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Everything posted by Sunta

  1. Hello All! Today is my one year bandiversary! There's good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news. I'm seeing my doctor today after an ER trip yesterday due to extreme pain in my port area. It's been growing increasingly worse since December and at times, I can't move or walk and just stand and sweat and shake with pain. I'm really hoping he will order a barium swallow, a CT scan, and an upper GI to start. I'll keep you posted on it. The good news is I've lost 80 pounds! I am very happy about that, but I really wish this day would be a purely happy one and not marred by this pain I'm having. Thanks for all of your support!
  2. Sunta

    HPV Vaccine

    How the heck did I miss this thread??? Anyway, no, I am not planning on getting the vaccine, because I have had normal pap smears all my life and am now almost 37, and have only ever slept with one man, my husband. So I don't think I need the vaccine since I am not planning on having sex with any other men in my lifetime. With regard to young women getting the vaccine, yes, I think they should all be vaccinated just as they are against all other diseases. If it's available, to not take advantage of it is questionable. Why take the risk when it could be ensured they would not develop the disease? That doesn't make sense to me. It's a nice and cozy thought to think that one's daughter will be "good" and virginal till her wedding night, but people who are so sure of this need to wake up, big time. Again, why risk it when the vaccine is available?
  3. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    It has all been filtered through the media though, so it's anyone's guess at this point. It seems that maybe our own experiences are having a big impact on how we are interpreting the remarks and body language of her family, friends and Stern. Absolutely. I couldn't agree more! Especially about it being filtered through the media. It's impossible to know the real story. One camp says Howard is a bad guy, the other camp says Howard was the only one who ever really cared for Anna. Two completely different takes on the same story. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between...
  4. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    P.S. That Anna Nicole's mother is speaking about Anna's money and who gets it, immediately after her death, speaks volumes to me. But I think that the mother could honestly be concerned about Howard K Stern having always been after Anna's money. I know for myself, I also have a friend who is in a very similar situation as Anna Nicole (though she is not a celebrity). Myself and other friends have deep concerns about her husband and his motives. You can bet that if she were to end up the same way as Anna Nicole, the first thing we'd think of is the money and our suspicions about the husband. Not for any gain for ourselves of course, but because we'd been suspicious all along.
  5. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    I do feel that Howard exhibited many classic examples of abusive behavior, short of actually beating her. That may have come next, who knows? Keeping people from their family and friends, that's the #1 sign of abusive behavior starting. Even if Anna had some issue with her mom, Howard should have encouraged her to work it out and reconcile instead of attempting to cut her off completely from her mom and encouraging her to do drugs. When you love someone, you want them to have all the love in the world from their friends and family, and are happy and pleased when they speak with their family. I am thinking of a clip I saw of Anna, where she said something to the effect of "everyone in my life has stabbed me in the back. Everyone has tried to sue me for money. I have no one I can trust". While I'm sure this is true in the case of some people in her life, I find it difficult to believe that everyone acted in a such a manner. I never heard of an attempt by her mother to sue her, for example. Remember that the main lawsuit she was facing in earlier years was brought on by her suing for Howard Marshall's money. To me, it sounds like Howard K Stern could have been feeding her those lines and she was spitting them right back out. That is also classic abusive behavior: "there's no one you can trust but me. Everyone else is a backstabber." Ah! But look who the real backstabber might be! On Larry King, that attorney of hers says that he and Howard K Stern are the executors of Anna's will. How convenient! For all we know, that lawyer could be in on the whole thing. Kill off Daniel and Anna and then steal her entire estate! Howard K Stern could do anything he wanted with that will! there's no system of checks and balances if he's the executor. I rememeber her mom saying on Larry King before she died "If Anna winds up dead, who gets her money?" and "I warned her she could be next." This is BEFORE she died! The whole things seems very very suspicious.
  6. Sunta

