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Posts posted by NewMeBefore40

  1. @@NewMeBefore40 Actually the OP was asking about not overeating not calories. She eats junk food and fried foods just not what she considers large portions. Your situation sounds alot like mine and although I haven't had surgery yet - they tell me I will definitely lose weight even though I have difficulty now (regardless of what I do). I would start a new thread with your situation - I'm sure you'll get responses.

    I definitely didn't intend to hijack the post.

    She specifically stated on a few occasions that she wasn't referring to types of food but the amount of calories. So my interpretation is of her question is whether one who already limits calories to under 1000 will be able to lose weight with the surgery. My response was that the doctors say yes due to set point. My explanation of my situation was to illustrate the similarities and that I understand and actually read her post, since she was concerned that no one read and understood her.

    Possibly I misunderstood, but that was my interpretation after reading several pages of her trying to get it across.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  2. @NeeMeBefore40 Do you have any metabolic disorders? Have they looked at whether you might have PCOS? I have a hard time losing weight but my Team assured me I will lose with WLS. They never once questioned my food diary or acted as though they didn't believe me. You may have actually been eating too little if exercising for 2 hours. It sounds like you need to talk to a Dr qualified in Bariatrics. Just because your sugar was normal does not mean you don't have something else going on. My blood sugar has always been normal but I have PCOS which makes it more difficult to lose weight. Hang in there!

    I do have pcos. But I don't think people really understand how broken a metabolism can get.

    I have gotten the, "that's not possible", "it's physically impossible" or just the head shake.

    I've seen 3 surgeons and their nutritional counselors.

    I have a lot going on, more than I could begin to list here. But I think the question was from the OP, weather anyone who already restricts calories will benefit. That's my question to. Not at first but long term.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  3. Like the title of the thread says, will WLS work if the reason for being overweight isn't from overeating? I don't overeat but I definitely choose the wrong foods.

    It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point.

    My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight.

    I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do Keto. I just don't lose.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

    With a condition as unusual/clearly medical/atypical as yours, a public WLS forum where most of us got fat from overeating junk is probably not going to get you the responses you need and desire.

    Definitely come here for support and love as you go through the process, but as far as factual scientific advice? Your situation is so far out there in the atypical range, I'm sure there are very few here that are qualified to answer.

    Best to you!! I'm sure with your desire to succeed, you can make it happen.

    I wasn't the OP. I was just letting her know she's not alone and that there are said to be benefits for those who are not eating 2 meals at McDonalds for dinner and still unable to lose weight.

    However, I'm not really sure where else one would look if they were in my situation and looking for answers. I can't possibly be the only one in my situation. And doctors assume I'm showing them my food diary that shows whole foods and then running thru to get a milkshake. No one believes me. I don't care and im not offended. But when I do start a thread with questions it's because of can't possibly be the only one in my situation and I need help too. As far as the doctors are concerned there is no reason and I just need to exercise harder. I did that. 2 hours a day. Where else can I turn?

    Like I said I wasn't asking questions originally, but where else would I go?

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal AppY

    You and the OP are absolutely warranted by coming here and asking your questions as well as sharing your experiences.

    Sometimes, just saying how you feel and having someone who will listen with concern is all that is needed to help get over a "bump in the road".

    We are not experts here, but we should always be willing to listen to a member who is "struggling"--physically and/or mentally. Most members on this site are great listeners.

    We can give no medical advice. We can "round table" ideas and can "suggest" based on our own personal WLS journeys.

    I hope that is enough.

    You would be surprised how much more I've learned from social media Than my doctors. I've taken many requests to my doctor for tests and have found answers (not weight problems but other problems), so yes that is enough!

    I just find it frustrating that people think that just because they can't control what they eat that no one can. That's not my problem. But WLS helps with more than control issues for many. I hope that's the same with me.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  4. Like the title of the thread says, will WLS work if the reason for being overweight isn't from overeating? I don't overeat but I definitely choose the wrong foods.

    It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point.

    My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight.

