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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Kittymappus reacted to 2goldengirl in Need to rant   
    You are NOT being unreasonable - he is. Completely. Go stay with a friend or get yourself a hotel room and see how he deals with visiting family on his own.
  2. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from BBweightlossjourney in Prepping your skin for weight loss surgery   
    I am doing a few things ( I have until May 17th)... I'm found hair, skin, and nail chewable gummie Vitamins at costco that I'm taking religiously and really hoping that one helps with not losing my hair too! But also I've been using a sugar and oil scrub in the shower everyday along with a good Shea butter lotion. I mix some Shea butter, coconut oil, and Vitamin together and add sugar to it for my body scrub. I'm also drinking lots of Water too.
  3. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from BBweightlossjourney in Prepping your skin for weight loss surgery   
    I am doing a few things ( I have until May 17th)... I'm found hair, skin, and nail chewable gummie Vitamins at costco that I'm taking religiously and really hoping that one helps with not losing my hair too! But also I've been using a sugar and oil scrub in the shower everyday along with a good Shea butter lotion. I mix some Shea butter, coconut oil, and Vitamin together and add sugar to it for my body scrub. I'm also drinking lots of Water too.
  4. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from Lori Lynn in C section vs VGS   
    I was just thinking about this yesterday. I've had three c-sections and wondered how a VGS compared. Thanks for asking
  5. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from Lori Lynn in C section vs VGS   
    I was just thinking about this yesterday. I've had three c-sections and wondered how a VGS compared. Thanks for asking
  6. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to MaryinNOLA in Self pay and could cry over the amount, couple of questions   
    Yes, 100% had to be paid in full. In fact, the surgeon wouldn't even schedule it until I paid her fee. Then I had to pay all hospital fees a few days before surgery at my pre-op appointment.
    The surgeon's office offered financing but I personally thought the interest rates and fees were ridiculous. I decided to pay half up front and apply for an 36 month interest free credit card for the balance. So I have 3 years to pay off that Visa card without having to pay interest.
  7. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Kindle in Self pay and could cry over the amount, couple of questions   
    My insurance didn't cover WLS at all. I paid $6500 at Obesity Control Center in TJ. Dr. Ariel Ortiz is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Bariatric Surgeon of Excellence. His facility is an International Center of Excellence. He's proctored dozens of US and Canadian surgeons in laparoscopic technique, performed over 16,000 bariatric surgeries and has a complication rate 1/10 that of the US average. I had an easy, pain free recovery and was back to work in 7 days. Excellent postop communication and even at 2 years out they continue to monitor my progress. My PCP is so impressed he is recommending OCC to his patients that dont have WLS insurance.
    If you can't get things straightened out with your local doctor and insurance, you should look at the great surgical options offered elsewhere.
  8. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to stacyrg2 in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    Except, I don't think the OP's problem is a "stall" per se. to me, stalls happen when you're eating on plan, but not losing weight. It happens, happened to me, as the body needs time to adjust. She's, by her own admission, eating off plan and is bored. I think she needs to wrap her head around what this surgery is and what it's not. It's not a quick fix, it's not a fad diet. There is a misconception out there that you have surgery, wake up and the weight flies off your body or melts off at lightening speed. It's not that. What this surgery is, to me anyway, is a giant reset button. A chance to redefine your lifestyle, without the need to resort to fad diets. It allows you to eat smaller portions of nutritious food and hopefully curbs your cravings for crap so you can lose weight at a healthy clip. If you're unwilling to accept what the surgery is, and what it does, and continue to eat "bad for you" foods because you're bored and upset because you didn't wake up skinny overnight, you'll never maximize the benefits of the surgery. OP, I hope for your sake that you get to a point where you can accept what this surgery does, as well as its limitations and also accept what you need to do to make the tool work for you. You've had some good suggestions: a support group through your surgeon's office or the local hospital; OA, therapy. All these suggestions are good weapons to have in your ongoing fight against obesity. Good luck!
  9. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Lost my motivation and discipline at 4 months out?!?!   
    The sleeve is slow and steady.

