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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AchieveGoals

  1. 11 minutes ago, ClareLynn said:

    I've read here on this forum that RNY is better at reducing GERD. I had very bad GERD before surgery due to a hiatal hernia and at the time didn't know that RNY was better than VSG for people with GERD. My surgeon recommended that I do the loop duodenal switch (SADI) which is a VSG with extra intestine work.

    My GERD is exactly the same after the surgery as it was before. It didn't change at all (though to be fair I still have the hernia). It's mostly controlled with 40mg omeprazole 2x a day.

    I think it's nice to still have a working pyloric valve at the end of my stomach and would make the same decision again if I had to.

    Hey there! I see that we are both in IL, I just messaged you privately. Would to hear an experience with someone from IL. Thanks

  2. Hi guys! I have my surgery in March, and my surgeon said it's still up for discussion in terms of which surgery I could undergo. I was thinking to do the VSG. I recently had an endoscopy done where it showed I have mild GERD. I brought this up to my surgeon and he said that either surgery done will be fine for me (VSG or RNY). But I'm wondering if thats the salesman in him talking because I thought even slight traces of GERD before VSG will get worse after. So I wanted to know your experiences. Any of you had mild GERD before surgery and how it is after the VSG? Right now I'd say I take tums 1-2x a week. Sometimes an occasional Pepcid. I do admit I have trouble with bulimia and eating disorders for a good 8 years which caused a lot of the GERD problems. Please no judging I'm really looking for help and insight from patients who have gone through something similar. Will my GERD become horribly worse after VSG?

  3. Hi there, contemplating on getting RNY. I have just a couple of questions.

    1. Was your hair able to grow back after things stabilized? And did you use anything for it to grow back or just let nature take its course?

    2. Were you ever able to skip taking Vitamins everyday, and still have your lab reports come back okay? I mean is it okay to skip some days in case life gets in the way etc.

    3. What is your Vitamin schedule? Good ones to take etc, bet time to take them?

    4. How many hours after a meal are you able to eat another same size meal again?

    Thanks so much! :)

  4. On 5/16/2020 at 10:38 AM, AnyaA. said:

    Hi! I've experienced the same thing! I started using women's Rogaine 5% minoxidil unscented foam around 4 months ago and is starting to see my hair come back. Hope this helps!

    DO you still use Minoxidil? They say once you start it, you have to be basically on it for life....in case you've stopped it..did you see hair fall out again? thanks

  5. Hey guys, so I don't have my surgery yet, I'm still in the 6 month visit phase. Currently, I suffer from a bit of heartburn now and then. I would say once a week maximum, and usually gets relief if I take 1 tablet of Tums. Do you think this is a sign that I should NOT go for sleeve and choose RNY instead? What is your input? I ask because I want to hear actual patient input on their experience with GERD and the VSG.

    Thank You!

  6. Have been visiting my Bariatric clinic initially for undergoing the Sleeve procedure, however with my last surgeon visit, he said he recommends that I get the Bypass.

    With the increase of GERD after Sleeve, and the numerous revisions from Sleeve to Bypass...he says if you'd like to avoid this in the future and save a surgery then it would be better just to do Bypass. WHOAH! Bypass seems to me like the most drastic procedure for the most severe cases (IDK, I get that sensation).

    My question to Sleevers: If you could do it again, would you choose Bypass? Does GERD really get that bad?

  7. On 5/15/2019 at 2:32 PM, Boldilocks said:

    I didn't consider bypass, though my surgeon would have preferred it for me because I my endoscopy showed some small ulcers and reflux. I was adamant I wanted the sleeve. I was worried about the malabsorption - really worried. I already have a harder time getting everything I need from my diet because I am vegetarian (well, post-surgery I don't because all the supplements I take, but I used to). And I have the PCOS thinning hair - I know that Hair loss can be a problem with bypass and malabsorption, and I was terrified to lose more hair. (I am getting a little more hair left in the comb now - but I believe the 3-6 month Hair loss common with WLS is due to the anaesthetic, and is not permanent. At least that's what I'm hoping.)

