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Posts posted by jessjames

  1. Today isn't a good day.. I'm OVER wondering if I'll feel sick after any new food I'm about to try. I am OVER forcing myself to drink Water when I'm not thirsty, I am OVER the fact my 1lb chihuahua eats more food than me.

    Had to vent, the hubby just had a McDonald's and I looked at it with tears in my eyes, I miss you buddy.

    What are you OVER today?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. As other have said, I eat to live now rather than live to eat.. Sometimes I just forget to eat and I feel a little weak and then I remember oh I haven't eaten lunch that's what I need! Sometimes, I do get hungry though.. And it makes me want to have something delicious, then once I eat and have 3-4 tablespoons I'm just as satisfied as if I was to have a full large plate of food.. And I don't feel upset about not managing anymore either, at that point I'm over it

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. I terribly regret not eating way more delicious foods before my pre-op diet, although i read up about the amount id be able to consume after my sleeve I always hoped that I would be able to manage a slice of pizza at some point.

    I've tried. It didn't end well.

    I hope that in the future I'll be able to eat more in general, I find that now I eat to live.. Whereas before I lived to eat.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. I wasn't miserable.. I was home the next morning, pain was minimal, came off the pain meds on day 2.. Weigh loss has been incredible, no stalls, 60 pounds down in under 3 months.. I can gulp Water fast, and I have zero regrets. Everyone's experience is different but it's a chance you take.. In the long run no matter what the outcome, it will be a small price to pay for the new you & happiness.. You deserve it.

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  5. I used to be a heavy 'binge' drinker before surgery, after 6 weeks I had a few drinks and I did get a little tipsy but nothing scary happened. I've just got back from vacation in Barcelona, and one of the nights I was extremely drunk from just having 1-2 drinks.. The thing is, I've found that I don't really enjoy drinking anymore. Always consult with your doctor first, see when he gives you the green light, take it easy.. And slow, and just remember that it will more than likely hit you differently than before.

    Now I look back, alcohol was a way to give me 'confidence' that I needed for being so insecure.. 60 pounds down 3 months out and I just don't need that comfort blanket anymore.. Good luck! And be safe

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Before I even had this surgery I drank about 1 litre a day, I've never been a big drinker and don't get thirsty often..

    I've been advised to get 2 litres after surgery.. And I find it an annoyance. Like.. I'm not thirsty, And I really get annoyed that I have to force myself to drink so much.. Also because I don't eat much it literally goes straight through me and I find myself constantly going to the toilet.

    I guess what I'm wondering is, is it 2 litres that were supposed to be drinking? How much did your doctor advise??

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. The first few weeks are the hardest, most people at this early stage have a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty running through their minds when all you're doing is laying up at home contemplating what's just happened.

    I'm in my 9th week now and I can promise you it gets better week by week! I'm almost 60 pounds down since surgery and I've never looked so good.. Stick with it, give it a few weeks and you'll find it will get easier and easier.. And as you see the results you'll see it was all worth it. Remember how unhappy you were before surgery.. And how that ultimately lead you to this place!

    Congrats on your weight loss but I am only 5 weeks today and have only lost 12 lb it's upsetting because I sure ain't eating nothing I am not supposed to. Any advice to help me thanks

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    Well done on losing those 12Ibs.. Loss is a loss no matter how much, have you been losing weight every week? Or have you perhaps been in the dreaded 3 week stall still??? I luckily only had a stall for 4 days and then the weight loss continued but a LOT of people hit a stall after 3 weeks, lasting up

    To 6 weeks.. But after that period the weight rapidly comes off apparently!

    I just focus on Protein Protein protein, I have 6 little tiny meals per day and a protein shake! I don't excersize, I honestly don't have the energy. Keep your head up and make sure you're following your doctors meal recommendations. Good luck!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. The first few weeks are the hardest, most people at this early stage have a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty running through their minds when all you're doing is laying up at home contemplating what's just happened.

    I'm in my 9th week now and I can promise you it gets better week by week! I'm almost 60 pounds down since surgery and I've never looked so good.. Stick with it, give it a few weeks and you'll find it will get easier and easier.. And as you see the results you'll see it was all worth it. Remember how unhappy you were before surgery.. And how that ultimately lead you to this place!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Okay, so I went to the doctors today and she took my blood pressure, it was 146/79 whilst sitting which she said was fine, when I stood up.. It dropped instantly to 126/34.

    I had to go through what I was eating, and I was advised that I'm having minimal carbs, (under 20 per day) and because of this it's making me weak, and my body unable to fuel itself.. I've been ordered to eat more healthy carbs (fruit, sweet potatoes etc).

    She's also mentioned that because I'm unable to eat a lot of food, I have been advised that rather than have 3 meals per day I should cut those in half and eat over 6 small 3 tablespoon meals.. This is why she believes im getting tired after eating food, as it's the same feeling as being completely full when prior to surgery id have Christmas dinner or whatever.. Where id have to lay down from being so full.