    I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do Keto. I just don't lose.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

    One thing I learned through this process is that my obesity is at least partly due to under eating as much as to overeating. Overeating is my bodies response to under eating (skipping meals, restricting, etc.).

    One of the biggest gifts of this program for me so far is a deeper understanding of nutrition and what my body really needs. Eating under 1000 calories in a day is no longer an option for me.

    Of I go over 1000, even on slow small increments, I gain. Ive been on many diets with many "coaches". I've been through different nutrition classes while in training for holistic health, while in college, and with docs. I understand the metabolic system. My doctor recently ran labs and told me how surprised she was to see sugars, and everything else perfect.

    I realize that for most people 1000 is not enough. I apparently have a really efficient metabolism. It doesn't take much to make me go.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  5. Like the title of the thread says, will WLS work if the reason for being overweight isn't from overeating? I don't overeat but I definitely choose the wrong foods.

    It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point.

    My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight.

    I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do Keto. I just don't lose.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

    With a condition as unusual/clearly medical/atypical as yours, a public WLS forum where most of us got fat from overeating junk is probably not going to get you the responses you need and desire.

    Definitely come here for support and love as you go through the process, but as far as factual scientific advice? Your situation is so far out there in the atypical range, I'm sure there are very few here that are qualified to answer.

    Best to you!! I'm sure with your desire to succeed, you can make it happen.

    I wasn't the OP. I was just letting her know she's not alone and that there are said to be benefits for those who are not eating 2 meals at McDonalds for dinner and still unable to lose weight.

    However, I'm not really sure where else one would look if they were in my situation and looking for answers. I can't possibly be the only one in my situation. And doctors assume I'm showing them my food diary that shows whole foods and then running thru to get a milkshake. No one believes me. I don't care and im not offended. But when I do start a thread with questions it's because of can't possibly be the only one in my situation and I need help too. As far as the doctors are concerned there is no reason and I just need to exercise harder. I did that. 2 hours a day. Where else can I turn?

    Like I said I wasn't asking questions originally, but where else would I go?

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  6. Like the title of the thread says, will WLS work if the reason for being overweight isn't from overeating? I don't overeat but I definitely choose the wrong foods.

    It looks like there have been a lot of ppl who don't read. I eat 1000 calories or less and weigh 280. I was bulimic for years. I got the band and list then regained even though I was under 1000 caliries a day. I'm considering the surgery because the doctor says it changes your body's set point.

    My fear isn't that I won't lose, but that once again I'll regain because my body really wants to stick at this weight.

    I eat a whole foods diet, not a SAD. I do Keto. I just don't lose.

    Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App

  7. I'm 3 weeks post op.

    You are in the worst of it now, so stay strong. Days 3-5 were the worst for me, and even made me question my decision. Believe me, you will start feeling better soon.

    It's very unlikely you are feeling real hunger, as your stomach was just literally cut apart and reassembled. It is injured and swollen. However, as was already mentioned, stomach acid can feel similar to hunger. I thought I was feeling hunger, but I had forgotten to take my morning Prilosec. As long as I stay on top of that, the feeling hasn't returned.

    Try not to focus on the scale. It's easy to forget that our body just went through a major trauma. The first few weeks are about healing and taking good care of your new stomach. The weight will come off in time. I've only lost 10 lbs since surgery, and in the past 2 days I actually gained 2 pounds. I'm not worried. I am eating a max of 800 calories a day (simply because that is all I CAN eat) and at that low of an intake, it is literally impossible to gain weight from fat. Your body needs more than that just to run basic functions. Water retention is the most likely culprit, so make sure you stay hydrated or your body will hold onto Water even harder.

    I haven't has surgery yet, but I thought 800 calories would be a lot at 3 weeks.

    I've had my band out since Nov and am awaiting conversion to sleeve. I get less than 1000 calories with or without the band and I've gained all mine back (prior to removal and while still vomiting several times a week). Now I'm Second guessing doing it!

  8. I don't know what else to do, my weight keeps going up regardless of working out daily and counting calories. My insurance doesn't cover WLS so we're thinking going to Mexico.

