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Everything posted by 9pdmnm5

  1. 9pdmnm5

    1 day post op and scared

    Glad you are doing a little better. Gotta tell ya, I walked out of that office having 2nd thoughts after seeing you shake your head at me. :frown: But guess its kinda late for that. Each day WILL get better. HANG IN THERE! Did you fly home yet? How was the trip? I hope you are at home now and can rest comfortably. Take care of yourself and keep us posted. Hugs! :thumbup:
  2. I just had to let you know that I'm friggin' starvin' right now!! Oh, and I wanted to know if Dr.K signed your paperwork?

  3. Hey there Tangeray! What is happening with uptownmami? So far, my only "issues" to overcome have been being able to be in bed for long periods of time while the swelling goes down (I used the ice pack up until about 3am this morning and yesterday the abdominal muscles were really tight. This morning the swelling seems be subsiding and it does feel good to get up and walk around for a few minutes every few hours. Gas hasn't been a big problem either. I've just been taking all the meds he prescribed as they were prescribed and also have adding the GasX strips. I woke up with an allergy headache today because I forgot to get a pill crusher to be able to take that so we'll be going to pick one up today so I can take that and get rid of this headache. All in all, it's what I expected. Tight abdominal feeling, somewhat difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position (recliner or on your back is best) and last night I was finally able to sleep on my stomach for a while without any pain. Today, I'm going to try to get out for a while and walk around and see how I do. I'll post more later That is awesome! Glad you are doing so well. I'm still in shock as to how well you were doing 1st day post-op. Glad I was able to see the both of you. I'm not sure how uptown is...I have not yet heard from her. :tt1: I guess she was having trouble with swallowing and vomiting. I do hope she is doing better today. I have calmed down today. I think you are so right about "freaking" myself out. I am my own worst enemy. Things will be fine and its only temporary, right? I am strong!:thumbup: Heres to a comfortable and safe flight home! :bolt: Cheers!
  4. Hey you! Where did uptown post? I couldn't find it. Was it in Dr. K thread or somewhere else??? !

  5. Brandy~Thank you! One of the girls(uptownmami) who had surgery yesterday isn't doing very well so I'm very concerned and even more anxious. I didn't get a chance to speak w/her but she was shaking her head giving me the :tongue2:. I hope she is doing better tonight. By the way, I still would like to do lunch sometime, possibly in Oct. when all of the "hoopla" has died down. :wub: You girls are so funny! Tally, that would irritate me to no end. Yikes! I may have to bring this to Dr.Ks attention before surgery. My "frisbee" is irritating enough w/out something rubbing on it. Ouch!:wink2: Cassy~I'm so happy I got to see you today. You looked awesome and I can't believe you were in jeans. I hope you continue to do well. Have a safe and comfortable flight home. DO NOT go back to work on Mon. if you are not ready!:wink2: Please keep us posted on your progress as you start to feel better. Uptownmami~You poor thing! I felt so bad for you today. I'm not sure what was going on but it didn't look good. Please post w/a quick update when you feel better. I have a feeling you won't be flying home tomorrow so let me know if there is anything I can do over the weekend. I would be more than happy to bring you whatever you need. :smile2: I'm just worried about you and want you to feel better. Sending lots of hugs your way!:wub:
  6. avatar44437_1.gif

    Yesterday 08:36 PM - permalink



    I heard Mary in the front, on the phone trying to schedule a upper gi or swallow study or something, saying "she's here, in a wheelchair...." and I thought OMG! I wonder if it's her cuz I hadn't heard from her all night.... then they wheeled her out, we made eye contact I said are you ok? She shook her head no. Looked absolutely miserable, eyes teary and scared. But I don't know what was going on, or what is wrong. I didn't really get to talk to her. I wanted to go hug her, find out whats going on and help her somehow. If my appt wasn't in like 2 minutes I would have tried to go with her to help her, but they where wheeling her out somewhere else. Still haven't heard from her. Wish I could see you in the morning b4 we go in. I'd give you a hug and just knowing we're there for each other, it will help. Mon needs to get here. We'll be ok. I'm dying to hear from you and what you heard from Cassy, how she was. UGH

