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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from KristenLe in Post op diet   
    I'm about two days out of surgery, just came home last night. Today I've been able to get down about 40 ounces mixed with 2 tablespoons of GENEPRO medical grade Protein which means I've gotten 60 grams of Protein today! I've also been using a timer on my phone set for every 7 minutes or so. My problem hasn't been getting enough Water but drinking too fast.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  2. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from KristenLe in Post op diet   
    I'm about two days out of surgery, just came home last night. Today I've been able to get down about 40 ounces mixed with 2 tablespoons of GENEPRO medical grade Protein which means I've gotten 60 grams of Protein today! I've also been using a timer on my phone set for every 7 minutes or so. My problem hasn't been getting enough Water but drinking too fast.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  3. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Gained 10 pounds in 6 months   
    @@Sajijoma ...
    I just read a study last week that contradicts the bit bolded above. Check it out:
    This study was done by the same researchers who did last week's Obesity-published research that compared the metabolic rate changes between 13 of The Biggest Loser contestants vs. 13 RnY WLS patients. The WLS patients' metabolic rates dipped about half as low as TBL folks. And best of all, a year after surgery their metabolic rates came back to where they were pre-op.
    Admittedly, this is a single study. But it is at least directional, if not conclusive. And it's encouraging for me.
    FYI, I've lost 100 pounds and maintaining at 135 pounds while averaging 1700 - 1800 calories/day. Of course, I don't know if this will continue. I plan to keep weighing and tracking my food daily to find out.
  4. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Health at every size...   
    I'm a clinical social worker having a VSG done this coming Tuesday. My professional opinion and personal experience has been that they are confusing loving your self with honesty about health risk. I love the hell out of myself! Enough to have a permanent surgery so that I can live a long and healthy life doing the things I love to do.
    Admitting your fat and need to make a health decision does not equal not loving yourself and that is where most people in that movement are confused.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Health at every size...   
    I'm a clinical social worker having a VSG done this coming Tuesday. My professional opinion and personal experience has been that they are confusing loving your self with honesty about health risk. I love the hell out of myself! Enough to have a permanent surgery so that I can live a long and healthy life doing the things I love to do.
    Admitting your fat and need to make a health decision does not equal not loving yourself and that is where most people in that movement are confused.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Miss my friend/enemy the lap band...should I do the sleeve?   
    It's impossible to compare two individuals' acid reflux across the Internet. But I also had acid reflux pre-sleeve. I was prescribed Ranitadine (150 mg.) twice a day, but for some dumb reason (not typical of me at all) I thought I was only supposed to take it once a day. And as we all know (or I assume we do) too much acid in the stomach mimics hunger. So one winter not long ago, I swear I packed on an extra 20-25 pounds due solely to not taking my H2 blocker antacid meds as instructed.
    Anyway, post-sleeve my surgeon prescribed (for 3-4 months only!) a PPI (Protonix in my case). After that I went back to Ranitadine 150 mg. 2x/day.
    And now, my acid reflux is no worse than it was pre-sleeve. In the meantime, I've learned a lot about what increases reflux problems -- lots of alcohol, coffee, chocolate, eating late at night, lying down soon after eating, etc. And I avoid doing those things most of the time. Or at least piling them on all at one time.
    I hope your acid reflux would not be aggravated by a sleeve. Because the sleeve is an amazing tool for weight loss and healthier living. I'm 20.5 months post-op, have lost 100 pounds and maintaining at 135 pounds. (I keep repeating my WLS stats on comments to new posters' threads folks, because most people are on the mobile app and can't see our profiles -- apologies to the long-time posters.)
    As you probably know from your research, a gastric bypass is less likely to invite reflux problems. But bypasses have some other lifestyle requirements you may have to think hard about. Many people here have had bypass surgery and are happy with their choice. It just wasn't my choice.
    Best to you!
  7. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in "That's on your diet!"   
    My Dad knows I had surgery and still asks how my "diet" is going. I tell him I'm not on a diet. Mom "gets" it but he is still confused. I try to explain but just accept that he is well meaning and move on.
  8. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to KindaFamiliar in Why do people regain   
    This is a great thread
    And it really is proof that WLS (of any type) is a tool - not the 'easy way out'...
  9. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Why do people regain   
    My shrink works with a number of bariatric patients and has seen many people go through this process. Almost a year and a half ago I asked him, "What issues do you see patients struggling with who regain weight? And by that I don't mean that they're eating too much. I'm really asking what's going on inside them that leads them to regain?"
    After thinking a moment, he said: "What I mostly see is that they're struggling to find new reasons and new motivations to focus on their weight and fitness.
    "After they hit their goal weights, many of the rewards they got while losing weight go away. They're no longer motivated by seeing the scale move down. After a while, their family and friends get used to what they look like and stop commenting on their weight loss or weight. Even people who were their strongest supporters during the weight loss phase no longer offer supportive comments. And when this positive reinforcement disappears, that has a negative effect on the patients.
