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    hapend2016 reacted to Big Taj in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    June 17th but i can't seem to get my fluids and or eat anything
    Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App
  2. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to Maggie143 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Hi there! Don't be a lurker - join the party. you never know who is going to learn from you. When I started this I didn't even think people would answer me... then the nicest bunch of people started showing up one by one. Every day I laugh and I also see really good advice and things to prepare for or ask my doc about. I'm glad you are lurking and glad you are here! Welcome to the nut house
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    hapend2016 reacted to SunshyneRN in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I too take anti-depressants and have been struggling. At times I cry and other times I'm angry. It does get better a bit each day. I find if I go for a walk or keep busy it's better. I live near a lake and find the Water and fresh air comforting. I hope you feel better
  4. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to cindyw41 in How restricted is your sleeve?   
    I can't have large amounts of sugar or fat.. For instance I had part of a milkshake and felt sick for hours and I had a small amount of cream of crab Soup and had stomach cramps and chills almost immediately. I stay far away from them now.
    It's trial and error. Some cannot tolerate dairy or milk at all and others have no issues.
    Keep a journal of foods you reintroduce that doesn't set well with your sleeve. Retry them later or steer clear all together
  5. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to Nancydhu in How restricted is your sleeve?   
    I'm six weeks out and can only handle about 3/4 cup of food...very slowly at a time. I think it's different for a lot of us.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
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    hapend2016 reacted to Maggie143 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Well it is tough going through this during the 4th of July but the good part is - we'll all be right as rain by Thanksgiving, Hannukah (spelling I'm sorry), Christmas and New Years! When we take off our sweaters next year we will be looking good. I am so sick of Protein Shakes and not chewing - want those Beans, oats and cheese.... almost there... What doesn't kill us will make us thinner
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    hapend2016 reacted to iamjohnbamber in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    @@susie66 I hear you... you're in the thick of the tough part... liquids are no fun. I haven't had an actual meal in 3 weeks... but I just keep telling myself the actual food part is coming - it'll be here sooner than you think.
    What's helped me the most is trying to keep busy... trying not to think about food, and making sure to keep my mind on other things so I'm not focusing on my want for something with consistency.
    Hang in there!
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    hapend2016 reacted to susie66 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Hi, new here but was sleeved on the 28th. I just want to get to the soft food stage. Miserable right now.
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    hapend2016 reacted to iamjohnbamber in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Fun!! I'm not exactly looking forward to the baby food/puréed stage but that's the "turn before the finish line is in sight" for me! I'd love to skip that phase altogether too haha.
    2006 - 2016
    Lap Band, lost 112 lbs gained back 50
    June 27 2016
    Lap Band removed, converted to Sleeve
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    hapend2016 reacted to iamjohnbamber in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Hey there 6/27/2016 Sleever here, revision from Lap Band (2006). Tomorrow will be one week post op, doc told me I can go to full liquids on Tuesday, can't wait!! Really excited to be on this forum since I live alone, and most of my support is Facebook and online...
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to ldyment in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Hey, ShelterDog64 - my surgery was on 6/22. I could not get through the liquid phase. I was starving. I talked to my nutritionist and she said to go ahead and start incorporating soft foods as tolerated. It was heaven! I needed to chew something and now I am. I've had chicken salad, chunky Soups, oatmeal and cream of wheat. Another thing that really helped was juicing. My fav recipe is called Wingman - you can google it. I really struggled with the Protein Shakes making me nauseous. Talk to your nutritionist ( if you have one). No need to suffer! Good luck. Sent from my LGLS990 using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to ShelterDog64 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I wish my body would hear what I'm telling it, too...it wants something I can CHEW. The smell of the Protein shakes is awful to me right now, I just want regular food. My surgery was on the 21st, so I've had a couple of bites of refried Beans and a bit of chicken. My stomach tolerated them well, but those 2 bites of Beans almost filled me up. It IS weird how our bodies are reacting to what we did to them, isn't it?
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    hapend2016 reacted to ShelterDog64 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I had my beans at a restaurant with a friend...it was my first outing where food was involved and those beans were darned good. Loaded with lard, I'm sure, but I ate maybe 2 or 3 tablespoons. I need to buy some to make my own, thanks for the reminder!
    I'm eating steel-cut Irish oatmeal...my son makes a big batch of it every few days and stores it in the fridge (he's on some 'bulking up' diet prior to soccer tryouts at college), so I just sneak a couple of tablespoons out and thin it to a soupy consistency with Fairlife milk. Then I chew the heck out of it, because chewing is fun! I feel like such a weirdo, saying that chewing is fun, but I know you guys understand!
    Thanks for the tip about party navigation...I've been pretty open about my procedure but I'm still dreading being scrutinized over my eating or lack of.
  14. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to Maggie143 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Thats pretty good. A lot of people reporting their taste buds are off and it probably helps that our body doesn't want it and has more sense than our brain... but... I'm still a little jealous of your pizza
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    hapend2016 reacted to APanda911 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Omg I was just writing on here about "head hunger"...mine is INTENSE!!!! We ordered pizza (my fav food) for our fireworks party last night and I was DROOLING about it for hours. I had a tiny bite, chewed well etc...and I was like ehhh. Lol after all of that!! So weird. Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to Maggie143 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Cracking up - have to conquer my brain too! What mushy foods did you have?
