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Everything posted by Dody

  1. I have a fairly new home with gorgeous beige carpeting. No One but no one comes into my home with their shoes on....even the plumber has little thingies he puts over his shoes. It is nothing but common courtesy and I was raised that way. Call me compulsive, but shoes are dirty....my carpet is not and I intend for it to remain so. I know people that have signs in their front windows asking for you to remove your shoes...kudos to them. I respect that entirely. Perhaps it depends on how compulsive you are about your carpeting and your home...I admit to being overly compulsive....Shoes Off or we visit in the garage and you probably won't come back Dody
  2. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    You are entitled to your opinion Elizabeth and I to mine. Subject is Closed.
  3. those are great pics....at 64 I'm not too old to appreciate a good looking man. You are gorgeous also
  4. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    My opinion is just that...my opinion. I noticed moderators signed on, so I guess I wrongfully assumed they were online There were posts by moderators all day yesterday...shame on me for thinking they were here and knew about the situation.
  5. Your support has meant a lot to me. The band is on hold, but never far from my mind. I have to see a vascular surgeon this week and have an MRI of my knee....it looks like there could be two surgeries before banding. I'm even more concerned because I will be on Plavix (a strong blood thinner) for quite awhile and to have the lap-banding you have to be off even aspirin for a week. My dr. thinks depending on what they decide to do...either clean out the arteries or stent them it could be up to six weeks before I could go off the Plavix for a week. I'm really confused to say the least, but I'm not giving up and thankful they found this in time. Having the surgery could have caused a major stroke, so I thank God I found out in time. It makes me wonder about older people going out of country without these extensive tests...and I send out a prayer for them. It could have been the Kiss Of Death if I had done that. I'm glad I jumped through all the hoops before the surgery took place, so please don't ever get discouraged by the number of tests your American dr. puts you through. There is most definitely a reason. Thank you again to all you wonderful friends on here. God Bless, Dody
  6. What a time I've had since arriving in Tennessee to be with family for my surgery. First I had pneumonia, then I twisted my knee (it looks like it will need surgery in the near future), and then I went to Vanderbilt to see my surgeon for my pre-op appt. My surgery was supposed to be June 5th. They found a bruit in my carotid arteries and recommended I have a doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries, which I did yesterday. Both arteries are almost completely blocked and they are surprised I haven't had a massive stroke. Needless to say I need surgery soon for this problem, and the banding is in the back burner for now. I have to call Vanderbilt on Tues. and make sure it is cancelled so perhaps they can get someone else in. I'm totally bummed, but I also know that perhaps finding out here with this physical was the best thing that could happen to me. I live alone and if I had a stoke I don't know when anyone would have found me. God truly works in mysterious ways. I don't know why my cardiologist didn't find this in Idaho, but he didn't, so I doubt it would have been diagnosed. Thank God for the doctors at Vanderbilt who do a very thorough exam for the lap-banding that they found this. I will be seeing a vascular surgeon next week as Mon. is a holiday and so far I've been asymptomatic. My kids are wonderfully supportive, and I'm hoping that you, my friends here on lap-band, will send me some prayers that all goes well. Thanks and God Bless, Dody
  7. Dody