    "So then they must find new goals and new motivations to maintain their weight and to be fit. And for some folks that's not easy."
    So that's one shrink's brief observations about the cause of WLS patients' weight regain.
  10. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Recycled in Why do people regain   
    I used to say to people that I could eat 1/2 pound of food and gain a pound.
    The biggest loser thing is nothing new to me. I kinda knew it all along. And if you apply it over a lifetime.....well, think about it........
    You start off losing a bunch of weight real quick......so according to the new findings, your metabolism slows down...permanently ..then, of course you gain it all back.
    However, now you have that permanently slowed down metabolism working against you.......making you gain more with less food.< /p>
    A couple of years later, you go on another diet and lose alot of weight again....also really fast.....and further slow your already slow metabolism..........and yo and yo and yo....... get the idea now.
    Every time you lose you slow you metabolism down further. It's a exponentially increasing formula for failure and weight gain.
    So do I give up.?? No. My only shot is to obtain some restriction to limit food intake which will involuntarily counteract the bad habits, which developed over a lifetime of yo- yo dieting and gaining, mostly as a result of the metabolism thingy.
    Hey.....whatever it is....it is. It's all history now and whatever I gotta do to keep it off.....I'll suffer through it .
    Besides......with the help of my sleeve restriction, I still believe my brain is in charge and I can defeat that metabolism thingy. Or at best keep it in check.
  11. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to CowgirlJane in Why do people regain   
    I hit goal in Feb 2013 after losing 150# (surgery was Dec 2011) I was morbidly obese or overweight most of my life. This morning I am 4# over goal...I have to work at this pretty constantly. I am very active and avoid fast food and crappy food generally but I do indulge too.
    So, here is the scoop. The surgery is still there as a tool even years later BUT it's probably 80-90percent on YOU at that point. Given the decades of obesity, it's no wonder my body is always"wanting" to regain.
    I am ever diligent that my 4# over doesn't turn into 40 or 140....right? I stay ON IT. I view obesity as a disease that I have in remission but will never be cured of. I have a level of determination that is sharee by quite a few die hards on these forums and frankly that FOCUS is one of the reasons I am still here on BP. I can't ever forget that I am not just a normal trim woman. I am someone who can easily regain. It is also one of the reasons I got skin removal...it is like tossing those 3X sweatpants cuz I ain't EVER going there again.
  12. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to deeplue in Any May Sleevers yet?   
    Kinda freaked out by the thought that I will be sleeved and home from the hospital by this time next week. There is a lot to do at work before I can finish on Wednesday night. Then I will be in and out of surgery less than 24 hours after I finish at work.
    In some ways, I feel really ready for this next step. In other ways, I am completely terrified. Trying to stay in the moment and trust that this is the right thing to do.
  13. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Health at every size...   
    I'm a clinical social worker having a VSG done this coming Tuesday. My professional opinion and personal experience has been that they are confusing loving your self with honesty about health risk. I love the hell out of myself! Enough to have a permanent surgery so that I can live a long and healthy life doing the things I love to do.
    Admitting your fat and need to make a health decision does not equal not loving yourself and that is where most people in that movement are confused.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to theantichick in Health at every size...   
    My first rant (well, here at least)!!
    I started typing all of this out in response to another thread, and realized I'd gone off on a rant. Decided it was better to move it here.
    So I have a psych that I"m seeing. She's actually really great for what I'm seeing her for. (I have a ridiculously deep aversion to eating most vegetables that stems from my father force feeding them to me as a child.)
    My rant is about her determination to make me accept the healthy at any size stuff. Now, don't get me wrong, I agree with and support the general concept. Being overweight does not mean you are automatically unhealthy. Being thin doesn't mean you are automatically healthy. BMI is crazy stupid as a measure of anything. Doctors all too often focus on the weight and don't give heavy people the same treatment options as thin people. People are not bad or lazy or whatever because they are heavy. People should not be treated as less than, no matter what weight they are. I absolutely 1000% support all of that.
    My problem is that the HAES movement wants to make people think that they can be healthy at 300, 400, 500 lbs. I'm a nurse, and you will never convince me that anyone 300+ lbs (unless they're over 6' tall and play defensive lineman) is healthy. You can show me all the normal bloodwork and normal blood pressure and normal glucose/A1C in the world, and you will not convince me that you're healthy if you're that heavy. All it means is that your body is coping with the weight. And it will keep coping with the weight until it can't anymore. Some people's bodies can cope longer than others. But it is going to all fall apart, and while weight is not the only factor, it is a big one (no pun intended).