  7. Awe...thank you so much! Thats so nice of you. I am in Westminster so I will make a trip to the local Walgreens.:smile2: One more question, did any of you have trouble swallowing after surgery?
  8. Omg I know! I posted on your pg. earlier, did you get it? I saw her to but didn't get a chance to speak w/her but it didn't look good. Poor thing! I was feeling positive after seeing Cassy but now I'm FREAKING OUT, again FREAKING OUT! That is my worse fear that I won't be able to swallow. How miserable! What else did Colleen have to say? :(

  9. Okay ladies, I had my pre-op today. Surgery is on Monday and I am officially beside myself...FREAKED OUT! Definitely having 2nd thoughts today. Probably a little too late for that. Just a few questions, where is your port located? I don't know why I was under the impression it would be closer to the rib cage. Also, Dr. K said I need to scrub w/special soap prior to surgery. Was I supposed to get it before I left the office??:crying: Thx!
  10. Boo! I didn't get to see you. :sad: What time was your appt? I waited until 10:15, maybe your appt was 10:30. Yeah, I am SUPER SCARED!!! I did get to see Cassy and Colleen. I was feeling pretty good after chatting w/Cassy and her mom. She was even wearing jeans. AMAZING! But then here comes poor Colleen in a wheelchair shaking her head. She looked like she felt like s-h-i-o-t. Maybe you got to see her as well. I walked out of there having 2nd thoughts but guess its too late for that. I liked Dr. K a lot better today. I didn't mind Mary either. You are lucky you are working nights b/c I cannot sleep. He gave me 1 ambien for the night prior to surgery. Ok, I need to breathe or something. HELP!!!:unsure:

  11. Hey you! I was thinking the same thing. Didn't seem like we got to talk much. :( Boo! Dinner sucked! Lol...I was hungry on the way home. Shoulda just had salad bar. Oh well! No wonder I have a problem. LOL! I am SO confused on this diet! The "office" needs to get it together. Sorry, I'm a little frustrated b/c I don't know what I can/can't eat. I'm drinking sugar-free hot chocolate right now but just noticed it has 13g of carbs. I actually started to have withdrawals today :ohmy:...

    dizzy,nauseated,headache,etc...not good! I was going to tell you to try the carmel lite frappy @ Starbucks. That's the only thing I drink there. I'm not sure if its 100% sugar-free but guess you could ask. Ok, please be careful on your drive. I don't know how y'all do it. Hopefully I'll see you then. :o)

  12. Yay!! So glad you are doing well. I've been thinking about you two all day. I wonder how Colleen is doing? Isn't it a relief to have it over with? What time did you get to go home? I have my pre-op tomorrow and can't wait until Monday. I'm so glad you posted or is this Steve? It was so much fun getting to meet some of you fellow bandsters. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling. Here's to a speedy recovery...:confused:
  13. Good luck with everything tomorrow. You will do fine. Just think, you will be well on your way to healing by the time I have mine on Monday.:drool: Sending lots of hugs your way... :rolleyes2:
  14. Yay!! Will see you there! Speaking of Starbucks, I just got a Cherry Limeade from Sonic thinking it was just the cherry juice that had carbs. Yeah...its sprite, I forgot! I have got to get control of myself! See you @ 6:30 lady...

  15. Why aren't you posting on my pg.? lol I know the website. So are you going tonight fosho? Cuz, I decided I don't want to go unless you will be there??? You are prolly catchin' some Zzzzzz's right about now but let me know ASAP.

