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Everything posted by Pazza

  1. Pazza

    Vitamin choices?

    As others have said Vitamins after surgery are a lifelong requirement. It is important to find one that works well for you. Your surgeon might have one they prefer but there are a lot of good options. Calcium, Multivitamin, Iron and B12 are the big ones. Couldn't find the right page on the site with all the Vitamin details but this site is another good resource http://asmbs.org I use Nascobal because I get the b12 nasal spray and the other vitamins come with it. All for 25 dollars a month. They have pills to swallow if you are far enough out from surgery. But also dissolving/chewable ones if not. For me, it is covered by insurance and shipped straight to me. It isn't for everyone but works great for me! 25 dollars a month and I get everything I need. It is ideal to give time in between taking the the iron and the calcium. Usually an hour or more. They compete for absorption. So if you take them at the same time, they can cancel out each other. The iron can also be tough on the system. I take mine with 2 crackers and started with one pill and worked my way up to the three pills once a day. So you do end up taking pills through the day. But once I figured out a schedule, it became really easy. Now all my blood work is good. The Nascobal is a prescription and the doctor fills it out and faxes it to the company. The company calls you and tells you how much it will be with your insurance and you get to decide if you want to fill it. https://www.nascobal...utrition-direct Also, many surgeons recommend a daily acid reducer too. I use prevacid chewable. It tastes like candy. Best of luck with everything and good for you for doing your research. All the best! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  2. This is understandable. The thing is that most people don't look sickly for long or just don't loose enough to be skeletal. Once people hit their nadir weight, things tend to even and shift. Just like @@JamieLogical said. Will you have loose skin, probably. It really isn't as bad as it may seem. I'm much happier with my saggy skin and being able to do more. Also a lot healthier. Also sometimes people might tell you to stop loosing weight because they are jealous, not used to you being smaller, not sure what a healthy weight looks like, etc, etc, etc. The reasons go on and on. The truth is that we are used to ourselves heavy. It just takes time for us and others to get used to us being skinny/skinnier. In time we can develop new identities about ourselves. That is really all it is. Learning to accept looking different. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  3. Pazza


    It is understandable! Not loosing when you've taken such huge steps is hard. Even a little loss can boost someone. I hope the changes happen soon! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  4. Pazza

    Regrets and hormonal

    Try and ride it out. It can be brutal! Good luck and may things calm down soon! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  5. Pazza


    It has been 5 days, right? How much did you think you would loose in 5 days? Not being snarky. Just wanting to know. Post surgery you are likely to retain Water. You might not notice weight-loss for a little bit. Be aware that with vsg there is often a stall in weight-loss at around 3 weeks. Stay the course. It passes. This takes time. You'll get there. It isn't easy but you can do this. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  6. Pazza

    Surprising Reality of WLS

    It is really frustrating and I expect to be in your reality. I'm already noticing that rule does not apply to me. My calorie deficit has to be higher to loose weight and I'm only 9 months out. Just a couple of things that I want to say about the initial study that contributed to this myth. Mostly because it really irks me. The study was done on college athletes. And not many of them. The sample size was fairly small. Small sample size and a sample population that is very different than the general population are not good for applying results to the general population. Kind of ner-duh statement but people love the study because it is easy to understand and apply. Due their body composition alone, the student athletes resting metabolic rate is going to be very different than the average individual. Their diet and age are also going to affect the outcomes. As will genetic/family profiles, type of food eaten, etc, etc, etc. There is so much that goes into weight management. (Some new studies suggest that it takes a 7000 calorie per pound difference.) We've come a long way in our understanding of contributing factors of obesity. We still have a long way to go too. Thank you for the reminder that we still have to figure this out for ourselves individually. All the best Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  7. Great thing to talk with the doctor about! I've had a similar problem and my doctor told me to eat more salt. (My blood pressure was pretty low and have a history of low blood pressure.) I've added a regular v8 which has a good amount of salt but also have salt packets in my purse. When I'm feeling low or woozy, I sit down, take out one and eat some salt. Usually I'm feeling much better in a few minutes. It is odd to do in the beginning though! Good luck!
  8. It certainly can be discouraging!! I'm in a stall and trying to shift my focus. Instead of the scale I'm focusing on my number of active minutes and being consistent with my workouts. Also focusing on my Protein and calories. Making consistency in eating and exercise is something I can control, even if it is hard and that scale isn't moving. Good luck and remember that this won't last. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  9. Pazza

    Stall Over

    Way to push through!
  10. Pazza

    Stressed about a dress! Help!

