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    mrsNilla reacted to blizair09 in First lie!   
    When I began this journey with my PCP appointment in February, I decided to be transparent with everyone in my life from the beginning. By doing so, I have a whole army of folks that are keeping me accountable to my goal of ridding myself of all of this extra weight. I have found that through my six-month pre-op diet, I have had constant cheerleaders that understand my plight, and as I prepare for surgery in 10 days, these same people are thinking of me and are being understanding of the time I feel that I will need to recover after the surgery before resuming my place in my work and social lives.
    To each his/her own on this one, but I have never been good at keeping secrets. I'm the kind of person that has to talk about things to process and move forward, even if it is with a complete stranger at the hotel bar, the Delta SkyClub, or airplane seat next to me...
  2. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Clementine Sky in First lie!   
    It's been thirteen months since I had the VSG, and besides my physicians the only three people who know about it are my parents and my husband. Not my best friend since I was 11, not my brother, not my colleagues. I never discussed having surgery with anyone else, so I didn't have to come up with an explanation. No one else has had a need to know, and I haven't had a need for them to know. If you want to tell people, by all means do so, but if you want to keep it private, know that it's absolutely your prerogative and feel at peace with the decision.
    If you're doing a pre-op diet and people ask you about it, you can simply say it's a diet. If you're going to be missing time at work, you can tell people you need to take some personal leave days, or vacation, or sick leave, or whatever. No one at work is entitled to know specifics. You could be taking time off for a host of reasons. I'm about to take time off to have my wisdom teeth removed, and I'm not disclosing that either, even though it's a common surgery. I just don't feel the need. That's all. It's not lying to not disclose healthcare matters, it's keeping something that is personal private. Once you let out something that is private, you can lose control over it because people can tell others, sometimes just by letting it slip out. My concern was that it would mean having to devote energy to explaining the surgery and calming concerns others might have instead of putting my focus into doing everything I needed to be prepared for success. I do get asked a lot about my weight loss now, because I've gotten down to a size 2. I tell people who ask the truth - by using MyFitnessPal to track everything I eat, and biking to work instead of driving.
    Best wishes to you!
  3. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Leather'nLace in First lie!   
    I unexpectedly had a hernia that had to be repaired during surgery, so now when people ask, I say I had a hernia fixed and I'm not lying!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to IveGotThePower in Sizes clearly mean nothing   
    Yes, I agree about the larger size clothing having more wiggle room. And I didn't realize how uncomfortable and tight my original cloths were either. Also, try clothes that are a size smaller anyway. You might be surprised. I was SHOCKED when I fit into a size 16 Regular Intro pants (they have some stretch) that were not in the plus size department. I bought them on sale for a month or two later, and just decided to give them a try just 2 weeks later because they were so cute. I started at 22, sometimes 24. But it is so crazy how the sizes are also brand specific. Tops seem to be closer to true size for me. And of course, it depends where your weight comes off first. Every weekend I'm donating a few items, and buying an item or two, or maybe 4..........But only when they are on sale You will get there. Just focus on your nutrition and good things will come to you.
  5. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to alwtg in Sizes clearly mean nothing   
    Clothes sizes are insane, shopping drives me to distraction trying to guess what size I might want to buy. I've recently ventured back into the older children's section as they seem to fit quite well, but I think the same as the others in the beginning it took a while to drop a clothes size but now it can take as little as two weeks to drop a size. Go to the shop and just pick up loads of clothes to try on - you might get a pleasant surprise
  6. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to blizair09 in Cheated on my preop liquid diet, will the dr cancel my surgery?   
    This is why the six-month diet is actually such a GOOD thing when it is a requirement. I have completely re-established my relationship with food during this time. Not only have I lost 96 pounds pre-op, but I have given myself a much better chance of continued success with the sleeve as a tool. I know many people on here (and frankly my surgeon's staff as well) hate on the six-month diet, but I can't imagine going from an everything-goes relationship with food to the requirements that you will HAVE to adhere to post-op or else you will get violently ill. Everyone is human, and everyone makes mistakes, but this is a WAY bigger issue than "cheating" or one bad choice.
  7. Like
    mrsNilla got a reaction from KristenLe in Cheated on my preop liquid diet, will the dr cancel my surgery?   
    I don't want to be negative, but...
    WLS is so important to us and we usually get one shot at it. Be sure that this is the right time for you. Are you ready to make the changes? Eat differently than your family and friends?
    If you have a lot of trouble sticking to a diet for a few short days or weeks, maybe now is too early for surgery?
    It's not a magical pill that will fix your disturbed relationship with food with a cut and some stitches. You have to do the actual work and change, in order for it to work.
    I did a lot of soul searching for a long time, messed up, but I own it and have now decided to give it my all. I will have a succes story, like so many people here.
    So my wish for everyone is...
    Do the surgery when you know you are ready to change. Don't waste it at a time when you are still not a 100% sure and determined. It won't work.
