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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by SusieSouth

  1. Checked the scale, and I've lost 5 pounds! Yay! I've been on low carbs. Soon I'll be on my liquid diet. I can't wait. Feels great.

    1. _Kate_


      Congratulations Susie :-)

  2. Disappointment. My work is demanding and just when I put in my leave, it turns out there is another work "emergency" that sets me back for another week. I'm getting anxious about scheduling for another surgery date.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LipstickLady


      When you are in your 60s, 70s, 80s, are you going to remember the "work emergency" or the surgery you had to allow you to live all those extra years? You have to put yourself first at some point.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Whoever would be handling the "emergency" that arises when you are out of the office is the one who should be handling the emergencies now.

    4. SusieSouth


      Thanks for all the comments. I thought Id decide to just take care of it, so that I could not only have a peace of mind, but also get a real chance at resting and recuperating from the surgery without any interruptions or worries. Furthermore, In my line of work, theres plenty of blame to go around. Great work but all of that End of the year bs. Going Forward, I will definitely put myself first. After all, I'm all that I have. Thanks again.

  3. I'm two days away from surgery and it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. I worry, I'm excited, I feel brave, I am super nervous but I'm keeping it all together. A new life, where I look and feel better, where I can do so much more than I am able to is the goal, and I'm not letting my fears get in the way of that.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      The rollercoaster is a common ride in the days before surgery. Your ride sounds great -- you're a living, breathing, thinking, real, live girl. ["Thank you" to Pinocchio.) You'll be wonderful.

    2. Jen Mac

      Jen Mac

      I was super freaked out, too! In fact, I thought about turning the car around the day of my surgery... I am SO glad I didn't... You got this!

    3. Sleeved_Shanni


      I am 22 days away and I had a post-Thanksgiving melt down. You would have thought I consumed the world. I can laugh about it now but I woke up so depressed. Not to mention I fall asleep watching YouTube WLS journeys. How did your surgery go?

  4. Lost 4 pounds since I last weighed myself. Feels good. Having breakfast now, eggs no bread.

    1. ProudGrammy


      @SusieSouth - 4 lbs down - that's great - enjoy your breakfast - btw i love my eggs light over easy - when should i come over??? LOL

      keep up the good work - kathy

    2. SusieSouth


      haha, thank you. Appreciate it!

  5. Lost my first 25 pounds from my Highest weight!!!!! Yay! excited. :)

    1. cat17


      Great work!!

    2. ProudGrammy


      congrats - all milestones add up to greatness -keep doing what you are doing!!! - kathy

    3. SusieSouth


      Thank you all. I'm very encouraged.

  6. Today is my 50th day post surgery! I'm happy with my journey so far! Learning a lot along the way!

    1. MrsSugarbabe


      Our post-op journey is one long education. Happy to hear that you're happy with your journey so far. Keep with the plan and you should do fine all along the way.

  7. Using KG's is so much more appealing than pounds due to the smaller "looking" numbers. I caught myself saying, "ha! this goal is totally doable."

    1. OKCPirate


      And it's nice to convert loss to grams "hey everyone I lost 1000g"

  8. VSG is clearly not a magic pill that makes you skinny over night. I used to think it was a cliche pre-op, but it really is JUST a tool which will work, but only if you work with it in return.

  9. Week six has been a struggle. Mental hunger. I'm finding my sleeve to not preventing me from eating just about anything. Also I could be grazing all day if I wanted to. I now measure my food, but it doesnt help. but it's scary to think even after this procedure,If I could, I would.

    1. Babbs


      Did you think it would stop you from choosing what and when to eat? That's not how it works, unfortunately.


      It's hard, but you can do it. Make sure what you're eating is mostly protien, as that keeps you fuller longer. Also, I ate evert 2 hours on a schedule for well over a year. That helps, and you're not really grazing doing that, just eating small meals through out the day. Now I eat every 3 hours. I'm at goal and have been for over a year, so it's worked for me.

    2. SusieSouth


      Thanks @Babbs! I needed to hear this. I just thought I would come out having a real aversion to food. But in a way I'm thankful and blessed not have anything extreme of the sort. It's all about self-control. I've realized that now. I am having smaller meals, with snacks scheduling water in between to meet my goals. It's all about protein. AND some fiber. I've learned from an episode with constipation to not solely rely on just protein.

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