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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by amandaelder4

  1. Well, the big day is about 30 days out and I am getting more and more excited. Being overseas for my husbands work doesn't allow for much of an in person support group, so I am looking to find some buddies here. I know that there will be struggles and challenges and then there will be victories. I hope that I can find some buddies to share these experiences with. thanks!
  2. amandaelder4

    Biofreeze Gel?

    Bio freeze is amazing. I use it all the time and I had a similar pain closer to my belly button. Just insure it's not ok your incision. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App *just make sure it is not on your incision. Man autocorrect is killing me. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  3. amandaelder4

    VSG July 5th, looking for buddies

    Yay for new buddies. You seem to be in good spirits so you must be doing well after surgery. Are you struggling with anything? What is your favorite food right now?
  4. I am having surgery on July 5th and I am very excited yet nervous at the same time. I have always been a bit over weight but after 2 kids the weight has just piled on. I carry the majority of my weight in my legs, a true pear shape. I am just wanting to know if there are any others out there that are in the same place or have lost the weight starting out with such excess weight in the legs. I get a little worried that the weight will never leave me no matter what I do. I am sure that is vey silly! thanks everyone!
  5. Oh yes we are so close in stats! I'll add you as a friend and we can message eachother , how does that sound? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  6. Please consider to share your progress. For me, I feel good about losing so far but also feel impatient for it to go down with so much more to lose for goal!I would love to share my progress. How far along are you on your journey? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  7. Excellent. I am 2 days post op and I do feel like my legs are a bit squishier than before. I look forward to seeing the progress. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  8. amandaelder4

    VSG July 5th, looking for buddies

    I felt like "what the heck did I do" the first day after surgery. The second day a bit better. So i am guessing it will get better as the days keep going. I figure we see all these success stories and we just have to hang in there. We've got this. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  9. amandaelder4

    Cheating post-OP

    Don't be so down on yourself. Like everyone is saying these are your choices and if you felt great about your choice and it made you happy, then that is what is important. My nutritionist very much believes that if one day i want to have a cheese burger I can have one, but no ml pretty than one a week. From this part it is about moderation and control. Being on a lifestyle change doesn't mean you have to be miserable it just means you need to be cautious and aware of what you are putting in your mouth. We all have that one thing that we love the most and there is nothing that says you can't have it, you just need to have small amounts less often. Good luck with your journey! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  10. amandaelder4

    My journey so far.

    Looking good! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  11. amandaelder4

    29 and doing fine.

    I just added you on IG. I find support in both places. This is a great place to talk thing out and IG is a great place to share in your experience with pictures! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  12. amandaelder4

    VSG July 5th, looking for buddies

    @@ready16 I think you will find the sleeve very successful. I don't know how much weight you have to loose but I have a little over 200 and I have seen some gals do that in a year. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  13. amandaelder4


    Yes that is what everyone means. But not everyone is on just liquids. My doctor just requires me to have low carb. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  14. amandaelder4

    VSG July 5th, looking for buddies

    For me the decision between the sleeve and bypass was looking 20 years down the road. I like the fact that the sleeve allows the body to still maintain its natural flow of digestion. The stomach serves a great purpose when eating, all of the natural bacteria and enzymes are good for the body. I didn't want to loose all that. Plus I also feel with the sleeve I will be able to live a bit more of a normal life. The though of eating something with too much an of ingredient and it causing dumping doesn't appeal to me. With the sleeve, it's just allowing to to eat less and really consider what I am eating because every bite has to count. I am 30 years old and I like to live as normal of a like as possible. Lol. I do think between the two the weight loss can be the same in the same time frame. Weight loss is always about effort. :-) Other than fast weight loss, what appeals to you about the bypass? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  15. amandaelder4

    VSG July 5th, looking for buddies

    I hear ya! That's has always been my life too. Your surgery is just the day after mine and it's coming up quick! Are you having the sleeve surgery? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  16. amandaelder4


    I am on the fence about this too. I have only told such a few amount of people. I mean we are still putting in a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears. So maybe, I will tell selective people. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  17. amandaelder4


    Thank you for the link, I joined too! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  18. amandaelder4


    July 5th here! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  19. amandaelder4

    Anyone from colorado springs?

    Well 6 months isn't too bad. I would hope.you would be able to use that since you were being medically supervised. That's great that you have some.first hand experience with other have the procedure. I don't have any friends or family (other than who I have met on here) that have had the procedure but you are right, I think the sleeve has the best results. Tonight is my last pizza and movie night for a long time. Then preop diet here I come. Lol Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  20. amandaelder4

    VSG July 5th, looking for buddies

    Hello July 5th surgery buddy! I would be happy for you to join especially since our surgery is going to be on the same day! How exciting! It does seem to make it a bit easier having someone to bounce ideas off of and just to go through this journey with. It's going to be a struggle at first and the support of others is what will impact us the most. Yay! What are your starting stats, if you don't mind sharing. You can always private message me too! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  21. amandaelder4

    Anyone from colorado springs?

    How exciting! I am glad that you have a meeting with your surgeon coming up next month. The process can be a bit of a waiting game. I am not sure what Medicaid will require as far as a weight loss "program" or period. Everyone seems to have to go through different things. I am excited for you and your journey! I am finally at the last part of my waiting and I can barely stand it. It almost seems like the final wait is the hardest. I start my preop diet on Wednesday and hopefully the two weeks of that time will soar by quickly. Do you have any close friends or family that have had weight loss surgery? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  22. amandaelder4

    Anyone from colorado springs?

    I completely understand the desire to get started. I have a high BMI too. 62. Yikes. I do t have any other medical concerns but I am starting to feel the stress in my knees and hips. What day is your surgery again? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  23. amandaelder4

    Anyone from colorado springs?

    @@WitchySar I'm sorry that you have to go all the way to parker. BUT that is great that you will be able to have the procedure with medicaid. I don't think they always covered it before. I used to live in Parker. I loved it there. Are you going to parker adventist? Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  24. I can't imagine ever wanting to do this. Here is an FDA approved alternative to the two finger diet. Instead of throwing up your just empty it through a medical tube. I don't see how this is helping with the over problem of obesity... eating to much of the wrong foods. This pump removes the food before your body can start absorbing it, but if you are eating healthier how will this benefit you. I will be astonished if this does not cause severe malnutrition problems and can you imagine the risk factors of getting an infection. I'll pass. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  25. amandaelder4

    Anyone with a high BMI?

    That is exactly what I told my husband!! We always host a very large party and he asked if I thought it would be too much with surgery the next day.... I said, "Heck no it isn't, I am celebrating my life changing!" I nervous for surgery but, excited for my new life of a healthier me!! Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App Great minds think so much alike. Can I private message you and maybe we can keep in contact more directly since we are going to be surgery day buddies! Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App Yes of course! I tried to friend you but... I can't figure out how to do that on my phone. Lol Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App I will hop the pc and add you and then we can message back and forth! Sorry for the delayed response, my internet has been acting up. Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App

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