    You already know your issues.

    You don't need a pouch test at 5 months, restriction is not your issue.

    Maybe look for an Overeaters annon meeting and attend one.

    You are close to fully healed, you have to learn to control your food and cravings, because you can basically eat around your sleeve if you are determined, and that is exactly what you are doing.

    This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix fad diet.

  10. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to New Me 2015 in 1 year surgiversary!   
    Woo Hoo Wed 3/16 was my 1 year since I had my sleeve done!
    What a whirlwind year it's been
    Starting weight 221lbs
    Weight after one year 128!
    I have so much energy and am feeling great.
    I went from wearing a size 18/20 pants to a
    size 4.
    Went from wearing a 2X shirt to wearing a small
    This was the best decision I ever made 
  11. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to 24601 in GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!   
    I did it! I hit my goal today! I started with a goal to lose 50 lbs (I started off low BMI). I never expected it to come off this quickly, but it did, and I won't complain! My goal was somewhat arbitrary, so I don't know where my weight will really level out, but I am now going to try and transition into maintenance mode. My life has only changed for the better since surgery. I have been very active even since before surgery, but now I can move so much faster, and I don't get nearly as winded. My anxiety (which was originally mostly caused by my extreme misery from being overweight) is completely gone. My marriage has vastly improved. I make an effort to look nice, which also has an effect on my mood. My relationship with food, while is still not perfect, is leaps and bounds better than it was before, and it continues to improve. A lady told me yesterday that I remind her of her good friend who is also blonde, tall and SKINNY! What?! It is surreal to hear someone call me skinny! In short, my physical, mental, and emotional well being have sky rocketed. VSG has been a godsend.
  12. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from 165B445 in Any May Sleevers yet?   
    I have mine scheduled for May 17th. I'm a college student who wanted to wait until my semester is over so I have a nice long recovery time.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to VSGAnn2014 in GP says to do Weight Watchers instead   
    When I brought up WLS to my doctor 3 years ago (after he had seen me lose and regain 45 pounds on a medically supervised diet overseen by his medical practice) he said, "I'll support you in anything you want to do. But I would strongly urge you to find a good therapist and try to understand why you are unable to care for yourself. You have lost weight many times. You've proven that. But you can't maintain the weight. I think you need to understand why you take better care of everyone else than yourself."
    It's one of the best things he could have ever said. I did (eventually) find a good therapist who has been great. I have (finally) understood that living healthy (including living healthy after WLS) is purely about your self-care abilities. In my case, everyone else and their needs were more urgent to me than my own. I have gradually made myself #1. No one else notices. But that change has made all the difference to me.
    Later on (still pre-op), I asked my PCP what was his experience with WLS. He said, "About 50-50. Some do well, some don't." And that's what all the research about WLS says -- 50% success rates.
    I know you don't think this, but let me just underscore that the WLS surgery alone is not the panacea some think it is. To make WLS work well for you it requires a lot of mental switches. It requires a lot of discipline. It requires a lot of humility. It requires a lot of head-shrinking -- whether done on your own or with a therapist or a smart doctor or whoever works for you.
    It's probable your PCP did not say what he/she said just to be a pain in the butt. Sounds like he/she has seen a lot of people not be successful long-term with WLS. There's much to be learned from negative modeling -- who failed and why did they fail and how can I not do the things they did (or fail to the things they failed to do) that will lead me to that same kind of failure?
    This journey is not about being "right" all the time, but about learning continuously what will lead you to a better destination than you've arrived at in the past. So keep learning!
  14. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Babbs in Please share your 1-3 month losses   
    Just keep in mind as you get answers that there are many, many factors that determine how much weight people lose. Comparing your potential losses to others can be a slippery slope. I know. I was a very slow loser compared to many. It was only when I stopped comparing and just did my own thing was it easier for me to just keep moving forward until I finally made my goal weight.
    Looking back, how quickly or slowly I lost weight doesn't matter one bit anymore! The fact that I lost it and am now maintaining it does.

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