    I've always been heavy. The idiotic charts say that at 5' 9" (though I swear I was 5' 10" through my 20's) I should weigh some ridiculous amount like 140 lbs. I weighed 160-180 through most of high school. Once I lost down to 160-165 and looked and felt amazing, but it was hellish to maintain and I kept it up less than 6 months. When I was a Paramedic, I gained weight and got up to about 210. I got down to 185 for about 2 years after I quit emergency medicine, but then life happened and I was at 230-ish when I got pregnant 19 years ago. I bounced around between 220 and 240 for many years. I felt pretty good, liked the way I looked (mostly) and could do whatever I wanted to. I used to belly dance, go roller skating, hiking, whatever. Honestly, if all I manage with the surgery is to get back down to below 230, I'll be happy. (Though I'm really going to try hard for 185.) I felt sluggish but mostly OK and still was able to do most things when I was ranging from 250-265. Once I pushed past 270, I've felt like absolute crap. Now I'm hovering around 300, and I feel horrific. Any level of exercise, no matter how moderate, pushes my pulse up past 150, and I am out of breath and drenched with sweat just from walking in from a parking lot. I can't go dancing, I can't even go to a festival because I can't walk that much. My blood pressure which had been textbook 120/80 for all of these years heavy is pushing into hypertension territory. Every medical condition I have has worsened exponentially with the last 50 lbs.... allergies, IBS, arthritis, etc. I barely have the energy to get through my day, much less clean or cook or do any normal thing when I get home in the evenings. I do NOT accept that this is healthy, normal, or desirable. I don't hate myself, or even they way I look. I hate feeling this way, and I am NOT healthy.
    Why in the heck are people determined to make me feel good about the weight I'm at, and convince me that my weight isn't affecting my health adversely??
  15. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Andrea72 in Ignorance, Senility, or NSV?   
    Thanks all. I just really can't believe I feel as great as I do.
    I also have all of you to thank for the advice, inspiration and much needed laughter during some of my darkest days.
    I'm scared as hell, but the whole purpose of my surgery was to stop existing, and start living.
    And @@Daisee68 I too just started. Last week during a walk I felt like running. I did. Didn't make it far but I did it and I promised myself I would keep it up.
    This afternoon I went for a very uncoordinated walk/jog and it felt good. I even heard clapping. Turns out the clapping was my ass cheeks but for those few seconds I was inspired. So inspired I came home and signed up.
    Again, it might be the sleeve helping, but if it wasn't for all of you and your inspiration, this would never be possible!!!
  16. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to kmorri in Less than 40g carbs forever?   
    I think if surgery is tomorrow, today is not the day to think about changing to a new nutritionist......since what your concerned with is the "lifetime" diet, my advice is to focus now on your current pre-op and early post op requirements and if after all that, you're still not happy with this nutritionist by all means find a new one. Just my two cents!
  17. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to VSGAnn2014 in haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate   
    What a weird person.
    I would SO report her ass to H.R. IMHO, that's harassment in the workplace.
    She needs to shut the f**k up.
  18. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Dub in haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate   
    She sounds like a petty childish pain in the arse who isn't worth the time of day.
    Who says stuff like that?
    She needs to get a life.
  19. Like
    Kittymappus got a reaction from OMW2Slim in My Texas Sleevers   
    Austin here, scheduled for May 17!
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to theoldmusicbox in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My 14 year old son has been running cross country for the last 2 years. There are 1000 other reasons I wanted this surgery, but, the thought of me being able to go running with my son, still is something that drives me to push harder.
  21. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Katcloudshepherd in Opinions in Genepro protein powder?   
    I use it. I mix it with my coffee. I love the fact it dissolves easily and has very little taste. I'm going to get some celery, carrots and apples and use my Vitamix high speed blender to start juicing. I can add the GENEPRO and get Protein in the mix. I find it too hard to get my vegetables and fruit in since I eat Protein first. I use the GENEPRO to get to my daily requirement of protein. I order it on Amazon.
  22. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to luv4jb169 in Regret   
    Take it one week at a time! And as far as having relations I think sits a bit too early! Your body needs to rest. Once you go to soft foods you will feel like a whole new person! Good luck...
  23. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to Babbs in How fast do you see results   
    You know you gain sometimes too, right? And sometimes the scale doesn't move for weeks at a time? I can already tell you're going to let the scale dictate whether you feel successful or not. Be careful. That's a slippery slope..... Weight loss with WLS is funny. It's not as Fluid and consistent as you think it's going to be. Our bodies are constantly adjusting to the abnormal lack of calories, and it causes some really strange stuff to happen. One thing I've learned in the almost 20 months since surgery is that it's DEFINITELY not as simple as calories in/calories out. It's a constant balancing act trying to figure out the proper protein/fluid/movement ratio to lose consistently. And now in my case, to maintain.
    Just sayin.
  24. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to NurseMichael in Any May Sleevers yet?   
    Im right there with you. Chose the 18th, after the semester ends... Its going to make for an interesting summer!
  25. Like
    Kittymappus reacted to atsc75 in Any May Sleevers yet?   
    Got my date today. May 31st. I was disappointed at first it was so far away, but now im okay with it. There is alot of prep to do food wise. So im researching all the different Protein powders and bars etc. for my 2 week pre-op diet. Also making lists of acceptable low carb fruits and veggies etc.
    But overall im soooo excited.
    Sent from my SM-G920I using the BariatricPal App

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