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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LaMonica

  1. LaMonica

    Shhh...Keep it in the Closet!?

    Hello all...a fellow southern gal from TX who was banded May 23rd. I haven't told a lot of people, but close family and close friends. Unfortunately not everyone is supportive of surgery in general, but are happy about the reasons I am doing it. But like others have said - most people are not well-informed on the procedure and think it is the same as bypass (which can be sooo unhealthy). Others are the "haters" who ask me how much weight have I lost...and they are counting down to the day I am the "skinny girl". I don't want to be skinny I want to be HEALTHY. My husband thinks I could have lost weight with just "diet and exercise" but obviously that wasn't working! But he's more on the positive side now. Make sure you are doing the surgery for YOU and nobody else! And of course you will lose weight and people will ask - it's not a lie to say you're watching what you eat, lowering your calories, and boosting your exercise. That's exactly what you're doing. So what if they don't know you have a band to HELP you...ultimately if you don't make good choices the band won't help you. Good luck ladies!!!
  2. LaMonica

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Good morning Tina....it's been a while since I've been in here but I think about you all the time. Trust that the emotional rollercoaster you are on is completely normal, and at the same time doesn't make sense. Don't try to understand all the thoughts that run through your head, just accept them. My DH claims he is "trying" to do the right thing and everything appears to be so....but his other woman is at his school and they are out for the summer...so I'm counting down to the school year. Some days are absolutely great...and other days I cry all night long. It's been just over 6 months since I found out about the sexual and emotional affair and while I'm at peace with a lot of things I'm still not at peace about the direction of my marriage. So you are not alone. It sounds like you are doing everything right, keeping blame in the right place, etc. As for telling her husband...I say no. Don't be consumed with her marriage. I didn't tell the other woman's husband and I know she lives in fear EVERY DAY that I will. So by not telling him she is more tormented than if I just told him. If she wants to continue living a lie and dragging herself into the pits of hell...I'm not going to be her escape. She is not worth my time. Like most have said keep your focus on YOU then your BOYS then that HUSBAND. IN THAT ORDER. It's not being selfish...it's taking care of yourself. We are here for you!!!!! ~LaMonica
  3. LaMonica

    If a doc was in the "ghetto".....

    First I agree that if for any reason you are not comfortable with the doctor/office/location, etc. I would say don't go. Trust your instincts. On another note - please be mindful of the wording you use. I get tired of people referring to lower-class neighborhoods with "projects" (which are government funded housing) and certain types of "people" in them as "ghetto"....the "ghettoes" of today used to be the thriving points of every city and then things drastically changed. I appreciate your post, but please be mindful of your language. I was offended. Thank you,
  4. LaMonica

    First Fill Questions?

    Well I had my first fill today!!! I started out with 4cc's in a 10cc band (at first I thought it was 3) and I was SOOO nervous! The doctor guy talked to me a while, and he pressed down on my tummy. Said he could feel the edges of the port as well as tubing, and had me put my chin to my chest to make sure he had the right spot. He stuck the needle in, it was a little sting, but not as bad as drawing blood or an IV. He took all the fluid out to make sure the same amount was in that I started with which was 4cc's. Then he put it back in, along with 1 additional cc. Then he said "you know I'm done right?". I felt so relieved! I didn't have to do an x-ray or barium or anything, but I did have to sit in the lobby for about 15 mins sipping water to make sure it went down well. I have a follow up/fill scheduled for 3 weeks from today and now I'm not scared anymore. Sad about doing liquids for 2 days, but the mushies will be here before I know it for 2 days then back to regular food. I can't wait to go to the gym and start shedding all this fat!!
  5. I had dermabond also and the same thing happened on 2 of my incisions. My poor new nightgowns that my mother bought me were stained every night for about 3 days! It also dripped down my tummy after I got out of the shower. My surgeon told me as long as it wasn't discolored or swollen or painful to the touch a little oozing is normal. No fever also. He told me to take a clean piece of gauze, and press it down on the incision for a few minutes and the bleeding should stop. That was a bit uncomfortable day 2 and 3 as my anesthesia was wearing off, but after about 3 or 4 days it stopped. I think the glue on those was a little thinner than the other incisions. But now I'm 4 weeks out and my scars are all healed up. They are a little raised, but I heard that Vitamin E oil helps with scarring. Hope this helps!
  6. LaMonica

