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Status Updates posted by Moogle

  1. Picked up the two most gorgeous apples at the store today. I got moved on to fruit (and lunchmeat) a little over a week ago. I've been too afraid to try it until now. Going to peel them (which is a shame because I love the skin, but I've seen so many of you comment on issues with the skin) and split it with my other half. Mmmmm apples.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moogle


      @High functioning fat man I am bit nervous about the sugar. My NUT said I could have 1 serving of fruit a day and that an apple the size of my fist would be one. I don't even want to try and eat the whole thing.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Moogle, no need to be nervous about the natural fruit sugar. You have clearance for a small piece of fruit. Worrying will only diminish the good taste.

    4. highfunctioningfatman


      I don't know. Moogle may have huge hands and her fists could look like my pineapple fantasies! She may look all cute and innocent in her picture but you just never know :)

  2. (Sorry tmi). I need to find out where/when I ate that dead body.. because what is coming out of my other end sure smells like it. I would like to thank my digestive track for holding in those monstrosities until after I got out of class today. That would have been hella awkward.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LisaMergs


      And know where EVERY bathroom is on your regular routes to/from work and school or wherever you go...

    3. Moogle


      I've uh.. had to throw a few pairs away.. which is well.. unfortunate? I'm out in the country and there is exactly one gas station on the way between my place and school and they don't have a public restroom. Thankfully that is only a 10 minute drive. Lol.

    4. highfunctioningfatman


      Not unfortunate at all. Soon they weren't going to fit and you were going to have to toss them anyway. You are being "proactive"!

  3. Had a bit of a scare this morning. Woke up and immediately could tell my sugars were low. Checked it - 41. I have never seen it do that before. 3 glucose tablets later and I was back up to 80. I was completely freaked out over it. My doctor is out of town for at least another week so hopefully I can find someone in the office tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moogle


      My carbs have been staying steady. I stick at around 15-20 carbs a day. I think my insulin is just way too high for those numbers (50 units of Humalin) still and my doctor has been lowering it way too slowly. I didn't get much sleep last night so took a bit of a nap. Woke up in a dripping sweat. Came out and it was back down to 39. With all the tablets I had to consume today I am well over my target so now I'm worried about setting off a chain reaction. Either way, my doctor's office is getting a phone call first thing tomorrow morning.

    3. Moogle


      This happened before a few weeks ago. My numbers kept dipping lower and lower so the doctor lowered me from 70-60 (not 50 - typo just realized this).

    4. futurefeatherweight


      I am also insulin dependent. Was taking Levemir 80 units morning & evening, 20 units Novolog with each meal and 1000mg metformin twice daily. I found that once I got down to 15-20g carbs per day that any insulin is too much for me. My diabetes specialist and I agreed beforehand that as long as my glucose is less than 180, no insulin.

  4. Stepped on the scale this morning. For the first time since probably about 8th grade the first number was a "1". I cried, but it was a good cry. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caribear



    3. blizair09


      Congratulations. That's great!!

    4. LisaMergs


      Welcome to Onederland! What a wonderful feeling isn't it??

  5. Bought a pair of size 14 jeans and a size L shirt today. Hard to believe I was a 22 and 2-3x just 3.5 months ago!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KristenLe


      That's great!! Congrats!

    3. Candygyrl


      WOOP WOOP that's awesome!!! Congrats!!!


    4. Valentina


      Look at you!!! awesome! Just frigg'n awesome. Congrats on all of your hard work.

  6. Two milestones in the same week! First Wonderland now I'm just considered "overweight". Woot! Also, apples are awesome. I missed them so, so much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moogle


      Of all the fruit I've tried (which to be honest, hasn't been that many) apples seem to do the best for me. I can eat a whole small one, as long as I peel it first. Tried it once with the peel and that didn't go too well. Honestly that surprised me at first, thought the fruit sugar might be too much. But my doctor says I've been doing well and it was time for me to start eating some fruit again. I try to have one every other day.

    3. LipstickLady


      I, of course, eat mine with a few cubes of cheddar. :D

    4. Sai


      Great Moogle!

  7. Had my 6 month bloodwork drawn this morning. I ended up passing out. I warned the tech that I get seriously dizzy and lightheaded after a few vials so they were ready for it. That was not a fun an experience.

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Not a good time there!

    2. Djmohr


      I have to say, they take 13 vials from me. I am guessing it is similar for most of us. I dont normally get dizzy when giving blood but i can definately tell the difference after getting my nutritional panel tested.

    3. Moogle


      I fully expected to get woozy, but never expected to actually pass out. In the future I'm going to have to see if I can do the draw over two visits because I am not going through that again.

  8. I'm really trying hard to stay in a good mood and out of the dozens of homemade marshmallows I made for today. This week has been terrible. Our cat that we've had for 11 years (since she was a kitten) suddenly and unexpectedly passed away two days ago. Having a really difficult time with it. Trying my hardest to stay on track.

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Losing a 4 legged family member is tough. Sorry for your loss. On the postive side, you never would have stayed away from the marshmallows before and you are making great choices. Keep up the good work!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I send condolences. Feel your feelings, but don't forget that good feelings sprout up at the same time.

  9. 7 week follow-up went great! I can have chicken and veggies again. Real food!

    1. Caribear


      Good to hear you are doing well!

    2. Djmohr


      Yay! I was so happy when I could start eating normal food. Then I ate a piece of food that was too big because I clearly sucked at chewing my food to death. It took me a while to get used to it.

  10. Tried on some new clothes for the first time since my surgery - 6 weeks out today and have gone from 22/24 (sometimes 26/28) to a very comfortable 18/20. Woohoo! And yes, I did buy a few cute things on clearance. :3

  11. Treated myself to a sexy new set of Wustoff Classic knives. Needed something nice to cut up all of this chicken, bell peppers and onions. ;) Seriously though, we eat too much of those three things. Lol. (Hey it's what my pouch likes!)

    1. ShelterDog64


      I love a good sexy knife! I'm a Henckels girl myself, but I get it!

  12. Oh man this move is killing me. Carrying boxes in 90+ degree heat up to a third floor apartment may not be fun, but I think it is going to have some positive effects on me in the long run. Trying to increase my fluid intake because of this, as well.

  13. Finally completely moved into my new apartment. Still have to unpack but that is a completely different beast. Classes have already started. On the plus side, I didn't weigh myself for nearly a week because my scale was at the old place (intentional) and I ended up dropping 10lbs this week. Guessing all these stairs up and down from the 3rd floor had a bit to do with that.

  14. My 7 week post-op follow-up is Monday. Hoping for good news. While the number on the scale is creeping down slowly now, inches are just falling off of me.

  15. 4 month follow-up tomorrow. Not nervous, just more annoyed about the two hour drive to get there. That is what I get for moving. :P

  16. This may sound petty, but I am a little annoyed that I haven't seen my surgeon since my June 9th surgical date. It is always her assistant. Now I find out she is leaving and will be long gone by my next appointment.

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