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I was so happy to hear from you yesterday and hear that everything went fine for you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, and I thank you for keeping me in yours. I wish you the best of luck on your band journey. I know you will do incredibly well. Hey my friend...Tony hurt his ribs pretty bad last night and I lost all interest in the race. I don't even know who won...and don't think I care Did you watch it? Take care. I'm sorry you had that PB so soon after surgery. That's about the soonest I've heard of anyone having one, so you are officially a bandster. God Bless, Dody
  8. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I guess I was over-reacting to the whole situation. My gripe is mostly with the moderators who let the post remain all day. I have not changed my mine that they could have deleted the post early in the day. When Alexandra stated "we were out living our lives", my thoughts were it would have taken but one minute to decide the post was totally inappropriate and very cruel. I am as angry at the moderators as I am at the person who made one of the most malicious posts I've ever seen on here. Alex should have enough trust in the moderators to let one of them delete it when it is that offensive. Kudos to Susan for not retalliating. I think it hit me harder than anyone because Susan has never been anything but supportive and friendly to me and newbies who arrive on the board. Susan I am proud to call you friend. I simply think this should have been deleted sooner and without my having to complain to Alex (the board owner about it). Someone was kind enough to PM me his info. I still say shame on the moderators that allowed this to remain an entire day, and no I certainly don't feel they did the best job by any means in this situation. I had a serious go-round with someone on here and was told to delete my posts. The person who attacked me didn't delete their posts...so please don't even tell me favoritism is not alive and well on this board. This is just my opinion and certainly not a reflection of other people's thoughts. If you want to think LBT is one happy place, please feel free to do so, but I feel some get away with a lot and others basically get called on the carpet far more. These very offensive posts have gone on for some time now, and still this person is posting on here. I shudder to think how many warnings have to be given before the rules are enforced and they are banned. I don't intend to cross any lines here, but I for one am ashamed of the way this post was handled. I am on east coast time and was on this post and complaining early in the morning hoping it would be gone before Susan saw it. These things have to hurt and the moderators know that...or is the drama a bit of enjoyment and locking the threads a form of pleasure where someone cannot retaliate? A similar situation occurred about a week ago and Susan started her own thread to apologize for something...this got locked also. How unfair is this????? Why does one of the moderators have an ad on the bottom of their post that is exactly like DeLarla's? Are they buddies? I have to ask myself is this part of the reason she gets away with the things she does? If I'm jumping to conclusions please excuse me. Someone was kind enough to place a bug in my ear about the ads being the same...and lo and behold they are. Probably just conincidence but enough to make you wonder about hideous posts remaining. Oh, Oh, is this thread going to be locked too? That seems to happen when a moderator doesn't like being called on the carpet.
  9. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    If that statement was directed towards me because I tried all day to get an offensive statement removed from here, then so be it. I can stand any heat you can throw at me, but I won't see my friends run down like was done on the "I'm Guilty" (finally deleted thread). Perhaps you should have read it. It would have taken one minute out of someone's life to see it was totally inappropriate yet it was left all day...plenty of time for PhotoNut to see it. Do I think the moderators could have done something in the early morning...you can bet your ass I do, and I said just that. If you have a problem with that feel free to spit it out.
  10. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    So glad they are finally gone. Me...I'm out of here.
  11. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    So glad they are finally gone. Me...I'm out of here.
  12. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    You have had all day. It seems to me the damage has been done by allowing PhotoNut to have to read the ramblings of a psychopath. Perhaps Alex will do something about it. I'm tired of threads simply being closed and the obnoxious behavior allowed to remain on here. You knew PhotoNut would be hurt by this Alexandra. I can't believe you couldn't contact some other moderator and delete this thread long before now. Shame on all of you. I think perhaps Alex should have enough faith if he chose you for moderators to allow one of you to decide an obnoxious thread should be deleted. It appears you have been discussing this "I'm Guilty" thread with someone, and still nothing has been done. Why should it even be up for discussion that it should be deleted and the person who wrote it banned....of course she would come back as DeNutCase or something else. It is oh so easy to change an IP number if you know anything about computers....but her style of rambling is easy to pick up on.
  13. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    You have had all day. It seems to me the damage has been done by allowing PhotoNut to have to read the ramblings of a psychopath. Perhaps Alex will do something about it. I'm tired of threads simply being closed and the obnoxious behavior allowed to remain on here. You knew PhotoNut would be hurt by this Alexandra. I can't believe you couldn't contact some other moderator and delete this thread long before now. Shame on all of you. I think perhaps Alex should have enough faith if he chose you for moderators to allow one of you to decide an obnoxious thread should be deleted. It appears you have been discussing this "I'm Guilty" thread with someone, and still nothing has been done. Why should it even be up for discussion that it should be deleted and the person who wrote it banned....of course she would come back as DeNutCase or something else. It is oh so easy to change an IP number if you know anything about computers....but her style of rambling is easy to pick up on.
  14. Dody

    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    You are so right about it being Memorial Day weekend, but apparently DeLarla took this Sunday to attack PhotoNut once more in her "I'm Guilty" thread which still remains. If you want this to stop perhaps Alex should get involved in allowing the moderators to let her keep posting this crap.
  15. Dody

