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Shell ????

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Everything posted by Shell ????

  1. Shell ????

    Temptations everywhere ...

    I feed my boyfriend all the nice things I can't have he says I'm a feeder he does not have a weight problem I bake him cakes and slices I buy him chips and chocolate it Doesn't bother me making him food makes me happy it's different for everyone just stay focused when you don't crave bad foods it becomes easier you will be fine Sent from my iPhone
  2. Shell ????


    cheese a few almonds or cashews sometimes some grapes but not to many due to the sugar and I try to be as sugar free as possible a yogurt but generally I have a yogurt for lunch but if I'm low on Protein I may have an extra one A Protein Bar some low carb crackers with cream cheese Sent from my iPhone
  3. Shell ????

    Need answers..

    I find 6 months out it's easy I have what they are having but a tiny amount as its healthy if on a rare occasion were having pizza i have my one piece no more and that's it I'm full anyway It doesn't have to change everything you can have pork chops and steak eventually they aren't bad for you unless you have trouble digesting them I do not have any issues with anything I'm lucky Don't look at it like it's all over but the journey is just beginning and it's true nothing tastes as good as skinny feels that thought stops me thinking about bad things when those thoughts creep in Sent from my iPhone
  4. Shell ????

    47 years old. 1 week post op Sleeve

    It just sort of happens I went from having surgery and being like well it hasn't worked a week later to a few months down the track going omg I've melted where have I gone to be honest it pays not to weigh yourself to much I weighed once a week then suddenly ive lost over 35 kgs in 6 months and it hit me omg it works Sent from my iPhone
  5. Shell ????

    Has anyone cheated ?

    They gave me yogurt in the hospital the day after my sleeve surgery smooth no fruit lumps I ate one teaspoon I was terrified of what the outcome would be but stick to what your surgeon and NUT say Sent from my iPhone
  6. Shell ????

    Making the decision

    I had the sleeve in March I'm 5kgs away from my goal weight at first it takes a bit to get use to the new way of life I feel the best I ever remember feeling I look great and feel confident I think the biggest thing is working on mind over matter I've started thinking about food more lately the first 6 months I had to remind myself to eat I feel I'm starting to think more about food and so I've been struggling a little bit as I do not want to regain the weight the surgery cost me $20,000 and I cannot fail but overall it's all been so worth it as I've given myself a chance atleast I feel however I have been through the easy part the hardest parts are still to come the mind battle. Sent from my iPhone
  7. Shell ????

    Sneezing after eating or drinking?

    When I'm full I sneeze atleast 3-6 times Sent from my iPhone
  8. Shell ????


    I'm allowed coffee my surgeon and NUT were all about coffee could have it as soon as I got home from hospital it's a blessing I tell you love it so much. Sent from my iPhone
  9. Shell ????


    I don't have any advice as I'm only 6 months out I recently went through pain when eating it's come rite now good luck with the scope and I hope you get it resolved ASAP. Sent from my iPhone
  10. Hi everyone I'm 6 months out and was sleeved and over the past few days I was in a work situation where it was harder for me to avoid eating and drinking close together normally I time myself anyway since then every time I eat I get a sharp pain after swallowing when the food goes down I feel like I've irritated my sleeve or done some damage i also ate things that weren't so good like chips and some chocolate I seem to be on a slight carb fest at the moment and still have 6kgs to go so need to get back on the wagon but this pain is concerning me Any advice? Sent from my iPhone
  11. Shell ????

    Are you making your significant other crazy?

