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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Pix

  1. She is relatively skinny. She thinks she is fat, but she isn't (I mean c'mon a size 4 is NOT fat). She is just about as dumb as a box of rocks and isn't happy unless everyone around her is miserable.

    I am pretty much done with her, I have been trying to cut ties to her for some time but as our husbands work together it makes it difficult. But now, I don't think it will be so difficult, this was the proverbial straw if you know what I mean.

  2. hmm I have had stretch marks for so many years now I don't remember what my skin looks like with out them.

    I guess I am just so used to them they don't bother me anymore. But, I would assume a good Q-10 lotion or a lotion loaded with Vitamin E supplement would work also. They wont ever get rid of them, but they might help fade them if they are really dark.

  3. Aww that is stinky.:)

    yesh and no, I love potatoes so generally speaking I will make sure I have other foods with it so it doesn't hit me 'hard' like it would with just eating a potato.

    BUT when I am suffering through insomnia and my sleeping pills (I have chronic insomnia) aren't working, I add a tater to the mix and with in 45 minutes I am out like a light. So it does come in handy when I am really "suffering" :sad:

  4. I was told the same thing by my surgeon. They are working with me to try to find a low dose motrin for me to take for my shoulder though. The chemical make-up of aspirin and motrin are ulcer causing. Even with someone with a "normal" stomach you have a high chance of developing ulcers.

    I have a pretty messed up shoulder, and the only thing that works to help is motrin. And since the lap band I haven't taken anything. They are thinking I should be ok with a children's liquid motrin (it passes through faster and doesn't "sit" in the stomach at the same rate as a pill. But he wants me to wait until he is sure everything is healed up before I start taking it.

    I SO CAN'T WAIT UNTIL I AM HEALED... tylonal just doesn't cut it :):sad::sad:

  5. heh well I have a blood sugar problem that makes certain starch's a bad idea. Potatoes mostly, the starch metabolizes straight to sugar in my system and it makes me insanely hyper then I come crashing down and it pretty much acts as a sleeping pill. I am out for a few hours.

    So, yeah for the most part I steer clear of taters even though they are my favorite food of all time.

  6. UGH I got into it with a friend of mine yesterday. She was going on and on about how she just knew the lap band wouldn't work because I have "only" lost so much weight since I had the surgery. I was trying SO hard to be patient with her and explain that before any adjustments any weight loss is a bonus, and a month or so out from surgery is for healing NOT weight loss. She was going on and on about how I 'destroyed' my body and it wasn't even working etc etc etc.

    After about 15 minutes of listening to her blather on and on about it I finally lost it and just let her have it. I told her that the first month is healing, not weight loss and ANY weight loss is a bonus, and that I did NOT have gastric bypass I had the lap band. It is a different system and it takes longer with out "immediate" results. I finally really blew up on her and told her that next time she calls me she had better be sunshine and roses or she wasn't to ever contact me again.

    When I slammed the phone down the twit was crying. I have no NO patients for idiots lately.

  7. I told my husband the first time I thought of getting the lap band. The only thing he was against was the risks to the surgery itself. He has this thing that he doesn't like the idea of me being hurt or in pain. His biggest draw back also was the fact he isn't here, he is deployed at the moment and was over seas when I had my surgery. My mom flew down to be with me during surgery and those couple of days afterwards. She kept him informed on everything, she emailed him from my phone so he got updates constantly.

    Tell your husband, let him know you are doing this for your health and for your life. Being overweight/obese is not how you should live your life. Have him go with you to the seminar, and your appts. So him your research on the band (not just this forum) to let him know you have researched it, you know the risks but also let him know that being obese is a bigger risk to you then this surgery.

  8. I have only lost a smidge of weight and its coming from the spots I don't need to lose. My stomach, feet, and fingers (go figure right?) and already I can see my port when I lay back. I am not looking forward to having it stick out further as I drop more weight. I get my first fill on the 1st of July so I will be having a sit down with my surgeon then about it. I asked for a high profile port for a reason, he didn't believe me that I would have issues with a low profile port.

  9. Terri, I understand where you are coming from. I Have forgiven many people in my life. The one of the two that wont ever receive my forgiveness did something just unforgivable. *shrugs*

    *shrugs again* See but the difference is, these aren't my 'bed fellows' (the grudges) they are what they are and I live my life.

    Like I said, I have forgiven many people in my life, two that will never get that are for damn good reasons but I don't obsess over them or the fact I wont forgive them, in fact this is the first time in a damned long time I have given either much thought.

  10. the new stomach do not mix. I woke up today with a pretty nasty sinus headache and sinus's so swollen even my 7yo son noticed.

    No tylonal sinus, nada. All I have in my cabinet is comtrex cold and cough.

    Now my stomach hurts :biggrin: remind me to just suffer through it next time or go out and buy some tylonal sinus medication.

    *holds belly and groans* (ok its not that bad just a bit of upset)

    Other then tylonal sinus anyone able to recommend something??

  11. I had this long lengthy thing all written out then just deleted it.

    There are two people I will never forgive, and will never allow them near me or mine. One is dead now (and NO I didn't do it LOL), the other lives on the east coast and has never made one attempt to atone for what she has done. So as far as I am concerned she is of no family relation and can rot in hell.

    I am not one to suffer fools, I don't tolerate stupidity and generally speaking most everything is Water off my back, I just don't care about petty bullshit enough to let it get to me. I am nice and respectful to everyone, but I will not hesitate to tell you you are being a retarded jack ass and you need to scale it back some.

  12. Hun, you have to look at demographics too. I am on the west coast, and am going to one of the premier spa's (hell if I am gonna do this might as well spoil myself too!!!) in my area. So I am paying for the name not the product.

    I am not sure friday will be the day for me cause I think my TOM is sneaking up on me early *holds belly* not fun.

  13. Well if you don't see me around next weekend its because I passed out from the pain and I am still delirious :Dancing_wub::lol::thumbup:

    hubby still has two months and some change before he gets home. :( So mid august if I disapear for a while then you know why :thumbup::(

  14. I think I am gonna put on my big girl panties and get it done this coming friday. I might be walking like a goose for a couple of days after but if I am gonna have this done for the hubby, I might as well prepare myself by getting it done once prior that way I am not 'shocked into submission' days before he gets home. :(:lol:

  15. ahh the not so happy, happy trail. I to suffer from that dilemma. I don't really care about it so I just pluck the really dark black long ones and the fine hairs can stay. I don't care.

  16. I wouldn't worry about it to much, just try to get her to accept the fact you don't want to here it anymore.

    Let her know that you are willing to accept you two will never agree on the subject and that it just shouldn't be discussed anymore. If she starts to bring it up, change the subject. If she continues remind her you two had an agreement to not discuss it any longer and change the subject to something you know will peak her interest.

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