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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    justhere4theshow got a reaction from cindyw41 in Confessions of a good girl gone bad...   
    @@cindyw41 I'm sorry you're having these issues, too. At least we can support each other. Thanks for the post!
  2. Like
    justhere4theshow got a reaction from krazy kat in Al Roker   
    I told EVERYBODY, because I wanted them to know that I wasn't going to accept my obesity any longer. They all knew I had tried for two years to do it alone...So I was excited for a solution.
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    justhere4theshow reacted to thunder32 in Upper GI Series - OMG!   
    Junk punch....lol.... thunder32
  4. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to gina171 in Al Roker   
    I totally appreciate him being open about his surgery. Until more people are willing to share that they had surgery, it will keep being something that people feel the need to hide. I recently found at that 3 people I know had the surgery and never told anyone, lied about it in fact.....the result? I felt like there was something really wrong with ME that I couldn't pull it together and lose my extra weight. If they had shared their story with me instead of keeping it hidden, I might have gotten here a few years ago.
    It's important surgery, helpful surgery, and the stigma needs to go away.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    justhere4theshow got a reaction from KristenLe in Upper GI Series - OMG!   
    My surgeon must have done the dye test while I was still "under". I am so grateful!! @@KristenLe, I hope you get your surgery date soon! I know you have done your homework and helped a lot of people...I know you are ready!
  6. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to rydersmama in Upper GI Series - OMG!   
    When is your surgery date? It seems like you've been waiting forever!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    justhere4theshow reacted to heidikat72 in Upper GI Series - OMG!   
    swallowing the stuff - especially after taking the fizzy powder first was a struggle! but i did think it was cool that I got to watch everything on screen and see it flow down into and out of my stomach. thank goodness I have didn't have to do it post-op - there is no way i could have gotten it all down. for my leak test, the surgeon did a dye test before closing me up while the tube was still down my throat - fed dye into and "stressed" my sleeve with some pressure and made sure they didn't see any dye escape from the staple line. so hopefully they'll do that leak test and you won't have to do the barium swallow again.
    definitely drink LOTS AND LOTS of Water - i felt gross pretty much the rest of the day afterward. I think this was the one that turned my poop a chalky white as well but that could have been the nuclear contrast from the cardiac stress test.
    good news is - another hurdle down!
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    justhere4theshow reacted to Babbs in Al Roker   
    Not everyone who had gastric bypass dumps. My husband had it 10 years ago and has never dumped. Plus I think Al Roker is like 14 years out from surgery.
    And yes, he shat his pants at the White House not long after his surgery. Never trust a fart!
  9. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to bini120 in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    @@GinaCampbell I've read all the posts on here and am impressed with how masterfully and swiftly you managed to dilute the goodwill that has always been extended to you on these boards. Bravo.
    People showed up to support you yet again on this thread and one by one you slapped them away, picking on words that were never meant to attack, harm or 'bully' you. Perhaps you should have prefaced in your original note that you were not looking for compassion or support and that might've effectively kept any love coming to you, at bay.
    What's been phenomenal to see however, is the continued decency and patience showed by most of the responders on here, even in the face of serious vitriol spat out by the person you were doing your best to support. I thank these people for showing that nastiness can be responded to with grace - that's what I'll taking away from this mess of a thread.
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    justhere4theshow reacted to Qwalla in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    Good luck to you. We all have our own individual journeys with our own unique internal organs. We are all do different, it truly isn't fair to judge anyone for their choices. With or without surgery we all strive to be healthy and happy in our challenging journey of life. Life is a bit easier when we support each other without having to agree or disagree with their choices. Wishing a healthy happy life to all!!!
    Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to LipstickLady in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    And did I mention I have had raging Water poo for most of my three years out? It's seriously ridiculous at times. When I have to go, I have to go NOW. Probiotics was MY answer somewhat. Someone else on this site who has since left actually had to have a fecal implant. (Yes, as gross as it sounds.)

    Most people I know who have lost weight rapidly have had their gall bladders out. I lost my little Joey (that was it's name -- I name all my organs) after a WWs victory and a run in with an Italian sausage. I am no doctor, but I have never heard of a medicine being able to stop that. Meh. Easiest surgery ever. I got three days off work and as an added bonus, I got to skip Turkey Day with the inlaws. WIN!!