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    They are also responsible for most of the violent crime against whites too No, this is completely false.
  7. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    Did anyone see Larry King last night? Anna Nicole's friend came on and said that Howard was directly responsible for shortening Anna's life, and that this friend tried to warn "everyone" including the FBI, the police, friends, and family that Howard was a bad guy. She said she knew this would happen and was not surprised, and that she witnessed Howard giving Anna many different drugs and egging her on to take them and saying "Come on, Come on, I'll take them with you." She said it's a case of "aggravated death". It was very damning. Then Howard's sister came on and disparaged the friend saying the woman was barely in touch with Anna and that people are coming out of the woodwork, etc. But my question is, what would these people have to gain by saying these things about Howard if they weren't true? Why would they risk a lawsuit of slander? It doesn't make sense, unless they really did witness these things. She said she witnessed Howard force Anna Nicole to hang up the phone many times when Anna was trying to talk to friends and family. That is classic abuser behavior. It's interesting. I wonder if Howard would be liable in her death if it was proven he provided drugs to her, either by getting them in his name or by pushing them on her. The story just keeps getting more complex...
  8. Sunta

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I certainly should have been born in Canada.
  9. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    I never could understand how deciding not to have kids was selfish. The people who tell you that are simply jealous of your independence, freedom, and happiness. They want everyone to suffer the way that they suffer. LOL!
  10. Sunta

    Do you call your pet smtg other than its name?

    I have two cats, Sunta and Tigger. One is a girl, one a boy. Here's what I call them: Girl cat: Mommy's little baby Tiny tiny princess Mommy's pretty princess Little princess Tiny little baby Mommy's tiny angel Itty bitty little poopsie Boy cat: Handsome fellow Handsome boy Foo foo (lots of variations on Foo Foo like Tiny Foo Foo (for the girl cat), Handsome Foo Foo, Mommy's little Foo Foo, etc) Big handsome boy I realize I am pushing my cats into gender-stereotype roles by what I call them, but since they are only cats and can't understand what I'm saying, it's ok. LOL.
  11. Sunta

