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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Pix

  1. Ok, so the hubby is insistant I spoil myself for my birthday. Well ok, he actually had to twist my arm for it cause I don't like spending lots of money on me.

    Well anyhow, July 15th hair highlights and a new phone (the apple iPhone 3rd generation 8gig, or 16 gig if I can get a good deal). Then on my birthday I am getting a brazillian wax and back/neck massage. FINALLY on August 15th I am getting a manicure and pedicure.

    I know why break it up, but see here is how it is. It was the ONLY way he could get me to agree to it all. I don't agree with spending that kind of cash on me, when I can get the boys or the hubby so much with it. SO, he said no, this is for your birthday you either find a way to make it work for you, or I call and make the appointment and pay for it all in one go NOW.

    Yeah, he won this round ...


    Am I alone in not wanting that much money spent on me? I mean really how do you handle that kind of cash being spent on you in one sitting (including tips we are looking at damn mean 400-450)??? I hate the idea but hey, he said I have managed to worm my way out of him spending money on me one to many times and he will WILL win this round even if it means he pays NOW from the sand box.

    Am I just that weird?????

  2. The taste I was talking about was of the numbing stuff. I would try the cinnamon trick though, if DH would eat cinnamon! :thumbup::)

    sneak it in his morning coffee!!!!! Peppermints give it an ... interesting..... after taste ... not something I would recommend if you don't like mint. :sneaky:

    *mails one last care package to the hubby with nothing but peppermints*

    WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :frown::tt1::wink2:

  3. I had 3 large meat lovers pizza's and 4 litres of pepsi!!

    (ok really only had 3 bites of pepperoni and UGH .. feels like a brick is sitting in my gut, looks like it really is kryptonite now ... .... yay? )

  4. Why on earth did he not process both insurances when he submitted to cigna?? When I worked in a dr office (was just a part time/temp secretary) we would submit to multiple insurances if the patient had more then one. I don't think things have changed that much in the 5years since I did that, but you should ask him why they didn't submit both.

    BUT, tricare should not deny you and they should go off of the 6month previous diets and stuff. Besides what cigna wont/can't cover tricare will probably pick up. Have your doctor submit to tri-care what cigna wont cover along with your 6month diet etc. I am tri-care but I did my surgery at the Army hospital so I didn't have the same insurance hoops as most, I had military hoops to jump *sigh* but that I did, that I did.

  5. You would be surprised how common this is. After I lost my first initial 20lbs post op I have been up and down the same 5lbs waiting on my fill. Just remember your 'rules' and and keep on trucking. You will be surprised how easy it gets as you get further down the road in this journey. I was supposed to have my first fill last week but it was a comedy of errors and I am going in this Tuesday for mine. I am hoping I get the restriction I need to make it harder on me to fall back into old patterns. As it is right now its a battle of wills, my will to be healthy and my brain stuck in "old mode" trying to get me to eat as I used too.

    Just hang in there sweety, you can do this.

  6. Try living in Alaska, we have a "7 year cycle" for locusts ... at that 7th year "up" you can't sneeze with out a locust or 50 in your hair .. but on the 7th year "down" you can drive 100 miles with out even getting one squished on your windshield....

    Now mosquito's ... *shudders* they get so freaking big they could carry off a small child or baby cow if needed ....

  7. My surgery was same day, I was in at 7:30 (after a delay because my surgeon (head of trauma at the hospital) was finishing up an emergency surgery) I was in recovery (I THINK, I was kind of out of it) by 9:00 and home by 2pm that afternoon. My mom and I went to pick my kids up from school, I even walked to a friends Van and told her I was all done and on my way home after we got the kids.

    All in all it was a pretty easy recovery for me. I had serious gas pains in my shoulder though, but since this was my 3rd laparoscopic surgery I knew to expect it as the first 2 I had the same problem.

    In case someone forgets to tell you, WALKING is the most important things those first few hours/days after surgery. WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK WALK. I think I wore a hole in my carpeting from walking the same path those first few days. LOL

  8. Ladies (and Gents) PLEASE PLEASE do not waste a moment of time posting here if things like this are happening to you, call your doctor or get to the ER straight away!! This is not a good thing, if you are throwing up constantly it is not a good sign!!