    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    This thread is the psychotic ramblings of one individual against PhotoNut. Why wasn't it deleted instead of closed Alexandra. Only one person replied before you closed it, but you allowed it to remain, which makes me think in some way you are enjoying someone else's misery. I feel if someone attacked the moderators with horrible language and insulted you it would immediately be deleted. It is time to take some action. I have contacted Alex and complained about the "I'm Guilty" Thread. PhotoNut is a friend of mine and a very supportive person. She should not have been allowed to read that horrible post and have her feelings hurt...still you left it there....but NOBODY plays favorites right???? I have contacted Alex. Perhaps he will see things in a different light.
  16. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    Not sure who got my complaint about the thread they posted about you PhotoNut. I just sent it in by clicking on the triangle. I don't know how to get ahold of Alex personally or I most definitely would. This is supposed to be a forum for support and encouragement, which is why I joined in the first place. I hope everything returns quickly to where it belongs. I've always found you to be kind to new people. You were one of the first to greet me when I joined and have been a great source of inspiration. I heard from 3 Loves. She is doing fine and her surgery went well. Thank God. I hope to see sanity back on this board and hurtful things deleted. I hate to see someone singled out and attacked.
  17. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    Not sure who got my complaint about the thread they posted about you PhotoNut. I just sent it in by clicking on the triangle. I don't know how to get ahold of Alex personally or I most definitely would. This is supposed to be a forum for support and encouragement, which is why I joined in the first place. I hope everything returns quickly to where it belongs. I've always found you to be kind to new people. You were one of the first to greet me when I joined and have been a great source of inspiration. I heard from 3 Loves. She is doing fine and her surgery went well. Thank God. I hope to see sanity back on this board and hurtful things deleted. I hate to see someone singled out and attacked.
  18. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    There is a thread on here that just greeted me this morning and made me fume. It wasn't caused just by the person who posted the vicious attack but by the moderator who allowed the post to remain there and not delete it. Just locking it is not a sufficient remedy. A thread that so blatantly attacks a person as the "I'm Guilty" thread should have been deleted. I personally am very proud to call PhotoNut my friend. She has been a great encouragement to me along with a lot of other people on here. She has always been here for me, and it hurt to see her attacked in what I considered a vile way by someone I have no respect for after reading this. How low is this thing going to sink? You know Alexandra, the thread should have been deleted. You are allowing Susan to read this and not be able to respond. You know it will hurt her horribly. What if someone posted something cruel to a moderator...would you let it stand. Now if Susan trys to defend herself in another thread you will get on her case and lock it. Alexandra, a good moderator would delete the "I'm Guilty" thread immediately and not just lock it. I would like to hear others opinions on this, or am I going to find this thread locked to responses to? I'm furious with this person who attacked PhotoNut. She should be ashamed of herself.
  19. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    There is a thread on here that just greeted me this morning and made me fume. It wasn't caused just by the person who posted the vicious attack but by the moderator who allowed the post to remain there and not delete it. Just locking it is not a sufficient remedy. A thread that so blatantly attacks a person as the "I'm Guilty" thread should have been deleted. I personally am very proud to call PhotoNut my friend. She has been a great encouragement to me along with a lot of other people on here. She has always been here for me, and it hurt to see her attacked in what I considered a vile way by someone I have no respect for after reading this. How low is this thing going to sink? You know Alexandra, the thread should have been deleted. You are allowing Susan to read this and not be able to respond. You know it will hurt her horribly. What if someone posted something cruel to a moderator...would you let it stand. Now if Susan trys to defend herself in another thread you will get on her case and lock it. Alexandra, a good moderator would delete the "I'm Guilty" thread immediately and not just lock it. I would like to hear others opinions on this, or am I going to find this thread locked to responses to? I'm furious with this person who attacked PhotoNut. She should be ashamed of herself.
  20. I appreciate all of you. You are one great group of people and awesome support. I haven't lost my enthusiasm for getting the band. I just have to resolve some serious issues first. I am very glad they found this problem so that I can have surgery on it before getting the band. Thank you all for the prayers and kind words.
  21. Dody

    I'm home and banded...

    I'm so happy for you that you have the band, but also sorry the morphine affected you like it did. I don't do morphine well myself. Happy Band Journey.
  22. Dody

    3Loves - Big day tomorrow!!!

    I know how much you have been looking forward to this day. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I know you are at the beginning of a fantastic journey.
  23. Coughing up what looked like coffee grounds was my first indication I had an ulcer and a bad one at that. Please see your dr. I don't know if an unfill will help an ulcer, but I do know there are some great medications out there. Perhaps an unfill is in order too. I really don't know much about that aspect as I'm not banded yet. Good luck to you.
  24. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I don't feel posts should be locked. We do live in America where freedom of speech is guaranteed. If someone doesn't care for us saud in a thread, hit the back button and get out of it. That's just my 2 cents worth. Same thing if you don't like something on TV...turn the channel. We aren't children and don't need anyone watdhing over us. If someone blatantly starts an argument they deserve to be called on the carpet. This is really getting out of hand with deletions and locking threads.
  25. Dody

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I don't feel posts should be locked. We do live in America where freedom of speech is guaranteed. If someone doesn't care for us saud in a thread, hit the back button and get out of it. That's just my 2 cents worth. Same thing if you don't like something on TV...turn the channel. We aren't children and don't need anyone watdhing over us. If someone blatantly starts an argument they deserve to be called on the carpet. This is really getting out of hand with deletions and locking threads.

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