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    jackh reacted to ShelterDog64 in ADVICE PLEASE HELP!   
    @@Heidijenn I read your post an hour ago and have been trying to come up with something to say that doesn't sound mean or harsh, because I don't feel angry, just kind of sad. I'm no expert on WLS, and I'm only in my 6th post-op week, but I could never have done this if I didn't have a positive attitude about the procedure and the outcome.
    In the endless classes and support group meetings my pathway required, I met so many people who could only focus on the food they wouldn't be able to eat. It blew my mind and continues to do so...we're all candidates for this surgery because we liked food more than we liked ourselves. It's hard to be completely honest with yourself, but I sat myself down and said "you are failing at life right now, sweetie, and someone is offering you a lifeline...are you going to refuse to grab that rope because eating 20 chicken wings at a sitting is more important that living a healthy, normal life?".
    And THAT is the bottom line. Do chicken wings mean more than your well-being? If the answer is yes, then walk away and go to Buffalo Wild Wings and chow down. But think about this: are there people in your world who you care about? Your partner, your siblings, your children, whoever it is that are a meaningful part of your world...can you stand in front of THEM and say "I love chicken wings more than I love you"? My weight and my inability to fully participate in my family's life has already altered the lives of my husband and children, so when I was offered this opportunity, I DID put on my big girl panties, stopped loving chicken wings more than life, and I had the damned surgery.
    My surgeon offered me AND my entire family a gift, but I was the only one who could accept it on behalf of all of us. So I decided that my family, my friends, my future grandchildren and I are more important that 20 chicken wings at a sitting. What are you going to choose?
    I wish you much peace and hope you're able to come to a point where the idea of WLS isn't terrifying, but is empowering instead. Please stay around and let us know how this all goes for you.
  2. Like
    jackh reacted to MrsKarenC2008 in NSV - No seat belt extender required!   
    I had to fly to NY this past weekend for baby sister's wedding ...
    haven't flown since 2002 ...
    Never liked it because of my size ...
    But this time ... it was non-issue !!!
    Enjoyed it sooooo much!!!
    Wahooooooo hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sky's the limit everyone!!!

  3. Like
    jackh got a reaction from Miss Mac in Stomach stretching   
    I vote for a Sanju and Kindle wrassling match!
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    jackh got a reaction from Miss Mac in Stomach stretching   
    I vote for a Sanju and Kindle wrassling match!
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    jackh got a reaction from meatpie in Very interesting article on optimum time for exercise   
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    jackh got a reaction from OKCPirate in Tips and advice for our newbies   
    Thanks for posting this. This is awesome. Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    jackh got a reaction from krazy kat in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    When I follow the instructions coming only from my head then I'm in trouble. If I'm not willing to follow the experts instructions now I know I will fail at this later on.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    jackh got a reaction from krazy kat in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    When I follow the instructions coming only from my head then I'm in trouble. If I'm not willing to follow the experts instructions now I know I will fail at this later on.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    jackh got a reaction from OKCPirate in Tips and advice for our newbies   
    Thanks for posting this. This is awesome. Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    jackh reacted to heather5565 in Tips and advice for our newbies   
    *follow your eating plan
    *eat your Protein
    *take your Vitamins
    *drink your Water
    *go low carb
    *low to no sugar
    *as you lose weight & get into better shape - keep revamping your exercise, don't sweat it if you don't lose every day or every week - it's gonna come off so don't dwell on it
    *enjoy the journey because it goes fast
    *don't obsess over losing the weight
    (try not to anyways)
    *enjoy other things going on in your life
    *Celebrate weight loss with non-food things
    *if you do go out to eat at a restaurant - don't get too anxious; you're gonna have healthier options but even if you do choose unhealthy you're only going to have a small portion so it's not gonna hurt your progress (just don't make it an everyday habit)
    *stay away from your trigger food(s) - they can get you into trouble... mine is popcorn. (Or aka crackcorn)
    *enjoy the compliments - don't turn around with a negative comment like "yeah but I have loose skin or I still have X amount of weight to lose"
    *just smile and say thank you - you know you deserved that compliment and know how hard you worked to get to where you are...
    *don't let anyone get you down with saying shitty things like "I knew of someone that lost all the weight only to gain it back" --- you are not that person they are referring to.
    *really push yourself with exercise (later on) - you won't die even though you may feel like you are.
    See what you're made of!
    You'll feel so good afterwards knowing that "I just did that!"
    It's addicting. You'll want to continue to push your own limits.