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    hapend2016 reacted to ShelterDog64 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I haven't had the mood swings but I'm dreading them...I'm 51 and menopausal, so I'm sure mine will be doozies!
    I've been feeling good, I've advanced myself to some foods that aren't on my diet yet, but just doing full liquids was killing me. I've had some refried Beans (HEAVEN!!), and yesterday I had a bite or 2 of chicken salad my husband was eating. As long as I go slow, take small bites and chew well, everything is fine. On the down side, I took my allergy meds a couple of nights ago right before bed, and not thinking, threw down about 8 oz of Water in a few big gulps. OMG. The pain was horrific, and it all came right back up. I have been a much more careful sipper since then
    I'm thinner, too, down 16 as of today. That's so encouraging for me, I didn't have to do any pre-op diet so my surgery weight was my highest weight. Losing 16 has been amazing, I truly feel lighter already.
    Hoping today is another good day...we're going to buy a new car! And our son comes home today from a weekend back at college with his buddies. Tomorrow will be a challenge, I'm sure, all the BBQs and food, but I'll stick with my oatmeal and know that if I do, that scale will move even more. Happy 4th, everyone!
  18. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to APanda911 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Hello! Had vsg on 6/22 - it's been a great experience so far, I'm glad to have been invited over to this board with other June sleevers!
    I am not posting my personal info on here because I work in the public eye in my hometown of Cleveland, and am trying to keep things under wraps. The only people who know I had surgery are my husband and my mother!
    I love to hear and read everybody's experiences - I've definitely taken all of the "before" pics and can't wait for the "after" ones. :-)
    I'm currently down 13 lbs. from surgery and tolerating soft foods well - I'm on the "Phase 3" diet. It seems like my surgeon allowed me to move quicker through the liquid phase of the diets than what is reflected in other people's experiences on here, I wonder why that is? Has anybody else been allowed to incorporate food into their diet yet (i.e. flaky fish, cheeses, mashed potatoes etc?)
    HW: 295
    SW: 286
    CW: 273
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    hapend2016 reacted to pewpewpewpew in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Had my surgery June 22nd. Recovering pretty well. Cheated a bit with some mushy foods today but besides that I am adjusting well.
    The hardest part is getting my brain to get in line with my stomach.
    Sent from my SM-N900V using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to kelsbelles in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I had my surgery on the 30th. I'm feeling pretty good, I think. Just bad has pains and trying to figure out how much a sip is really to my body. I've been nauseous enough to run to the toilet but haven't got anything up which I think is good. The worst site for my pain is on my lower left side of my stomach. I look like I'm pregnant with all the swelling lol. I know I've only gotten about 20 oz of Fluid in,but Water doesn't go down well right now. I'm craving a Doctor Pepper so bad it's not even funny haha. I haven't had one of those since before my 2 week preop diet which I didn't even crave then! Bodies are weird haha. Carbonated drinks are a thing of the pass body,get it together!
    Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to Nursejlcox in BMI 31-32   
    I have a BMI of 33 and am self-pay, getting sleeved in June. I'm only telling my mom and husband so slow weight loss is fine with me...won't be so obvious that I had surgery to lose the weight when the change is gradual. It's nice to find a group like myself, confident with our decision to move forward even though we aren't "fat enough" to everyone else! I'm ready to feel great in my body again!
  22. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to bluesclues in BMI 31-32   
    Yes, I had a BMI of 32 and got it done. I haven't lost it as fast as others because of other health issues as well (diabetic, PCOS) but cut my insulin in half which I think has helped lose the weight. It's taking me a lot longer but I guess it's okay as long as I'm losing and skin is fine as well. I was self pay as well and went to TJ for it. Any questions, feel free to ask
  23. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to SeahawksFan in BMI 31-32   
    I had a BMI of 31 and I was self pay. I did the roller coaster diet thing for so many years I finally decided to do it and I don't regret it at all. I did a 2 week low carb diet required by my doc before the surgery and lost 10 lbs so I was only 29.5 BMI when I had it done on Oct. 30 and I pretty much met my goal in 4 months. I also didn't tell anyone. Only my husband and one friend because I didn't want to hear the speech about how I didn't need it and everything else that goes with that. I am a size 0P now and couldn't be happier. I no longer need my sleep apnea machine and my back and joints feel so much better. I also had the hernia repair done while he was in there and my insurance paid for that. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
    BTW I am only 5"1 so losing 45 is a lot for someone my size and I am 45.
    Good luck-
  24. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to alindsey in BMI 31-32   
    I'm also not telling anyone about mine except my mom who is having it done the same day! I don't care if it falls off slow I know it will be a long process I know, I just don't want to gain anymore and eventually be small again! Good luck to you also!!!
  25. Like
    hapend2016 reacted to sleeve32 in BMI 31-32   
    I have a bmi of 34-35. I have also heard that the lower your bmi is the slower at losing the weight also. That's ok with me though bc I am not telling anyone that I am having the surgery so as crazy as it sounds it would work well for me. I plan to have mine done in June or July. Whenever I can get off work for my vacation. My friend had hers done a couple years ago and I believe her bmi was 36 when she started and she reached her goal weight in about 7 months. Good luck to you!

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