    1) You could be to tight

    2) your band could have slipped

    3) you could have the flu and need some anti-Nausea medication

    4) or something else is wrong and we just don't know

    Please please call your surgeon explain to them what is happening or go to your local ER before you post your health is more important then some ones opinion on what we might think is wrong.

  9. I love shorter hair .. wash dry and go .... long hair is a pain in the ass to deal with takes for ever to dry and get looking good so its not all frizzy and stuff.

    Yeah I have curly hair its a PITA .. I have to spend an hour drying and straightening it. No thankee spankee .. the fact I am doing this for my hubby is the ONLY reason I have not cut it.

  10. It looks great!!

    See my problem is the opposite. I have ALWAYS had short hair (My dad refused to let me cut my hair so when I hit 18 it went from waist to ears in one snip!!)

    Now its between my shoulders and bra strap. I am hating it but I promised the hubby I would give growing it out a go. So I am. It has long layers in it so it doesn't sit so heavy on my neck but it still doesn't help. I want to cut it off so bad I hate long hair on me.

  11. Actually it sounds like you are to tight. From what you described it is not a port issue, but a fill issue. I would get a slight unfill and go on liquids for a day or two to allow your stomach to calm down.

    But then again I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. But you need to see your doctor. Vomiting with the band is not a good thing, it can lead to slippage.

  12. My coffee intake has actually decreased by 3 mugs a day. I used to be the pot of coffee a day kinda girl but now I can get in 3 cups and my NF/SF 12oz Latte. My doc said nothing about no coffee, just said moderation is the key, and if it affects the "new stomach" then cut it out of my daily intake, but not at once or I would get major withdrawals and Migraines.

    But its been two months (almost) and no issues, no nothing. I drink my coffee like always (just less) and go about my day :thumbup: :thumbup:

  13. So yesterday I went in for my first fill. I should have known something was wrong when they couldn’t find my appointment in the system. They found the ‘mistake’ appointment that had been made and canceled, but they couldn’t find my actual appointment. They finally found it in the walk in book. Ok, so what ever I go sit and start reading because I know I am going to be a while. I finally get called back for my vitals, sent back to the waiting area.

    After 30 minutes I finally get called back in and ushered into a room. A brand new, as in it was his first day ever) intern came in and asked me why I was there, any complaints etc, and then left. Back to reading, 15-20 minutes later the charge nurse came in and told me that someone messed up and put me in the wrong area for the fills. Well she said she was going to go talk to my surgeon to see if he could see me right away, he couldn’t but he could see me “in about 10 minutes”. Well it takes how ever long to hit the port, then the 30-45 minute wait to make sure I won’t gag on the Water etc. I just couldn’t stay, my sitter had an appt at 4:30 and I told her I would be back by 4 to get the kids so they could leave. I wasn’t happy at all, but I kept all nice and smiles because you don’t want to piss off the people that will be jabbing you with needles. LOL

    Anyhow they are booked through the rest of the month but they are sliding me in on a “non appointment” for next Tuesday to actually get my fill. I am not happy about how yesterday panned out but what are you going to do right? Stuff happens then you get over it and move on.

    Sorry for the Novella but I needed to rant a bit .... :thumbup:

  14. well crapola I had a huge long reply and then my screen shut down and lost it.

    I will sum it up for you, DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT every little bump, rash and pimple that you think might have to do with excess skin. Don't give those vampiric insurance slags a reason to deny you.

    Yup that sums it up, but my first was so eloquent and firm. Stupid fingers...

  15. Cheryl its called stress relief!! Its good fun we know we are all just joking and trying to out outrageous each other with what we can come up with. Take a deep breath duckie and just giggle like we know you want too. I saw the corners of your mouth twitch ...

    What? You mean the camera? Oh... that .. its not a camera its a, a, a, ummm alien ... yeah .. alien .. (just teasing hun just teasing)

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