  16. Omg...I am a fruitcake! I promise I am going to bed but I just noticed the time of your surgery. Has it always been @ 1? I thought it was 11 am so I assumed you were going to be following me. I go in @ 9am. Hmm...:blush:

  17. Wow, it sounds as if I've had one to many to drink in that last post. Lol...I promise its only the ambien. :) I'm adding lots of color to your page. Have a good night!

  18. Ok, so I'm pretty much an idiot! For some reason I was thinking Wed nite instead of Tues. So, yes yes I will be @ Ruby Tuesday tomorrow nite @ 6:30 with bells on. I just emailed Cassy to let her know I would be there. That would be fabulous if you could make it. Now I'm so excited! Yay! I have something to look forward to. Um...didn't do so well today. I'm actually starving right now so I ate some cheese and a pickle, still hungry so I'm having an apple. Oops! But all Dr.K said was nothing white so I dunno. I do know that the Atkins diet is pretty strict tho so I'm thinking I'm prolly not sticking to it like I should. be. Advice for the protein shakes~The protein I have is soy (yuck) but when I was on a previous diet (low carb of course) I had to stick to less than 4g of carbs or I couldn't eat it. Which means I had to make the shake w/H2O. icky! The good news is you can doctor it up a bit. I bought some sugar-free (of course) chocolate syrup at Walmart. It has to be the actual Walmart brand of syrup b/c its the only one w/4g. Most of the others have 5g or more. Plus, cheap is always good. :) Then I found some delicious DaVinci Kahlua Coffee Liqueur/syrup. Its wonderful! It is sugar free, 0 carbs, 0 sugars. The only thing it really has is 10mg of sodium. So if you don't care about your sodium intake then you can have as much as you want. The coffe flavor really taked away from the gross stuff. The only place I could ever find the syrup was in TJ Maxx and those kinds of places. I am very happy to announce that Walmart now has a smaller bottle (12.7 floz). I even like the smaller bottle better b/c it is plastic and you can take it w/you and pretend you have your own supply of Jack Daniels or sumthin. :)Just Kidding!

    Hopefully you will get this tonight. I'm so excited! YOU HAVE TO GO!!! Since your happy ass has to stay awake all nite, I better have a post in the a.m. :) Ta-ta...off to bed if I can sleep. I took an ambien so I'm thinking the chances are good. Nighty night! One more thing...WE CAN DO THIS!! :o)

  19. I say go for 3733! It is gorgeous! Tape the girls...I had to duck tape mine when I got married. Funny story, we were in Vegas (yes we eloped) and I had to call maintenance @ Mandalay Bay for duck tape. He brought a strip of tape (approx. 6") and my DH said um that's not gonna work. :redface: Long story short he made 3 trips up to our room and finally let us have the entire roll.
  20. 9pdmnm5

    No Sleep... HELP

    If you are referring to my post, you can have discomfort w/out being in physical pain. That is why the doctors prescribe pain meds for after surgery. You need to sleep in order to heal the body. Not getting sleep will cause the body more harm than any pain medicine. I'm not suggesting to use pain meds inappropriately...but if it makes it easier to get comfortable with the added bonus of sleep, WHY NOT?
  21. Ha! Ha! Lets get this show on the road fosho. Part of me wishes it was today b/c we would both have our bands in place by now. :) I actually think I was more nervous last wk. I had my DH take some pics of me last night at the River Walk in Boulder and ugh...they are disgusting! We had to take 30 just to get 1 good one so I think I'm ready. All I have to do is look @ the camera. lol Consider yourself lucky that you've never been to the Cheesecake Factory. Everything on the menu is delicious and they give you such huge portions. I am drinking a protein shake right now as I type this. Yuck! Can we have milk this wk.? My skim milk has 13g of carbs so I'm thinking no but I mixed sum in with the shake. My DH is @ work tonite so I'm thinking I will go to PeiWei and get the lettuce wraps. They are yummy! I know, this is going to be a long wk but we can do this! At least we get to eat solid food. I have the same fears as you. We really cannot afford this extra loan payment right now, esp.w/out me working but I guess that's life. Crap, I have to go buy a scale too. Grr...