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    justhere4theshow reacted to LipstickLady in Post op regrets topics - not popular   

    Ahhh... That makes SO much more sense. When you said EVERYONE you knew who had surgery had complications/regrets, I thought perhaps you lived in some sort of weird vortex of WLS disasters. Now, knowing it was people you met along the way, it's much more clear.

    I do think it's kind of an unfair statement. Of course the people who have complications will gravitate to each other. I belong to a WLS group that is comprised of the snarkiest, most sarcastic, foul mouthed, humorous people I have ever met and I love them all. NONE of us are unhappy with our surgeries and we all have the above characteristics 100% in common.

    Your implication that statistics are high on the complications side is just as weighted as if I were to say NO ONE I know who has had surgery has had problems regrets their decision. Same if I was to say EVERYONE I know who had WLS are sarcastic heathens, just because my peeps are.
    Birds of a feather and all that jazz... Make sense?
  13. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to Babbs in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    After reading your last post, I have come to the conclusion that you were WOEFULLY unprepared for this surgery. I did about 2 MONTHS of research, and knew that every thing you listed just aren't correct.
    For instance, it's common knowledge that people with GERD run the risk of it getting worse with the sleeve. The bypass is usually the cure as a rule, not the sleeve. I knew it, had it anyway. Yes, I suffer with severe GERD, but I take the good with the bad, you know? Am I going to go around moping about it the rest of my life, or make the best of it? I choose the latter, because life is just too damn short.
    It's also common knowledge that you run the risk of having gall bladder problems after bariatric surgery. I can count dozens of people on this site and in real life who had theirs taken out post bariatric surgery. There's many threads about it. You're not an anomaly. I DO agree that I think doctors should address the issue better by just removing them during surgery to prevent future problems.
    Diarrhea is VERY common early out. I had it for months straight. I would question any doctor who said that having a bariatric procedure would resolve the issue??
    And yes, there will be a time when you can eat pretty much whatever you want if you choose. That was the point of the McDonald's story, which you missed entirely. If that wasn't the case, then how do people gain all their weight back? It's certainly from enjoying too much of the foods they shouldn't be eating, correct?
    For someone who has stated a blatant mistrust for the NHS many times, you sure weren't willing to practice any of your own due diligence and just take these surgeons word for it.
    It's quite baffling, actually.
    I honestly wish you nothing but the best, and hope you can come to peace with the physical and emotional issues you're having.
  14. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to LipstickLady in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    I am not and have not taken any "pot shots" at you here nor will I. My questions are out of genuine curiousity.
    Your BMI was approximately 48 (calculating 266 lbs at 5.2) when you started this (if I recall correctly) yet you consider yourself "lower BMI". What is your criteria for a high BMI?
    Also, I believe you said ALL your friends who had this procedure regret it? At first I thought you said 4, but a later post says 9. Were you the first to go? If not, why did you go through with it?
    You said they didn't tell you several basics about WLS (i.e. Not drinking while you eat, food aversion, etc.) yet you did two years of personal research and seminars? Did you visit forums like this one? The topics you were unaware of are discussed ad nauseum on most WLS forums.
    You are unhappy with your new dietary restrictions among other things. What changes did you expect would happen when most of your stomach was removed? I'm seriously puzzled at what you thought would be different. (Aside, of course, from your unusually rare complications.)
    You are seemingly very intelligent. I am seriously puzzled about some of your regrets as they seem like logical, often discussed, results of WLS. What were your expectations?
  15. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to ella37 in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    Fair enough. There's nothing wrong with giving your honest experience. My advice would be just to make sure people know you are only 9 weeks out and have had complications so they can be more objective.
    As far as "silencing you" and bullying you, seems a wee bit over dramatic. It's just a weight loss forum, you're not Edward Snowden.
  16. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to ella37 in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    I guess I'm not sure how to separate that out. You had an irreversible procedure that is causing you suffering and regret. As I, and most other responders, are compassionate people we immediately feel sad for someone in that position. When we further read that someone seems very hopeless about a process that they're not very far into, it's natural for us to try to remind them that regret might be temporary and to try to remain objective. We don't want to say, "you're right, you messed up big time, there is no hope that you'll ever stop regretting this", especially when that might not be true. If you're going to post about your disappointment on a public forum then most people will try to offer solutions that could be helpful.
    You apparently don't want any solutions and are enjoying just living in regret, so ... I don't know what else to say. Best of luck.
  17. Like
    justhere4theshow got a reaction from bini120 in Post op regrets topics - not popular   
    People have tried to help you and say the right things. I truly find you fascinating. Maybe I am honestly interested to know what you need to hear to make you feel as though you have met your objective. People don't have to agree with you, and they don't have to agree with me. I just don't get why you think you shouldn't respect any other point of view the way that you are insisting that others should respect yours. I admitted the fact that I made you feel disrespected, and yet you continue to criticize me and anyone who won't agree with you. I like a good discussion, because that is how I learn about people and experiences. I don't always say the exact right things in the exact right way, but I never intend to insult anyone the way that I have you. I just never encountered anyone quite like you, and I really am interested to know what you came here to accomplish. This will be my last comment out of respect for you and your point of view. I wish you well, and that is the honest truth. Sorry we couldn't seem to understand each other...
  18. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to NikkiRT in I got approved!   
    Notified today that Aetna has approved my surgery!!!! Date set for October 10th
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to theantichick in Confessions of a good girl gone bad...   
    My poor hubby. My kiddo has bipolar and wanted to try to go off her meds for the summer, so she's been tetchy, and I'm apparently about to get mondo PMS-y. He may want to strike a tent in the backyard or move into the garage.
  20. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to Qwalla in Confessions of a good girl gone bad...   
    2 weeks from my sleeve surgery. I agree lots of emotions some that are just hard to explain. Lots of support from hubby but still emotional at times. I think the trauma of surgery..life style changes...wanting not to fail (again) are just a part of it. Being invited to countless bbqs parties and reunions don't help either. I try to tell myself this too shall pass and it usually does, thank goodness. Nice to know it isnt just me. Hang in there, we can do this together.
    Sent from my SM-N910P using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to LipstickLady in Is it still cheating if...   
    It's not a cheat, it's a choice. (I seriously wish the word CHEAT would disappear from common dietary vocabulary.)