    *try new exercises and such
    *your incisions will be tender, red and sore. If they are oozing pus then get them checked out - otherwise they should be fine
    *that left (or sometimes right) shoulder pain is the leftover gas/air they pumped up your stomach with from surgery - it'll go away
    *that extra painful area (left quadrant) on your stomach is where most of the work was done. It will be sore longer. (Bypass patients anyways) - the pain will go away eventually
    *do what your doctor says about eating, drinking, exercise, everything. Follow the rules!
    *Just remember why you had this surgery.
    You want to be healthy and happy.
    ***No food or drink will make you as happy as how that new dress or pair of jeans fit. ***
    - Or when you are able to walk or jog without being so out of breath
    - or when you can fit in an airplane seat comfortably and not need a seat belt extension.
    - or when you don't have to worry if that plastic chair will hold you
    - or you can bend down to pick up that pencil you dropped and get up easily
    - or having that social anxiety anytime you go out in public
    - or looking around a crowded room only to be mortified that you're the biggest one there
    - or taking the elevator up one floor and being ashamed of it because you know what people are thinking
    Don't let the food control you anymore.
    ***Nothing tastes as good as being fit and healthy feels.***
    *Don't think you have to have a certwin food because you'll never have it again; it will always be there. It's not going anywhere. You're just choosing to not have it now - you're in control. McDonald's will still be around 100 years from now, so don't fret.
    *You can do this.
    It's easier than you think. You will have a tough time at first because everything is so new and you're most likely withdrawling from carbs, sugars, junk etc. But once that is out of your system - it does get easier, honest!
    And when the weight starts dropping your priorities and cravings change.
    You'll crave more successful weight loss then you will carbs! You'll think to yourself "that *insert food of choice here* isn't worth it!"
    You'll crave exercise. Your body will anxiously await to move!
    *Weigh and track your food. It helps a lot. I use Myfitnesspal. And I have a fitbit. Friendly competition is motivating
    *Take one day at a time, again, try not to obsess and have your weight loss consume your mind. There are other things to your life right now too.
    *Every few weeks or month - go thru your closet and try on smaller clothes - this is a huge motivator! I forgot to do that so many times and totally bypassed clothes and then never even got to wear them. (Brand new clothes, dammit!)
    Gave them away with the price tags still on them.
    Anyways, you can do this!
    If there's any other questions - just ask
    **if there is anything someone wants to add -- please do!
    Let's all help each other be as successful as we can possibly be!
    Surgery date: September 21 2015
    Starting weight: 273.4
    Current weight 168.4
    Loss of 105 lbs so far.
    18 to go
  11. Like
    jackh reacted to evette305 in May 16th surgery buddies?.....Let's do this together!   
    @nursebeauty23. I never thought passing gas would feel so good. lol
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    jackh reacted to kmorri in May 16th surgery buddies?.....Let's do this together!   
    One week post op for me today. Here are my stats.
    hw = 252
    sw = 225.4
    cw = 219.4
    7 pounds in a week! I'll take it! 32.6 overall.
  13. Like
    jackh got a reaction from Deckard in May 16th surgery buddies?.....Let's do this together!   
    I had a band to sleeve revision done on Tuesday. All I wanted to do was sleep after that. Which I think helped tremendously with healing. Got up and walked that night. Pain was mostly soreness and chest pressure from the anesthesia. Walking helped with that using that ball thingie to exercise the lungs. Slept off and on the next day, walked some more. Leak test done yesterday afternoon and no leak found. Started feeling a lot better last night, enjoying the heck out crystal light, 1 oz every 15 minutes. No hunger at all. Now just waiting to find out what time I'm being discharged today. Feel really really good about doing this and looking forward to a better future.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    jackh got a reaction from Deckard in May 16th surgery buddies?.....Let's do this together!   