    Congratulations! May not be a popular option or available in your area but have you looked into renting your dress? It sounds weird I know. I rented mine and liked it. They had a ton of different mix and match styles. They could easily switch the sizes around too. Renting a wedding dress isn't for everyone because some people want to keep their dress. It is sentimental. Just wanted to put that out there. Good luck and I hope you find something wonderful
  11. Pazza


    It is tough!! I wish somethings didn't taste so good! A couple of things My step mom has a great saying, 'the chief cause of unhappiness in this life is giving up what we want most for what we want now.' I don't know where she got it but I love it. I try to think about it when I deal with head hunger and cravings. (Note I said try, not always perfect at this. ) The things that help me the most right now with cravings are mindful eating and doing something else. Mindful eating can be a little hippy dippy for some people. Eating slowly and paying attention to what we are eating is a good practice to cultivate. You don't have to "feel the universe within you" when you eat. I like the book Eating the moment by Pavel G Somov. It is a little simplistic in the reasonings but I like the exercises. Helps me to identify what triggers cravings and that makes them easier to ignore. Doing something else is just a distraction technique. I have to do something to keep my hands busy and, if possible, myself away from the temptation. Writing, doing dishes, folding laundry, etc all keep my hands busy and change gears in my mind. What you feed is what grows. The more you think about your hunger or what you can't/won't have, the bigger it gets. The bigger it gets, the harder it is to resist. Stay strong. It gets easier to not eat the Cookies. All the best! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  12. I've been thinking about you. How are you feeling? Any closer to finding a good pcp?
  13. Lots of people are concerned about it! There are lots of threads with different things people do to accommodate or try to reduce. Not much that can be done besides building muscle and plastics/surgical removal. A lot of people seem to like shape wear. I'm looking into it myself. If it is any consolation, it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It is kind of a trophy. I've worked hard to get to this point. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  14. Pazza

    Body Aches

    I haven't had the same problem but do deal with chronic pain. A couple things I can recommend without knowing the specifics: If you can take soaks, I highly recommend an Epsom salt soak. A temperature you like for the bath and add a lot of Epsom salt to the Water. It does wonders. Salonpas Patches, if your skin can tolerate them. Like icy hot patches, just a brand I like better. Just stick them where it hurts. I like the patches better than the rubs because my hands stay free of the creams. Once I couldn't seem to get icy hot washed off my hands and they burned. I laugh about it now! If you want the creams there are a ton to try. Even though they are pretty similar ingredients, they don't all work the same for everyone. Some people love tiger balm but it doesn't do anything for me. Potassium - I don't know if a supplement is needed but potassium affects muscles and they might need a little more. Layers - don't know where you live but the cold makes me achy. Even if I don't feel cold, the layers help me warm and decreases the pain. Yoga or Pilates- nice and easy, can increase flexibility. Meditation - seems odd at first but mindfulness exercises help me with pain. Not everything is going to work for everyone but I hope this helps a little. I hope things stop hurting soon. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  15. Pazza

    Chew chew chew

    Welcome to the club! I'm 9 months out and still have to chew like that. I think it is a long term thing. Congrats on your surgery!
  16. Hey! Sorry this is happening. It can be rough at the beginning. I had problem 3 for about the first 3 or 4 months. It was awful, so I feel you. The things that helped me were a daily dose of Miralax, a couple of Lactaid with my Protein drink, and time. It was almost like my body had to learn to process the new plumbing. The Miralax made things move easier, and I like many rny people had problems with digesting dairy after the surgery. There are plenty of other laxatives that can help but I liked the Miralax because it didn't add bulk. Straining when having a BM made it so much worse! Good luck and I hope these things pass quickly!
  17. Pazza

    Body Aches

    I'm sorry that you are in so much pain! I can understand somewhat. I have a lot of suggestions but need some more information. What kinds of pain is it and where is it? Is it a burning, shooting, aching, stabbing, shocking, drilling, etc. Area of the body like joints, legs, back, etc. Are you taking all your Vitamins everyday? B12 once a week? What have the doctors said about the cause of your pain? Is it more frequent at one time of the day? Before or after any specific activity? I know it seems like a lot of questions but I do want to help if I can. Way to go on your weight-loss btw!!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  18. Pazza

    Tracking app?

