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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Cassie111

  1. Hello to my friends in their 50's! I hit my goal weight today (160 down from 287, in 14 months) and I have so many thoughts running through my head that I would love to be able to share, if you'll indulge me.

    Let me start by saying, I AM NOT COMPLAINING!!!!! I couldn't be happier about this much weight loss, which I never dreamed would happen. Wearing clothes that I never expected to wear again in my life. The road has not always been easy, as you well know. But I am not sorry I started this journey.


    I must speak about the person I see in the mirror everyday. Before surgery, everyone knows all about the extra fat that will remain unless of course you have a cosmetic procedure done. But I was not remotely prepared for what I would look like 14 months after. No, I did not dream of being able to look like I am in my 20's anymore. I'm smarter than that. But when I look in the mirror now, I also didn't expect to see what I see. Of course, my stomach is the worst, but my thighs and arms are very wrinkled and saggy also. I think the arms bother me the most cause I can't/won't wear any of the cute little sleeveless shirts that I COULD fit into now because I would be too embarrassed. If I stood next to a person of the same build, same height, same clothing who was just a "normal" person of 160 lbs, you would never be able to say that I also weighed the same. Yes, there is an incredible difference between my before and after pictures, but I get so frustrated that I have worked so hard, been through so much but still don't look like that other person standing next to me. I get feelings of it being so unfair. I know some one out there has read this to this point and said to themselves, "Why doesn't she shut up and just be happy to have lost that much"? I did say at the beginning, that this is not complaining in the literal term. I just wonder if there are others out there who feel like I do. I have spent so much money on wrinkle "erasers", tightening creams etc. and they are all a joke. (though if you have found a "miracle" one, please pass it along!) Insurance companies should be willing to help people complete their process by just assisting in the costs (not paying 100%) of cosmetic surgery if a person chooses that option. But, we well know insurance companies couldn't care less about our happiness or state of mind. You want the whole process to have a beginning and an end. When I see myself, I don't feel "finished". Like a painting only half complete. Just a few more brush strokes here and there and I could be a work of art (OK, that may be overstating). I try to laugh and say the very deep wrinkles that I now have on my face are lines of wisdom. Again, I AM wise enough to know how untrue that is. I'm hoping these "down" feelings will pass in time. But now, they are with me almost every hour of everyday. It's odd to be joyful and depressed at the same time.

    I thank from the bottom of my heart anyone who took the time to read through this. I do have a helpful, loving husband who tries to understand, but deep down I know he thinks I not only worry about this too much, but also that I am fine just the way I am. God bless him, he's biased. If anyone out there would like to comment or share a similar situation, please don't hesitate to do so. Thanks again.

    Grateful but sad.......


  2. I am scheduled for surgery thursday I have been trying different shakes I love Quest Protein shakes Peanut Butter and salted Carmel. They do not have that funny taste some Protein Shakes have. I did not really like the vanilla you can go to GNC and by one serving packets then buy what you like on Amazon its cheeper

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Thanks so much for the info and I wish you the best of luck with your surgery. Remember it's not a sprint, it's a marathon!

  3. Premier Protein ready made shakes. I was lactose intolerant after surgery and this is what my Bariatric team recommended.

    They have 30 grams of Protein, 1 gram of sugar and 160 calories in an 11 oz. shake.

    I will just call out that it is best that you try to get some of your protein through your food. Have you just not had any luck with foods?

    I used to use Premier and they were fine, but I just preferred the taste of the Slim Fast caramel latte better. I only noticed just today that my Slim Fast ones contain milk. :( I don't eat enough food to get the proper amount of protein, so shakes and bars etc. are a must. Thank you for your input. It's appreciated.

  4. I used Muscle Milk Light (Vanilla Creme) and blended it with Water and added a half a banana in the blender. It is lactose free.

    There are two other options:

    Since you are 13 months post-op, you might transition to Protein bars. Quest makes a good Protein Bar and they come in a very wide range of flavors.

    If you concentrate on consuming high Protein meals, you might begin to offload your requirement for protein supplements. Your daily protein requirement is met by the protein derived from meals combines with the protein from supplements. I am 3 years post-op RNY gastric bypass surgery. As my meal volume increased from 2 ounces per meal to 1 cup per meal over the first year and a half, I was able to reduce my 3 protein shakes a day, down to 2, then down to 1, and finally to none.

