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About Earthbul

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  1. Earthbul

    Sleever Teachers

    Hi, I work as a Para Professional in the NYC Public School System. I'm 8 weeks post op and down 40 lbs. I thought it was going to be difficult as well. I use Mio flavoring in my 30 oz water bottle and sip it throughout the day. No problem whatsoever. After experiencing slight dehydration , you're going to find that you go out of your way to drink as much as you can. As for eating I pack a bag every nigh before I go to sleep. I alternate my snacks. For breakfast I have an egg or a yogurt or a protein shake. Around 10:30 I'll have some almonds or pretzel chips with Hummus or a Sargento snack pack. It's a little difficult at first but first but it gets alot easier as you go along. Best of luck on your journey !!!!
  2. Earthbul

    255 Starting Weight ?

    Now a little over a month out and this morning I weighed in at 218 lbs. My sleep apnea's gone and my blood pressure has normalized. Everyday is a new learning experience but it's so exiting to have all this new found energy. So happy I had the procedure !!!
  3. Earthbul

    255 Starting Weight ?

    Thanks for all the great responses, everyone !! My wife is now around 2 week post op and doing great. My time is rapidly approaching. I'm equally nervous and excited. Can't wait to cross the threshold. I'll keep you updated. Please keep in touch as well.
  4. Hi, My name's Jerry. I live in NY. My wife and I are both getting sleeved. My wife's procedure is this Friday and mine is on Feb.10th. My current weight is 255 and I'm 6'0". I have many health problems which is why my insurance is covering it. I have high blood pressure, High cholesterol, sleep apnea and chronic back pain. My doctor said it doesn't help that I'm carrying around a 75 lb backpack lol Anyone else here start out at a relatively "low" weight ? Did it affect how fast you lost the weight ? any problems with loose skin etc ? Take care
  5. Earthbul

    NYC Sleevers In The Queens Area ?

    Hi, My wife and I are from Flushing. My wife and I are having our procedures done at Cornell-Weill in Manhattan by Dr. Arfaneh. My wife is having hers done this Friday (very nervous for her) I'm having mine on Feb. 10th. I'm 6' and 252 lbs with a number of health issues (high blood pressure, back pain, high cholesterol and sleep apnea oh and I'm on the border of diabetes) I'm looking forward to meeting others on this forum that can relate to us. Take care Jerry
  6. Earthbul

    Long Island Sleevers

    Hi, My name's Jerry. I'm not technically on the island but I'm pretty close. My wife and I live in Bayside Queens and we are both getting sleeved during the next two months. My wife is having her procedure this Friday and I'm getting mine on Feb. 14th. We're both very excited about starting this new phase of our lives and look forward to any support we can find. Was wondering if there were any other couples that have had this done on this forum. I'd love to hear some of your stories. Gotta run. Have a great day, everyone. Best, Jerry
  7. Earthbul

    6 months out pics

    Wow, you look great man !! Fellow New Yorker here. Flushing to be exact. I'm going to get sleeved on February 10th and love to pick your brain about what to expect. I'm 5' 11" 252 lbs I suffer with high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol and am pre- diabetic. I also have back problems. I'm just the picture of health I know lol
  8. Earthbul

    Husband and wife team

    Thank you much
  9. Earthbul

    Husband and wife team

    Hey, my wife and I are going to be taking the journey together as well. She's getting hers on January 13th and im getting mine on February 10th. We're in the NY area. I'd love to hear more about your situation.
  10. Earthbul

    February 2017 sleevers?

    Hi, I'm getting sleeved on Feb. 10th. I'm 5'11" and I weigh 250. I'm right on the border with a bmi of 35. I have 3 co-morbities so my insurance is going to cover it. My wife is having hers on Jan 13th. We live in Queens, NY
  11. Earthbul

    January 2017 Sleevers

    Cool, my wife is having hers on January 13th and im having mine on February 10th. We live in Queens.
  12. Earthbul

    What are you drinking?

    Try Mio. My nutritionist recommended it to me. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  13. Earthbul


    Hi, I'm new to this. My wife and I are in the process of being approved for gastric bypass surgery. My wife is classified as obese. I am 5'11" and hover around 250. My bmi hovers around the 35 range. Along with a number of health problems such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, pain due to neck surgery and potential diabetes this makes me eligible for the procedure. Like an idiot I mentioned to a co-worker that I was thinking of having the procedure done and was immediately met with a lot of criticism. My weight has always fluctuated and I've always had a tough time keeping it off. Being that my wife is having it done I thought I would bite the bullet and go through it with her. I've seen many videos where folks are extremely obese but not many where the man weights 250. Because of my height people laugh at me when I say that I'm obese. Problem is that due to my weight I'm out of breath after climbing a set of stairs. Anyway, now I'm just babbling lol So if anyone has any thoughts on what I've had to say, please respond. Take care Jerry Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App

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