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Everything posted by darinak

  1. Thank you! I kept it just for this reason haha. The pants are pretty baggy. I gave away 6 garbage bags of clothes, but left 1 pair of my favorite jeans.... i am almost fitting in to one pant leg. Thats my goal [emoji4]
  2. One year ago today! Hard to believe! Went in for my post op all labs are good. Need to up my protein.... my goal is another 40 lb but my dr. Told me she wants me to lose another 25lb to be at healthy weight. Have to keep going!!!!!! Hw 318 Sw 307 Cw 220
  3. darinak

    One year post op results so far

    Omg thats soooo great! I was very close to where u began. Today is my 1 yr and i was 318 at heaviest 306 dos and 220 now. Ive been stuck at almost same weight for 5 month and i found out today i need more protein.... i really hope it will help i want to loose another 30-40 lb. Im so happy for you! U can do it! Keep going, keep believing in your self!
  4. Its almost been a year since my surgery and ive been at a stall for 4 month. Today i went on the scale and im 1lb away from 100lb loss. There are so many more goals to reach, but.... i can finally say that i can but Jr. size pants and A&F shirts haha. From 24 to 14 from 3XL to L [emoji38] my goal is another 40 lb or so, but this is a great start! Pre surgery 318 4/18/16 Post surgery 219 4/3/17 [emoji779]️[emoji779]️[emoji779]️[emoji779]️[emoji779]️ Dasha
  5. Thats sooo great!!!! The scale just sucks! Ive been stuck for a few month but ive been still working on it. I cant give up. Dasha
  6. Thank you so much everyone! Its a work in progress still [emoji16][emoji1377] Dasha
  7. Thank you! I had the bypass. [emoji4] Dasha
  8. Everyday is a challenge. Every meal is a question of "do i really want that?". Every month is a question of why am i not loosing more. When i look at myself in the mirror i cant see the difference. People keep telling me that i changed, but i cant see it. I went from a size 24 to a now 16/14 and im 7 month out. From 318 lb to 228lb. 90 lb difference that i cannot tell by looking at myself. Maybe its a good thing, it wakes me work harder at the gym, helps me make better decisions with my diet. This is the first time i compared pictures of my face....definitely looks like a different person Dasha
  9. darinak

    Long road ahead

    I started working out about 4 month before the surgery, and then a month before i worked with a personal trainer a few times and told her that i am going to have the surgery and im worried about the skin and loosing weight or should i say not enough. So after the surgery i was super excited to go back i could t wait. I took exactly 1 month off after the surgery and then eased back in to it. Im in to Barre fusion classes and warrior sculpt they are more strength classes. But i think it helps. Dasha Way to go, you look amazing. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App Thank you so much! Dasha
  10. darinak

    Long road ahead

    Thank u guys! My motivation for the next two weeks is a beautiful dress i bought to wear for a holiday party.... i fit in it fine, just a few imperfections im working on sitting hurting from the gym Dasha
  11. I had my bypass surgery 4/18/16 SW 318 Surgery Weight 308 CW 246 These were my favorite pair of jeans... Not anymore!!!! I have always struggled with my weight all my life. Im high school my lowest weight was 250 Im now past the hurdle!!!! Cant even begin to say how existing it is to be lower then 250. Im going on a family vacation in a week and i am for sure going on all the slides and rides with my 3 yr old!!! That moment when you can buckle the airplane seatbelt and not worry about it cutting off your circulation or being embarrassed to ask for an extender, don't need one now! Dasha
  12. Thank you all! Its hard when ur not sure what the shape of your body is am i am apple, am i a pear, where did my boobs go...? I asked my husband if he sees a difference in my body and he said " i see u everyday, i dont see a difference" it made me mad at first, i lost 72 lb in the last year and u cant see the difference..... But then i didn't care! Because I see the deference, i feel the difference, i can go to Victoria secret and buy their sport pants and bras and it feels soooooo amazing!!!! When people come up to u and tell u that u are looking good. I was always scared of my body, never posted pics of me in a bra lol but it feels sooo safe in this group, to be around people that understand and that are going through the same thing. Dasha
  13. darinak

    3 month post op

    Thank u! I am super excited !! Dasha
  14. I am 3 month post op!!! 52lb down! Working on toning my arms and legs.... Its been wonderful, i am now able to go on the swing with my 3 yr old and i can actually fit on it!!!! I started at 318 now down to 254 totaling 64lb in less then a year. Cant wait to see what the next 3 month brings. My goal is 180 or below. I became a coach today for beachbody going to start out with Shakeology it has amazing Vitamins and minerals not to mention the nutritional benefits. The best part it doesnt taste like chalk and only 160 cal in 2 scoops. Needles to say im feeling over motivated! Dasha
  15. Hi all, I had my pre op today with my physician. He didnt say anything about pre op diet. Did lab work and my nicotine test.... My surgery is scheduled on the 18th and i had a bit of a break down on Friday... Just sooo many emotions going through my mind. Scared and happy at the same time. Im just ready to get it over. My mind is all over the place, anyone having surgery in the next few weeks? Im in MN, Fairview Southdale with Dr. Benn. Dasha
  16. Congrats!!! Good luck! Ull do great! Dasha
  17. I am 2 weeks post op, i eat yogurt in the morning or afternoon u can mix a little Protein in that. Also if u have vanilla protein u can mix with fair life milk maybe add a bit of fruit for taste. Or i love vanilla protein, milk, a little coffee, and ice blend it and its a vanilla frap and it will keep u more awake. I went back to work on Monday had 2 weeks off.... After i got home yesterday i felt like a bus ran over me, but today i feel a lot better. Buy some prenatal Vitamins they are great for hair and nails. I am going to take 1 Multivitamin in am and prenatal at night. I was disappointed yesterday cuz in week one i lost 17lb and week 2 i lost about 1lb huge difference.... I was bummed but my RN told me that sometimes the body needs to process what's happening and then it will follow. Good luck! Stay strong u can do it!!! Dasha
  18. All done! 2 weeks out finally eating a bit more. Still hard to believe that all i need is 1/4th of a cup or so. Took me an hour to finish an egg today. But about 20lb down and ready for more to come off! Did u have ur surgery yet? Dasha
  19. This is it.... I am going in. Sitting waiting for my mom to come pick me up to go to the hospital. Seems unreal. Wish me luck! Dasha
  20. darinak