    I've been eating Protein Bars since the beginning. But there is always something (at least for me) that is not right with them. Usually too high in calories or sugar alcohols, which my particular doctor and nutrishinist say to TRY to avoid in great amounts due to gastric distress issues. Again, this may just pertain to me, but I was also told from the beginning that my "fat from calories" number shouldn't be higher than 35. Now THAT is hard to find. There are so many things I have to look for that maybe others don't. I probably obsess ove calorie count too much, but there's always that fear of "too much". And the FEAR of backsliding is never far from thought. Maybe I'm one of a kind. Thanks for the input.

  5. I am hoping you are able to help me with a problem I am having choosing a Protein Shake. I am 13 months post op and you would think I would have that down to a science by now. But I am trying to look for something new to get in all my required Protein since I'm not doing it through food. The shake I have been using for the last year (Slim Fast), while great tasting, is higher in calories and other things that I think are too high. I started using whey Protein Isolate but then found out it is derived from milk and I am lactose intolerant. I investigated soy protein which can cause Constipation (which I frequently have trouble with anyway) Can you suggest something high in protein but not geared to building muscle mass? So many of those are outrageous in calories and carbs. Really need help with this, so all information would be greatly appreciated. I must get in more protein, ASAP!!

  6. 53 years old and I'm not ready for wrinkles yet


    i wasn't ready for wrinkles either

    but they were ready for me!!! :lol:

    i'm still cute as a button!!!!


    Wish I could have your attitude. :(


    53 years old and I'm not ready for wrinkles yet

    i wasn't ready for wrinkles either

    but they were ready for me!!! :lol:

    i'm still cute as a button!!!!


  7. Hi everyone, new to the group! I have lost 120 lbs. in 13 months and of course, that makes me happy. But I must say, what is left behind from that weight loss is very depressing. I'm 56 and did NOT expect to look 25 again, I'm not that naive. But, if anyone saw me naked except my husband (don't even like the dr. seeing me), I would die from embarrassment. The flab and wrinkles on my upper arms is the worst part. VERY, what they call, "crepey" wrinkles underneath where all the extra skin is. I live in south Florida, and there is NO way I would wear a sleeveless top. My thighs and stomach are also bad, but easier to hide. I wanted to look into the mirror after losing all this weight and really smile. I don't. I wouldn't trade the weight loss for no wrinkles, but that doesn't help my self esteem much. Cosmetic surgery is out of the question, but I'm curious if anyone out there has had any non invasive things like "cool sculpting" etc. And the money I have spent on firming and tightening creams could solve the national debt!! Slightly kidding. I'm sorry for writing so much, but I wanted to put this out there and see if anyone could respond to anything I've said. Input much appreciated.



  8. Hi everyone, I have 2 questions I'm hoping to find answers for.

    1) Do I need to worry about sucralose being in my Protein Shake? I have read in a couple of places that you should find one that has none of that in it.

    2) PLEASE suggest flavored waters that I can drink. I am 13 months post op and have lost 120 lbs., but I never get enough Water because I HATE drinking plain water. It would be great to find a flavored one that also has Protein. Any and all suggestions greatly needed!!

    Thanks much,


  9. Hello everyone! I am 13 months post op and am buying numerous products online for my "diet". Some of my usual sites are vitacost, DietDirect, Netrition, MyBariatricPal, and MyBariatricPantry. I'm curious if anyone out there has other sites they buy things from . I am spending a small fortune ordering from these places, as the things I get can't be found locally. All the things in stores like GNC etc., are mostly for Vitamins and things for athletes and body builders. Great for Protein, but terrible in other categories. If you have any suggestions you could pass along, I would be grateful (so would my bank account!)



  10. Hi, I am 13 months post op and I started to get "head hunger" about 8 months post op. Was so depressed that this was happening so soon. I expected it after a year at least! This may sound a little different, but doctor told me one of the best things to munch on was watermelon. I have my trouble in the evening during TV time, and if I am still hungry after my last snack, I just sit there with a bowl of watermelon and it tells my brain that I'm eating! I am blessed to have not gained any weight from this mental stuff, and I'm down 120.5 in the 13 months. Can't complain about that! I have another 10 lbs. or so to go, and I know it will take awhile, and though that at one time that thought drove me nuts, I don't let it worry me anymore. It beats going up! Take care and good luck!

  11. Thank you friends for the ideas. I do love Quest bars, but I think 170 calories (60 coming from fat, which I'm not supposed to go over 35). Carbs are a bit high too. One I have been eating the whole year are Pure Protein, and someone mentioned strawberry.....I wish I could find those, for something different from chocolate.Where so you find them?