    Gambling addiction

    We just got casinos here in PA, and I found myself going just way too often! I would "only" lose up to $80 or so, so it's not like I was in any danger of bankrupting me and my husband, but I was going a few times a week for several weeks. Well, I saw pretty quickly that it could turn into a problem, and so, I stopped going completely. My husband and I are going to Vegas in May, and until then (when I will bring a specified amount to play with and only lose what I can afford), I am not setting foot in a casino. I am good about only playing with what I can afford to lose, but still, going so often was really bad. As for your friend, I agree with the others that she needs to be in a 12-step program. With regard to lending money, I usually say to people "Oh you know, I would LOVE to help out, but I am really broke right now myself!" You shouldn't be hurting your bank account for your friend, and I agree with the others who say that lending her money is enabling her bad habit (even though I realize you were coming from an altruistic place when you did it.)
  12. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. What is the reason that women should submit to men in everything? Why is the man the "head" of everything exactly? When one "submits" they are yielding the authority and power of another. Why do men have authority over women? Why do men have power over women? Do you agree with this church statement? Are you ok with always yielding to the authority of your husband? And if so, why? This statement absoultely places women in a subjugated position under the man, and it espouses the viewpoint that women are secondary to men, and are thus inferior. I am fascinated that a modern woman would even consider allowing herself to be diminished in this way, and to be held in second place beneath her husband. This is an excellent example of how organized religion subverts women.
  13. Hi Dr. C, I'm 11 months out from surgery, and last month, I got a bad pain in my port area. It's like a stabbing, pulling, pinching, burning pain. It was so bad I could hardly walk. It lasted for about five days, so I went to the doctor. She gave me Celebrex and told me to take it for two weeks. Well, after one Celebrex, the pain disappeared and stayed away for nearly a month. Now, this month, the pain is back. What I noticed is that both times, I've had my period. Could it be related? It's a severe pain that happens mostly when I move around or walk. My port is located about an inch above my belly button and a little to the left, so it's much higher in my abdomen than where I usually get normal period cramps. Yesterday, it was so bad I could hardly stand up. I took a Celebrex and two Tylenol, and felt 100% better. Today it's back to being slightly sore. After I take the Celebrex/Tylenol combination, it goes away until the next day. Should I stay on the Celebrex for the whole two weeks, (since I never did a two week course last month) or should I not take it if I don't have symptoms? And could it be related to my period? Thanks, Becky
  14. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    Sunta: Did you just get a fill? Why do you think your port was causing pain? Mine has from time to time and it has always been after a fill. Hi! Thanks for inquiring. No, my last fill was over three months ago. My pain has been going on for two months now. I have been to the doctor once, and she gave me Celebrex, which does help, but the pain has gotten alot worse and is coming more frequently now. I need to call her back tomorrow and get another appointment. She said the next step was a CT scan. I am very disappointed that at one year out, I'm having problems. I am very concerned that I have a hernia (though she felt for one and said she didn't feel one; however I believe it may be under my port and thus obscured.) I'm assuming that since the pain has been ongoing and worsening for two months that it will not go away on its own and it probably something that must be surgically corrected, which makes me extremely upset. To make matters worse, I am up again tonight unable to sleep, and I'm afraid to take Tylenol PM with the Celebrex due to thinking about Anna Nicole! I'm afraid to combine anything now! HAHAHA I am so neurotic. I did also have two glasses of wine plus internal cold sore medicine, so I am afraid to take Tylenol PM on top of all of that. So it's 3:30am and I'm wide awake! Sorry to take over the thread with my problems!
  15. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    Ugh. I just saw one of those pictures of Anna, Daniel, and Dannielynne, and I thought oh my goodness, if someone had only known that at the time that picture was taken, in five months, Anna and Daniel would be dead and the baby would remain. It's just so bizarre to think about.
  16. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    I've been having a ton of port pain, and as a result was up all night last night. Laying in bed trying to sleep despite the pain, my mind just kept wondering to Anna Nicole. I keep wondering why Howard K. Stern allowed her to have access to the drugs, when she was a known drug abuser. It doesn't make sense. Also, why did the nurse call Howard first, and not 911? Most people would instinctively call 911 when they find someone collapsed, and not the person's partner. It seems very suspicious that BOTH Daniel and Anna died from drugs (well I'm assuming it's drugs in her case since the coroner did not find any other acute natural cause such as embolism, heart attack or etc.) Who was giving Anna and Daniel the drugs? Who are these doctors prescribing drugs in lethal combinations??? I feel these are very important questions that need to be addressed. I am not really a person who gets "star struck" or feel I know celebrities, but something about this death has touched me so much more than I ever thought it would. Certainly I have seen other celebrities die young, but none has really affected me this way. I actually feel a feeling of grief for Anna. Maybe it's because we're close in age. I think the circus that has sprung up around her death is both sad and fascinating. I hope all of the lingering questions are answered in time and that her baby can have a stable life, hopefully away from Howard K. Stern.
  17. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    This story keeps getting more and more insane. Now Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband is claiming that he is the father of Anna Nicole's baby and that if custody is given to either Birkhead or Stern, he will try to gain custody. He claims a 10-year affair with Anna. Meanwhile, Anna's mother is on her way the Bahamas to file for custody. It seems everyone has dollar signs in their eyes. It's pathetic.
  18. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    Well I went to Catholic school up until college, and one of the main reasons why Catholicism never made sense to me was that they said my mother was a sinner for divorcing my father. Now I was only 9 years old, but I knew right then that the Catholic church was full of crap. Catholicism and most other religions do subvert women and view them as inferior to men. Just look at how women are not allowed to hold the highest positions in the church. It's bullshit. I knew it when I was 9 and I know it now. To the Christians on this thread who say that Christianity does not view women as inferior, please explain why, when I listen to Christian talk radio, they are constantly saying women should not work outside the home and that a woman's place is a wife and mother? That is subverting women, period. Every time I hear it, I shudder when I think of the poor innocent little girls being brainwashed with this nonsense. I wonder how many girls who could have made great and wonderful contributions to society through medicine or science and who will never have that chance because all their lives they are taught to believe that women should never work outside the home; their hopes, dreams, and intellect thwarted at every turn. I am very grateful that even at 8 and 9 years old, I had the self-awareness to know that what I was being taught was a bunch of crap. I wish organized religions would stop their denigration and subjugation of women.
  19. Sunta

