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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by kmorri

  1. I added a new picture showing off my new hair cut!

    1. SalOdyssey


      Looks great!!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      How fetching you look. Change is such a great lift.

  2. I did a post with some "before and during" photos. Here's a link to the post. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/376304-before-and-during-photos/

    1. OzRoo


      Just saw the pics now. What a fantastic transformation! You look fabulous :)

  3. I did my first 5K this morning with my granddaughter!!! It was a blast and I finished 9th in my age group! There were over 450 people registered!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShelterDog64


      That's fantastic, kmorri!

    3. OzRoo


      Wonderful achievement! Well Done !!!

    4. Caribear


      Congratulations! Be aware, though, 5k's are addictive! :)

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  4. I finally broke out of the 180's this morning. 179.8 this morning!! yay!!

    1. ShelterDog64


      Congratulations! What a great way to start your Sunday :)

  5. I get so excited when I get close to big milestones I can't wait....haha as of today I'm down 89 pounds!! hopefully in a couple of days it'll be 90. haha I'm less than 6 months post op and only have 13 more pounds to go until I reach my goal!!!! yay!!!

    1. ShelterDog64


      You are AWESOME!!! So happy for you!

    2. suzzzzz


      Milestones are exciting. 89 down in 6 mths is amazing.

    3. OzRoo


      Well done! Awesome result!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. I had my 4 week check-up with my surgeon yesterday. I was cleared for all foods......I think Monday I'll start back on my routine of going to the gym every morning. Just another step towards normal!

    1. jane13
    2. Valentina


      My eyes are turning green with envy---wait! they are naturally green! :) anyway I have been pulled out of the gym and the pool until after my skin surgery.--just short walks for me. :( I miss the pool. Now I'm trying to do laps in the bathtub... oh, bother.... :)

    3. SalOdyssey
  7. I have walked 23,662 steps today!!!

    1. Caribear


      That is fantastic! Go you!

    2. SalOdyssey
    3. Djmohr


      Pretty soon you won't be able to sit comfortably......I walked my butt off too, literally nothing left and my damn tailbone hurts now. LOL

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. I hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day weekend. I'm about to go spend some time with the most amazing man in the world, my dad! He will be 87 years young next month. I hope everyone is able to spend some time with someone they love this weekend.

    1. Valentina


      Have a wonderful visit. I do plan on "visiting" with Dad on Sunday @ the cemetery.--no tears, just great memories.

    2. kmorri


      That's what it's all about...great memories!

    3. Valentina


      I think so too. I actually take a picnic lunch of his favorite (a wurst and sauerkraut and a boiled potato_). I sit there with a family photo album and let the memories flow. Good quiet time.

  9. I'm thrilled that I finally got a surgery date of 5/16....Now the countdown starts!!!

  10. I've been at the beach all day with my grand kids....Lots of fun and something I would never had done 60 pounds ago!!!

    1. Valentina


      I am sooooooo envious!!! If I were to go to the surf right now, I would be considered "beached" ! :) Enjoy

    2. ShelterDog64


      How wonderful! Beach AND grands...

  11. It's a great day!!....I'm down 5.6 pounds since Sunday and I'm on cloud 9!!

    1. Valentina


      Well! You just blew that girl crush out of the water. :(

    2. ShelterDog64


      That's fabulous!! And I love your new photo, too!

    3. kmorri


      @ ShelterDog64 Thanks! :-)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. It's a marvelous day! Be a positive influence in someone's life today. You'll both win!

  13. Just 4 more days to go!!!! I can't believe this is actually going to happen!!!

    1. Noname22


      Good Luck to you!

    2. jane13


      this time next week you will be salivating for pureed food!

    3. CallMeTee




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  14. Just booked a log cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains for our October leaf peeping trip.....we go every year but this will be the first time we stay in a log cabin. Come on fall!!!

    1. Valentina


      Sugar maples, Daaaling. It's the sugar maples that add the fire red to the mix. We must compare photos come Fall. It's on, sista!!!!! :)

    2. kmorri


      @Valentina Oh I will take you up on that challenge!! I can't wait for fall!!! It's been in the triple digits here almost everyday over the last week ....yesterday it was cooler only into the low 90's.....but that was just because of the rain.....So it was more like a steam bath. As far as I'm concerned fall can not get here fast enough!!

    3. kmorri


      @Caribear I love fall as well! It's my favorite time of year and just thinking about it makes me feel good inside. The cabin I found is in Pigeon Forge TN...and is close to Dollywood. I'm not much for theme parks but Dollywood is my exception. I love all the music shows and this fall the focus will be old time gospel............so one of our days we'll spend at Dollywood and the the rest of our time we'll spend hiking to different waterfalls. I'm half way to my goal weight now so by October I should be in good shape to get back out on the trails. Happy Fall Y'all!!!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Just one word..... GOOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShelterDog64


      That's awesome!! I was going to post a little soccer ball but wasn't sure anyone would get it ;-)

    3. OutsideMatchInside
    4. Sai
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  16. Maybe someone should post a list of topics that are now allowed.....We can call it, "Any post regarding these topics are subject to snarky responses"...hahaha

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KindaFamiliar



      Now it's REALLY mixed up!!!!

      It's 2 05am here...

      I might just go back to sleep...

    3. kmorri


      @KindaFamiliar....it is mixed up! I just got 11 notifications saying you replied to my status....weird. Yes if it's after 2am it's probably time to go back to sleep.

