lunc was a good size salad, eggs, cheese, olives, bacon... and had little trouble with it. tonight is chicken and broccoli and I can't finish half of it.... Vacation is next week and hope I do not have ny problems. I usually d not go out to eat on vacaction, so that will not be an issue, but don't want to feel uncomfortable while away.
  4. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    It took 4 months from information seminar to surgery for me, psychology, pulmonology, cardiology, lab work, endoscopy, sleep apnea study was done before all these began. Surgery was 3/19/08, so over all not too long of a process for me And I would do it all over again in a heart beat!!
  5. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Congratulations on the 50# loss Have a safe trip.
  6. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    After a fill I find my band to be ever changing. I had a fill on 8/10 and since then each day has different restriction.. so I play it by ear and hope it will level off to something somewhat standard. All I can do is wait and see if that happens. I try to stay under 1200 calories per day and get in some exercise. I have been losing 1-2 pounds a week over the past few months.
  7. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Your Dr has a great variety of support vlasses. MY surgeon also has classes, groups, but not to the extent of yours.. I had my 3 month check, but got no extra info for post op. It is always nice to have updated info and materials to go to for reference
  8. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey, Marie, WTG to get back on track Yes, I am in Newark, Dr. Gail Wynn was my surgeon. Another fellow bander and I walk regularly at the walking path at route 896/40, as well as members of the new Bear YMCA. And I agree, I love this group, so informative, supportive and can give a good kick in the butt, if it is needed. I could not have been as successful as I ma if it had not been for everyone here.
  9. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Special K - You and your mom are in my thoughts, prayers go out to you and your family. Fenton - No more tomorrows and last suppers. You need a kick in the A$$. And you know we will all line up and give it to you. You have done so well and without a fill. Keep a positive attitude and pull yourself up by the bootstraps, whatever that may imply, and get youself back on track
  10. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    At 248#, my starting weight I wore a 20 pant and a 22/24 shirt, now at 185 I wear at 14/16 shirt and 14/16 pant. I am so amazed at how didderenrt individual wear diffrent sizes when told their weights. We discussed bra sizes once and I was wearing a42C, now a 40B, almost to a 38B..yippee, but then a friend told me she wore a38 and I had to control myself to keep my eyes from bugging out of my head. There was no way...Aas I have stated before I am enjoying the fact I can by pretty, sexy underclothes and enjoy wearing them.. I am just happy to see the scale move and even more greatful when my sizes go down.. congrats to all on their losses and successes, we are all in a journey to a better, healthier future
  11. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I take a bariatric Vitamin for banders, it has everything that is needed, including the Calcium, I take one with Breakfast and one with dinner. Mine are watermelon flavor, but they also come in lemon Why a 2nd banding friend from Australia
  12. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    First off, I will not forego breakfast again. Today I left the house early with no breakfast, and by noon I was famished. I hit McDonald's drive-thru.. Got a crispy chicken wrap and a vanilla cone!! I know, very bad. and the ice cream conbe. boy it was good, and overall the calorie count was not too bad.. As i awas eating i kept telling myself, do not do this, but I was sooo hungery. Afterwards I was sick. too much at one time and wrong choices I checked MyPLate and the wrap was 320 calories.... 14 gms protein. never again. and I WILL make sure I have breakfast and eat at regular intervals..
  13. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    Fairy - congrats on getting back to the gym, and WTG not having to decrease anything from where you were before. Hope - Glad to see you are doing better. You did have quite a few "disrsactions" during the early time after the band. Keep up the good work Hey 366 - are you out there!!!! :thumbup:
  14. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    i am always sloshing. every afternoon i drink a protein iced tea, 15gm protein. but i do have the special K powder., the extra fiber from it does prove to be helpful :thumbup:
  15. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I too can't wait for the Biggest Loser to be back on TV. Watching the Olymics I am tired os seeing all those physically fit, skinny young people,,,lol But they do so well at each of their chosen sports. and the time they have dedicated to the sport! I heard on the news this morning that Phelps eats 12,000 calories A DAY!!!!! and it was stated the average person would gain 15# a week if we ate like that..OMG
  16. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Sorry to say I cannot relate to menopause symptoms, Luckily I am well past that stage. even at 54. :biggrin: I sort of sailed right past that time. I was on the depoprovera shot for other mfemakle issues so never had to worry about anything for about 4 years. Then when UI stopped the medication Bang, no more!!! I was/am one happy camper. And I know heredity had aplay in the issue to, seems the women in my mother's family were done and over with that before 50
  17. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I went to W. Irondequoit and lived off of Cooper Road, near the HS. definitely a small world. I am back in town sometime in October. I graduated in 1972.
  18. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey Chick, I see you are in Webster, NY. I am originally from Rochester, West Irondequoit. I actually met up with a fellow bander from Webster when I was in town back in June. small world.!!!! Take the compliments, I think we should take the comments and smile. we all work hard to get where we are at and the compliments from others are well deserved As for the comments on sweets. We all have the cravings I am sure. I have some hard candy in the house and then my lowfat ice cream bars. if needed I just frink a crystal light and it helps beat the sweet craving.
  19. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    Healthy Heart Walk is September 7, a sunday. I was going to join the group here at work, but had to bow out. My knee has been giving out on me. I walk the 896/40 track, but have slowed down my pace. I totally forgot about last night's meeting. And I was free to attend :biggrin: Weight loss continues. and after last Friday's .5cc fill I have days of extreme restriction and times of almost nothing.. Lunch to day kicked my A$$. I ate 3 shrimp and started to feel discomfort. Got up and walked a bit and feel better now.. but will only finish my soup for now..
  20. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Guess I was lucky, my cpap study was in a room similar to a motel room, private bath, TV, queen size bed, and quiet. the observation room was in the front of the office and the 10 "study" suites were in the back. I used the CPAP machine before surgery, but have not touched it since surgery. The only reason I actually got the machine is I was told I needed to use it in order to get the surgery... my issues were not too severee, but enough they wanted me to have it. so now it collects dust in the closet
  21. lynnt1215

    Any locals?

    How is everyone doing. this thread has been very quiet. I had fill #3 Friday, I am at 5.5cc in my 14cc band, Dr. Wynn was running behind on Friday so Dr. Iragu did my fill. It was just 0.5cc, and that was tough to get him to agree too. I thought maybe a bit more would be better, but he thought I was doing well where I was. If he only knew how hard I have been trying to stay on course these past few weeks. I know the weight loss is slowing down, but I don't want it to stop. My next scheduled fill is 9/18, my 6 months bandaversary! Good news is the hernia I have is too small to worry about and he said, not to worry about it! I did get in my walk this morning, through the thunder and lightening, but stayed dry until I was finished.
  22. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I realy have to get on the ball and post my picture from October 2007 and a more recent one. I also cut my hair about 2 months ater banding and did the coloring and highlighting.. I needed a change and was amazed by the additional compliments for the change from friends and co-workers. We all are doing more for ourselves, appreance, physical activity and in our clothing. :crying: It is so enjoyable to go into a store and be able to not go for the plus sizes. even buying "sexy" undies... even if I am the only one who gets to see them
  23. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    wow, sorry to hear about your ordeal!!!!!! Glad to hear you are homne and on the mend. I luckily able to get in all my liquid and protein right from the start. But others seem to struggle. my issues are always after a fill, the first few days of liquid, once I was unable to drink much at all, this time, all seems well..... Take care of yourself and let yourself heal....
  24. lynnt1215

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    oops,, it was only 0.5cc added with my fill, if it were 9.5cc i would be in real trouble
  25. lynnt1215

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Is that a new picture of you? looking good, girl !!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
