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Status Updates posted by kmorri

  1. So far today I have 11,350 steps!!! yay me! Monday I'll be 6 weeks so it's time for me to get serious. This evening I went and picked up my granddaughters and we all went for a nice long walk.....same plan for tomorrow!

    1. kmorri


      No you sure can't beat that! It was close to 100 here today!

    2. Valentina


      The house next to mine is for sale.... Welcome to the neighborhood!! :)

    3. kmorri


      I work from home so that would be possible for me.....but you would have to find my husband a job. hahaha

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  2. YaaaaaHoooo! I’m down 60.6 pounds as of this morning, with 51.4 more to go! Surgery was 5/16/16. Now I’m ready to get out of the 190’s……Hopefully I’ll see a 18X sometime over the weekend.

    1. Valentina


      What a joyful journey you are having! You're living "Bariatric life" as it is supposed to be. It's a joy for me just following your success! :)

    2. KristenLe


      That's so great!!! I hope to be as successful!!! Congrats!

    3. ShelterDog64


      That's so fantastic! Congratulations! You're where I can't wait to be!!

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  3. So, I've proven myself right! I've been eating nuts since I was cleared to do so....but knew it was a slippery slope for me because I love love love nuts. For about 5 weeks eating nuts I averaged about 1.7 pounds lost per week......but I knew I eating too many nuts! This last week I stopped with the nuts and lost 3.2 pounds.....This is good information to have! I need to work on controlling my portion sizes because I don't want to not ever be able to have them.....but I think for now I'll keep myself in "timeout" from nuts for a while....3.2 pounds in a week feels better than nuts taste!!!

    1. kmorri


      @Caribear I know I've seen those.....I think it's best for me to avoid them for a while.....I want to track my weight loss for a few more weeks and see if it continues at the higher rate or if this week was just a fluke.

    2. Djmohr


      I stopped eating them for the longest time for the very same reason. Now about 5 months later I have gone back to eating them but I portion them out and so far, I have been good about sticking to that portion when I do have them which is not every day. If in the future I slip, they simply won't get to stay a part of my food plan any longer.

    3. kmorri


      @Djmohr you sound exactly like me.....I was weighing and measuring but it was still hard for me to stick to just one serving, and I was having them everyday!......so time out for now! Later I'll try again, and if I have the same problem gone they will be......The one thing I do have control over is them coming into the house...hahaha

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  4. So I'm taking wagers......will tomorrow be the day I make it into Onederland?.....I'm betting yes! 200.6 this morning...I think tomorrow will be the day!!!

    1. kmorri


      And @Valentina.....Due to a freak accident about 10 years ago I'm already missing a toe...so I can't afford to loose anymore...hehehe

    2. Valentina


      OMG! :) That is tooo funny! Not really, but YES! That is too funny. sorry... Listen: my father only had one toe (froze his feet) and my mother had nine (paper factory cutter) so all of us offspring have ten. Genetics are amazing... :)

    3. kmorri


      @Valentina My little pinky toe got caught in the leg of a vanity chair in my bathroom when I was stepping out of the tub.....still makes me cringe to think about it!!! the good news is now I get to ask for a 10% discount when I get a pedi!! haha

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  5. Just booked a log cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains for our October leaf peeping trip.....we go every year but this will be the first time we stay in a log cabin. Come on fall!!!

    1. Valentina


      Sugar maples, Daaaling. It's the sugar maples that add the fire red to the mix. We must compare photos come Fall. It's on, sista!!!!! :)

    2. kmorri


      @Valentina Oh I will take you up on that challenge!! I can't wait for fall!!! It's been in the triple digits here almost everyday over the last week ....yesterday it was cooler only into the low 90's.....but that was just because of the rain.....So it was more like a steam bath. As far as I'm concerned fall can not get here fast enough!!

    3. kmorri


      @Caribear I love fall as well! It's my favorite time of year and just thinking about it makes me feel good inside. The cabin I found is in Pigeon Forge TN...and is close to Dollywood. I'm not much for theme parks but Dollywood is my exception. I love all the music shows and this fall the focus will be old time gospel............so one of our days we'll spend at Dollywood and the the rest of our time we'll spend hiking to different waterfalls. I'm half way to my goal weight now so by October I should be in good shape to get back out on the trails. Happy Fall Y'all!!!