    Read your post, and I had to double check the name just to make sure that it wasn't ME writing this. You and I are on the exact same struggle bus. I want sleeve, surgeon reccomends VSG. I have PCOS and thinning hair, I'm scared to even do VSG because it can cause hair loss as well. I'm trying to research into taking DHT blockers to help with hair loss issues, have you taken any? Would love to hear more from you, and on your VSG journey...have you had the surgery? Any GERD and hair problems? Thanks!

  8. For those you

    On 10/2/2019 at 4:17 PM, BGrundee said:

    I know this post is old. I got pregnant 6 months post op from gastric sleeve surgery. I delivered a healthy girl 7/26. I still ate the same and it was fine. This is my second pregnancy and a total surprise. Didn't think I would get pregnant at all since im 40 years old and believe the baby making ship sailed long ago. My baby is now 9 weeks old, im back to eatting super healthy to catch up and get back to my regimen before pregnancy. I never had a chance to get to my goal weight but I am more determined than ever!

    Congratulations your going to have an amazing time being a mom. I realized I am a better mom in my 40s than I was in my 20s.

    Did you have a normal birth or a C-section? sorry if its too personal but many say that after WLS that pregnancies end up being C-sections

  9. On 7/15/2019 at 5:11 PM, Hop_Scotch said:

    Yes in October 2018. Restriction is holding out well so far (though not as restrictive as it was) and I rarely feel hungry. Like all bariatric procedures its a tool and it works well if we work it well.

    Compliance of post op diet guidelines particularly volume of food is important to ensure the sutures/anchor points/stomach melding/scarring heals properly to ensure the accordion effect is durable and as long term as possible.

    I am a member of a some esg Facebook groups and some people haven't had success in different ways. Some feel they haven't lost as much weight or lose weight as fast as VSG or RNY - which is to be expected as the ESG doesn't reduce the volume of the stomach as much as the VSG and there certainly isn't any bypass.

    Others possibly through overeating and/or not following the post op diet guidelines in the first couple of months have lost restriction.

    Then there are the ones whose doctors possibly through inexperience didn't do a good job of the ESG - insufficient sutures, loose stitches etc.

    Finally, there are those that despite how well the ESG was done, how well they followed/continue to follow all the guidelines just don't feel the restriction and haven't had much success.

    Some people have already had revisions to VSG or RNY and some others are also using Saxenda or other appetite reducing drugs prescribed by their doctor.

    Despite all the above there are plenty of success stories.

    I chose ESG because I liked the non surgical aspect of it, reduced complications and quicker recovery time. I knew that weight loss would be lower and slower than the surgical options but I was happy with the trade off.

    I continue to struggle with sugar/sweet cravings/head stuff. I am still working on replacing those mindless eating habits by replacing them with better/healthier habits. I would like to lose another 5 or so kilos by October, if I don't its not the end of the world, I am much healthier and fitter than I have been in a long time even if my BMI is not in the healthy weight range.

    Are you considering topping up your sleeve with an ESG to help with further restriction? I don't recall that any of the members of the ESG groups I belong to have had an ESG following a surgical weight loss procedure but a few have asked about it.

    Sorry for the waffling :)

    Does your doctor say this procedure is reversible? Not that u want to reverse it for nothing but in case there is a severe complication in the future, it's always good to have a reversible option so the body can go back to its anatomy

  10. On 9/9/2019 at 6:28 AM, KadieEuropeBound said:

    Prior to my VSG 2 years ago, my acid reflux was minimal, not everyday. I had experienced reflux when I gained weight. I was a yo-yo dieter for years getting low as 130lb to high of 310. At my pre op testing for surgery, my surgeon says I have mild gerd. He had recommended gastric bypass. I didn't want bypass and told him if I lose the weight the reflux should go away like it has done in previous years.