    If you choose to go off your surgeon's plan, those would probably be your better choices. Personally, I would (and did) call your doctor and ask if you can add some food and see what he/she would suggest.

    I was heavily training in Martial Arts when I has my surgery as well as swimming for an hour a day. I was allowed to add unlimited non starchy veggies and an extra 4oz of lean Protein. But again, I CHOSE to ask first.
  22. Like
    justhere4theshow reacted to JJCool in My NHS experience in the UK   
    I wanted to write this to help anyone considering the surgery the benefit of my experience. I don’t represent the NHS or anyone else’s journey – I just want to be open about what mine has been like.
    For those who have been through it, sorry if this is all familiar to you and boring. I hadn’t ever had surgery before this and had never stayed in hospital before so I enjoyed reading about the experiences of others to help me understand what to expect. And there isn’t that many to fine online from people in the UK going through the NHS so just wanted to add mine.
    Before October 2015 I had been meeting with my GP (local doctor) regularly to treat an anxiety disorder that I have had at a serious level for about a year, as well as to facilitate my recovery from a lower back injury. After a few months of counselling, drug treatments and physiotherapy he suggested to me that he thought both could be relieved to some degree by a serious weight loss and he referred me to meet with a bariatric surgeon.
    I’ll try to explain some of how the National Health Service works in the UK, as I understand it. I’m not a professional in this area, this is just as it has been explained to me.
    In the UK a governing body called NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellent) set recommendations for our medical trusts (all the hospitals etc in a region that make up a group, and that group has an amount of funding allocated to it.) The management for that trust then decides how that money is allocated, and usually bases these decisions on the guidelines set by NICE.
    In regards to bariatric surgeries, NICE recommends:
    · Patients with a BMI above 50 be referred for bariatric surgery assessment
    · Adults with a BMI of 30 or more for whom interventions such as weight loss clinics and programs have been unsuccessful can have a discussion about alternative interventions for weight management such as bariatric surgery
    · Adults with a BMI of 35 or more who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes within the past 10 years are offered an expedited referral for bariatric surgery assessment
    As well as some other particulars (you can read more about that here Soup (both of a particular brand) and a pint of milk a day. I don’t know if this is the way my bariatric team work or if they made this specific to me but it was fine and it worked.
    On the day of surgery, I met with the nurse surgeon and anaesthesiologist separately to discuss any last minute questions and to talk through what I was to expect. It was such a nice experience, the worst part of my day was when I had to change into the hospital gown and realised that the dressing gown I brought from home (which was a short one) wouldn’t actually cover my backside. So if any of you happened to see someone with a red face clutching their gown closed at the back with both hands while walking through a hospital – yeah that was probably me.
    I was reassured at every stage leading up to the operation and wasn’t really scared at all. Such a relief! I didn’t wake up for many hours after the surgery and I found out later that they thought I might have to be moved into ICU (Intensive care unit) afterwards because of this. But I did wake up finally in the recovery suite that evening and in my hazy state I apparently fought with the oxygen mask enough to amuse the nurses so they knew I was ok.