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    Yes, I can't help but think of the legacy the poor child was born into. Her brother dying in the hospital room days after her death, her mother dying four months later, her mother's bizarre life, and the fight over her custody. I just pray that whichever man is proven to be the father provides a more stable environment for her.
  20. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    Sunta, it's clear from the totality your posts that you believe fundamentalists are the cause of all the world's ills. I would not say that fundamentalism is the cause of all the world's ills, but I really don't think anyone can ignore the ills it does cause, such as wars, the denigration of women, violence, child rape, suicide bombing, and torture. I don't see how anyone could deny these facts. If anyone truly thinks that religion is not bloodthirsty, they need to take a closer look at history.
  21. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    When I look at the world around me, I see sex crime increases as promiscuity increases. Really??? Shall we get into a discussion of the rape rates in Darfur, a country of devout Muslims? Do you think their society advocates promiscuity? Shall we talk about child sex slaves in Iran, or what's happening in Utah today with devout religious people forcing innocent young girls to marry against their will? No, it's not promiscuity that causes an increase in sex crimes, it's fundamentalism.
  22. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    Did anyone see the news today about the international child porn ring that was just busted? It was based in Europe. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17022345/ I didn't say Europe has no sex crime, I said it has a lower sex crime rate than the United States.
  23. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    Why does the "whenever, whoever, whatever" person have an issue? What's the problem with that philosophy? Sex is fun, it doesn't need to be confined to marriage, and there's nothing wrong with multiple partners . . . at least that's what most people here are saying . . . what am I missing? Well I think that most people would view a "healthy" view of sexuality to be sex that takes place responsibly, and not say, unprotected with someone has HIV. Or with someone who is underage, or with say, your best friend's husband. That kind of thing. "Whenever, whoever, whatever" is a decidedly irresponsible-sounding mantra when it comes to sex. One would hope that the majority of people take the appropriate precautions and responsibilities and not completely throw caution to the wind, which can result in many long term and unpleasant consequences. That being said, it is not my position to judge the person that adopts that thinking, but I would think they may face issues down the road if they take a completely irresponsible attitude.
  24. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    Someone brought up the point about Europe being more permissive of nudity than the US. I think it's very, very interesting to point out that the more permissive the society, the lower the rates of teenage sexual activity, teenage pregnancy, abortion, and rape are. The more restrictive the society, the higher the rates of violent sexual crimes are. Just talk to anyone who comes from the highly religious and restrictive "third world" about their rates of child molestation for example! As natural, normal views of sexuality increase, sex crimes go down. As restrictive, religious, and antiquated views increase, sex crimes go up, way up.
  25. Sunta

    Sex before marriage?

    What I'd like to get across to those of you who think sex is fine, whenever, with whoever, for whatever reason -- that's fine for YOU! Who on here said that sex is fine whenever, with whoever, for whatever reason? Someone who would say that may have a bit of an issue. Obviously there are people who have sexual problems that may stem from an abusive childhood for example, or people who are sex addicts and the like. But when discussing normal healthy people, it is clear to see that religion does more harm than good in making (normal) people feel bad and guilty about normal sexual behavior. Such as when two people in a relationship have sex and then feel guilty about it purely because they are not married. And quite frankly, the people I hear about who have the most sexual problems and issues (such as sex addiction, porn addiction, etc.) ARE the religious people! What does that tell us??? Maybe all the repression is not normal and it causes normal sexuality to become skewed. It is normal for boys to look at breasts. Totally and completely natural and normal. It is normal for people to watch porn. I was exposed to porn when I was young (I saw it on a friend's parent's tv), and I am just fine, thanks. Yes, I was curious about it, enjoyed it even. However it did not turn me into a porn addict, not at all! Now, of course I am NOT (I repeat NOT) advocating that children should be exposed to porn or be encouraged to look at sexual images, but if it happens, it's actually just a normal part of growing up and it's really not the end of the world.

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