    4. Valentina


      Sorry, I saw this update so late.

      Kmorri, PLEASE PM me with the new list.


      You OK?? Need backup?? :)


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  17. My surgery was May 16th and as of this morning I'm half way to goal!!! 56 pounds lost, 56 pounds to go!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Valentina


      @SalOdyssey: You and me both. I think we need to so surf fishing!!!!

    3. kmorri


      @Valentina don't leave me out of the surf fishing!!!! I am a fishing fool! I'll wear my yellow polka dot bikini! hahaha!!

    4. SalOdyssey


      Surf fishing it is!!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Oh Happy Day!!!

    1. kmorri


      ONEderland is ONEderful!!!...and boy have my feet ever hit the ground....getting almost 15,000 steps a day! But it feels so great! I'm lovin' life!

    2. Valentina


      HA! wonderful!!! I am still limited to short walks until after my skin surgery. Start walking--heading North---Catskill Mts.... :)

    3. kmorri


      haha I wonder how many steps that would be?..haha I can't wait for you to have your surgery! I'm really excited for you, but nervous too...I know it would be scary to me....You're a trooper!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  19. Okay, I weigh everyday, always have always will!!....Just wondering if I'm the only one who gets up in the morning hops on the scale sees a little loss....like this morning .08 down....and it makes you do a little victory dance??? It's just a great way to start your day!....Happy Friday everyone!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. liposuction68


      Every Day For the Rest of my lIfe HEEEheeee!

    3. Christinamo7


      I weigh a lot just out of morbid curiosity. However, I only count it as official once a week. this has allowed me to see that it is normal for my body to go up and down through the week but an overall trend downward. it is helping me to make peace with this process.

    4. VEGAN  ME

      VEGAN ME

      I have been weighing about three times a day lol

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  20. Only one more week to go!!! I hope it goes as fast as last week!

    1. ProudGrammy


      good luck next week!!! - speedy recovery - kathy

    2. CallMeTee


      I KNOW!!!! I'm kinda freaking out myself!!

    3. mrsdoubtfire


      I'm starving! I sure hope I can get though the next 6 days. Anyone else feel that way? I'm on 4 shakes a day.

  21. So as of this morning...4.5 months after my surgery I am down a total of 80 pounds!! 80 POUNDS!!! Can you believe it??!!! I actually wore a size 10 jeans out to dinner last night! (okay they were big 10s but they were 10s)....on the day of surgery I wore a size 22 to the hospital. I wonder when my amazement will wear off? I hope it never does!!! Everyone have a great weekend!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. higher


      Inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

    3. Djmohr


      I am two years post op and i am still amazed almost every day. I went car shopping a few weeks ago and normally we will buy a smaller SUV. Well we were looking at cars instead and i hopped in a tiny little Nissan thinking I would be claustrophobic in there. I got in an had so much room that it felt like a whole different car. Never did i think even car shopping would be so fun. I kept trying to find the smallest cars just to see how i fit in them. Previously I did not fit well in smaller cars, i always had to go for a SUV. Everything still shocks me.

    4. Djmohr


      I am two years post op and i am still amazed almost every day. I went car shopping a few weeks ago and normally we will buy a smaller SUV. Well we were looking at cars instead and i hopped in a tiny little Nissan thinking I would be claustrophobic in there. I got in an had so much room that it felt like a whole different car. Never did i think even car shopping would be so fun. I kept trying to find the smallest cars just to see how i fit in them. Previously I did not fit well in smaller cars, i always had to go for a SUV. Everything still shocks me.

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  22. So far today I have 11,350 steps!!! yay me! Monday I'll be 6 weeks so it's time for me to get serious. This evening I went and picked up my granddaughters and we all went for a nice long walk.....same plan for tomorrow!

    1. kmorri


      No you sure can't beat that! It was close to 100 here today!

    2. Valentina


      The house next to mine is for sale.... Welcome to the neighborhood!! :)

    3. kmorri


      I work from home so that would be possible for me.....but you would have to find my husband a job. hahaha

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  23. So getting rid of 72 pounds feels GREAT!!!....I've loved being able to do things I haven't been able to do is so long....walking my literal butt off .....However, my knees are letting me know I've lost my mind with the jogging that I've tried....my knees are KILLING me right now!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kmorri


      Sure I have a spare room! Come on down!!

    3. Valentina


      I'll go to the post office and change my address on Monday. It will be sooooo wonderful to move in with you and your hubby----forever! Thank you! :)

    4. kmorri


      wait! ....um um um .....who said forever? :-)

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  24. So I had a dream about cookies last night...haha I haven't had anything like that since my surgery....but in my dream I was searching my house for a bag of homemade cookies so I could give them to someone....anyone want to analyze that one?...hahaha

    1. anniebanana


      Yummy, what kind? lol Purging your house of the bad stuff I suppose :)

    2. kmorri


      I don't remember what kind but I sure remember searching my house up and down looking for them...crazy!

    3. Valentina


      old fashion molasses ????? OMG!!! Now I'm depressed... :(

  25. So I'm right in the path of this tropical storm.....fun times to come!! from what they are saying the bad weather will start tomorrow morning or afternoon and go through Friday morning.......the fun of living in Florida!

    1. Valentina


      See? That's what you get for not buying the house next door. :) Be safe, my friend.

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