    Has anyone with pcos and constant weight gains has success with the sleeve?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I was just at the Doctor for this with my daughter. They said the best thing to do is a low glycemic diet and to get lots of Omega 3 (they recommend metagenic brand). Also weight lifting and burst exercises. Eat Protein an low GI veggies every two hours and within 30 minutes of waking.

  9. Is it the sun or the heat? I had light sensitivity and had headaches from the sun.

    Headaches are often dehydration and if it is from the heat, then it's possible it's dehydration.

    Low magnesium is a big one too. Doctors usually use a blood serum test to test mag and kept telling me my mag (as well as others) were fine. An integrative doc check my rbc magnesium and found that I was in fact low. The mag wasn't getting into the cells. So we changed the type and got my levels up. Weekly Migraines are gone as well as heart pals and high bp.

    So if it were me, I would add Water, Water, water and magnesium glycinate. You can add B2 (not in a complex) for headaches too, but I think the first two should help.

  10. It's going to depend on the individual. Skin can stretch and come back, depending on age, number of times its been stretched and how far. I lost 80 pounds when I had the band and while I wasn't firm, I had no hanging skin. After regain, when I lose again, I probably won't have such good luck.

    But that guy was a whiner and looking for excuses.

    On a side note, I thought that canvas was really brave.

  11. I know I'm not the norm, but the sleeve actually solved my reflux issues. I had horrible reflux before surgery, and laying horizontal pretty much guaranteed I was going to wake up with bile in the back of my throat. I was TERRIFIED if it becoming worse after surgery. However, I have never ever had a single instance of reflux since I got the sleeve. There was nausea in the beginning like everyone else, and occasionally I have vomited if I drank too soon after eating, but no reflux. I never even had to take any anti-acid meds. It's wonderful.

    Awesome! How far out are you?

  12. I had bad acid reflux b4 surgery but it got worse after I had the sleeve. I have to take a prescription acid blocker 40 MG in the am and a 20 MG acid blocker at night an still sometimes once in a great while need antacid tablets. It's managed well. But nervous to try an get takin off of em I'm 5 months out. I still would not trade anything for this experance an it's been worth it 100%. Down 103 pds.

    Sent from my SM-G900R4 using the BariatricPal App

    Great job! What was your reason for going with the sleeve? The doctors I've talked to say reflux is the biggest thing against the sleeve and patients with Gerd shouldn't get it.

    Thanks for your info. It's a difficult decision.

  13. I am taking "Active B12 with L-5-MTHF" lozenges from Seeking Health brand. Why wouldn't you just add it as a supplement?

    Sent from my Nexus 6P using the BariatricPal App

    I don't seem to improve levels with oral supplements. I'm currently doing injections of methyl b with methyl folate and an additional hydroxy b injection. Those have helped a lot. But I'll be changing insurance any my doctor doesn't take the new one. At 400 per appt, I won't be able to go back to her for refill. I think we will have kaiser and I've not heard good things about the more holistic approaches with kaiser. Closed minded was what friends have said.

  14. Thank you... im hoping i can get back to my goal weight.... if i can do that.. ill be really happy, i felt so much better physically and emotionally when i was at goal.

    I hope your insurance approves it, keep me posted on how you go

    I will let you know. Hope to hear next week. We submitted without psych evaluation just to see if it comes back that the surgery will be covered with psych. I don't wanna pay another $140 just to find out its not covered.

  15. Yeah i know!!

    I had my sleeve done on the 20th April and have lost 22 pounds (10kg) so far.... but i have been very sensible with my eating and physical activity... my focus is on healing right now.

    I know people lose much more during this time, but i am also considered a "lightweight".. so weight loss will generally be slower than someone who has more to lose

    Well that's 17 more than I've lost in 2 years so good job! Lol. Good luck to you. I'm anxiously waiting to see if my insurance will cover it or not. I get a different answer each time on whether it's covered or not. :/ so emotional.

  16. Lucky you for not gaining weight... thats so common when the band is removed.

    I must say even though it's still early days for me.... the sleeve is so much easier than the band... i feel "normal" when i am eating, i just get fuller on less.