  12. Hi everyone,

    I'm hoping I can get some recommendations for Protein bars. I have 2 that I have consistently eaten in the year since my surgery, but they are not really what I'm looking for. I think they are too high in fat and carbs. I have read so many labels that my eyes get blurry! I have plenty of drinks where I can get my Protein from, so that is not my #1 factor in the search. It's just when I want a treat, I really love my bars. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.



  13. Hi everyone, it's been not quite a month since my post at the top of this page. I saw my surgeon yesterday, 2 days after my 1 year anniversary. He was so pleased with my 118 pound weight loss and says he sees few patients who lost that much weight in the first year. I'm in the 80 to 85th percentile. Of course, that pleased me no end. Since approx. the end of January, the 30th to be exact. due to MANY emotional issues going on with me right now (nothing surgery related) I mentally hit the same wall that a weight loss stall hits. I quit exercising, except 2 days a week (down from 5) didn't really care about my Protein or Fluid intake and pretty much just sat around. I was, and still am in a sort of dark place that I'm trying with all my might to climb out of. But my history has always dictated that eating soothes the pain, which I of course know it doesn't but that thought doesn't help at 10:00 at night when I HAVE to snack. Never have yet gone to a drive thru, very little starch, hell, not even a slice of pizza which is "legal". But "noshing" on tons of "legal" crackers or chips at night I know is not a good sign. I have never been able to make my head rule my heart and if these rough issues in my life don't let up soon, I am scared of my prognosis. I have not gained one pound. God must be taking care of that. I've NEVER been the type to focus on the good instead of the bad. Just a "glass is half empty" personality, all my life and I'm 56 years old. I guess this is more of a venting post than anything else, just always hoping someone will say something back that clicks, especially if they are or have been in my shoes. Why do I let the pressures and deeply affecting problems in my life always win out? This MUST NOT happen this time. Shopping for new clothes has become entertainment but has just added another burden by really damaging the finances. My family and therapist do all they can and have been wonderful. Yet on it goes. I thank anyone who has taken the time to read this and maybe even give it some consideration. I will strive to keep moving forward by going to group and trying to just work things out. God bless all of you....the very successful ones and ones who may be struggling. Cassie

  14. Hi, my name is Cassie and June 8th will be my one year anniversary of my gastric sleeve. I have lost 113 lbs. which is great. I was amazed by my success and how well I felt during the first 9 months. Weight just flew off and getting thyroid meds, I had no real problems. In the last 2 months, things have drastically changed. It took me 9 months to lose 100 lbs. but 2 months to lose only 13 more. I know there are "stalls" to deal with, but this has gone on for many weeks. The worst part, maybe because I'm not pleased with my slow loss, I have begun snacking and feeling VERY hungry. Haven't done anything to gain weight, but I fear that may not be far away. I desperately need to start taking something to curb my appetite, and fast! I am begging my fellow bariatric patients to let me know of things they have tried, and what has worked and what hasn't. All the input I get will be a really big help, and so appreciated. I didn't expect to go through this and it's very scary.

    Sincerely and with thanks,

    Cassie111 :(

  15. @@Cassie111 is there a reason why the doctor said only Water? you are post correct? if it's the calorie count the unsweetened almond milk has around 30 calories for 8oz. you could mix half Water and half almond milk for less calories. I do that to make the shakes a little Creamer. I personally do not like the Isopure brand.

    Hi there, the Dr. didn't saw water but the instructions do. Yes, I am post. It will be a year on June 8th.I have never gotten my proper amount since the whole thing started, so I thought I would give myself a kick and try the whey Protein Isolate. And it is Isopure. But it doesn't have egg albumin which I'm told it should have. Would appreciate any help you can pass along.

  16. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk and PB2. Makes vanilla or chocolate taste amazing! Add some ice and put in blender.

    Hi Fab! I don't want to seem stupid, but I'm new to this site and I have no idea what PB2 is. Can you help?



    What kind of Protein mix did you buy? have you looked up the mugcake threads yet?

    What's a mugcake ? @@Stevehud I'm sorry I'm so new , I appreciate your help and time. I'm struggling with the shakes too.. My Nut says I can only have it mixed ONLY with Water ... I'm dying .. Help !!

    I bought Isopure zero carb in the Cookies and Cream flavor.I also don't know what "mugcake" means. Thanks for helping us newbies!

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