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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by TAJ718

  1. 199.6!! Hello ONE-DERLAND!!

  2. Approved!! Approved!! Approved!!

    1. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      Congratulations! It is a great feeling, isn't it?? :-)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      That's a whole lotta 'pproval you got goin' on there. You're on your way.

    3. TAJ718


      I love it! I am just nervous I'll screw it up after now.... Yikes!


  3. Bad new in this situation is great news!! Just got my lipid panel back and thank goodness for high cholestorol! Hopefully this will be enough for my approval!

  4. Day 3 of my liquid diet... day 2 of my headache. Hopefully just the lack of sugar right??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. heidikat72


      It's not necessarily even the sugar but going low carb in general, pretty low fat and liquids only with no solid food, lower calorie than what you are used to - your body is reacting and basically saying what the f*** is going on?


    3. Meontheinside


      Coffee? Keep at it. It will be worth it. I lost 11 lbs before surgery. Those are 11 lbs I'm really proud of.

    4. TAJ718


      Thank you! I am down about 12 also!!

  5. Everything goes to my insurance tomorrow... up to a two week wait now... ugh. Praying for a 1st letter approval!

  6. Has anyone been nervous about what their body will look like after... like maybe my butt isn't so bad now, what if I lose all the good things about my shape/body/me!? Am I just overthinking!?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BayougirlMrsS


      i best advice to you is..... Exercise... I didn't thousands of Squats, arm curls, Tricept work...cardio.... Etc. Don't depend on WLS to do everything. If you want your body to look half way decent, you have to work out... On line has some great tips. Good Luck

    3. TAJ718


      @bayougirlmrsc Thanks! Work out even before surgery? I am meeting with the surgeon this Thursday! Eeeeeeccccckkkkkk!!!! I am getting nervous something will deny me, or something will happen.

    4. BayougirlMrsS


      i actually gained 10lbs to have WLS.... my bmi was 38... and it had to be a 40... so before i started, i made sure it was where it needed to be. I qualified and the rest is history.... Im down to 125 almost 7 years later


  7. Hi All!! I am a couple days shy of 3 weeks since my bypass and I feel great! No pain and I am down 25 pounds! The down side... I think I am able to eat or I am testing the waters a lil early... but wow does eating something other than a protein shake or just liquids taste so good!! Anyone else do this? I am back to work today... which hopefully get be back to a regular routine, and with the holidays being over I think will help with the temptations too!! I haven't been sick at all either!?

  8. I am down 9 pounds! I am pre-op. I have quit pop, coffee and cut back on sugar and processed foods. I try to drink lots of water and cut my portions way back! It seems to be working!! Small steps in preparation for my surgery!! Happy Happy!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redmaxx


      Congratulations. I was down 13 lbs on the date of my surgery. I do greatly miss pop (I just love the taste).


    3. heidikat72


      Great job! Making changes pre-op sets you up for success. You are doing fantastic

    4. TAJ718


      My surgery date is Dec 8th!! I am starting my Pre-op diet today!

  9. I have appoinments set, phone counseling scheduled, meeting with the psch doc today... things are moving along!!

  10. I think I am addicted to sugarfree popsicles! Seriously!

    1. shedo82773


      There are many worse things to be addicted to. LOL

    2. TAJ718


      @shedo82773 Good point!! Lol!


  11. Just getting started on my journey...

  12. Just had a referral for RYGB sent to Abbott Hospital!

    1. Djmohr



    2. TAJ718


      Thank you!! I am still waiting to hear back, but this is a step in the right direction!


  13. Ladies & Gentlemen!! I just received my APPROVAL!! Thanks be to God!!

  14. Meeting the dietitian and surgeon tomorrow!

  15. Now I wait... 2nd dietician appointment isn't until 10/25... tick tock... tick tock.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TAJ718


      @Armygalbonnie that's what I have been working on! I have been giving up the caffeine/coffee, working on reading more food labels, trying to fit in a 30 minute elevated heart rate work out (for me, this seems to be the hardest so far!!) I work too jobs, run a house, single mom of a two year old!) I don't know where to squeak in another 30 min!) I know... don't sit and relax, wake up earlier... but damn I am beat!!

    3. Armygalbonnie


      Girl, it sounds like you get plenty of exercise without having to squeeze in more. Just having a 2 year old is exercise by itself!!!

    4. TAJ718


      That's what I thought too... but my phone coaching doesn't feel the same way I do!! lol!


  16. One month checkup went well! I am down 28 lbs!

  17. Still working the steps/process... 1 coaching call done, 4 more to go! Back to the psych doc on Thursday and meet with the surgeon & dietician on the 22nd! Praying everything goes smoothly and I will be approved & scheduled quickly!

    1. TAJ718


      oh... plus my primary doc wrote me a letter of medical necessity, just in case I need it! Another plus!! I am so worried that my insurance won't approve me, I am just trying to cover all my bases!

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Sounds like your ducks are lining up in a row. ;)

  18. Tomorrow is my final clearance appointment with my surgeon and my pre-op class!! This is really happening!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      that's great - look forward to your new life - it's right around the corner - good luck - kathy

    2. TAJ718
  19. Tomorrow is my surgery day!! I really wish I could run out to Chipolte, Five Guys, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Panera and Dairy Queen and just go crazy!!!!!! Oh... wait... I am really enjoying all this chicken broth. Lol!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Djmohr


      Mmmmm.....Love me some good chicken broth!

    3. TAJ718


      @Djmohr are you still having chicken broth?


    4. Djmohr


      I am long past the broth stage only but if i ever do a reset, I intend to have some good stuff on hand. And I still eat chicken veggie soup.

  20. Well... met with Dr. July, she doesn't think my esphogeal issues combined with my low BMI will be enough to get approval through my insurance. :( I had been fasting so I had my blood drawn to check my cholesterol and if that doesn't come back as "high" then we try a sleep study, but I don't snore... and I think I sleep fairly well. I am not feeling so good about getting approved. Ugh...

    1. Armygalbonnie


      I never snore either but shockingly I have sleep apnea. I don't sleep well but I always thought it was because I have an active mind. Good luck with everything!

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