    I am on the soft food stage now... i wish the sleeve was offered when i had my band originally it would have saved me so much suffering... my band actually worked for a few years.. then during the final year it became a diva lol

    Haha I must have written that wrong. I'm reading til my eyes are blurry trying to devour info to make a decision. Sorry about that... I maintained for 6 months then the weight flooded back. Even tough I was counting every bit of food and exercising and doing Tai qi and yoga and was very active. All of it within a few months. I could literally feel my skin stretching like when I was pregnant. I've never seen someone gain like that. It was heart breaking.

  17. I developed severe reflux after VSG. I'm maxed out on PPIs (protonix in the am/dexilant in the pm/ Zantac before bed) and it doesn't control my acid. I'm discussing conversion to bypass with my surgeon and tentatively am looking to an end of June surgery date. I'm tired of sleeping sitting up, tired of coughing up stomach acid, tired of the constant pressure and burning in my chest even on acid blockers. I know there are some who will disagree with this position and claim that VSG will cure reflux, but if I had reflux or GERD before surgery I never would have had VSG. There are a few treatments other than PPIs: the Linx procedure or stretta which for me isn't covered by my insurance and may not solve my problem.

    Anyway, yes there are treatments available other than PPIs, but I would think long and hard about having VSG if you have a problem with reflux. Good luck to you!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I've had an occurrence of Gerd once with the band. And then twice when I've taken too many Vitamins with not enough Water and they sort of burned my stomach (one of those times being now). A week or two of ppi and then I taper off and I'm done. I don't really have a problem with it. In normal people (too early to think of a better term) reflux is often caused by not enough acid. So taking hcl and enzymes prevents it (without side effects). But I don't know if that's the case with the sleeve because it seems like reflux is due to different shape/pressure keeping the sphincter open. I did recently see one person in one of the forums stating they stopped their Gerd with acv and enzymes. But I don't know if that is an individual case.

  18. I have concerns about bot surgeries. For the sleeve I have a huge concern about reflux. I'm aware that long term use of acid blockers is dangerous (I'm also aware about the long term effect of obesity).

    What I would like to know is how many people have reflux that requires treatment and what your treatment is. Without the surgery I don't usually have problems. There have been a few times I've had to take ppi for a couple weeks but I'm not wanting to go long term.

    I have other concerns about bypass, one being that I have genetic reasons for not wanting to deal with mal absorbtion. So I do want the sleeve. But I'm concerned about acid.

  19. I don't have any idea.

    So when they do either surgery it causes some change in your set point which is the point your body thinks it needs to be. They don't fully understand it, but I was told it has something with hormones. So my hope is that it will change my set point. I'm very worried it won't work. But I'm more worried that it won't work and I'll also have lifelong problems. You can Google it. It was in my surgeons packet but I don't have it with me.

  20. I am 3 weeks out post op.... but a veteran WLS patient... i had the band for 6 years

    What about yourself?

    Banded in 09 and struggled for the whole time. Last year I decided to change to bypass. We met our out of pocket max so it was free. I started with my old surgeon in Feb but they kept putting me off and giving me mis-information. Finally moved on to another surgeon in July with first app in aug. Submitted for conversion and was denied for lack of 6 MO diet which was newly required (as of june). So in tears I decided to get the band removed without conversion. I'm a till the same weight as then, no more gain. Sometimes I think I was denied because the bypass is not the best option for me. So now I'm glad it didn't happen but I have to come up with the 2500 for Co insurance.

    I called insurance and was told it's not covered. Doctor called and told the same thing, but when pushed they said it would be covered if I met criteria. Um... that's always the case. The next time I called the insurance company they assured me it was not covered. So I called benefits center. They also said it's not covered. I kept pushing and they they found in the small print that it would be covered for morbid obesity.

    I'm exhausted from all this. Doc is submitting without psych evaluation just to see what they say. If they sent based on psych then I'll pay then 140 for psych. And resubmit.

    After reading the complications thread I'm scares out of my mind though.

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