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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by stellabella

  1. Long time, no post! How is everybody? I am happy to report that I am back on plan, and am losing at a good rate. I've dropped about 12 lbs. since January 5th. Got a fill about a week and a half ago and I have more Fluid in my band than I ever have. It has taken about 8 or 9 days for the fill to settle in and for the swelling to not be a problem anymore, but now that it has I think I'm at a perfect fill level. I'm tighter than I want to be later down the road in maintenance, but it seems to be optimal for weight loss. I'm really excited to see the scale moving again after an extended period of complacency, and I can't wait to go shopping in my own closet soon and find new things to wear! Hope everyone is well.

  2. I have this occasionally. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like a cramp in the roof of my mouth. It is always with the first thing I put in my mouth in the morning, which is usually Water. Happens when I take the first drink. It's not related to being stuck, at least in in my case. I've had it happen with food before, I remember once it was with a bite of banana. But it's usually with just a drink of Water. It is very uncomfortable and it feels like it takes forever to go away, although I would say it only lasts 30 seconds or so. If I touch my tongue to the roof of my mouth, I can feel that the area in question is tightened. It really seems like a muscle cramp to me.

    Anyway, this March I will have been banded four years, so I have to also agree it's not entubation related. The first time it happened to me was two summers ago. I did mention it to my dentist at my last check-up, only because it had just happened the day before and it was on my mind. He said he'd never heard of it. I'm sorry to hear other people are dealing with it, but am also glad to know I'm not the only one! I've googled and googled and haven't found anything outside this thread.

  3. Hi all,

    Not sure if anyone remembers me, I haven't posted anything here in forever. I'm getting ready to re-commit myself and finish this thing for once and for all. I lost weight steadily for about the first year, then maintained a loss of 65-70 lbs until back in the spring when I stupidly decided to have a little Fluid taken out of my band. It was a mistake, and I've been in free fall mode ever since then. Since April, I'm back up about 15-20 lbs. I've gone up in pants size and I am completely disgusted with myself. I have a fill scheduled for tomorrow morning, so I'm treating tomorrow as the point of no return. Getting some good restriction back will make things easier, but I have also got to learn to put the wine glass down. I really enjoy a glass of wine (sometimes two) at night after I get my kids in bed. It helps me wind down and shake the day off. But, I know from past experience that I don't lose whatsoever if I am drinking anything alcoholic. So, I'm just going cold turkey. Which is fine, I have done it before. I'm just going to miss it!

    Also, I have been battling hip bursitis since July so that hampers my exercise plans. I want so badly to get back on the treadmill (I completed Couch to 5K last year!), but it only exacerbates the problem. I have had two rounds of oral prednisolone, the second stronger and longer than the first, in an effort to avoid getting the dreaded steroid injection in my hip. I am terrified of it, but I think in the end I know it's what I'm going to have to do. Anyone with any experience having this injection? It's the greater trochanteric bursa, and I'd probably be much easier to just go and have it done if I hadn't read so much about the injection technique...the needle is advanced until it hits the hip bone, and then it's withdrawn a few mms and the injection is given. Something about knowing the needle is going to actually touch my bone just freaks me out. It's funny, I used to be a veterinary technician (before I had kids and quit working to stay home with them), and I assisted in surgeries all the time. Even lots of orthopedic cases, with bones and pins and drills, all that. Didn't bother me! But this? I'm scared to death!

    Okay, I'm rambling. I'll stop. It's good to see a lot of the same names here as three years ago. I'm going to try to show up here more often, maybe I can get motivated and hopefully help someone else get motivated too, after I get my own ball rolling again.

  4. Dr. Woodman is a total jerk. An asshole, if you will. He did my surgery in March of 08. I had my first fill with him, and after he wouldn't tell me my fill amount (or even what size band he put inside my body!), I switched over to Dr. Weaver. I am self-pay to the tune of almost $20,000, and I am not going to tolerate some holier-than-thou crap from a surgeon who thinks he's better than everybody else. Dr. Weaver is a sweetheart in every way and I couldn't be happier about making the change to her practice. And believe me, I am merely one of MANY who have left Woodman to see Dr. Weaver instead.

  5. Friday April 10th

    aJoneen..........................0 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana....................... 0 92 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............0 80pounds LOST forever!!!

    evelas5000...................0 50 pounds Lost


    Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl....................0 85 pounds LOST!

    Hopeinapril................. .0 55 pounds lost!




    Nycm00........................+2 Yuck!

    Potatie............................0 120 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend..........0 160 POUNDS LOST!!!!

    SpecialK.........................0 97 lbs and closing in on 100!

    Sugarbean....................-1 114 POUNDS LOST !!!


    stellabella......................-1.6 75 POUNDS LOST!