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  6. So this morning the scale says 200 lbs exactly....Yes I'm an everyday weigher....and most of the time I don't let the scale frustrate me....but today I'm FRUSTRATED!!! Come on already!!!

    1. kmorri


      Yep! been there done that!....(random observation...we need a "like" button on status comments).. :-)

    2. SalOdyssey
    3. Valentina


      Friday will be the magic day. Why? I haven't a clue... :)

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  7. We are safe after the hurricane.....thankfully no damage to our home....sadly we didn't have any power for about 16 hours so my little Clown Fish died. :-(

    1. laceemouse


      Glad you are okay, I am from south Louisiana and my husband is from Florida so we are both familiar with hurricanes. We had a lot of family and friends we were worried about this time. So sorry about your fishy :(

    2. ShelterDog64


      I was born in Miami in the middle of Hurricane Cleo...how's that for dating myself ;-) And I'm still thankful my mom didn't name me Cleo!


    3. ProudGrammy


      @kmorri - video was sad/but good - don't go on fb much - so you gave me an eyeful @ShelterDog64 - or should i call you Cleo? LOLOLOL, probably some parents DID name their kids cleo that year LOL kathy

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  8. Finally!!!! ONEDERLAND!!!! Doing the happy dance!!!

  9. I get so excited when I get close to big milestones I can't wait....haha as of today I'm down 89 pounds!! hopefully in a couple of days it'll be 90. haha I'm less than 6 months post op and only have 13 more pounds to go until I reach my goal!!!! yay!!!

    1. ShelterDog64


      You are AWESOME!!! So happy for you!

    2. suzzzzz


      Milestones are exciting. 89 down in 6 mths is amazing.

    3. OzRoo


      Well done! Awesome result!

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  10. How much closer can I get??haha I weigh 152.2 this morning which means I've lost 99.8 pounds....and on top of that I'm only 2.2 pounds away from meeting my goal. I never thought I'd get here this quickly!.....just a little over 6.5 months!!!

    1. The New Kel

      The New Kel


    2. OzRoo


      Fantastic! Well Done! Congratulations :)

    3. Sai


      Yay, great job!

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  11. It's a great day!!....I'm down 5.6 pounds since Sunday and I'm on cloud 9!!

    1. Valentina


      Well! You just blew that girl crush out of the water. :(

    2. ShelterDog64


      That's fabulous!! And I love your new photo, too!

    3. kmorri


      @ ShelterDog64 Thanks! :-)

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  12. Just 4 more days to go!!!! I can't believe this is actually going to happen!!!

    1. Noname22


      Good Luck to you!

    2. jane13


      this time next week you will be salivating for pureed food!

    3. CallMeTee




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  13. Stop watering the weeds in your life, and start watering the flowers!

    1. kmorri


      I'm doing fabulous @TheOdysseyOfAStoutMan! Yes, @Valentina the weeds take up way way too much energy!!! Have a great week everyone!

    2. jane13


      Hey Kmorri - glad to hear you are doing well. is it time for a newer pic???

    3. kmorri


      Not yet! I want to make a BIG impact...haha

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  14. I have walked 23,662 steps today!!!

    1. Caribear


      That is fantastic! Go you!

    2. SalOdyssey
    3. Djmohr


      Pretty soon you won't be able to sit comfortably......I walked my butt off too, literally nothing left and my damn tailbone hurts now. LOL

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  15. Down 74.4 pounds as of this morning.....just a little over 4 months!!! Holy crap that's a lot! I couldn't be happier. I have my 4 month follow-up visit with my surgeon today so I'm guessing he'll be very pleased as well. It's a GREAT day!!

    1. OzRoo


      Fantastic! Congrats! :)

    2. Tami_Lynn


      Thats wonderful! Did you have any stalls along the way? If so, at what point?



    3. kmorri


      @Tami_Lynn no I really haven't had any stalls to speak of.....each week I've lost "something".....I had a week or two that it was less than a pound but each week it's been something.....

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  16. Oh Happy Day!!!

    1. kmorri


      ONEderland is ONEderful!!!...and boy have my feet ever hit the ground....getting almost 15,000 steps a day! But it feels so great! I'm lovin' life!