    I like the fitbit app Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  19. Pazza

    Haters will always hate

    My surgeon actually warned me about this. He said something similar to what erp mentioned. He said sometimes it is jealousy, sometimes concern or curiosity too. Also that in the US we have a difficult time understanding what someone with a 'healthy' bmi looks like, for a lot of reasons. So he stresses not to pay attention to those comments. He uses himself as an example. He technically has an overweight bmi, even though he doesn't look like he needs to loose weight. He tries to get his patients to focus on healthy blood work, active lifestyle and a weight that is good for them. I wish you luck in dealing with more comments like that. Way to go on the changes, you've made! I do like the well aren't you sweet. Think I may use it! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  20. I want to do electrolysis so I never have to shave again! Might be too pricey though. Looking forward to hearing what other people are doing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  21. Pazza


    Exercise helps me a lot! I went slowly, so that is of course what I recommend. It can be hard finding something you like that fits in your schedule. I got in a lot of exercise just walking the dog. We built up to 60/70 minute walks. I got in about 7k steps and he was less stressed so it was a win win for me. If you like the gym, it can be a great place to start. The resistance bands are good. Tons of videos on places like YouTube, fitness blender and spark people. You could try setting up a reward system for yourself. Like after 30, 40 or 60 workouts you get a pedicure. It can be good to start off with a smaller number of workouts too. Like 15 for a new scarf or shirt . 15 workouts is 3 weeks to prize if you work out 5 times a week. Making it attainable is important. Doesn't work for everyone but I like it. All the best to you! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App
  22. Keep your hands and mind busy. liquid phase is hard. It passes. All the best
  23. Agree with @Er1n. She gave some great advice. The Vitamin levels and ulcers are likely the problem! Vitamin deficiencies are scary. Have you been able to meet with your PCP or bariatric surgeon about it and how to get it taken care of? What are they doing? Which doc is treating/managing things? For the rest of my comments I'm assuming it is your PCP. Just a quick word about your primary care physician, PCP, do you feel he/she understands the differences for a post by pass patient? Will they contact your bariatric surgeon/team to work together? If they don't, try and find one that does! I know insurance can be a nightmare but don't waste your health! I have a spinal cord injury and have become very picky about my PCP. Because of how it affects my life, I have to have someone who understands how I'm different. Same with rny. If there is something that my pcp isn't sure about, she contacts some neurologist friends and has had many other bariatric patients and she knows what to watch for. Contacts the surgeons team if there is something with her patients too. Find one worth paying. They can do I.V. infusions for Vitamins. The Patches and B12 shots Er1n mentioned can be good too. My step mom had rny years ago and is having problems with ulcers now. Egg drop Soup helps her. You could add the unflavored powder to it. Keep us updated. Positive vibes and prayers your way.
  24. @@White Sale Like many others have said, this is normal. Another thing to remember is that for a little while after surgery your hormones are going crazy and you will very likely have mood swings. Mine got crazy I felt like I was loosing my mind! Took several months for my mood swings to mellow. The mood swings affect how one sees the situation too. You could be going through some hormone dumps or mood swings. Practice patience, step back and give yourself sometime. Things won't be the same in a few more weeks. All the best
  25. I'm sorry you are going through this and feeling beyond awful! Because I want to understand things better, what is the lab work saying about Vitamin levels? Specifically B12, Iron, Calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D. Are they within normal range? What are you eating? I imagine it is probably the same good stuff you were before the problems started but it helps me get a better picture. Does your doctor require you to take some sort of daily acid reducer like prevacid? Hoping things get better soon! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
