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George Payton Jr.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by George Payton Jr.

  1. George Payton Jr.

    having a hard time..

    So my name is george. I am 33 and i had my sleeve done a week ago on july 12. I have had a lot of regrets even though i know the future of my life will be better. I stayed in the hospital for 2 nights and the nurses were awesome as well as the drs. While there i had a problem with peeing so they had to do a straight catheter in the middle of the night(damn did that hurt. Never again)! then the next day i was able to pee but i could not pass gas. But i was full of it, which caused a lot of problems. After a lot of walking and some mirolax we got that taken care of. I came home on thursday in quite a bit of pain. i had no problems drinking Water, getting all the fluids i needed and tried to do as much exercise as i could. On Saturday i started to have a lot of pain. I thought it was the drain they had left in (which was scheduled to be removed on this coming wednesday). i started taking the oxycodone i was prescribed and it didnt really help the pain. Sunday was very rough, i thought one of the staple lines looked red but im colorblind so it was hard to tell. So i went to my pharmacitst and he told me it looked fine. Sunday night i started getting the chills and shaking non stop and pain was 9 out of 10 so my girlfriend call my dr as we were thinking the drain was causing the problem.. he said we needed to make the 3 hour drive to see him the next morning. Sunday night i took the max amout of meds i could. I had chills, sweats, heart rate was 122. next morning i saw my dr and found out the staple line below the drain had serious infection and blood clot. He took the drain and all staples out and cleaned all the bad blood out by shoving gauze in my stomach (dont know if ever been in more pain).My doctor presribed me a heavy duty antibiotic that i will take for 7 days. I felt the relief when i left though not having all the bad blood. Now i have an open wound and home health has to come and change it everyday. Now my pain is below a 5. In the last day i started my full liquid diet and i have run into a few more problems.... I am having a lot of diarreah and im sure the antibiotic is not helping with this. Also, i am having a hard time swallowing, it feels like there is something stuck in my throat- my doctor believes it is just built up gas....but this is making it difficult for me to get all the liquids and Protein that my body needs. I know things will get better from here, i hope... but i cant help but regret having this surgery done.
  2. George Payton Jr.

    having a hard time..

    Sorry to hear about your situation. Did they do a barium swallow before you orginally left the hospital. That would have showed the leak. I hope your doctor can figure out what to do soon. I was lucky as my dr quickly reacted. Keep me up to date. We can go through this hard time together..
  3. George Payton Jr.

    having a hard time..

    thanks everyone for your kinds words and ideas to help me. Especially that splint one that is a pain saver thanks.. I will def try the burping thanks.

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