    My first fill story

    Thanks....did you start with any fluid in your band? I was banded by Dr. Felts at True Results in Richardson too!! I don't get a fill until 6/26 but I'm getting less nervous the more stories I read.
  7. So....I was banded last Friday. And all through about Monday or so I had absolutely no appetite. I have the AP band and my doc filled it with 3cc's during surgery. Today I feel okay, a little gas pain in the shoulder every now and then. But I am getting very sad. I can't stomach any of my Protein shakes, powdered or premixed. Not that I get sick, but I can't make myself drink them. All of a sudden they taste so bad and I do the hold my nose thing, rinse with Water, but since I have to sip it takes forever! I feel like I'm the only one with this problem. Today is the first day I've felt slightly hungry...so I sipped some shake, had some water, and about half a cup of SF Jello. I am worried that I am hurting my body by not getting the protein but am really trying to drink them..........when I start mushies on Monday maybe I can add something to food or Soup but I am totally scared right now.....
  8. LaMonica

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I agree with Ghost you have a right to a sensible therapist...and all of them are not unfortunately. I would find someone else. You have a right to valuable care.
  9. LaMonica

    May 23rd Is Here!!!

    So..........I'm getting ready to head out to go to the surgery center. I am calmer than I have been all week, but still a bit nervous. I am looking forward to coming back to LBT and say "I'm banded!"......whenever I feel up to it :-) Hey to all of my 22nd-ers...........and I can't wait to see the rest of the 23rd-ers check in! Prayers please!!!!!!!! :blushing:
  10. LaMonica

    May 23rd Is Here!!!

    Tonja I'm doing great...I can finally sleep on my left side, still with a pillow though. Past few days my port has been a little sore, everything else is alright. If I press lightly I can feel the port..so hopefully at first fill doc won't have a hard time finding it! I am also trying to be careful as I paid cash...I think so far so good. Glad to hear you're good...hope the tenderness goes away!
  11. LaMonica

    Not Enough Protein :-(

    Thanks Olie....I always wonder because I didn't really have that big of a protein intake before hand until pre-op diet when I thought about what I used to eat...I do carnation breakfasts with milk...I may start doubling those or trying the Atkins again but I have no desire. I can get eggs down pretty easy and that's a lot of protein...
  12. LaMonica

    New to site and Banded on 5/23/08

    Welcome and congrats on your early success! I was banded May 23rd also.....I've lost 22lbs since my pre-op diet on May 9th. Keep up the good work!
  13. LaMonica

    Racist coworker? I can't tell...

    Bob may be insecure with himself, and feels if he "identifies" with someone else it will make him feel better about himself. Some people exaggerate stereotypes about their own culture/ethnicity to hide insecurities. Also I have experienced the comments your husband has about "acting white". That is an exaggeration statement that unfortunately has deep roots in this country. When black people (or whatever each person likes to be called, African-American whatever) first came to this country we were forced to leave Africa and forced into slavery. No education, no rights, no money, etc. We all know the story, or a version of it. This is true also for the indigenous people that were living in America before the British arrived. To be "white" or whatever was the standard, the ideal, included education and wealth and success. So if a black person wanted to learn how to read, they were "acting white". This was so engrained in slaves that they used to talk about each other because they were brainwashed into believing their place was inferior to the superior majority whites that enslaved them. I could go on and on, but just wanted to point some things out. We can talk about it of course in more detail but I don't want to bore you or anyone else. It's not necessarily a form of racism...but just an outward expression of inward insecurity. If that makes sense...
  14. LaMonica

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    My rings fit better and my fingers don't get swollen anymore...people who haven't seen me in several weeks comment that my face looks slimmer...I have more energy and feel good about the healthy things I eat....I miss junk food...but haven't given in to anything except a few honey roasted peanuts, lol!
  15. LaMonica

    May 23rd Is Here!!!