    Sent from my GT-I9506 using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to TheRev in Ashamed   
    @@HopefulInVirginia - I've been obese since birth.
    My pediatrician put me on a diet when I was in the 4th grade.
    I was always teased in school, called "Big Boy" or "Big Man" by strangers. I can feel the judgement whenever I meet someone. No matter how gregarious, funny, personable, intelligent, witty or whatever I try to be, the word "fat" is almost always the first way someone would describe me to someone else.
    And then let's talk about moving through crowds, trying to will my body to be smaller to fit between people at concerts, how uncomfortable seats are in stadiums or music venues and how they leave bruises on my thighs, or bus seats, or airplane seats, or booths at restaurants, or not being able to find clothes at normal stores, or any of a thousand daily reminders that I'm morbidly obese.
    Four Decades of that.
    Diets never work, exercise can only do so much when you get so big. It's an awful Catch-22.
    And now.. there's hope. There's real hope. I see myself making progress EVERY MORNING. I look in the mirror and I see Myself in there - fuzzy, undefined, mostly obscured, but I'm there. I'm in there encouraging myself to keep going. To use this tool I've given myself and to embrace the person I've always thought deep down that I was.
    Be Proud of taking this step. This is seizing control of your own life and health in the best way available to you. Someone thinks you're taking an easy way out? Well that someone doesn't know the decades of mental anguish that being obese puts you through. They can't appreciate your pain and never will. What they think is inconsequential.
    I'm not even a week post-op and I know this is the best decision I've ever made. I'm a 40 year old man and I get teary-eyed when I think about who I'm going to become in the next year, of what I'll be able to do, of how I'll feel about myself. That joy is a thousand times more potent than the snide remarks of some ignorant twat.

  9. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to leebick in I THOUGHT I was sleeved...   
    I have a meeting with the surgeon today to go over all records. She was in surgery all day yesterday. I'm bringing a friend who is a lawyer with me- not in a professional capacity, but because it's always good to have someone along in cases like this, and her experience could be helpful. I also figured, given I am only 5 days post-op and still taking pain relief, it might help to have someone with a "clear mind" with me!
  10. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Jen-2+1 in Got approval today   
    I also got my approval today. I am scheduled for Monday.
  11. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Karen Sweet in Got approval today   
    I just got my approval this morning too. So excited. I am also scheduled for October 18th.
  12. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to jess9395 in Your exercise routine   
    I run 30 + miles per week, do power/vinyasa/Ashtanga yoga and have big time muscles (18% body fat). Didn't stop me from having excess skin.
    Don't count on exercise to fix that, but don't let it stop you! So many other benefits!!!
  13. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to AlbaGuBrath in Half an hour till surgery...wish me luck!   
    Sat here all gowned, stockinged and pre-opped....see you on the other side
  14. Like
    mrsNilla got a reaction from KristenLe in Cheated on my preop liquid diet, will the dr cancel my surgery?   
    I don't want to be negative, but...
    WLS is so important to us and we usually get one shot at it. Be sure that this is the right time for you. Are you ready to make the changes? Eat differently than your family and friends?
    If you have a lot of trouble sticking to a diet for a few short days or weeks, maybe now is too early for surgery?
    It's not a magical pill that will fix your disturbed relationship with food with a cut and some stitches. You have to do the actual work and change, in order for it to work.
    I did a lot of soul searching for a long time, messed up, but I own it and have now decided to give it my all. I will have a succes story, like so many people here.
    So my wish for everyone is...
    Do the surgery when you know you are ready to change. Don't waste it at a time when you are still not a 100% sure and determined. It won't work.
    Sent from my GT-I9506 using the BariatricPal App
  15. Like
    mrsNilla got a reaction from #BirdDog in I did it! Got sleeved yesterday 9/2!   
    Thanks BirdDog! I have been enjoying your posts and can't wait to share my own experience soon. Your food funeral... LOL!!! I got such a vivid pic in my head. It's the ultimate anti-ad for Mickey D ????
    You are doing great, keep up the good work and hug your supportive wife for me!
    Sent from my GT-I9506 using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Butch Luce in Last day of liquid diet, surgery tomorrow!   
    Well, 1 day post surgery and I guess I'm doing well. Very little pain, usually only when I'm getting out of bed, it's around the incisions. Not much gas either, just a feeling of fullness. Walked laps around the nurses station two times yesterday. Doing the breathing treatments. Had some broth last night and I was hungry, sort of. No the bad hunger tough more like I knew I needed something. This morning is the leak test. My surgeon said last night that she might release me today if all continues to go well. Not sure if I'm all in favor of that because I live about 2 1/2 hours away from the doc. and hospital. I guess the only source of confusion I have concerns which meds I can crush and which ones I can't evidently crushing some meds changes their properties. Going to have to get that cleared up before I leave.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Butch Luce in Last day of liquid diet, surgery tomorrow!   