    I was moved to a ward with three other women – only one other had a bariatric procedure but she didn’t speak English so no one I could compare notes with. I had two days in hospital – I won’t go through it in detail but will just note that in that time I had the most wonderful care from the hospital staff. I was visited by my surgeon and the bariatric nurse each day and they were both happy with my recovery. I started taking small amounts of Water on the first day and by the second was allowed other liquids such as tea, milk etc. The thing I found the most difficult about being in hospital was that they wanted to weigh each wee I had, so had to wee into a cardboard bowl. I don’t know why but this led to me being a bit wee-shy, but they weren’t going to let me go until they were sure that the liquids I was drinking was going through as expected so I had to just get on with it!
    I had a drain in my right side while I was in hospital to drain away any internal bleeding from the surgery and that was removed on the day I left the hospital. I had water proof dressings on each of my 5 wounds so could shower without any issues straight away and didn’t have to have the dressings changed until about a week later.
    When I was discharged I was sent off with a load of medications, which is all part of the NHS service. I was pretty surprised; it took two large carrier bags to carry them all! Included was:
    liquid paracetamol (for the pain) and ibuprofen (for pain and inflammation)
    Liquid sytron (Iron supplement)
    Effervescent Adcal D3 (Calcium and Vitamin D supplement)
    Multivitamin pills (to be crushed and mixed with water for the first few weeks – yuck!)
    Enoxaparin injections (for the avoidance of blood clotting)
    Lactulose solution (for, erm, regularity)
    Lanzoprazole tablets (to reduce stomach acid, and heartburn)
    And I was sent on my way!
    I had a pretty sharp internal pain and a big dent behind my biggest incision for the first few weeks that made getting about quite difficult. I rang the nurse and she explained to me about how the remaining stomach was given an internal stich to the inner muscle/fat lining of my skin to stop it from twisting while it heals. And as she predicted it popped around week 3 as the internal stitch dissolved. It gave me a bit of a scare at the time, I was bent over shaving my legs and literally felt a *pop* and I was too scared to move! But then I remembered what it was and was so relieved that all the pain suddenly left so I was happy.
    And it’s been plain sailing ever since. I have been able to move through the food stages as planned and haven’t have any vomiting or diarrhoea. I met with the nurse again at about 6 weeks and she was happy with my progress and my healing. I have an appointment with the surgeon in about a month and will continue to meet with them both over the course of the next two years at least – or longer if necessary.
    So that’s me, I fully appreciate that everyone’s journey is different so please don’t use this as canon. But I hope I can help anyone doing research for their own operation. Based on my experience I would recommend it whole-heartedly.
    Jo x
  23. Like
    justhere4theshow got a reaction from reducer623 in Upper GI Series - OMG!   
    This makes me feel for you so much...I get so nauseated just thinking about the last time I had to drink that stuff. I was very lucky because I had upper endoscopy pre-op, and post-op I had no leak test! I am not sure why, but I am so glad I didn't. Nausea has been one of my worst side effects since my sleeve. I hope you feel better as you get that stuff out of your system today. One step closer!
  24. Like
    justhere4theshow got a reaction from reducer623 in Unflavored protein   
    My GENEPRO will be here tomorrow! I can't wait to try it!
  25. Like
    justhere4theshow got a reaction from reducer623 in Unflavored protein   
    My GENEPRO will be here tomorrow! I can't wait to try it!

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