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Everything posted by girl4god77

  1. Lemm61 I thought I would get a March date when I met with my surgeon in Feb. at first I was upset that I couldn't have surgery until May 1st. But it was meant to be that way. I needed that time to learn about why I overeat & work those things out. Also it allowed me to get my blood sugars stable on my own before surgery. That was empowering. You'll do great. Just follow the program. One of the ladies in my classes pretty much skipped her purée phase and just told me today she had a taco. Really? But that's her journey not mine. You have got to follow the program. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Muscle pain is worse today but I'm actually getting out of bed by myself already which is so good to not depend on the hubby for that. Strong willed for sure. Started Protein liquids today. But still not ever hungry. Kind of hard to be hungry when you drink every 15 mins. Lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Thanks for that. Unfortunately we don't have a recliner and our couches are very low. Right now I'm sitting up on pillows on the couch which is basically for "eating" but not comfy. Yet I can get up by myself. I slept great in my bed it's just painful getting up. But I'm sure it will get better. Can't wait for week 3! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Well surgery went great on Monday I did so well in the hospital they sent me home yesterday. Home is rough mostly b/c you don't have the hospital bed (it's painful getting out of bed even with help.) But I'm on day 2, sip sip sipping & walking & sleeping as much as I can. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Ok so I'm sorry to any guys in here and this is prob tmi but were any of you on your monthly cycle for surgery? At my pre-op they told me to stop my birth control b/c it could cause blood clots. But then said its ok if that starts my cycle. Cmon. Why didn't you tell me this a month ago so my body would get used to it. Of course I started yesterday (again) with cramps & all. It's heavy today so I doubt it stops overnight. I'm more nervous about this than the actual surgical procedure. Yuck! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. The one time I look forward to being on the losers bench. Lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Thanks Daniele. I just started my new life as I ate my last meal and tomorrow is a liquid diet then Monday is the day. I go from excited to nervous then at peace. But deep down, I'm at peace. No one could possibly understand this thing that we go through unless they too go through it. It's huge. But this process has already strengthened me. Thanks for the support. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. I'm pretty sure I will find peace on Monday. I have moments of it now. But some back & forth with emotions. I felt a peace up until this morning when I got the call with my time of surgery. Then after the gym I ate way too much and cried on hubby's shoulder when he got home. But I'm ok now. I own my own photography business and I'm editing as much of a wedding as I can by Sunday so keeping focused on that helps me keep my mind off of it. Also helps that I've got people praying for me. Positive self talk works wonders. Congrats to all of you with dates coming up. This is the start of our new lives! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. I'm so sorry you didn't have anyone there. I would be crying as well. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Oh yes I forgot to get gas X! I'm actually not scared anymore. I'm very emotional but other then that, I'm good. Excited for Tuesday (when it's done) haha. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. What you may not be able to see in the picture are Inspire Protein powders (blueberry cheesecake is my fave) with 20 G protein & nectar with 10 (I just add that to my Water with Crystal Light). But my Dr says at least 80g protein. I've used Premiere since I started this process last Sept. Used to blend spinach & frozen blueberries in it. Yum. I'm at my pre op right now. So nervous but down another 8 lbs! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Oh yes, I'm ready. Been drinking multiple different Protein shakes for months. This weekend I'm doing mostly protein shakes to prepare then Sunday it's all liquids! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. @@Renkoss I know-my last Zumba class is tonight and I'm so gonna miss it. ◡̈ Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Thanks James. Yeah I haven't had soda in years & gave up all caffeine last fall. Also I don't walk every day but I exercise at the gym and do either a Zumba class or my regular routine (cardio & strength training) and hoping that this will all help. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. girl4god77

    Newbie on Protein

    I tried the nectar medically unflavored in my Water yesterday. Basically flavorless but it's a bit milky so I added 1/2 packet of Crystal Light & it was great! I'm sure it will be great for food too. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. girl4god77

    Carbs post op

    There's always sugars in yogurt because of the lactose. Even plain. Try Oikos Triple zero. No added sugar, no fat & yummy! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. girl4god77

    Newbie on Protein

    Bariatric Advantage recommended nectar medically unflavored so I ordered some. Haven't tried it yet but it says it's tasteless. It's just straight protein-no other nutrients so it's 40 cals & 10g Protein per scoop. So you can add two scoops for 20g & only 80 cals. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. eggs are not pureé. Also, that Tylenol sounds like it has sugar in it. Stay away from children's anything. Our program tells us as you start each stage (pureé, soft foods, reg) only add one new thing each day. That way if you have a bad reaction to something you know what it is. When your tummy gets better try only one thing each day. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. girl4god77

    Any Advice

    Oh nooo! I'm already a cryer-have been emotional my whole life. I'm just over a week pre-OP (May 2) and I sure hope that since you all weren't cryers before surgery that maybe I won't be after. Haha. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. I was curious if any of you post op people have had problems drinking this particular shake. A FB group I just joined was saying it was the wrong type of Protein & suggested it can cause dumping. Yet Kaiser's bariatric pgm highly recommends it. Just curious if this is just a certain group bashing other drinks in order to sell their's or if it's truly not the best option. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. girl4god77

    Diabetes & insulin

    That's awesome miiasan! I know that you can't cure diabetes, but the bariatric program says that the rny can totally help put it in remission. I'm hopeful. I would love to get off of all meds eventually. I have high BP as well. I recently saw people on another forum talk about how after their surgery they're actually having issues with low BP. Pretty drastic the changes your body goes through. But I guess it's different for everyone. Best of luck on continued success. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Surgery date is May 5. Been insulin dependent for over 5 years. So glad to be dropping my dosage slowly but surely as I drop my calories & a bit of weight. Just curious for those diabetics who were insulin dependent before bypass, did you completely stop right after surgery? My surgeon doesn't know much about this, but he believes that the dose the day before surgery (all liquids) is 1/3 of what I normally take. Just curious how it worked for you after surgery. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. girl4god77

    Diabetes & insulin

    Wow! That's a lot of insulin. I take a lot but it's less than that & different types (I'm down to 85 of the N & 40 R in the morning, 40 R at dinner & 100 N at bed {Humulin}). I do notice that as I eat smaller portions & control my sugar intake & drop weight, my insulin goes down so I'm hoping it will follow suit after surgery. It sounds like your body became very insulin resistant. The nurse (or whatever Kaiser calls her) who used to monitor my diabetes once told me I will never be off insulin. I'm going to prove her wrong! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. girl4god77

    Diabetes & insulin

    Which surgery did you have? Rny is supposed to kick diabetes' butt! My pcp does my dosing. But like I said, she doesn't seem familiar with it. When I dropped 45 lbs I cut my dose in 1/2 (gained a few of those lbs back). So I figure 100 lbs will help even more. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. girl4god77

    Liquid diet

    I lost 10 lbs during the classes (not as much as I wanted but still a loss). Dr says he would like to see a bit more loss but just not to gain or he will cancel my surgery. My goal is another 10 at least (I've dropped 5 more since seeing him). Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