    Thin2bme.......................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4...........................0 73 pounds gone!!

  6. aJoneen........................0 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana....................... 0 92 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............0 80pounds LOST forever!!!

    evelas5000...................0 50 pounds Lost


    Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl..................-1 85 pounds LOST!

    Hopeinapril................. 0 50 pounds lost!

    Kpodski........................- 4




    Potatie..........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend......0 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!

    SpecialK.....................-5 97 lbs and closing in on 100!

    Sugarbean..................-2 112 POUNDS LOST !!!


    stellabella...................-1.6 75 POUNDS LOST!


    Thin2bme................. 0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4......................0 73 pounds gone!!

    I finally hit the 75 lb. mark!

  7. Hey everybody! Even though I rarely post, I do read the board just about every day and we have all made such wonderful progess in the past year! Go us!

    Today is my surgiversary. Like many of you, I had hoped to be further along on this journey when I got to the one year point, but I'm really okay with where I am. I have lost just under 75 lbs. since I started getting ready for surgery in Jan. 08, and I have lost 56 since the surgery istelf. Yes, I could have worked harder and could be seeing a better loss, but I know for sure that without this band I would still be yo-yoing like I did for so many years. I would definitely do it all over again.

    I still have plenty of weight to lose, but I am going to start thinking in terms of small increments as goals from here on out. My next goal is to get under 200, which is right around the corner. It seems that no matter what I do, I average 1 lb. a week, maybe a little more. I wish I had it in me to really "diet" for at least a month or two to give my loss a kick in the pants, but I don't seem to be able to follow through. I pretty much eat whatever I want, I just don't eat that much of it. Isn't it so hard when you've "dieted" so strictly on and off for years to make yourself do it this last time? I'm sure if I could, I'd do better than 1 lb. a week, but at this point I'm not sure I care a whole lot how fast these last 59 lbs. come off! Am I the only one?

    Sorry y'all, I didn't mean to write a novel!

  8. aJoneen........................-3 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana....................... 0 95 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............0 80pounds LOST forever!!!

    evelas5000..................-3 50 pounds Lost


    Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl..................0 85 pounds LOST!

    Hopeinapril................. +1 50 pounds lost!


    Lynnt1215................. +2



    Potatie.........................-3 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend....-5 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................-2 110 POUNDS LOST !!


    stellabella...............,-.8 HALFWAY TO GOAL!


    Thin2bme............... 0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4......................0 73 pounds gone!!

    Well, it's not much, but at least it's down instead of up! I'll take it!

  9. I had a good week! Woot woot!

    March 6th

    aJoneen........................0 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana....................... 0 95 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............0 80pounds LOST forever!!!



    Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl..................0 85 pounds LOST!



    Lynnt1215................. 0



    Potatie.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend..... 0 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    stellabella...............-2.6 HALFWAY TO GOAL!


    Thin2bme............... 0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4......................0 73 pounds gone!!

  10. I think I posted at the exact same time as Teri and my paste of the weigh-ins had her amount from last week rather than this week, so I'm reposting it correctly so the mistake doesn't keep getting reposted by others.

    aJoneen........................+4 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana.......................-2 92 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............-1 80pounds LOST forever!!!



    Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl..................-2 80 pounds LOST!



    Lynnt1215.................+ 2 UGH!!!



    Potatie.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend..... 0 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    Sharona......................+3 frown.gif

    stellabella...............-.2 HALFWAY TO GOAL!


    Thin2bme............... - 2.4 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4......................4 73 pounds gone!!


  11. UGH!!!!

    aJoneen........................+4 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana.......................-2 92 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa............-1 80pounds LOST forever!!!



    Fenton...........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl..................-2 80 pounds LOST!



    Lynnt1215.................+ 2 UGH!!!



    Potatie.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend..... 0 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    Sharona......................+3 frown.gif

    stellabella...............-.2 HALFWAY TO GOAL!


    Thin2bme............... - 2.8 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4......................4 73 pounds gone!!


  12. I just realized I never posted on Friday...oops!


    aJoneen.......................+4 75 pounds LOST!

    Bandana......................-2 92 lbs lost

    BrandNewLisa..........-1 80pounds LOST forever!!!



    Fenton.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl..................-2 80 pounds LOST!


    Lynnt1215...................+ 2 UGH!!!



    Potatie.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend..... 0 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    stellabella...............-1.6 HALFWAY TO GOAL!


    Thin2bme............... - 2.8 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    Wishin4......................4 73 pounds gone!!


  13. Not much change, but at least I went down instead of up, so I'm okay with it.

    aJoneen.......................-1 75 pounds LOST!


    BrandNewLisa............1.3 75 pounds LOST forever!!!