    Hey Heather. I hope your procedure went well. I am walking a little and so far swallowing melted ice has not been a problem. The Doc. said everything looked good and she even repaired a hiatal hernia at the same time. Not much pain except when I stand up. I hope you are doing good.. I've been thinking about you sleeve Buddy.! I'm from Texas, how about you?
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Butch Luce in Last day of liquid diet, surgery tomorrow!   
    It's 4:30 am and headed to the hospital. Ready to get this on! By the way, good luck and prayers for you Heather!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to ojibway in Last day of liquid diet, surgery tomorrow!   
    GOOD LUCK! I'm sure you'll do fine. The worst part is the first couple of days, walk, sip and stay hydrated. Everyday after surgery gets better. I'm about 19 days out and doing really well.
  20. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Heather I in Last day of liquid diet, surgery tomorrow!   
    I'm tomorrow, too, Bruce!
    -10ish lbs, so excited to do this -- and to move through the stages to super exciting mush after liquids for a month by the time we get there.

    3/19 is our local St. Patrick's Parade, 10k race. That's my tentative goal -- to run it, and hopefully be down 100 lbs. I know it's a lofty goal, but if I don't put it out there, how can I expect to meet it if I never say it?
    Best of luck, Bruce!
  21. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Butch Luce in Last day of liquid diet, surgery tomorrow!   
    . Well 24 hours from now my surgery should be in progress. It's been a 1 1/2 year effort to get to this point mostly because of a coronary stent procedure a little over a year ago. Today is the last day of the liquid diet, only Clear liquids, --lookout chicken broth! After the first few days I fell into a routine which I described in a previous post. Basically, I stayed away from prepared food, my wife usually ate by herself, and my new best friends are Greek yogurt, Isopure and Premier Protein drinks, and broth. Watching football games yesterday, the double meat and cheese hamburger commercials were almost too much! Anyway, I've lost about 16 pounds and hope that's enough. Starting weight was 360 and today's weight is 344. You guys just beginning the journey hang in there. If I can do it without cheating you can too! I know the next few weeks will be rough too but it will be worth it if my last years on earth will not be the struggle it has in recent years (I will be 70 in December). I'll give a post surgery report when I can but in the meantime, say a little prayer for me and the others who will be sleeved tomorrow! God bless!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    mrsNilla got a reaction from HuneComz in Costs resulting from WLS   
    I don't know about all of you, but I still have some smaller clothes stored that I really like and didn't get rid off, even though I don't fit them anymore. Leggings, tunics etc will be easy to wear when getting smaller, since they will be forgiving. I will be so happy to see my favorite timeless outfits come out of the boxes and fit me again! Can't wait!!
    And the proteindrinks etc, like everyone pointed out, we will be saving on the other stuff. I'm not worried, even though it might seems like a big sum if you by in costco quantities ????
    Sent from my GT-I9506 using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    mrsNilla got a reaction from HuneComz in Costs resulting from WLS   
    I don't know about all of you, but I still have some smaller clothes stored that I really like and didn't get rid off, even though I don't fit them anymore. Leggings, tunics etc will be easy to wear when getting smaller, since they will be forgiving. I will be so happy to see my favorite timeless outfits come out of the boxes and fit me again! Can't wait!!
    And the proteindrinks etc, like everyone pointed out, we will be saving on the other stuff. I'm not worried, even though it might seems like a big sum if you by in costco quantities ????
    Sent from my GT-I9506 using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Babbs in No drinking with meals?   
  25. Like
    mrsNilla reacted to Nerdgrl in Discouraged and drained.   
    @@mollydeez what a terrible, frustrating and discouraging ordeal you've been going through. I'm so sorry that this has been so difficult for you. While I haven't been through this type of struggle (I opted to self pay for my surgery in Mexico, in part because of the possibility of facing what you've been dealing with), I completely agree with @@Lukeadelle - you need to get in their face. Did you see the Sex and the City episode where Samantha was diagnosed with breast cancer and camped out in the oncologist's office for days until they gave her an appointment? It may sound extreme, but you can't take no for an answer. Show up at her office in the morning (and the next, and the next if that's what it takes) and just politely inform them that you're not leaving without your paperwork. Your doctor is being passive aggressive, so make her deal with you in person. Transfer the pain and suffering that you're going through to your doctor - even if she only submits the paperwork to get rid of you, I would call that success! Talk about how your doctor is putting her personal opinion over your health with other patients in the waiting room. When this starts to impact her business, she'll do anything it takes to get you out of there. Who cares if the receptionist is nasty? It's not her health or her future that is at stake!! Once you make the consequences of not responding to you worse than the consequences of responding to you, she will do it. Hang in there - be strong and out-stubborn them! Do not take no for an answer and don't stop until you get what you need!!! Best of luck!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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