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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by bettyboop2088

  1. bettyboop2088

    Gerd/Gord and weight loss surgery

    Hello: I had very bad GERD before my sleeve surgery that required a prescribed medication. After my sleeve and the loss of 50lbs I no longer have to take the medication so it did help relieve the syptoms. I do still have to watch out for certain foods that stir it up but no more mediciation is huge to me. I am 11 months post op now and doing fine with it.
  2. bettyboop2088

    Major gas

    I am 6 months post op and everything I eat turns to gas usually I cannot even hold it in. I am so embarrassed and it stops me from doing normal activities. Any help with this? Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  3. bettyboop2088

    Learning from my mistakes

    Hi sbg224: The Nutritionist at my surgeons office told me the reason I was at a stall was because I was not getting enough calories and said I need to increase up to 1500. I would feel better at 1200 so I may have to take your advice and go back down because I am still at a stall with her advice. Thank you
  4. bettyboop2088

    Learning from my mistakes

    I get those mind hungers too. Especially with carbs because I have always been a carboholic. Now that I am able to eat more foods and drink my wine I really have to watch it and log everything. I have been at a stall for several weeks now and I would really like to get to goal so I have to stay focused on the fitness part I guess because I am only taking in 1500-1800 calories per day.
  5. bettyboop2088

    Healthier snacks

    Hello fellow sleeve peeps: I am four months post op and starting to crave the darn bad carbs such as crackers, chips and bread. I need some ideas for healthier Snacks to help take away these cravings. I have lost 52 pounds total so far and would really like to lose 10 more but I am at a stall. I am doing good to stay at 1500 calories or below but I am worried about gaining any weight back I would be devastated. Thank you for the support!!
  6. bettyboop2088

    Before and After Pics

    Ok hope I am posting this correctly but here it is. I am 3 1/2 months post op and have lost 50 lbs hoping to lose 15 more but I will be happy at this new weight
  7. bettyboop2088

    Bariatric Advantage Multivitamin Nausea

    I had the same problem for the first few weeks so I was told by my sister who had the gastric bypass to take Flintstone's Chewable. I took them for a while and now that I am at almost 12 weeks I am able to hand the Bariatric Advantage. YES OMG AND ITS THE WORST NAUSEA I HAVE EVER HAD!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I am 10 weeks post op and really miss my vegetables. I am wondering what vegetables are good at this stage I think I am more afraid of trying things and just need to know what will be ok at this stage. I have a 3 month appoint with a nutritionist but I feel I am getting enough information from this forum that I may not need her advice. She has not had the surgery so I much prefer advice from ones that have. I am so happy I found this website. I was huge into salads before surgery and hope someday I can have full ones again.
  9. bettyboop2088

    Still not hungry

    I am 10 weeks post op and still do not have much of an appetite it worries me because I need nutrition to help me heal from the complications with my surgery is it normal?
  10. bettyboop2088

    Around 6weeks out & down 40lbs! Yippee!

    I am 10 weeks out and down 50 lbs it is so wonderful!!! I continue to stay between 850-900 cals because I want to lose 20-25 more. It really is life changing in different ways. I do not have the pain in my hips or knees as I did and I get to buy smaller clothes plus get compliments almost everyday. Best of all I am off my cholesterol medication and my GERD medication,
  11. Hi Ya'll My gastric sleeve surgery was performed because I had a tumor on my stomach and the procedure to remove it is gastric bypass surgery. During this surgery they perforated my bowel and it caused poison to go all through my body and almost death. Now I am told that this error/complication is more common then I know. Well I would like some statistics now to see if it is worth fighting the bill I am going to get from that second surgery. Please share if you ran across this same complication as I really need to chat with someone regarding the after pain. Have a blessed day!!
  12. bettyboop2088

    Complications.. Look horrible

    So sorry to hear of your complications I had sepsis too when the surgeon clipped by bowel in error when doing my surgery. I was close to death with mine. I had to spend 8 days in hospital and could not eat anything for the longest time. I am now 9 weeks out and have lost 45 lbs. Once you feel up to it buy some new clothes and make up it will help you feel better. And I still drink mostly protein shakes starting to get some food in slowly.
  13. bettyboop2088

    Bariatric Advantage Multivitamin Nausea

    I had a problem at first so I switched to Flintstones two a day now I am 9 weeks out and able to do the adult chewables so it gets better
  14. I am 9 weeks out and can barely get 800 I focus hard on my protein first though and so hard to get my liquids in
  15. bettyboop2088

    4 months post op and I am loving it!

    I am 9 weeks out and still having problems with food but each day gets better I hope by 4 months I will feel great I am 45 pounds lighter and loving that
  16. bettyboop2088

    Need ur opinion please help

    I would not crush with out checking with doctor or pharmacy
  17. bettyboop2088

    Pepto Bismol

    You should have your surgeon prescribed something I used ondansetron in the dissolve firm melts in your mouth
  18. bettyboop2088

    Food and drinks?

    Thank you Cape Crooner very good advise and this will be so helpful for me as I liked my wine and we should not have to give up all the pleasures have a great day!
  19. bettyboop2088

    Food and drinks?

    What about Wine has anyone tried drinking a glass with any problems? I am 9 weeks post op and not wanting one right now but I would like one in the future like at 3 months.
  20. bettyboop2088

    Looking for support

    Thank you all for the support it helps I am excited that I found this forum
  21. Hello Everyone I wanted to share my story and get support moving forward with my new lifestyle because so far it is a struggle. I had a tumor on my stomach and the procedure to remove it ended up being a gastric bypass. The surgeon was not sure what type of bypass until he got in there so it ended up being the Sleeve. During the surgery my bowel was clipped in error so two days after going home I was back in the hospital deadly ill; I barely made it through that and the healing process has been long. I am now at 9 weeks post op and learning what I can and cannot eat. It is really hard to drink liquids so I was wondering if anyone else struggled with this at first and does it get better? I am almost afraid to swallow any food that is not almost liquid and I am wondering if I am just freaking out too much and could try a little more then just Protein shakes, mashed potatoes, soup, and cottage cheese? I get this feeling in what's left of my stomach that is an empty feeling or more like a big air bubble and it is annoying; I was wondering if anyone has experienced that and if it goes away? Thank you for the support I am glad I found this site - Betty
  22. bettyboop2088

    What upsets your sleeve now?

    I am at 9 week post op and most food still makes me ill I am really hoping this feeling goes away. I am afraid to try much more then cottage cheese, mac and cheese, Soups, and Protein shakes. I really hope someday I can eat more food and just keep up with my smaller portion.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