    Fenton........................-3 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl.................. -3 75 pounds LOST!





    Potatie.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend......-3 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    stellabella...............-.4 HALFWAY TO GOAL!


    Thin2bme................- 2





  14. Hi guys,

    I haven't posted in forever, but I read the master thread every day. I think I'll join the Friday weigh-in! I had a good week this week and my next goal is to hit onederland by my birthday (3/18). That's 17 lbs in 5.5 weeks; I think I can do it.


    aJoneen.......................-1 75 pounds LOST!




    Fenton........................-3 100 POUNDS LOST !!

    HarleyGirl.................. -3 75 pounds LOST!





    Potatie.........................0 100 POUNDS LOST!!

    Scrappy_Friend........0 150 POUNDS LOST!!!!


    Sugarbean..................0 100 POUNDS LOST !!


    stellabella...............-3.4 HALFWAY TO GOAL!





  15. Hi,

    I had my band placed by Dr. Woodman in March of last year and I feel the same way about him that you do. The only way I know to get around his bedside manner is to do what I did- change doctors! Seriously, I know that sounds drastic, but I paid out of pocket nearly 20K for this surgery and I do not have to be treated that way. He wouldn't even tell me what size band he put in me, much less fill amounts. He is just an uncaring person, I think. After my 6 week post-op visit with him, I decided to move on. I've been seeing Dr. McGrath-Weaver since last July and she is wonderful!


  16. 1. SpecialK .............................3/17/08........11/3/08............70 lbs

    2. scrappy_friend .....................3/17/08........9/4/08............54.0 lbs

    3. aJoneen.............................. 3/04/08........9/4/08............31.0 lbs

    4. WestCoastMom..................... 3/27/08........9/4/08............60.0 lbs

    5. julietj1970............................ 3/03/08........9/4/08............40 lbs

    6. SugarBean........................... 3/24/08........9/4/08............88 lbs

    7. Tess415................................3/10/08........10/808............65 lbs

    8. jegtlf.....................................3/24/08........9/5/08............56lbs

    9. emmersglue ..........................3/18/08........9/5/08............48lbs

    10. lglenn3000............................3/17/08........10/4/08............32 lbs

    11. Busy....................................3/17/08........9/6/08............41 lbs.

    12. tp78.....................................3/13/08........9/25/08............44lbs. 13.potatie..................................3/27/08........10/26/08...........72lbs

    14. TKT2FLY...............................3/17/08........9/14/08...........63lbs

    15. MSBoss08...............................3/06/08........9/17/08..........64lbs

    16. Hazel-Eyes............................3/14/08........10/8/08...........33 lbs

    17. hungry4help............................3/3/08...........9/18/08........65lbs

    18. sisterc..................................3/17/08..........9/18/08........28 lbs

    19. Anniedub...............................3/6/08............9/26/08........55 lbs

    20. wishin4.................................3/26/08..........9/26/08........48 lbs

    21. AuntLucy...............................3/10/08.........9/26/08........64 lbs

    22. nycm00.................................3/24/08.........9/25/08........60lbs.


    24. stellabella............................3/26/08........11/3/08..........56 lbs.

  17. Long time, no post! Toldya I wasn't much of a poster, didn't I? But I promise, I read every day and have been keeping up with everyone's progress. We are all doing so well! Even if you think you're 'stuck', you have to know it's only temporary! GO US!

    I am getting ready to switch Drs, because mine is a major A-Hole. I'm sorry, but that's the nicest way I know how to put it. Really. He totally is. I don't even know if I feel like going in to all the details, but suffice it to say that at the least, A. He won't tell me what size band he put inside my body (!), and B. He won't share fill volume with me. Now, I am self-pay- to the tune of almost 20K, and I'm pretty sure I deserve to know these things! I know that legally he has to tell me, and all that, but I've decided I'm not going to fight it on those grounds because aside from these things he is still a Jerk, and I don't care to have him in my life! He is an excellent surgeon (Center of Excellence, Allergan Proctor, etc.) , but now that I'm in 'aftercare', I'm ready to go to someone who has a better bedside manner and is more understanding. And I have found her, so all is well. By the way, I did find out my band size, and current fill level- from one of his employees, but it's the principle of the issue- that he refuses to tell me himself- that really does it for me.