    Haha T I am just like you!!!!! I am tired of trying to get situated in bed...waking up from pain when I try to do my usual turn over. I can't stretch like I want to....small stuff but I know it will be over before I know it. I can't seem to get enough protein either because the shakes that I loved so much before almost make me gag now...might be all in my head but I try. So I've done some carnation instant breakfast with milk which tastes great and depending on the mil has about 10-13 g of protein. Prolly not the best option, but better than nothing. I too am used to just stopping by somewhere, getting a burger and coca-cola (my fave I'm gonna miss it!) and keeping driving. But yes, planning is overall better. Remember this is for our health ladies!! It will be worth this mini-torture in the end! lol
  16. LaMonica

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    So glad to hear that all of you are doing well!!! Shannon I know you feel a little disappointment but some people go into surgery and don't get it done....some people never even try...Just a little longer to heal your incision and that's the only difference! Keep it clean, watch out for changes...and all will be well before you know it! Just like Gwenn said...add up my 5 incisions and they probably add up to 7 inches! I would say your scar is "normal"....while I look like somebody attacked me with a pocket knife! :-) Just wanting to make you smile...
  17. LaMonica

    Not Enough Protein :-(

    Thanks Allison...actually the Atkins ones are the ones I have. Favorite flavor is Chocolate Royale....but like you said only 15g of protein in that big can! So it's hard to sip that whole can for so long for only 15g....but I do try. I've started some carnation breakfast with milk and I can get that down easier too. It's better......so I feel a lot better!
  18. LaMonica

    Not Enough Protein :-(

    Thank you guys for your encouragement and suggestions....mushies are Monday and I can't wait!
  19. LaMonica

    Not Enough Protein :-(

    Wow 85 is a lot....yes drink plenty of water. My requirement is 40-60grams
  20. LaMonica

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina just checking in on you...I'm glad that you seem to be making small progresses as each day goes on. My heart goes out to you! As I said this just happened to me also but I believe I will be filing for divorce. I don't have the remorse and turning around of behaviors that you are getting right now. I believe your marriage has a lot of potential and be thankful for the small things. The rollercoaster will be ongoing but you will learn some control. Everything you are feeling is normal, don't let anyone tell you different. I am so glad for this thread, not of the circumstance but because of the positivity from everyone. Remember you are NOT alone and this is a great help just to see the support that YOU have for ME. I still cry....but I read what people write and I know it won't be like this forever. Keep us updated on your progress girlie
  21. LaMonica

    Walk Away The Pounds

    I have it too! It has the 1,2, and 3 mile together on 2 dvd's with the stretchy band. I thought it was corny at first, but it's a boost when I don't feel like being outside or I don't want to go to the gym. Or I'm having and "ugly" day when I don't want other people to watch me workout. I think they're great...the music is cheesy but I know all the beats and tempo changes and I have grown to love it.
  22. LaMonica

    Not Enough Protein :-(

    Thank you guys I feel better already....trying not to beat myself up but I will still try to get in nutrition as much as I can. Funny enough as I type this the Sponsor ad at the bottom is Unjury protein! Thanks again.....I can't wait until I can have a scrambled egg! Although I'm not really hungry it will just feel good :-)
  23. LaMonica

    May 23rd Is Here!!!

    Good for you Mary!!! I have spells where the gas gets really uncomfortable...and it takes forever to "Release itself"...it just bubbles around in my tummy!! Last night my gas was really bad and I couldn't sleep for about an hour....but right when I got comfortable I had to wake up for work. Haha! Tonya I am at a new job also so I came back to work Tuesday...felt okay actually except mentally I wanted to be at home. I can do full liquids for 10 days then mushies....which is Monday b/c surgery day counts as day 1 right? Hope so...I am craving real food! I've heard of a lot of people getting hernia repairs during surgery which I guess is good because otherwise it might lead to other problems. We can do it ladies!
  24. What? This is the only way I've been able to sleep since night 1.......this is scary.....I will call tomorrow thank you so much
  25. LaMonica

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Glad to hear from you guys! Today was my first day at work too...on the long trafficky drive I used one of those freezer-cold packs on my stomach which was very comforting. I forgot to get a room-temp one to microwave so by the time I got a little gas pain in the shoulder I just had to work it out the best I could. My bra sits right on top of the top middle incision so as the day went on I just wanted to take it OFF!!!!! I had an extra-long day with class right after work but I survived....yay! Everyone that knows about it is so happy for me. I'm still weirded out that I have no appetite, just cravings for food. I will try to up my protein intake tomorrow....cause today it is NOT happening!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