    I also bought a machine to take my blood pressure so I can monitor myself daily... I just want to be back to normal

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Thanks for the info about the recipe builder bufflehead, I had no idea.. I can be so blonde at times haha.

    Surfer girl, I haven't had my blood pressure taken or even a physical with the nurse, they don't require one until 6 months... Strangely enough after my shower I looked in the mirror and I have a massive red bruise or something in the middle of my forehead it's quite big, somethings deffo wrong.

    The nurse called me back and she wants me to go in tomorrow for a check up, and get my blood pressure looked at etc, I agree I probably haven't been drinking enough.. I'm aiming for 2 litres today and 3/4 of the way there.. I can do it, I just need to force myself really

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Buffleheads - I'm actually going to try that technique I'll let you know if it helps later! The things we do hey? Haha

    Aussiegirl - I'm exactly 8 weeks out as of today.. I don't track my food anymore because of the home cooked meals I make ( I make a massive pot of something then seperate it out into ten portions and freeze them) so I have a large selection of multiple home made dishes I can easily pick out every day.. Tracking my food would I have to list every single ingredient and nutrition information then divide it by number of portions? I do have my fitness pal but it just seems like a lot.

    I'll go and pick up some electrolytes this weekend for sure, anything to get me back to pre surgery health!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. Thank you everyone for your responses, I'm going to try each and everything you all mentioned, you're right I probably am dehydrated, I didn't drink a lot before surgery either, especially when dieting as lack of salt etc in my diet makes me feel like I don't need Water... I'm forcing in the 1L per day, but today I'm going to force myself to have 2! I can do this!!

    I'm from the UK, we don't have Gatorade or Powerade, not where I am anyway (or I just haven't seen it in the store)

    All I eat is a Protein shake for lunch, some Protein chips for a snack, and some home made protein dish containing chicken/pork/fish

    I was a low bmi patient (35) weighed 260, last time I checked I was 216, I've never had any health problems, blood pressure problems etc everything prior to surgery was healthy, I really hope after surgery I suddenly have heaps of problems!

    I'll be sure to let everybody know what the nurse says after the call - in case somebody else is suffering with a similar experience.. You guys are awesome, didn't expect so many replies thank you

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. Hey, I usually like to brush things under the carpet and wait (hopefully) for problems to fix themselves or go away.. But this is becoming a real issue for me.

    I've found when I get up from being sat down for a period of time, I go dizzy and almost feel like I'm going to pass out.. It only lasts for ten seconds max and then goes away but I get a weird black out sensation. I've learnt that If I get up slowly, it doesn't occur AS strong but it still happens.. And if I forgot, it hits me hard.

    Also, whenever I eat Protein, after finishing.. I feel tired, lethargic and have general lack of energy which almost always results in me having to lay down for ten to twenty minutes and I feel better again.. When I was on liquids and wasn't focusing on my protein intake with shakes etc, I didn't have the dizzy spells or fatigue, but for the past 4 weeks it's been like this every day.

    I'm having about 600-800 calories per day, focusing on 60g of protein and drinking 1 litre of Water per day.

    I contacted my clinic and I'm waiting on a call back from a nurse, but wondered if anybody else has experienced this, if it's common or any tips they can provide for me to make this a little easier.

    I was sleeved on the 26th of May

    Thank you <3

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  14. Can I just be clear, Look at my profile and check the posts and responses I make, they are all positive, uplifting, supportive and coming from a warm place. I come on to this forum to build people UP and share this experience with people going through a similar circumstance.

    Now I don't know if years after the surgery you become jaded, and a little bit sick of the same questions on this forum but this is new for us, we are learning to walk and find our feet again with this whole process. I will not tolerate this behaviour, vet or not it's bullying in my eyes.

    I was told by my doctor I could drink at 6 weeks, I have not deviated from my meal plans, I have lost 43 pounds in 7 weeks.. I'm doing something right. The original poster asked a question about alcohol consumption, I shared my personal experience and said that I haven't had any problems.. Everyone is different, but this is what a forum is about.

    What I will not tolerate is newbies posting a question or response and then fearing one of the vets will attempt to embarrass, humiliate, or ridicule them for being new to the process and inexperienced.. We all appreciate your personal journey, and your story.. But it's just that, YOUR story, there are ways to express your concerns without upsetting others. I'm here to support people and spread positivity, it's a shame I can't say the same for a lot of others.

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  15. I love that this turned into a debate on Vaping in general and I still haven't received an answer to my questions.

    I think everybody answered your question. Vaping 0 nicotine is like vaping flavour, air. There really is no need for you to be sassy. It's not cute. I don't know what your expecting from people who aren't certified doctors. If our answers aren't good enough for you, perhaps consult a professional.

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