    I was reflux free for 1 1/2 years post VSG. By then, i was 100 pounds lighter. By Dec of last year, I started having reflux here and there but not everyday. The ppi medicine was working but fast forward to this year. I was still experiencing mild acid in my esophagus after eating even with taking a ppi using with nutrition dense foods.

    My surgeon again recommended gastric bypass to get rid of the acid reflux or stay on ppi forever. I was leaning towards staying on ppi medication and losing more weight. However, I am still reading those with gerd/VSG and have reached a healthy BMI under 25 still experienced gerd.

    I will be moving forward with revision surgery from VSG to Gastric Bypass on the 19th of Sept.

    Thank you so much for responding. Quite an interesting experience of yours. Just a quick question. When you wrote that you got down to 130lbs by dieting compared to getting in the 100 range by VSG, does your body feel smaller by the VSG weight loss compared to the dieting weight loss? Just wondering if your body after the 2 different types of weight loss made u look skinnier than the other? Hope this makes sense, hope to hear from you thanks!

  11. On 5/19/2019 at 3:08 PM, colcol said:

    I had the Sleeve done in 2013 I lost 90 pounds now almost gained it all back😢 I’m thinking of doing a revision but not sure what would be best for me. Has anyone gone through this and if so any success in your end result?
    Thank you

    Did you suffer from GERD as well? Was that part of your revision decision? Hope to hear you are doing well...

  12. On 8/2/2019 at 7:21 PM, S@ssen@ch said:

    The recovery from lap band alone was very easy. Probably one of the easiest surgeries I've had. It's been since 2009, so forgive me if my memory is off, but I think I was told to do liquids for about a day then gradually introduce regular foods only because the tummy was likely a little irritated from the procedure.

    I needed no one to stay with me and I think I went back to work after only a couple days (I worked in an office). Really no big deal.

    Can't answer you about when you'd be ready for RNY. My surgeon offered to convert me when I had the lap band removed, but I chose not to. 8 years later, I finally decided to get the sleeve. I would think that as soon as you've recovered from the removal recovery as in with any surgery, you'd be ready for the RNY. Talk it over with your doc.

    How has it been since being sleeved? Any complications?

  13. 39 minutes ago, SeattleLady said:

    GERD, gastritis, hernia and some weight gain. Most days my GERD is so bad that I feel like heck. I just want to get it done and over.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

    Is it not being controlled with medication? Did you have prior GERD going into surgery or is this a new thing after the sleeve of having horrible GERD?

  14. 2 minutes ago, SeattleLady said:

    I'm at the start over part of this revision process. My first appointment with a new doctor will be on Monday. I was told that it will last 2 hours. The clinic also told me to be "open."
    I know what is needed for my health. I have one of the top doctors (that is what I am told). I feel happy and scared.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app

    Why do u need a revision?

  15. So a little bit about me, I was lap banded when I was 17 years old, got it taken out when I was 22 because of pouch enlargement. Now I am thinking of getting sleeve done. But the GERD part scares me, it's like exchanging disease states for one to the other. It helps get rid of Diabetes, but you acquire GERD, so severe to the point that people need revisions to another sleeve or another bariatric procedure. I would be scared to get an RNY or a Bypass, I am happy getting a Sleeve (and this was a decision I thought a lot over to even get to it), so the thought of so many revisions due to GERD scares me to even get this done in the first place. It makes me wonder if I will be one of those who undergoes this too, I don't have current GERD right now, sometimes I do get heartburn maybe three times a month, but I'm not taking anything for it chronically. Anyone have any thoughts? Thank you so much!

  16. On 8/21/2019 at 5:00 PM, elcee said:

    Are you following all the recommendations given to you by your team? Eating the correct foods in the correct quantities or are you just eating the same way as you did presleeve and hoping that the sleeve will magically do all the work?

    you have a negative presumption for most of your answers towards people to their questions...I would suggest you be more positive

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