    2. Valentina


      HA! wonderful!!! I am still limited to short walks until after my skin surgery. Start walking--heading North---Catskill Mts.... :)

    3. kmorri


      haha I wonder how many steps that would be?..haha I can't wait for you to have your surgery! I'm really excited for you, but nervous too...I know it would be scary to me....You're a trooper!

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  17. Good morning everyone! I'm only 4 pounds away from having a "normal" BMI!!!

    1. Montana Gal
    2. highfunctioningfatman


      So close! It will happen though.

    3. ProudGrammy


      countdown, countdown - 4, 3, 2, 1 - and there you g - i "dub" you normal!!! Kathy

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  18. 5 days post op and feeling 100% better!! I'm not queasy anymore and things taste more normal today! Yay!!!

    1. jane13



    2. jane13


      @kmorri - how are you feeling today????

    3. kmorri


      Pretty good Jane. seems like I have a really good day and then the next is not as good...,not really bad but just not as good. Yesterday I had a lot of gas pain and today is my first day back to work (thank God I work from home)....but I'm really tired feeling today.

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  19. Ekkkkkk! So far this time is going by pretty fast. Only about a week and a half to go to surgery!!!

    1. jane13


      Kmorri - you going to Riverside, right? Make sure you ask about how late you can drink water and drink as long as you can. The "leak" test isn't done sometimes as fast as you think and you will be sooo thirsty. Good luck, Dr. Uchal is great!

    2. leahhindi


      Agree! Time is going by very quickly. I am looking forward to following your success! :-)


      I am scheduled for this Monday. Nervous but very exected!

    3. kmorri


      Yes Jane13 I'll be at Riverside. And they've already told me nothing after midnight the night before surgery.

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  20. So I had a dream about cookies last night...haha I haven't had anything like that since my surgery....but in my dream I was searching my house for a bag of homemade cookies so I could give them to someone....anyone want to analyze that one?...hahaha

    1. anniebanana


      Yummy, what kind? lol Purging your house of the bad stuff I suppose :)

    2. kmorri


      I don't remember what kind but I sure remember searching my house up and down looking for them...crazy!

    3. Valentina


      old fashion molasses ????? OMG!!! Now I'm depressed... :(

  21. Flirting with Onederland.....just 3.2 pounds away.....also just 1.2 lbs away from a 50 pound loss!!! Life is good!!

    1. jane13


      need a new picture!!!!!

    2. kmorri


      I will once I meet the above milestones. :-)

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      OMG that would drive me crazy

  22. I had my 4 week check-up with my surgeon yesterday. I was cleared for all foods......I think Monday I'll start back on my routine of going to the gym every morning. Just another step towards normal!

    1. jane13
    2. Valentina


      My eyes are turning green with envy---wait! they are naturally green! :) anyway I have been pulled out of the gym and the pool until after my skin surgery.--just short walks for me. :( I miss the pool. Now I'm trying to do laps in the bathtub... oh, bother.... :)

    3. SalOdyssey
  23. I hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day weekend. I'm about to go spend some time with the most amazing man in the world, my dad! He will be 87 years young next month. I hope everyone is able to spend some time with someone they love this weekend.

    1. Valentina


      Have a wonderful visit. I do plan on "visiting" with Dad on Sunday @ the cemetery.--no tears, just great memories.

    2. kmorri


      That's what it's all about...great memories!

    3. Valentina


      I think so too. I actually take a picnic lunch of his favorite (a wurst and sauerkraut and a boiled potato_). I sit there with a family photo album and let the memories flow. Good quiet time.

  24. Only one more week to go!!! I hope it goes as fast as last week!

    1. ProudGrammy


      good luck next week!!! - speedy recovery - kathy

    2. CallMeTee


      I KNOW!!!! I'm kinda freaking out myself!!

    3. mrsdoubtfire


      I'm starving! I sure hope I can get though the next 6 days. Anyone else feel that way? I'm on 4 shakes a day.

  25. Good morning everyone! I'll be 6 weeks post surgery on Monday and I can say I feel completely normal now! The only difference is I eat small amounts and my weight is going down instead of up! Yay!!!

    1. jane13


      Glad to hear you are doing so well! Great job ;D

    2. SalOdyssey


      Kick ass @kmorri!!

    3. Valentina


      So you ARE having a joyful journey!!! Maavelous, Daaling.

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