    Today is a new day

    I feel ya, i would feel good and all the sudden in the middle of the day i would be in a lot of pain. My incisions are getting better they still kind of itch, but i guess they are healing. Last night though I almost fainted, i found my self in a cold sweat thinking i am going to throw up, but i laid down drank a sip of Powerade and it made it better. Im sick and tired of this liquid diet, i haven't had too many Protein shakes... I usually do greek yogurt or chocolate pudding. Got myself some panera Soup 1/4 cup is not too much in calories. Im not hungry, sometimes i have to make myself eat. I think I'm down 15 lb today is my 1 week post op, i have my dr. Apt tomorrow, but i can tell in my clothes that i have lost some weight. Hang in there it's worth it! There was a time in the beginning when u wanted this for many different reasons keep thinking of that time. It gets better! Dasha
  21. darinak

    Its happening! Now! Aahhhh!

    I had a coworker who had the sleeve done about a month ago, he has high blood pressure, heart problems, and he smoked 2 packs a day. His surgery went really well he was back at work a week later. My pain level is about a 3 out of 10. At first the left side incision was hurting a lot, they gave me a band which helped a lot, but i was determined to walk right away no matter what. My first question when i got to the room was when can i get up to walk. I would wake up in the middle of the night and walk with the nurse at 4am. I tried not to use too many pain killers. My surgery might have been shorter, i think they told me it was 3 hrs actually, but i woke up at 11:30. Right now my back hurts a lot more then my stomach. But i was in an accident a year ago and it messed up my lower back, im going to try and go to the chiropractor on Monday maybe he can work on my lower back and scholars Otherwise im happy i loose about 2-3lb a day its awesome! Can you go to a different doctor? Dasha
  22. darinak

    Its happening! Now! Aahhhh!

    @@SusanB55 I had the bypass not sleeve thats why it took longer. As far as i know there were no complications. I was super nervous before going in, but honestly it wasn't at all as bad as i thought it would be. I was walking a lot, they took the leg compressors off late at night, told me that i don't need oxygen since i seemed to be ok breathing on my own. Yesterday i went to costco with my mom, probably not the smartest idea, but i could t stay at home anymore. I weight my self today i lost 5lb thats on top of the 5 lb i gained while in the hospital so thats about a 10lb weight loss total since Monday he will be fine, i kept think to my self what the dr. Told me b4 surgery. These surgeries have a smaller risk of dying then driving in ur car for 2 days, he said if u can survive driving for 2 days u will be fine. Every time i was scared i thought about that. Good luck to ur husband Dasha
  23. darinak

    Its happening! Now! Aahhhh!

    Congrats!! I had my surgery on Monday. Coming out of anastesia was scary and somewhat painful. The surgery lasted from 7:30-11:30 they woke me up and wanted me to breath in to this tube to get my lungs working, they told me the faster i get to 1000 the faster ill go up to my room, i blew 3500. Took my first walk at 6pm then again at 8 pm and the night nurse told me that she wants me to walk at 5am before her shift is over... I Had the same issue with the machines i would fall asleep and it started beeping. So i asked the nurse to turn it off. Then my IV bag was out, i came home yesterday and went to bed about 1030pm slept till 9am woke up a few times but nothing can beat ur own bed. Good luck! Wishing u a speedy recovery Dasha
  24. darinak

    Regret at times

    I am 4 days post op. I had the bypass and honestly i feel like the dr. Just cut my stomach but didn't do anything inside. My left incision hurts but the rest are fine. Ive been eating lots of yogurt and Soups. Today though i was CRAVING bread and meat... It didnt help that my husband grilled chicken and potatoes on the grill. I had 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes added skim milk to make it more watery and it was soo good. Yesterday i tried a Protein shake with 1 strawberry and 2 raspberries and it was fine. I am so confused cuz my stomach i guess... Tells me to stop but my mind is saying ur not full yet. So when i had yogurt for Breakfast i ate with my sons baby spoon. I would lick it and put it down, took me 40 min to eat less then half and i was done. Same thing with Jello, now i have open containers in the fridge. I definitely am starting to miss other foods, but i am thinking of the future. We did this surgery for a reason, we did it for ourselves. Maybe you need a little push to stop thinking about food and start thinking of ur self. Create a you tube channel of your progress, it will motivate you and you will want to continue on a positive note. Sigh up go to a gym. I have to admit i started going 4 month b4 surgery and doing squats before definitely helped me when I'm trying to get up from bed, or even going to the restroom lol. Keep thinking of the future, the new clothes u will buy, the guys u will meet. If u ever want to talk message me. I have found this app to be very very helpful. There were times when i was crying my eyes out and then i read some posts, talked to some ppl who went through the same thing, went to a support group and it helped a lot. So far i have not had any regrets, yes i am in pain, and i wish that i had a bit more support, but at the end of the day i think to myself " u r changing your life, ur going to be gorgeous, u r doing this for u" i go to the fridge get some liquids and continue on. Think of the reason u wanted to do this, why u went to the dr. In the first place. Write it don't put it on ur fridge. good luck! Dasha

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