    I was banded 3/26 and have had one fill (2.5 cc in a 10cc AP band) two weeks ago. I find myself not very restricted, until it comes to bread, or sometimes chicken. Then I know just where I stand. I am having to be careful with everything I put in my mouth these days in order to still see the scales drop, if even a little. I can't wait to get started with my new Dr. so I can get fills as often as I need them. (Current Doc only does them on his schedule- every 6 weeks...pfft!) I am also dealing with another obstacle- I am being treated for TMJ by an orthodontist. I am currently in metal bands with rubber bands on 4 molars, soon to be 8 molars, and soon after that to be full braces, probably in the fall. So I've had some sore mouth problems already and anticipate it getting (much) worse before it gets better. When your mouth is so sore you can only eat mushies, what can you do but eat mushies? So I've got to get creative in the coming months and try not to sabotage myself in the name of orthodontia.

    One thing I wanted to mention was, HEY FENTON! I got my Wii Fit Wednesday morning as soon as it hit the shelves at Target, and guess what? There is a snowboarding game on there! It's one of the ones you have to unlock, and we just got that far tonight...it's under "balance games". Thought you'd be interested to know that (see, I do read, even if I don't post much!) Overall, I have to give the Wii Fit a :) for sure. That Hula Hoop game gets my heart pumping!

    Woah, I just realized how long this message is...I'll shut up now! Everyone have an excellent holiday weekend!

  18. The evil side of all that is, now I'm drawn to apple juice. I could never stand the stuff before, and now it's what I want to drink most of the time. So it is my new indulgence.

    You may already know this, but Wal-Mart has an apple flavored generic Crystal Light in their Great Value brand. It is wonderful! It tastes very much like real apple juice, it's the same color and everything. The only thing that's missing is all that sugar that no one needs anyway. HTH!

  19. You are exactly right! All he wants to do is tell you you are eating too much fat, it's always "too much fat" with him, although I know that is not (nor has it ever been) my problem. He understands nothing about the reality of being obese. Some people just can't lose weight while eating any carbs at all, even if they are low in fat. He just doesn't get it. Yes, Dr. McGrath-Weaver is at St. Francis, and get a load of her patient reviews (they read a little differently than his, lol): Bariatric Surgeon Profile - Virginia McGrath-Weaver M.D.

    Something to look forward to! In the meantime I think I'll let him roll right off my back and continue to have Kelly keep me informed of my fill amounts.

    (It appears we have hijacked your thread, Gina- sorry!)

  20. Yes, I definitely think his surgical skills are much better than his people skills. I actually read a lot of patient reviews (I found them here if you're interested: Bariatric Surgeon Profile - George Woodman, M.D. )

    before I decided on him, so I knew what I was getting into regarding his bedside manner when I made the choice. Apparently he is a proctor for the Lap Band surgery though, and I feel like anyone who the manufacturer of the band has chosen as a faculty member to teach other doctors how to do the procedure, has to be someone worth trusting in the OR. Plus, his practice is a Center of Excellence and all that too. So I would definitely choose him all over again to do my actual surgery. But I think I have decided (just since my 6 week appt. last week) that when my first year is up, I'm switching my after care to Dr. McGrath-Weaver. Dr. Woodman won't even tell you what size band you have :eek:, nor will he share with you the fill volume he puts in your band. (There is at least one member of his staff who is willing to tell you when he's "not looking", but that's beside the point!) I am 100% self pay, to the tune of almost $20K, and I just don't think that's right. And then there's his attitude on top of that. My visits for the first full year are all included in the sx cost, so I'll probably stay with him until then, but I just can't see paying him more money after that point for him to keep me in the dark and treat me like I'm an idiot. It would be great if he was doing the surgeries and he had another doc doing all the aftercare in his clinic, because he does not belong with people who are conscious! :thumbup:

  21. Hi Gina, or should I say neighbor! I live in Jackson, TN, so I'm just "down the road" from you. Are you using Dr. Woodman by any chance? He did my sx; I was banded 3/26 of this year. Just had my first fill last Thursday. He's not the sweetest piece of chocolate in the box, I can tell you that. Anyway, nice to meet you, and congratulations on starting your journey!

  22. No, they are in separate practices. I only know about Dr. Woodman's prices- he charges $250 for the "program fee" which includes the support group and such. If your insurance is covering your surgery, I don't know what fill prices are, but if you're self-pay like me, all fills and other office visits for the first year after surgery are included in the surgery price. They told me that after the first year, I would pay $100 for a fill along with $45 for the office visit fee. So a fill/visit would actually be $145 after the first year. My out-of-pocket cost for the surgery (including everything except pre-op tests, which my insurance did cover) was $18,500. He just did my surgery last week- I posted on your other thread too. Hope this helps!

  23. Dr. Woodman did my surgery just last week. Last Wednesday 3/26, to be exact. He is an excellent surgeon (I did my research before deciding on him), but his bedside manner leaves a little to be desired. All in all, though, I'd rather be in the hands of someone who's qualified rather than personable, so I'd choose him all over again. My surgery went off without a hitch and I've had no other problems as of yet.

    Hope this helps!

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