    I had a band to sleeve revision done on Tuesday. All I wanted to do was sleep after that. Which I think helped tremendously with healing. Got up and walked that night. Pain was mostly soreness and chest pressure from the anesthesia. Walking helped with that using that ball thingie to exercise the lungs. Slept off and on the next day, walked some more. Leak test done yesterday afternoon and no leak found. Started feeling a lot better last night, enjoying the heck out crystal light, 1 oz every 15 minutes. No hunger at all. Now just waiting to find out what time I'm being discharged today. Feel really really good about doing this and looking forward to a better future.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    jackh got a reaction from Irelandlynne in Pre-op liquid diet   
    You know what your right I don't know what people's struggles are especially when they don't post them. What I do know from all the reading and listening to podcasts that I have is that unless we follow the instructions to the letter the chances of long term success aren't good. And if your issues with the pre op diet have to do with low sugar then why wouldn't your surgeon or nut be willing to modify it? But I also know thatr my head can make all kinds of excuses if I let it. We have to be brutally honest with ourselves if cheating is because of a legit issue or is just because we want the damned pizza, cheese, whatever. I am honestly sorry if I made any assumptions about your situation but honestly as I peruse these forums I'm seeing tons of belly aching over bs. If we don't at least try to have the right mindset and approach to this then what's the point? If we don't challenge some of the crap that goes on in our heads then who else will? Hang tough man, you can do this. I've never met you but I got faith in you. I'm not here to stir people up but to challenge them, us.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  16. Like
    jackh got a reaction from 165B445 in Pre-op liquid diet   
    So listening to the same brain that got you in this state instead of listening to your surgeon is smart! Instead of getting pissed off about how the surgeons have different requirements how about doing what your told and then dealing with it. I'm on my 3rd day preop diet and although there have been tough moments they pass. If I'm giving into the negative mental pity party I'm screwed before I even have the surgery. Our biggest battle is the psychological one and if our mindset sucks then this experience is going to suck. A dr. told me yesterday to focus on doing this one day at a time like recovering alcoholics and drug addicts do. I also focus on the prize. Plus I want my surgeons job to be easier since he's going to be digging around my innards. And I see this as the natural consequence of being so damned over indulgent all those many years. Quite frankly suck it up and get over yourself. You have a chance at a whole new life and if that doesn't make you happy no amount of weight loss will either.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    jackh got a reaction from UpandAtom in Pre-Op Diet OMG! I'm Dying!   
    I'm on my third day and there are moments when it's difficult but they pass. Instead of focusing on how much this sucks I focus on the prize. I also focus on what I have to do today. I know I have 11 more days until surgery but I can only live one day at a time. It's the same mindset recovering addicts and alcoholics use. And it helps tremendously. Another way I look at it is that is part of the price I have to pay for letting myself overindulge for so many years. This won't kill me but the weight will. Our mindsets are where the biggest battle is fought and if I give into a negative mindset about this then I've already lost the battle. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen this early in the process and hopefully at no point in the process.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    jackh got a reaction from UpandAtom in Pre-Op Diet OMG! I'm Dying!   
    I'm on my third day and there are moments when it's difficult but they pass. Instead of focusing on how much this sucks I focus on the prize. I also focus on what I have to do today. I know I have 11 more days until surgery but I can only live one day at a time. It's the same mindset recovering addicts and alcoholics use. And it helps tremendously. Another way I look at it is that is part of the price I have to pay for letting myself overindulge for so many years. This won't kill me but the weight will. Our mindsets are where the biggest battle is fought and if I give into a negative mindset about this then I've already lost the battle. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen this early in the process and hopefully at no point in the process.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    jackh got a reaction from UpandAtom in Pre-Op Diet OMG! I'm Dying!   
    I'm on my third day and there are moments when it's difficult but they pass. Instead of focusing on how much this sucks I focus on the prize. I also focus on what I have to do today. I know I have 11 more days until surgery but I can only live one day at a time. It's the same mindset recovering addicts and alcoholics use. And it helps tremendously. Another way I look at it is that is part of the price I have to pay for letting myself overindulge for so many years. This won't kill me but the weight will. Our mindsets are where the biggest battle is fought and if I give into a negative mindset about this then I've already lost the battle. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let that happen this early in the process and hopefully at no point in the process.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    jackh got a reaction from 165B445 in Pre-op liquid diet   
    So listening to the same brain that got you in this state instead of listening to your surgeon is smart! Instead of getting pissed off about how the surgeons have different requirements how about doing what your told and then dealing with it. I'm on my 3rd day preop diet and although there have been tough moments they pass. If I'm giving into the negative mental pity party I'm screwed before I even have the surgery. Our biggest battle is the psychological one and if our mindset sucks then this experience is going to suck. A dr. told me yesterday to focus on doing this one day at a time like recovering alcoholics and drug addicts do. I also focus on the prize. Plus I want my surgeons job to be easier since he's going to be digging around my innards. And I see this as the natural consequence of being so damned over indulgent all those many years. Quite frankly suck it up and get over yourself. You have a chance at a whole new life and if that doesn't make you happy no amount of weight loss will either.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App

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