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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by WannaBeMeAgain

  1. WannaBeMeAgain

    Just Starting

    Oh hon, I know what you mean exactly. My whole family is obese - morbidly obese. I was always the small one - well not anymore. When I mentioned this to my Mom and sister they literally got quiet and then said, "that is the easy way out!" Um, I read the requirements, the diet, etc., it is NOT easy. I can't sit around not being able to play with my kids, bend my knees, go for walks - I don't have time nor money to waste on Jenny Craig - I need results. Don't make people make you feel sad! Also, when it comes to the insurance company, start researching now. Go to your doctor, ask him or her to refer you to a specialist. Get it all set and then let the doctor deal with your insurance. If it comes down to it, ask them "would you rather I DIE than pay for this for me?" Insurance companies have leeway to contract and change rules - but you have to push! Good luck to you
  2. WannaBeMeAgain

    Self pay versus insurance

    I have a question if anyone knows, I have UHC, and from what I have read on their site, they will cover this if my BMI is 35-40 or higher (currently 42) and I have comorbs. Well, I have severe, almost bone on bone arthritis in my knee, so yeah, have comorbs. My question is, I see a lot of 'self pays' how does that work? I don't have 17,000 sitting around, but I sure would like to fast track this as much as possible. What's the deal? Thanks! WannaBeMeAgain
  3. WannaBeMeAgain

    UHC didn't deny me, IT WAS MY EMPLOYER!!!

    Well reading this has me concerned. We have UHC too, and I have had to battle them in the past to get things covered for my son. They seem to fight on everything - I surely hope that I don't have this issue! I am so sorry this is happening. The funny thing is, if you had a heart attack or some other 'weight related' injury, they would cover THAT now wouldn';t they???? WannaBeMe
  4. WannaBeMeAgain

    Time Line?

    Hey all....how long is the wait typically for the surgery? I have just gotten names and numbers from my primary care doctor of the surgeons they work with. I have to make the appointment, but since I have made the decision to have this done, I want it done ASAP. I feel like my life is stalled and I want to begin. Can any of you give me a typical time line from consultation to surgery> Thanks! WannaBeMe:crying:
  5. Hi All...this is a great site! I am so glad I found it! Anyway, I am 36, a mother of 2 great boys (one only 6 months old) and I have recently after pregnancies packed on more pounds than I ever thought possible. I am short, 5' 3", and weigh 240! While many people don't think I look "obese" the fact is, I am. Recently, the arthritis in one of my knees has been acting up horribly. Can't sleep, can't get on the floor with my boy, can't walk around the block. The doctor said, "loose weight or get a knee replacement!" Uggghhhh. I have dieted for the best part of 12 years, I have lost and regained the same 30 pounds over and over. My metabolism is very messed up. My doctor mentioned perhaps lapband. I am scared. Totally, scared - but, I am MORE scared of not being a good Mom to my kids. I have no health issues except the arthritis and carpal tunnel and tarsal tunnel. I have good bp, no diabetes, but diet and exercise are not working (especially since I can only swim for exercise and even that hurts!) I have to make the appointment to see the specialist - but I am looking for advice, suggestions, experiences. Please help - what should I do - I want to me be again! Thanks!
  6. WannaBeMeAgain

    Feelings about being FAT.

    I know what you mean - let's see: South Beach (lost 20, gained 45), No 'white foods' (lost 20, gained 50), portion control, Jenny Craig, Weight watchers....oh, and Slim Fast (guess it doesn't work when you add ice cream to it and make shakes!) I agree....ENOUGH ALREADY! Why is it that the insurance will pay for the surgery, but not for preventitive care? It is gonna happen this year - for all of us - we have to make it happen!
  7. I am sorry if this has been asked previously, but what are the lifting restrictions after surgery? I have a 7 month old and if I have the surgery done in the next 4-6 months (hopefully) will I be able to lift a 20 pound baby? Thanks for the answers!
  8. WannaBeMeAgain

    Lifting restrictions

    I sort of figured. I guess that is what friends and family are for, right? I definitley will not be able to lift my little guy, but he may be walking a little by then....
  9. WannaBeMeAgain

    Time Line?

    I have insurance, and from what I have read they require a BMI of 40 (mine is 42 now) and a comorb (my arthritis is a comorb). I am not sure about the supervised weightloss thing. My regular doctor is one of these: "you should loose weight." Me: "yeah, I know, I am doing this, that and the other." Her: "try Jenny Craig, walk, nutrisystem." Me: "I exercise, try to eat right, could it be my thyroid?" Her: "your thyroid is within normal limits." Me: "how can I feel better?" Her: "loose weight." So, you see, for 6 years or more, that has been her supervising me - does that count? LOL Thanks for the answers!
  10. WannaBeMeAgain

    Time Line?

    so you HAVE to go to a seminar? Hmmmmm....I wonder why? Then you have to have some tests right - blood, psychiatric, etc? Good to know it won't take FOREVER! Thanks!
  11. WannaBeMeAgain

    Feelings about being FAT.

    You know, for me it is the same. I too feel like I am 'sneaking' through my life. Putting on the brave face, the smile, the good humor when inside I am SICK, SICK, SICK of being 'the fat wife', 'the fat friend' the FAT Mom! How did this happen? When did 100 pounds sneak onto my body? I know it was not an overnight thing - but I sure feel like it was. My hubby loves me no matter what - I think that is what makes it soooo hard! I want to be the woman he married - not the woman he loves now. DOes that even make sense? Loosing, gaining, eating, starving, purging, eating more...the cycle is never ending. I have begun the search for my surgeon, I have decided to have this done, I am ready - now I just pray I can get it done and not wait a year to have it done! Thanks for listening! WannaBeMe
  12. WannaBeMeAgain

    Hi From Chicago

    Hello All ! What a wonderful site! I am excited to look around, get to know some of you, find some friends who "understand" my thoughts, fears, expectations - and best of all, to help me find answers about my contemplation of lap band surgery! Looking forward to getting to know ya! WannaBeMeAgain:thumbup:

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