    My partner is so supportive from being supportive of the original idea and being fine about me spending 20k on me to asking me how I feel when I was unwell and if I needed anything and always celebrating the milestones with me mentioning how tiny I am now but mostly just being there for me always if I didn't feel like making dinner he was fine with it he tried to make being around food easy for me and I owe everything to him because without a supportive encouraging partner this journey would not have been the success it is. Sent from my iPhone
  12. I've lost 38kgs I'm almost 6 months out and mine are now visible I look at them alot now as I missed them they look great Sent from my iPhone
  13. I was allowed coffee as soon as I got home from hospital so three days after surgery but I think I waited a week Longest week of my life coffee is my everything Sent from my iPhone
  14. I'm going good was sleeved 29th March I'm 37 kgs down in total need to focus on Water and eating more regularly but I'm doing great I'm almost at goal and some people don't recognise me this was the best decision I ever made. I also need to focus on exercise as I do none so I have some things to work on but I'm happy. How is everyone else? Sent from my iPhone
  15. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Demonchick attachment=64556:ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1472710045.941000.jpg] Sent from my iPhone
  16. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Demonchick that's great news regarding your progress congrats you should be very proud. So I broke my foot last night I was doing some emails in my office got up foot was asleep and fell over it broke 3 bones in it so that sux it's very sore and swollen I have a moon boot and crutches and we are moving into our new house on Saturday not good timing Kiwijet I hope you can sort the snacking out sometimes I snack and demonchick I have frackers and cheese every day when I get home from work but mostly I've eaten nothing all day I know so bad the crackers I eat are made from crushed almonds and other seeds virtually no suger and very very low carb and they actually taste so good I get them from an organic shop here in NZ they aren't cheap $12 a pack which has 6 serves but it's worth it for me to have some crunch back in my life exercise arrrr I avoid it like the plague I know I need it but I hate it alot always have am thinking of joining a new gym but it's prob a waste of $100 a month to be honest. Sent from my iPhone
  17. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Kiwijet where you at???? Sent from my iPhone
  18. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Rice paper roll sounds nice I've had sushi just the Protein and thrown out the rice. I mostly don't eat breakfast il have a coffee before I leave in the morning then buy a coffee I may have a yogurt at work or some nuts or a Protein Bar Or a banana I will usually have some cheese on low carb raw crackers after work and then for dinner usually some lamb or chicken curry or a eye fillet I may eat a few Beans or a stem of brocli veggie wise I eat a lot of lamb as its high in protein I can't drink protein shakes they make me sick a lot like your egg situation luckily I can still eat eggs I've just started to have some avocado again can't do tuna makes me gag. Sent from my iPhone
  19. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Oh no I can't believe they are still not better the wrists that is you poor thing it's been ages I hope you get some clarification on Tuesday I've been finding I can eat quite a bit at a time for Breakfast I can eat two poached eggs with a slice of bacon I eat nuts and cheese and crackers (special low carb organic raw crackers) when I eat chicken I can't eat much at all. I ate pizza in the weekend one slice of thin crust quite a large piece I'm been wanting pizza since forever I've satisfied that now This week I will be back on track focussing on my Protein and no carbs at all as that's what makes me feel good. I often think about sparkling Water but I'm staying away from that What do you eat most of do you have 3 meals a day do you still have Protein shakes ? Sent from my iPhone
  20. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Thanks demonchick and how are you getting on how's the wrist? Has it healed up now and has the hair loss slowed down yet Sent from my iPhone
  21. Shell ????

    6 month post op! Sleeve surgery.

    Wow great work you look fab Dosent it feel great I'm almost 5 months out and Ive lost 72 pounds Sent from my iPhone
  22. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Help I've been eating bad things firstly this week I was unorganised for work and I ate a pie then it happened again the next day then for dinner Tonight I had a piece of pizza no thoughts about it at the time and I'm surprised by how much I can eat almost a entire pie and I've not been drinking any Water for weeks now and then this week I finally got below 80 kgs 5 kgs from goal and now I feel out of control but for the last almost 5 months not one thing bad has passed these lips now in one week I've eaten rubbish 2 days in a row what's going wrong help Sent from my iPhone
  23. Shell ????

    Deal breaker.

    I was allowed coffee as soon as I got home after surgery after Being sleeved I have 3 a day I'm 5 months out now and almost at goal I was very much upset at the thought of giving up coffee and it was in my mind the last thing I wanted to give up so when my surgeon had no issue with coffee consumption I was a very happy girl. Sent from my iPhone
  24. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi everyone I've missed our updates heaps let's not leave it so long. I've now lost 36kgs which is great however as fast as I buy clothes they don't fit anymore it's expensive haha I just had a big work event over the weekend someone accidentally gave me a glass of sparkling Water I took a swig def can't drink carbonated drinks you know sparking water is one of the only things I crave for now as I use to love love it. I went to several work dinners lunches etc over the last week everyone just thought I didn't like the food due to not being able to eat much I just agreed however I thought I'd eaten a decent amount. They all ate 3 courses it was fine I didn't care. I had people I knew not recognise me and they were shocked having not seen me for 8 months everyone wanted to know what I was doing Ive not told work colleges. we had a big work evening all our clients came I had so many people compliment me and wait for it I loved getting my photo taken yes I did. My water intake has been terrible I've not been drinking any and ive been slack on my 30 min before and after water this i find really hard. I've not felt good my arthritis is flared up and I've been in constant pain. We find out tomorrow if we've got the house we put an offer in on which we love so I've been quite stressed and nervous. The sleeve is not easy it's the hardest thing I've done but I feel the results so far have been worth every minute I do not feel hunger so I'm lucky this week I should hit under 80 kgs I've not been there in over 12 years. Here is a photo of me from Saturday night just a head shot I'm honestly so proud of myself for being 100% to plan no bad food no Choc or chippies have passed these lips my face has slimmed down alot but I still have a wee way to go and I know for me Keeping it off will be key that's the hard part and the true test Sent from my iPhone
  25. Shell ????

    Can I ever have coffee again?

    I was allowed coffee a week after surgery giving up coffee was the worst thing in my mind to give up I'd got to the point I was ok with it day of surgery I asked my surgeon he said they have no issue with coffee at all my weight loss has been steady and I'm close to goal only 4 months out I honestly would of found it hard to have had to give up coffee I have one bought a day that's my only treat Sent from my iPhone

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