    What is going on Tues.? Are they meeting @ RR? I wish you didn't have to work Wed. pm cuz a bunch of us are meeting @ Ruby Tuesday in Aurora. That's kind of a drive for you tho. Hopefully work will keep your mind busy and the time will fly by. What about summer sausage and cheese for work? I'm not a meat eater but Johnsonville makes a yummy summer sausage. That would be easy to take or string cheese. I've also heard cytosport protein drinks are good. They have 40g of protein and taste more like a gatorade I guess. I haven't been able to find them yet. Will let you know when I do. Ok, hurry up and write me back!

  22. Yay! Another 29th bandster like me. I will be banded by Dr.K in Colorado. I'm excited and nervous. :rolleyes2: How are your nerves holding up?
  23. 9pdmnm5

    Thinking About It...

    FaeryKiss: Hello and welcome! I was never a fat kid and didn't struggle with my weight until about the age of 16 when I was diagnosed w/PCOS. I then went on to gain 60 lbs within 3 mths. It was horrible! Finally in College, I had enough. I started exercising/dieting rigorously. I was able to lose 40 of the 60. Not so bad and I was feeling good again. Then...about a yr. later I was diagnosed w/a thyroid problem. Grr...:rolleyes2: I eventually gained all of my weight back plus more. I am now the heaviest I've ever been and this is a last resort for me. I feel like I've tried almost every diet, I exercise like crazy. I run an avg. of 3-4 miles/3xwk. and I do cardio and weights the other 2 days. So...I am not lacking motivation in that department and the scale still doesn't budge. Its extremely frustrating! I too, thought perhaps any form of gastric surgery was too drastic. But, here I am and my surgery is one wk from today. I am scared silly but am comfortable with the decision I have made. So, that's my story in a nutshell. One other thing I should probably mention is obesity runs in my family big time. I've seen a lot of family members struggle and I want to get my weight under control while I'm still young enough to enjoy the rest of my life. Hope this is what you were looking for.:girl_hug: My only advice to you is to research research. The site is extremely informative but can also scare you when you hear the negatives. I finally had to decide to take this journey on my own. I have not read any of the books mentioned above but the more information you can get your hands on the better off you will be. Best of luck to you! Let us know what you decide. Oh and one more thing, there is a great Dr. located in Scottsdale. If you are interested I can get her name for you.:girl_hug:
  24. I have not been banded as of yet (29th) yikes!:girl_hug: But anyway, one of the girls in another thread was kind of experiencing the same kind of pain only higher I believe. Our Dr. thinks she may have pulled a stitch and torn some muscle with it. Were you doing anything active that may have caused it? I obviously don't know but thought it may relieve some of your fears and you can ask your Dr. about it. Keep us posted if you ever get to the bottom of it. Cheers!:rolleyes2:
  25. Lol! What are you talking about? I've been enjoying myself for the last few wks. :) I don't want to step on that scale Thurs. Yikes! Hubby and I went to the Cheesecake Factory last nite. It was wonderful! Everything from the appetizer to dessert. Ha! Then for my last 'hoorah' tonite we celebrated out anniversary early and went to a Steakhouse in Boulder. It was delicious! Yeah...so tomorrow is the BIG D day. I'm going to be hatin' life.

    How could you not be nervous? That's why I am up at 2:30 am. Ugh...I'm also scared about Dr.K getting in and then realizing I can't have the band for some reason, like an ulcer from all this worrying. We're not supposed to think like that tho. :)

    You have got to be kidding me?!? I cannot believe your kiddos are that old. I would have never of guessed. Now I am feeling old b/c I don't even have children yet. You really don't look your age for being the mommy of 3 teenage boys. Wow! That's awesome!

    Uh oh...I think I'm getting hungry. Crap! Now I have to go to sleep. LOL

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