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LAP-BAND Patients
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About aus_girl_1289

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/12/1989

About Me

  • Occupation
    Vet Nurse
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  1. Happy 24th Birthday aus_girl_1289!

  2. aus_girl_1289

    Perth people, where are you?

    Hi guys! I feel I need to re-introduce myself! I was banded in March of 2008, and was doing so so well, but had some huge stuff happen at the end of 2008 which caused me to basically give up on all of this because it wasn't my priority... But I'm back now! I have only lost 25kgs since surgery..but am back on track!! You'll all be seeing a heap more of me and I hope youre all ready to be bombarded with a bunch of stupid questions :tongue2: -Danni
  3. aus_girl_1289


    hey all!! Thanks very much for all your kind words :rolleyes2: The doctor too thought at firs tthat i was eating too much/ wrong foods/ too quickly...but i assured him that i am eating 1 cup of food three times a day as directed by my dietitian, and he said that was small meals so that wasnt it. I took it upon myself (which probably wasnt a good thing to do anyway..) to not move on to the next stage, which is solids because i honestly didnt think i was ready for them...i mean my mushies are quite firm, but im not eating whole chicken or anything like that yet...My diet primarly consists of Yogurt and maybe some grapes in the morning...Lunch is generally fish and mashed sweet potato, and then dinner is generally fish again, or chicken mince, with mashed potato or Pasta...At the moment im struggling to eat things like tomato, carrot, egg, rice (which was expected) umm chicken...but mostly carrot for some bizarre reason... I think i was just in a bad mood after that appt. I realise now that he has done it for a reason, and thanks again for all your support!!!
  4. aus_girl_1289


    Hey guys... Went for my first fill today, I was all excited and as you can probably tell, it didnt go all that well :thumbup: The doctor said that he was worried at how much i was vomiting and the amount of different foods that were getting stuck (i thought all of this was normal post op but apprently not...) so he wants me to wait a little while and make sure all of this stops before he fills my band. :tt2: I'm really dissapointed because i was really looking forward to my first fill, and my next phase of banding, but now i have to wait another two weeks, and if its still not better by then, i have to wait ANOTHER 4 weeks, (because the doc is going on hols:rolleyes2:).... Plus im sooo hungry atm....a think a fill would have come in handy! *sighs* oh well, not to worry!
  5. Its probably not the case of 'nobody bothering to reply'. I dont know what it said but it is reassuring to have other teens to talk to. I'm sure that plenty of people read what you had to say and agreed with you. There are thousands of posts to read on here. No need to get upset if you dont get a reply. Man, if i got upset everytime i posted and wasnt answered, ide be a very sad little girl
  6. aus_girl_1289

    One month in...photos included!

    Haha! Believe it or not...me too!! I bought the brown one initially, and loved it so much i went back for the teal one about a week later!!!:thumbup: And Nat, i know how you feel yet again. I was feeling like that, my best friends and their parent saw me after about 3 weeks (because they wanted to wait as long as possible, so they could see a more dramatic change ) and they all said i looked really good, but i thought they were just sorta saying it...but then i was at my old work the other day and o3 of the girls there said i was looking really good, and thats when i sorta realised because i hadnt told any of them so they wouldnt have known... But again, thanks heaps for allyour kind words!!!!! :frown:
  7. aus_girl_1289

    One month in...photos included!

    i still feel like that nat. I'm pretty sure we were banded withing a couple of days of each other for memory... But i defiinatly get what your saying. People i havnt seen in a while say i look good, but i just dont see it. I think its because i have a fair amount to lose, so it still seems like there is so far to go, plus i was this weight not that long ago (about 8 months ago) so it doesnt feel that different.... but thanks heaps for both of your kind words!
  8. Hi all, Well its been exactly one month since my surgery today! What a journey!! I've been feeling a little down recently, not really feeling the results...but i saw the photos today and im in a whole new place! Take care! -Danni BEFORE ONE MONTH ON
  9. Hey guys, Im about 10 days post op and im a little worried... I went for a long walk this arvo and forgot my Water bottle. When i got back i completly forgot i had the bad on and sculled close to a full bottle of water (close to 600ml!). It didnt hurt at all afterwards and there was no vomiting or anything. Would it be painful if my band slipped? Have a ruined everything?! :teeth_smile:
  10. aus_girl_1289

    Funny Fat Stories

    they are all great!!!!!! you know, its nice to know its not just me! i cant think of anything at the moment! but i know there have been times where i just want to curl up into a ball and die, or at ayounger age, had spent many hours crying over... I must admit though...I swear that our local movie cinema was built by one of the Olson twins or something!! The seats are unbearable!!! i thought it was just me, so nautrally never said anything...just squidged me way in and got over it. But, when my much smalled best friend made comment on the small chairs, i was shocked! If they annoyed her..only knows what they were doing to me!!!!
  11. aus_girl_1289

    This probably really is a stupid question...

    there ya go!! look at them all - theres heaps of them!
  12. aus_girl_1289

    This probably really is a stupid question...

    haha well i second that....and i wouldnt worry about offending other blondes...it took me a good day or so to work out what LB was!!! haha got that one down pat now though!
  13. aus_girl_1289

    Teen Minors?

    wow! 16! thats amazing. I contemplated LB a couple of years ago (i turned 18 back in june), but no doctor who touch me with a ten foot pole...anyway...i went and saw a fantastic doctor back in november, who spoke to me and sent me away to think about it (and get the funds together!). I went back in late Feb and was banded 17th March...its the best thing i think i could have done, and so far...am very happy with the outcome!!
  14. aus_girl_1289

    Itchy scratchy incisions?

    very good point! i never think about that on here! i'll head to the chemist tomorrow though and see if they have it! I dont think i can stands this much longer :thumbup: Many thanks!!
  15. aus_girl_1289

    Im Back!!

    Hey...first of all well done of your drive back the geraldton! What a hike!! I had someone else drive me back to Mandurah, and i swear i felt every bump in the road!! Secondly, which hospital were you guys in? How come they put you in the childrens ward??

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